BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun with us!!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2011-01-11 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3291860

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-01-11 5:43 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-01-10 9:05 PM
you should not assume garmin data is REAL data.  nothing is more REAL than what your body is telling you.

I will bite on this.

There are so many factors that are played into this I agree, Many things that effect your HR. But this is the most tangeable data I have. Your body (well my body) is not always the best tool to tell you what is going on. As a diabetic it is often too late to tell what is going on long after it HAS gone on. So although it might be fine for you to just go on FEEL it is not fine for me. FEEL is still subjective vs quantifiable data. Ask me as an Eng I will take Quantifiable Data any day.

Ever go out for a run and at the end of a 5k route sit down on a curb 4 blocks from your own home and not no how to get home. I HAVE, when my blood sugar came crashing down on me. My only warning sign was my heart rate jumping up 15 BPM at the same effort/pace of running about 3 mins before it happened. In fact I had it happen a few times only I was prepared the next time.

Ever feel like your fine and then fall down your stairs and not no where you are in your own home. Again, I have, because I THOUGHT I knew my own body over what some glucose meter could tell me.

I rely on these tools and although someone like you might not, I HAVE to. Now with weight loss, I no longer take Metformin and my blood sugar stays in much better control. But I still need to watch my diet, proper foods for me, eat every 2 hours in small amounts, an Carry Gels on all workouts and every time I scuba dive.

Funny though Body Temperature Regulation plays more of an effect on bloodsugar then the physical work out does. Same run today will have zero effect on my blood sugar, but do the same run, pace etc on a HOT day and my blood sugar will drop like mad burning up to try and control my core temps.

So John I really appreciate your points and where you come from. It just doesn't work for me. By the Time my Body TELLS me. It may be too late.

I was lucky my neighbor stopped that day I was sitting on the curb lost 4 blocks from home. I was also lucky she had an orange juice with her that I drank and that she took me home and watched me while I ate and tested my blood sugars for the next 2 hours ever 15 mins. (ps my good friend made me buy a RoadID, which I wear at all times)

So I would just appreciate people that have some constructive information to chime in. Most of this info above is NOT for debate, unless you have the same background as I do, or good medical knowledge of it. If so have it.

I am happy to say that Triathlons, running and 50 lbs of weight loss has Mitigated most of this, but I am not going to kid myself and not watch all the data I can to ensure I don't hurt myself.

I do the same thing when I am scuba diving 300 feet underwater or 5000 feet back in an underwater cave.

Did I mention I load my dishwasher to max capacity  

Not really sure how to address this, but I would have to agree with others when they say trust your body over equipment.  I have (on several occasions) been jogging along and seen my HR monitor reading 200+, --, or 45 bpm when I was running... This could be that the sensors are dirty, battery low, not lined up properly, etc..... Things break, wear down, move around, etc.  I (personally from MY EXPERIENCE) would rely on what my mind and body are saying to me.

Here is a warning posted on one of the HR sites....


  • Heart monitors are only a part of overall cardiac care. Malfunctions due to faulty equipment, human error or electrical issues may make these medical devices give false positives. False positives are readings that suggest you do have a condition or disease when, in fact, you do not.

  • Just be careful.  This forum is here to HELP PEOPLE, ENCOURAGE PEOPLE, and CHALLENGE PEOPLE to get to the next level.  NOT CRITICIZE, DISPARAGE, PASS JUDGEMENT.

    In this MG group there are many people that have been in your situation and now are running marathons, ironman, and COMPETING on a high level.  Take what they say as constructive, and if you don't like it please just ignore it or reserve judgement.... Or maybe ask a follow up question?!

    This is a fun site, fun group, and more importantly a fun, healthy sport.  Keep up the good work, and the good workouts.

    I will close with this----- LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!Tongue out

    Edited by swbkrun 2011-01-11 11:17 AM

    2011-01-11 11:55 AM
    in reply to: #3256813

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Hey I am an engineer too!!! ok that is all, now back to your regularly scheduled programing lol *drops mic* Tongue out
    2011-01-11 12:31 PM
    in reply to: #3292410

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    Extreme Veteran
    Oshawa, Ontario
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    ashort33 - 2011-01-11 11:56 AM

    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 10:50 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:34 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:31 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 11:29 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:18 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 8:55 AM
    Anne! - 2011-01-11 7:03 AM

    He he... that's okay.  I'm just saying that the data can be "real enough."  How can anyone argue with that?  Real enough for me might not be real enough for you... but if I want some numbers, I can get numbers.  If I really want to, I can even assign meaning to them.

    how can anyone argue with that?  well,  that's a easy argument to make with a single minded approach.  maybe a more holisitic approach would provide a more robust data set, as i suggested in the earlier post about not assuming things.  a garmin isn't going to tell you how your legs feels, if you need to eat, etc...

    Hey John apparantly you are not inputting the correct data into your Garmin if your not getting that info.

    i agree to disagree with canadian version, apparantly.

    That's Ok John you can be right if you have to be. We Canadians will just smirk and know you are incorrect.

    haha.  awesome.  

    how many americans does it take to screw in a light bulb! 

    25? 1 to actually do the job,  10 more to talk about how great their choice of light bulb is, another 10 to fire up the BBQ and get the fire works ready to celebrate the lightbulb getting screwed in, and 4 more people to paint the flag on everyone's face?

    0 - we outsourced that $hi-t years ago... 

    LOL, proud to be in North America where we can talk smack and not shoot each other.  Time for some beers, anyone in?  I hope I get to meet so of you this summer.

    2011-01-11 12:38 PM
    in reply to: #3292319

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Oshawa, Ontario
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    ashort33 - 2011-01-11 11:25 AM

    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 10:21 AM
    gotta run - 2011-01-11 7:59 AM
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 9:05 AM 1 night of swim class and I 've learned that I kick too much from the knee. Need to kick more from the hips.

    I went to bed 8 hours ago. and have been up for 2 already. Going to be hard to get used to these classes.

    Sounds like a good first class. Did the coach give you any drills for working on that? 

    Yes. She said learn to kick more from the hips!! Ha! Actually one thing she said was using myzommers on my kick sets will teach my legs better. If I only kick with ankles/knees, my legs will start to tire quickly.

    When I am focused on a kick set, I try to imagine myself inside (at the center) one of those spring kid tunnels (see attached if they don't have those up in Canada, eh).  I try to make sure that my kick does not go outside the tunnel.  The only way I have found to do that and get any propulsion (no zoomers for me) is to kick more from the hips...

    Yep, I have one, well my kids have one.  I'm sure we both imported it from china.
    2011-01-11 1:10 PM
    in reply to: #3292322

    User image

    Portland, OR
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 10:26 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 11:07 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:59 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 10:07 AM I am ignorantly choosing to pretend I never saw the last couple pages because I hear so much about engineering and numbers when Ryan gets home from work every day.  I'm not good with data/numbers/technological stuff.  I'm not in law school because I was good at calculus, that's for sure!

    I was hoping to get in a swim tonight, buuuut I'm still sick.  And swimming while hacking up a lung just does not appeal to me, believe it or not!  Ryan and I talked about taking those swim classes that some people had recommended, but after much discussion (and him persuading me that I can do it on my own...eek), we decided that it's free to just download a plan and figure it out for ourselves, so that's what we're going to do.  I used to be a swimmer, so it shouldn't be TOO hard, but I haven't been a serious swimmer for about 10 years, so now I just always feel like I'm drowning since I can't breathe when I want.  This is something I'll have to get over!  And we're buying wetsuits soon with our coupons from the BT Survey!  $400 wetsuits for $150 each?  Sure, why not!  What else do we have to spend our Christmas money on, anyway?  This should make the idea of 1.2 miles much easier!

    So far this season, we've planned:

    May 15 - Green Bay half-marathon
    July 17 - Door County half iron
    October 2 - Lakefront marathon MAYBE???? (depending on a number of factors)

    Would it be better to focus on the HIM all May-July, or do you guys think doing an Oly would help in June?  And I still want one for August, too.  I'm thinking about doing the Oshkosh sprint tri again to see how much better I do this year than last, just for fun.  Obviously the HIM is the "A" race for the season, though I'd still like to see how good I can do for the half-mary also! 

    Happy Tuesday!(?)

    yeah an oly can be a great idea if its placed right.  i've scheduled them, i think most of have actually.  when in june?

    It's June 11, so it gives me 4 weeks from the half-mary to get to the Oly, and then another 5 weeks until the HIM.  It just seems oddly placed to me, but I've been wanting to do the Elkhart Lake tri for a LONG time (used to vacation there every summer). 

    What do you think?

    i like it and would do it.  just keep in mind that you have to get back at a bit quicker than you might normally have to after a race.  not a big deal but something to keep in mind.  also, as andy points out you might want to go at more of a HIM pace, but that's a lot easier said than done once the gun goes off.  looks good! 

    also think its a really cool idea to get Oshkosh in again, as you mentioned,  it would be an pretty cool guage of progress.  they should give away overalls at that race!

    I talked to Ryan about it, and even though he doesn't want to do it (he thinks it'll throw off his HIM training), he said I could do it and he could cheer for me!  That's quite the change for us!  So I'm keeping it in the back of my head.  Not fully committed yet because I need to get some financials in order, what with me being out of paid work at the end of this month!

    And you're right, it would be darn near impossible for me to go slower than race pace on any given day.  All my races are "A" races to me, I suppose! 

    Also, I can't do my full marathon in October because I just realized that's Ryan's cousin's wedding weekend in Detroit.  Do you think August 27th is too soon after the HIM (July 17th) and even the Oshkosh sprint to be ready?  It's the only other marathon I can think of to do right now.

    Thanks for all your help!
    2011-01-11 1:31 PM
    in reply to: #3292410

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    ashort33 - 2011-01-11 9:56 AM

    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 10:50 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:34 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:31 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 11:29 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:18 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 8:55 AM
    Anne! - 2011-01-11 7:03 AM

    He he... that's okay.  I'm just saying that the data can be "real enough."  How can anyone argue with that?  Real enough for me might not be real enough for you... but if I want some numbers, I can get numbers.  If I really want to, I can even assign meaning to them.

    how can anyone argue with that?  well,  that's a easy argument to make with a single minded approach.  maybe a more holisitic approach would provide a more robust data set, as i suggested in the earlier post about not assuming things.  a garmin isn't going to tell you how your legs feels, if you need to eat, etc...

    Hey John apparantly you are not inputting the correct data into your Garmin if your not getting that info.

    i agree to disagree with canadian version, apparantly.

    That's Ok John you can be right if you have to be. We Canadians will just smirk and know you are incorrect.

    haha.  awesome.  

    how many americans does it take to screw in a light bulb! 

    25? 1 to actually do the job,  10 more to talk about how great their choice of light bulb is, another 10 to fire up the BBQ and get the fire works ready to celebrate the lightbulb getting screwed in, and 4 more people to paint the flag on everyone's face?

    0 - we outsourced that $hi-t years ago... 

    I thought I had a good comeback. Andy, your's was awesome!

    2011-01-11 1:44 PM
    in reply to: #3256813

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    FWIW, red italicized font mean - sarcasm....joking,etc.

    Some people may not know that. Although, some people choose to not use it, and it can lead others down an incorrect path of assumptions.

    ROCK ON!!
    2011-01-11 1:52 PM
    in reply to: #3256813

    User image

    Frisco, TX
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

    All I will say regarding the current debates is this:  The HRM/Garmin can provide a few pieces of information in the overall puzzle; however, the final picture depends upon much more - it can tell me my pace in min/mile (even if it is slightly inaccurate), not if that is the appropriate pace for this day in the training plan, for the course, for the temp, for the humidity, for yesterday's workout, etc.  This is where the mind - body connection comes in.  You have to get the best info you can and then work it by "feel".  Have you ever noticed that sometimes the garmin is a motivator and sometimes it is a mental beating to look at during a run?  I certainly have.  I think this is because I was trying to push towards an artificial number on a read-out without "listening" to my body.

    Sorry to keep it ragin' - but that's my 2 cents...

    2011-01-11 2:01 PM
    in reply to: #3292868

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 2:44 PM FWIW, red italicized font mean - sarcasm....joking,etc.

    Some people may not know that. Although, some people choose to not use it, and it can lead others down an incorrect path of assumptions.

    ROCK ON!!

    how do i put this in red font?

    2011-01-11 2:02 PM
    in reply to: #3292688

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    sstucker - 2011-01-11 1:31 PM
    ashort33 - 2011-01-11 11:56 AM

    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 10:50 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:34 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:31 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 11:29 AM
    Redknight - 2011-01-11 11:18 AM

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 8:55 AM
    Anne! - 2011-01-11 7:03 AM

    He he... that's okay.  I'm just saying that the data can be "real enough."  How can anyone argue with that?  Real enough for me might not be real enough for you... but if I want some numbers, I can get numbers.  If I really want to, I can even assign meaning to them.

    how can anyone argue with that?  well,  that's a easy argument to make with a single minded approach.  maybe a more holisitic approach would provide a more robust data set, as i suggested in the earlier post about not assuming things.  a garmin isn't going to tell you how your legs feels, if you need to eat, etc...

    Hey John apparantly you are not inputting the correct data into your Garmin if your not getting that info.

    i agree to disagree with canadian version, apparantly.

    That's Ok John you can be right if you have to be. We Canadians will just smirk and know you are incorrect.

    haha.  awesome.  

    how many americans does it take to screw in a light bulb! 

    25? 1 to actually do the job,  10 more to talk about how great their choice of light bulb is, another 10 to fire up the BBQ and get the fire works ready to celebrate the lightbulb getting screwed in, and 4 more people to paint the flag on everyone's face?

    0 - we outsourced that $hi-t years ago... 

    LOL, proud to be in North America where we can talk smack and not shoot each other.  Time for some beers, anyone in?  I hope I get to meet so of you this summer.


    I'm in!!!!   well, first i have to do something... everything is still shut down.   trainer i guess. 
    2011-01-11 2:12 PM
    in reply to: #3292782

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 2:10 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 10:26 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 11:07 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:59 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 10:07 AM I am ignorantly choosing to pretend I never saw the last couple pages because I hear so much about engineering and numbers when Ryan gets home from work every day.  I'm not good with data/numbers/technological stuff.  I'm not in law school because I was good at calculus, that's for sure!

    I was hoping to get in a swim tonight, buuuut I'm still sick.  And swimming while hacking up a lung just does not appeal to me, believe it or not!  Ryan and I talked about taking those swim classes that some people had recommended, but after much discussion (and him persuading me that I can do it on my own...eek), we decided that it's free to just download a plan and figure it out for ourselves, so that's what we're going to do.  I used to be a swimmer, so it shouldn't be TOO hard, but I haven't been a serious swimmer for about 10 years, so now I just always feel like I'm drowning since I can't breathe when I want.  This is something I'll have to get over!  And we're buying wetsuits soon with our coupons from the BT Survey!  $400 wetsuits for $150 each?  Sure, why not!  What else do we have to spend our Christmas money on, anyway?  This should make the idea of 1.2 miles much easier!

    So far this season, we've planned:

    May 15 - Green Bay half-marathon
    July 17 - Door County half iron
    October 2 - Lakefront marathon MAYBE???? (depending on a number of factors)

    Would it be better to focus on the HIM all May-July, or do you guys think doing an Oly would help in June?  And I still want one for August, too.  I'm thinking about doing the Oshkosh sprint tri again to see how much better I do this year than last, just for fun.  Obviously the HIM is the "A" race for the season, though I'd still like to see how good I can do for the half-mary also! 

    Happy Tuesday!(?)

    yeah an oly can be a great idea if its placed right.  i've scheduled them, i think most of have actually.  when in june?

    It's June 11, so it gives me 4 weeks from the half-mary to get to the Oly, and then another 5 weeks until the HIM.  It just seems oddly placed to me, but I've been wanting to do the Elkhart Lake tri for a LONG time (used to vacation there every summer). 

    What do you think?

    i like it and would do it.  just keep in mind that you have to get back at a bit quicker than you might normally have to after a race.  not a big deal but something to keep in mind.  also, as andy points out you might want to go at more of a HIM pace, but that's a lot easier said than done once the gun goes off.  looks good! 

    also think its a really cool idea to get Oshkosh in again, as you mentioned,  it would be an pretty cool guage of progress.  they should give away overalls at that race!

    I talked to Ryan about it, and even though he doesn't want to do it (he thinks it'll throw off his HIM training), he said I could do it and he could cheer for me!  That's quite the change for us!  So I'm keeping it in the back of my head.  Not fully committed yet because I need to get some financials in order, what with me being out of paid work at the end of this month!

    And you're right, it would be darn near impossible for me to go slower than race pace on any given day.  All my races are "A" races to me, I suppose! 

    Also, I can't do my full marathon in October because I just realized that's Ryan's cousin's wedding weekend in Detroit.  Do you think August 27th is too soon after the HIM (July 17th) and even the Oshkosh sprint to be ready?  It's the only other marathon I can think of to do right now.

    Thanks for all your help!

    that would be awesome if you rocked it and he was your sherpa.  you can leave one of your dresses out the night before and tell him he needs to wear that to the oly.  ha!                    i'm kidding,    not really.    ok a little.

    i like the sprint idea for sure!  i don't think i can help you with the marathon, i don't really have much experience there, just one a few years back.   plenty of folks here that can chime in...  detroit marathon is the 16th,  that would have been cool.  do you know about this site?  might find another race there.  edit... click calendars at the top.

    Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-01-11 2:13 PM

    2011-01-11 2:17 PM
    in reply to: #3292782

    User image

    Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 1:10 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 10:26 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 11:07 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:59 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 10:07 AM I am ignorantly choosing to pretend I never saw the last couple pages because I hear so much about engineering and numbers when Ryan gets home from work every day.  I'm not good with data/numbers/technological stuff.  I'm not in law school because I was good at calculus, that's for sure!

    I was hoping to get in a swim tonight, buuuut I'm still sick.  And swimming while hacking up a lung just does not appeal to me, believe it or not!  Ryan and I talked about taking those swim classes that some people had recommended, but after much discussion (and him persuading me that I can do it on my own...eek), we decided that it's free to just download a plan and figure it out for ourselves, so that's what we're going to do.  I used to be a swimmer, so it shouldn't be TOO hard, but I haven't been a serious swimmer for about 10 years, so now I just always feel like I'm drowning since I can't breathe when I want.  This is something I'll have to get over!  And we're buying wetsuits soon with our coupons from the BT Survey!  $400 wetsuits for $150 each?  Sure, why not!  What else do we have to spend our Christmas money on, anyway?  This should make the idea of 1.2 miles much easier!

    So far this season, we've planned:

    May 15 - Green Bay half-marathon
    July 17 - Door County half iron
    October 2 - Lakefront marathon MAYBE???? (depending on a number of factors)

    Would it be better to focus on the HIM all May-July, or do you guys think doing an Oly would help in June?  And I still want one for August, too.  I'm thinking about doing the Oshkosh sprint tri again to see how much better I do this year than last, just for fun.  Obviously the HIM is the "A" race for the season, though I'd still like to see how good I can do for the half-mary also! 

    Happy Tuesday!(?)

    yeah an oly can be a great idea if its placed right.  i've scheduled them, i think most of have actually.  when in june?

    It's June 11, so it gives me 4 weeks from the half-mary to get to the Oly, and then another 5 weeks until the HIM.  It just seems oddly placed to me, but I've been wanting to do the Elkhart Lake tri for a LONG time (used to vacation there every summer). 

    What do you think?

    i like it and would do it.  just keep in mind that you have to get back at a bit quicker than you might normally have to after a race.  not a big deal but something to keep in mind.  also, as andy points out you might want to go at more of a HIM pace, but that's a lot easier said than done once the gun goes off.  looks good! 

    also think its a really cool idea to get Oshkosh in again, as you mentioned,  it would be an pretty cool guage of progress.  they should give away overalls at that race!

    I talked to Ryan about it, and even though he doesn't want to do it (he thinks it'll throw off his HIM training), he said I could do it and he could cheer for me!  That's quite the change for us!  So I'm keeping it in the back of my head.  Not fully committed yet because I need to get some financials in order, what with me being out of paid work at the end of this month!

    And you're right, it would be darn near impossible for me to go slower than race pace on any given day.  All my races are "A" races to me, I suppose! 

    Also, I can't do my full marathon in October because I just realized that's Ryan's cousin's wedding weekend in Detroit.  Do you think August 27th is too soon after the HIM (July 17th) and even the Oshkosh sprint to be ready?  It's the only other marathon I can think of to do right now.

    Thanks for all your help!

    I'm late to the party, but let me throw in my two cents (which is often worth close to $1--he he), I think the Elkhart Oly is a great idea.  Depending on how you're feeling about your training you could use it as a good speedwork session or to test out your HIM pacing/nutritional strategy.  I'm doing an Oly the following week in preparation for Racine and plan to use it as a good speedwork test.

    I believe it is too soon to do the 8/27 marathon after the HIM.  While I think you can be recovered, I don't think you will have the opportunity to do sufficient long runs leading up to it while still HIM training.  Something would have to be compromised and since DC is an A race, it wouldn't work IMO.  Have you considered the Haunted Hustle 10/29 or Whistlestop 10/15?  Both are fairly late in the season and would give you more time to build your long runs.
    2011-01-11 2:50 PM
    in reply to: #3292924

    User image

    Chatham Ontario
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 2:01 PM
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 2:44 PM FWIW, red italicized font mean - sarcasm....joking,etc.

    Some people may not know that. Although, some people choose to not use it, and it can lead others down an incorrect path of assumptions.

    ROCK ON!!

    how do i put this in red font?

    Ok ok.. now that is funny.

    Don't you mean America's Toque

    Edited by Techdiver 2011-01-11 2:50 PM
    2011-01-11 2:51 PM
    in reply to: #3292976

    User image

    Portland, OR
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    SSMinnow - 2011-01-11 2:17 PM I'm late to the party, but let me throw in my two cents (which is often worth close to $1--he he), I think the Elkhart Oly is a great idea.  Depending on how you're feeling about your training you could use it as a good speedwork session or to test out your HIM pacing/nutritional strategy.  I'm doing an Oly the following week in preparation for Racine and plan to use it as a good speedwork test.

    I believe it is too soon to do the 8/27 marathon after the HIM.  While I think you can be recovered, I don't think you will have the opportunity to do sufficient long runs leading up to it while still HIM training.  Something would have to be compromised and since DC is an A race, it wouldn't work IMO.  Have you considered the Haunted Hustle 10/29 or Whistlestop 10/15?  Both are fairly late in the season and would give you more time to build your long runs.

    I actually would like to do the Haunted Hustle, but I'm afraid it's just a little too late into the school year to really focus on it, since school really starts getting busy/crazy in October.  The reason the October 2 marathon worked was because I'd be tapering starting mid-September, meaning the peak training would only be in the first couple weeks of class, which are more manageable. 

    Ryan had thought about the trail run marathon in Madison.  That seems like it could be iffy though.  What do you think?
    2011-01-11 2:58 PM
    in reply to: #3292976

    User image

    san francisco
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    SSMinnow - 2011-01-11 12:17 PM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 1:10 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 10:26 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 11:07 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:59 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 10:07 AM I am ignorantly choosing to pretend I never saw the last couple pages because I hear so much about engineering and numbers when Ryan gets home from work every day.  I'm not good with data/numbers/technological stuff.  I'm not in law school because I was good at calculus, that's for sure!

    I was hoping to get in a swim tonight, buuuut I'm still sick.  And swimming while hacking up a lung just does not appeal to me, believe it or not!  Ryan and I talked about taking those swim classes that some people had recommended, but after much discussion (and him persuading me that I can do it on my own...eek), we decided that it's free to just download a plan and figure it out for ourselves, so that's what we're going to do.  I used to be a swimmer, so it shouldn't be TOO hard, but I haven't been a serious swimmer for about 10 years, so now I just always feel like I'm drowning since I can't breathe when I want.  This is something I'll have to get over!  And we're buying wetsuits soon with our coupons from the BT Survey!  $400 wetsuits for $150 each?  Sure, why not!  What else do we have to spend our Christmas money on, anyway?  This should make the idea of 1.2 miles much easier!

    So far this season, we've planned:

    May 15 - Green Bay half-marathon
    July 17 - Door County half iron
    October 2 - Lakefront marathon MAYBE???? (depending on a number of factors)

    Would it be better to focus on the HIM all May-July, or do you guys think doing an Oly would help in June?  And I still want one for August, too.  I'm thinking about doing the Oshkosh sprint tri again to see how much better I do this year than last, just for fun.  Obviously the HIM is the "A" race for the season, though I'd still like to see how good I can do for the half-mary also! 

    Happy Tuesday!(?)

    yeah an oly can be a great idea if its placed right.  i've scheduled them, i think most of have actually.  when in june?

    It's June 11, so it gives me 4 weeks from the half-mary to get to the Oly, and then another 5 weeks until the HIM.  It just seems oddly placed to me, but I've been wanting to do the Elkhart Lake tri for a LONG time (used to vacation there every summer). 

    What do you think?

    i like it and would do it.  just keep in mind that you have to get back at a bit quicker than you might normally have to after a race.  not a big deal but something to keep in mind.  also, as andy points out you might want to go at more of a HIM pace, but that's a lot easier said than done once the gun goes off.  looks good! 

    also think its a really cool idea to get Oshkosh in again, as you mentioned,  it would be an pretty cool guage of progress.  they should give away overalls at that race!

    I talked to Ryan about it, and even though he doesn't want to do it (he thinks it'll throw off his HIM training), he said I could do it and he could cheer for me!  That's quite the change for us!  So I'm keeping it in the back of my head.  Not fully committed yet because I need to get some financials in order, what with me being out of paid work at the end of this month!

    And you're right, it would be darn near impossible for me to go slower than race pace on any given day.  All my races are "A" races to me, I suppose! 

    Also, I can't do my full marathon in October because I just realized that's Ryan's cousin's wedding weekend in Detroit.  Do you think August 27th is too soon after the HIM (July 17th) and even the Oshkosh sprint to be ready?  It's the only other marathon I can think of to do right now.

    Thanks for all your help!

    I'm late to the party, but let me throw in my two cents (which is often worth close to $1--he he), I think the Elkhart Oly is a great idea.  Depending on how you're feeling about your training you could use it as a good speedwork session or to test out your HIM pacing/nutritional strategy.  I'm doing an Oly the following week in preparation for Racine and plan to use it as a good speedwork test.

    I believe it is too soon to do the 8/27 marathon after the HIM.  While I think you can be recovered, I don't think you will have the opportunity to do sufficient long runs leading up to it while still HIM training.  Something would have to be compromised and since DC is an A race, it wouldn't work IMO.  Have you considered the Haunted Hustle 10/29 or Whistlestop 10/15?  Both are fairly late in the season and would give you more time to build your long runs.

    I'm even later to the party, but that never stopped me before!  I like the placement of the Elkhart Oly.  I think my oly is the same weekend and my HIM the same as yours, too.  Doing a marathon 5 weeks after that seems really soon.  Not impossible, but it might be tough to get those long runs in so soon after your HIM.  I think it would be 2 more 20 or more mile runs and I am thinking your body will need some recovery so that gives you only 2 weeks. 

    I know that the weather gets super cold in WI by Oct/November, but I would aim for either of those two months, or why rush?  You can always do another half marathon and shoot for a spring marathon. 
    2011-01-11 2:59 PM
    in reply to: #3293032

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 3:50 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 2:01 PM
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 2:44 PM FWIW, red italicized font mean - sarcasm....joking,etc.

    Some people may not know that. Although, some people choose to not use it, and it can lead others down an incorrect path of assumptions.

    ROCK ON!!

    how do i put this in red font?

    Ok ok.. now that is funny.

    Don't you mean America's Toque

    i was gonna say that but then figured those cowboys out west can barely spell their own names, let alone understand franco-canadienne.

    2011-01-11 3:06 PM
    in reply to: #3293049

    User image

    Frisco, TX
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 2:59 PM
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 3:50 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 2:01 PM
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 2:44 PM FWIW, red italicized font mean - sarcasm....joking,etc.

    Some people may not know that. Although, some people choose to not use it, and it can lead others down an incorrect path of assumptions.

    ROCK ON!!

    how do i put this in red font?

    Ok ok.. now that is funny.

    Don't you mean America's Toque

    i was gonna say that but then figured those cowboys out west can barely spell their own names, let alone understand franco-canadienne.

    Uh, hello,  Bob and Doug MacKenzi anyone?  If you don't know what a toque is then you must have been stoned or otherwise incapacitated through the 80's...

    2011-01-11 3:09 PM
    in reply to: #3293048

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    kt65 - 2011-01-11 3:58 PM
    SSMinnow - 2011-01-11 12:17 PM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 1:10 PM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 10:26 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 11:07 AM
    fattyfatfat - 2011-01-11 9:59 AM
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 10:07 AM I am ignorantly choosing to pretend I never saw the last couple pages because I hear so much about engineering and numbers when Ryan gets home from work every day.  I'm not good with data/numbers/technological stuff.  I'm not in law school because I was good at calculus, that's for sure!

    I was hoping to get in a swim tonight, buuuut I'm still sick.  And swimming while hacking up a lung just does not appeal to me, believe it or not!  Ryan and I talked about taking those swim classes that some people had recommended, but after much discussion (and him persuading me that I can do it on my own...eek), we decided that it's free to just download a plan and figure it out for ourselves, so that's what we're going to do.  I used to be a swimmer, so it shouldn't be TOO hard, but I haven't been a serious swimmer for about 10 years, so now I just always feel like I'm drowning since I can't breathe when I want.  This is something I'll have to get over!  And we're buying wetsuits soon with our coupons from the BT Survey!  $400 wetsuits for $150 each?  Sure, why not!  What else do we have to spend our Christmas money on, anyway?  This should make the idea of 1.2 miles much easier!

    So far this season, we've planned:

    May 15 - Green Bay half-marathon
    July 17 - Door County half iron
    October 2 - Lakefront marathon MAYBE???? (depending on a number of factors)

    Would it be better to focus on the HIM all May-July, or do you guys think doing an Oly would help in June?  And I still want one for August, too.  I'm thinking about doing the Oshkosh sprint tri again to see how much better I do this year than last, just for fun.  Obviously the HIM is the "A" race for the season, though I'd still like to see how good I can do for the half-mary also! 

    Happy Tuesday!(?)

    yeah an oly can be a great idea if its placed right.  i've scheduled them, i think most of have actually.  when in june?

    It's June 11, so it gives me 4 weeks from the half-mary to get to the Oly, and then another 5 weeks until the HIM.  It just seems oddly placed to me, but I've been wanting to do the Elkhart Lake tri for a LONG time (used to vacation there every summer). 

    What do you think?

    i like it and would do it.  just keep in mind that you have to get back at a bit quicker than you might normally have to after a race.  not a big deal but something to keep in mind.  also, as andy points out you might want to go at more of a HIM pace, but that's a lot easier said than done once the gun goes off.  looks good! 

    also think its a really cool idea to get Oshkosh in again, as you mentioned,  it would be an pretty cool guage of progress.  they should give away overalls at that race!

    I talked to Ryan about it, and even though he doesn't want to do it (he thinks it'll throw off his HIM training), he said I could do it and he could cheer for me!  That's quite the change for us!  So I'm keeping it in the back of my head.  Not fully committed yet because I need to get some financials in order, what with me being out of paid work at the end of this month!

    And you're right, it would be darn near impossible for me to go slower than race pace on any given day.  All my races are "A" races to me, I suppose! 

    Also, I can't do my full marathon in October because I just realized that's Ryan's cousin's wedding weekend in Detroit.  Do you think August 27th is too soon after the HIM (July 17th) and even the Oshkosh sprint to be ready?  It's the only other marathon I can think of to do right now.

    Thanks for all your help!

    I'm late to the party, but let me throw in my two cents (which is often worth close to $1--he he), I think the Elkhart Oly is a great idea.  Depending on how you're feeling about your training you could use it as a good speedwork session or to test out your HIM pacing/nutritional strategy.  I'm doing an Oly the following week in preparation for Racine and plan to use it as a good speedwork test.

    I believe it is too soon to do the 8/27 marathon after the HIM.  While I think you can be recovered, I don't think you will have the opportunity to do sufficient long runs leading up to it while still HIM training.  Something would have to be compromised and since DC is an A race, it wouldn't work IMO.  Have you considered the Haunted Hustle 10/29 or Whistlestop 10/15?  Both are fairly late in the season and would give you more time to build your long runs.

    I'm even later to the party, but that never stopped me before!  I like the placement of the Elkhart Oly.  I think my oly is the same weekend and my HIM the same as yours, too.  Doing a marathon 5 weeks after that seems really soon.  Not impossible, but it might be tough to get those long runs in so soon after your HIM.  I think it would be 2 more 20 or more mile runs and I am thinking your body will need some recovery so that gives you only 2 weeks. 

    I know that the weather gets super cold in WI by Oct/November, but I would aim for either of those two months, or why rush?  You can always do another half marathon and shoot for a spring marathon. 

    I agree you don't want to rush your marathon training.

    Some other options for fall marathons:
    Chicago - tentatively set for Oct. 9
    Indianapolis - Oct 15 (beautiful course, btw
    2011-01-11 3:14 PM
    in reply to: #3292313

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 11:21 AM
    gotta run - 2011-01-11 7:59 AM
    TrevorC - 2011-01-11 9:05 AM 1 night of swim class and I 've learned that I kick too much from the knee. Need to kick more from the hips.

    I went to bed 8 hours ago. and have been up for 2 already. Going to be hard to get used to these classes.

    Sounds like a good first class. Did the coach give you any drills for working on that? 

    Yes. She said learn to kick more from the hips!! Ha! Actually one thing she said was using myzommers on my kick sets will teach my legs better. If I only kick with ankles/knees, my legs will start to tire quickly.

    That's what I was hoping you'd say. I'm always looking for an excuse to do fin work! FUN!! Also, I'm guessing that kicking from the hips more would help folks who are working on the reach and roll issues that we were talking about last week.
    2011-01-11 3:17 PM
    in reply to: #3256813

    User image

    Chatham Ontario
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Damn snow, just caused my swimming pool to close and cancel the masters class tonight BOOOO..

    Now what.
    2011-01-11 3:19 PM
    in reply to: #3293037

    User image

    Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    SoccerGK - 2011-01-11 2:51 PM
    SSMinnow - 2011-01-11 2:17 PM I'm late to the party, but let me throw in my two cents (which is often worth close to $1--he he), I think the Elkhart Oly is a great idea.  Depending on how you're feeling about your training you could use it as a good speedwork session or to test out your HIM pacing/nutritional strategy.  I'm doing an Oly the following week in preparation for Racine and plan to use it as a good speedwork test.

    I believe it is too soon to do the 8/27 marathon after the HIM.  While I think you can be recovered, I don't think you will have the opportunity to do sufficient long runs leading up to it while still HIM training.  Something would have to be compromised and since DC is an A race, it wouldn't work IMO.  Have you considered the Haunted Hustle 10/29 or Whistlestop 10/15?  Both are fairly late in the season and would give you more time to build your long runs.

    I actually would like to do the Haunted Hustle, but I'm afraid it's just a little too late into the school year to really focus on it, since school really starts getting busy/crazy in October.  The reason the October 2 marathon worked was because I'd be tapering starting mid-September, meaning the peak training would only be in the first couple weeks of class, which are more manageable. 

    Ryan had thought about the trail run marathon in Madison.  That seems like it could be iffy though.  What do you think?

    What trail run marathon???? North Face--it's not exactly Madison!?  are you looking for  a PR or just a good, hard time?

    Edited by SSMinnow 2011-01-11 5:11 PM

    2011-01-11 3:39 PM
    in reply to: #3293096

    User image

    Horseheads, NY
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 4:17 PM Damn snow, just caused my swimming pool to close and cancel the masters class tonight BOOOO..

    Now what.

    Just freaking run!!


    2011-01-11 3:45 PM
    in reply to: #3293160

    User image

    san francisco
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    gdale - 2011-01-11 1:39 PM
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 4:17 PM Damn snow, just caused my swimming pool to close and cancel the masters class tonight BOOOO..

    Now what.

    Just freaking run!!


    I just spit water on my keyboard!  Good one, George! 
    2011-01-11 3:46 PM
    in reply to: #3293096

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 4:17 PM Damn snow, just caused my swimming pool to close and cancel the masters class tonight BOOOO..

    Now what.


    Here in DC, they canceled the after-school programs today because it is FORECAST to snow later this evening.  I mean, C'MON.  It has not even started snowing yet.  Unbelievable.

    Still hoping to do a 6 mile run tonight - possibly in that wonderful setting when it is lightly snowing and there is that beautiful glow in the air from the ambient light reflecting off the snowflakes. 

    2011-01-11 3:53 PM
    in reply to: #3293180

    User image

    Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
    Tobey91 - 2011-01-11 1:46 PM
    Techdiver - 2011-01-11 4:17 PM Damn snow, just caused my swimming pool to close and cancel the masters class tonight BOOOO..

    Now what.


    Here in DC, they canceled the after-school programs today because it is FORECAST to snow later this evening.  I mean, C'MON.  It has not even started snowing yet.  Unbelievable.

    Still hoping to do a 6 mile run tonight - possibly in that wonderful setting when it is lightly snowing and there is that beautiful glow in the air from the ambient light reflecting off the snowflakes. 

    SAME... And a Transit Town Hall meeting has been postponed. Ha ha. Admittedly I'm supposed to be someplace this evening but am not going simply because I don't want to get stuck :30 from home and spend 3:00 to get here. Happened to my husband over T-giving weekend, literally he was 4 miles from home and it took him 1:30. Doh!! Sadly our snow is to turn to rain later tonight so the kids probably won't get a snow day tomorrow. But they can go to bed hoping... Poor kiddos.

    I hope you get to do a snowy run!! I LOVE the peaceful nature of snow. It's so pretty. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!

    Balacing checkbook post-holidays.... Anyone got any extra money they want to send my way????!!?
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