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2011-04-13 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3442660

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
AbbieR - 2011-04-12 1:44 PM

danzgr8spkrman - 2011-04-11 9:07 PM Just did Oceanside 70.3 in April. I took 7 hours to do it in ideal race temps. I know it will be quite a bit warmer,  and double the distance. Vinemman in July??? Am I nuts??? I am toying with the Aquabike full distance too.  Our present training, about 10 hours a week. I am thinking I'm gonna have to double it pretty quick if I want to do this. I am good for about a 15 mile long run at best. July....probably too soon, maybe 2012?? Any thoughts.  Would it be a total death march this year?? Undecided Best regards, Dan

Hey Dan, I think you are fine for have 17 hours to finish!  I remember seeing something about taking your HIM time, doubling it and adding an hour to estimate your IM time.  Granted it is not an perfect science. 

Are you following a training plan?  How long are your long rides currently? You say a 15-mile long run, does that mean that's  the furthest you have ever run or the longest you are planning to run for training?  I had a stress fracture 2.5 months out from IM, was not allowed to run until 2-3 weeks out from race day and finished. 

AS for the "Death March".....your training can be perfect leading up to Ironman, but race day can throw a number of challenges at you.  Nutrition can go wrong, GI issues, massive blisters....and make the race seem like a death march.  (I have had all 3 while racing IM and still finished.)

Ironman is no walk in the park, but only you can decide how much training you want to put in prior to race day.  I say GO FOR IT!

According to the website, the course closes at 11PM (16 hours). 

Focus and train on finishing and as long as you get to the start line healthy, that's the likely outcome.  There will be moments where you wonder if you should continue, but those should be fleeting.  You'll have lots of time after to overrule the "never again" decision you make during or the day after the race. 

2011-04-13 10:55 PM
in reply to: #3444952

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread


I'm going to go out to do one loop of the bike course on the 23rd.  I'm going with a friend who is signed up for the Aquabike.  We'll be out there at 8:30am if anyone's interested in riding together.   Let me know.


2011-04-15 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Does anyone have suggestions for lodging?
2011-04-15 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Dan, you don't have any logs at the moment.  I am not sure what your strengths or weaknesses are.  With a long run of 15, if you are getting in 35 miles a week running you should be able to build that fine.  If you can get your bike mileage up to 500 miles a month with al ong of around 100 and can make the swim cut-off you should be ok.  The temperature probably won't be an issue until you are on the run and you can keep cool with water from each aid station (staying wet and hydrated with electolytes = staying cool).  Feel free to put down your current weekly workout distances for folks to take a look at and give you some better feedback.  7 hour HIM = 15-16 hour IM give or take what training you can build between now and then.

Yes 16 hour cutoff for the race.  Dan if you can get in even a 16-17 mile long runs, but get in like 8 of them that would be better than killing yourself on a single 20 mile long.  It would be great if you could hit at least 1 100 mile bike, but getting in lots of 85 to 90s would be better than a single 100.  As far as the swim goes, you should be able to get in some 3500 to 4000 yard swims even if you break them up in to 200 yard sets.  Get in enough swim time to come out of the water with energy if not fast.   

Dr. Gary, looking like some nice numbers there.

Edited by Baowolf 2011-04-15 5:24 PM
2011-04-30 3:41 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
My April totals look a little better. Got to go out on the bike course and do one loop. My swim is finally coming back.... no more leg cramping. My run was derailed one week due to a groin pull, but I'm 100% again. How are all you doing?Bike:17h 27m 58s  - 161.88 MiRun:13h 27m 17s  - 90.03 MiSwim:7h 35m  - 19310.63 YdStrength:2h 40m
2011-05-02 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

How's the training coming everyone?

Are we all gearing up for HIMs pretty soon? Mine is Quassy first weekend in June.

My April totals...

Bike:22h 46m 40s  - 342.21 Mi
Run:15h 25m 23s  - 109.43 Mi
Swim:10h 07m 51s  - 20890 Yd


2011-05-02 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread


April's totals:
Bike:15h 24m 56s  - 265.92 Mi
Run:17h 45m 25s  - 117.51 Mi swimming...A staph infection kept me out of the pool most of the month and business travel finished it off for me. 

I lost a week out sick at the beginning of the month and was traveling the last week of the month.  I'm feeling good about the run (Pittsburgh marathon in 2 weeks) and the bike is coming along with 65 mile rides the last 2 weekends. 

Not quite where I want to be, but not a bad place either. 

2011-05-02 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
April's totals:
Bike:20h 20m  - 351 Mi
Run:15h 25m  - 80 Mi
Swim:5h 45m  - 15700 Yd
Strength:3h 30m

Had a really good month of training! I am having a lot of foot problems that keep coming up after running, so I am a little concerned!! I changed to a neutral shoe (I used to train in the Brooks Beast) and it has improved a bit! I've been slacking on my swimming too, so this month I really plan on focusing on getting more time in the pool and My goal is 500 Miles on the bike!!!
2011-05-02 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Alright, here's my totals

Bike - 279.3  - missed 2 key rides because of work etc... but feelin' good about my bike

Run - 108.44 -feel great

Swim - 10,279 yds - Have some work to do but feeling more confident

I'm going to continue what I'm doing and add those key long rides, runs and swims.  Everyone looks strong!  Great job!

2011-05-05 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

My training is no where near where it needs to be for April!  I'm ashamed to even post this, but what the heck.  I was sick/massive allergies for over 2 weeks which crushed my energy level.  Uggg!!!!!!


April's totals:
Bike:15h 42m 58s  - 268.46 Mi
Run:4h 13m 14s  - 23.7 Mi
Swim:5h 41m 17s  - 16300 Yd
Strength:4h 50m


2011-05-05 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3483510

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
AbbieR - 2011-05-05 8:00 AM

My training is no where near where it needs to be for April!  I'm ashamed to even post this, but what the heck.  I was sick/massive allergies for over 2 weeks which crushed my energy level.  Uggg!!!!!!


April's totals:
Bike:15h 42m 58s  - 268.46 Mi
Run:4h 13m 14s  - 23.7 Mi
Swim:5h 41m 17s  - 16300 Yd
Strength:4h 50m



Heck, I'm sure you'll be fine.

2011-05-09 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3483611

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Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
ecpasos - 2011-05-05 8:49 AM
AbbieR - 2011-05-05 8:00 AM

My training is no where near where it needs to be for April!  I'm ashamed to even post this, but what the heck.  I was sick/massive allergies for over 2 weeks which crushed my energy level.  Uggg!!!!!!


April's totals:
Bike:15h 42m 58s  - 268.46 Mi
Run:4h 13m 14s  - 23.7 Mi
Swim:5h 41m 17s  - 16300 Yd
Strength:4h 50m



Heck, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Haha....I'm getting too good at going into Ironman undertrained!

2011-05-09 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3489344

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
AbbieR - 2011-05-09 9:38 AM

Haha....I'm getting too good at going into Ironman undertrained!

Abbie, you're just capitalizing on the huge base you built up last year doing your 3 IMs!

2011-05-09 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3489363

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Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
enginerd - 2011-05-09 9:46 AM
AbbieR - 2011-05-09 9:38 AM

Haha....I'm getting too good at going into Ironman undertrained!

Abbie, you're just capitalizing on the huge base you built up last year doing your 3 IMs!

LOL, Thanks Donato!!!!!  Congrats in IM St. George!!!!

2011-05-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Anyone staying in the Santa Rosa area?  I'm looking for a ride race day morning if anyone has room.  Thanks Monty

2011-05-15 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Hrm, afer shivering for 4 hours prior to starting the Boston marathon (20F windchill at 5am) I pulled a hamstring during the race, but was able to finish under 3:30:00.  A little disappointing.  So now I am walking instead of running to try to get a bit closer to healed up.  That said, I had a solid training week, 31 miles walked 170 miles biked and 10,000 yards swum (21 hours).  If I can get the hamstring functional I can finish it, but not holding my breath on times. 

I wouldn't push for a 20 mile long run, 18 or so should be fine.  I would focus on a 110-120 bike instead, faster recovery and will serve you better on race day. 

Still snowing here 8(.  I have only 1 ride not on the trainer so far, an 85 mile bike in 25-30 mph winds. 

2011-05-16 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Had to nurse my leg last week.  Tightness in my hamstring and then I twisted my ankle walking down some steps!

130 miles on the bike and about 5000 m swum.  Getting a little anxious as this is my 1st but if I get my long runs and bikes in I should cross that line.  Just have to keep an eye on this leg as I haven't run in over a week.  Going to try a little treadmill tomorrow.

My swimming isn't much to look at but 1've started doing intervals.  I think they're helping. 

2011-05-22 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

How is everyone doing out there? 

I like seeing this thread further up on the page

2011-05-22 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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The Original
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

I've been hesitant to post in hope that something would change.  But I think I'm out- I am still battling PF and it's still lingering.  My peroneal tendonitis is better with my new stability shoes, but I cannot for the life of my shake this PF and haven't been able to run in 5 months.  I'm still going to PT and doing everything I'm supposed to, and just last week I was cleared to try to run 1 mile three times a week.  So...I doubt I can pull off the run at Vineman.  I am sure I would walk a lot and hobble, but I really don't want it to flare up since I've been dealing with it all season and have been missing out on some great races.

I'm still training though for the swim/bike and logging some decent volume.  I'm just trying to decide now to aqua bike it or just not do it.  It's hard deciding- I don't know it's worth shipping my bike all the way out there or not.  But my hubby is racing it so I'll be there regardless.  Who can pass up a vacation to wine county and SF??

I hope everyone's training is going well.  Not too much time left!!

2011-05-22 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

My training has gone pretty well.  I did the Pittsburgh marathon last weekend (3:58) and a 90 mile ride in 4:49 yesterday.  This will be a light week with 3 days going to Seattle for my son's graduation. 

Runnergirl, sorry to hear you may be out. 

2011-05-25 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Question about the bike course. Earlier in the thread it was stated that there is about 4,000 feet of elevation gain but on mapmyride there are several route entries that show about 2,100 feet. Is this because mapmyride is only counting one lap? They do reflect 112 miles on the routes.

2011-05-25 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3517998

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

popsracer - 2011-05-25 8:54 AM Question about the bike course. Earlier in the thread it was stated that there is about 4,000 feet of elevation gain but on mapmyride there are several route entries that show about 2,100 feet. Is this because mapmyride is only counting one lap? They do reflect 112 miles on the routes. Thanks.

The Vineman event webpage says "With slightly less than 4000 feet of climbing for the entire bike course..."

2011-05-25 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3517998

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

popsracer - 2011-05-25 8:54 AM Question about the bike course. Earlier in the thread it was stated that there is about 4,000 feet of elevation gain but on mapmyride there are several route entries that show about 2,100 feet. Is this because mapmyride is only counting one lap? They do reflect 112 miles on the routes. Thanks.


I did one loop (57 miles) of the course last month and my Garmin registered 1,536 ft of elevation gain.  Perhaps it's closer to 3000 ft, or my Garmin was off a bit, or I didn't experience some hills that we might encounter when riding from T1 to where I started from.


Edited by ecpasos 2011-05-25 4:07 PM
2011-05-25 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Tahoe City, CA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
I was just wondering if anyone knows if there are changing tents in the transition areas. I've done Barb's and I don't remember seeing any. I would love more than anything thing to do a quick change from bike shorts to running shorts.
2011-05-25 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3518830

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

tridizzle - 2011-05-25 2:11 PM I was just wondering if anyone knows if there are changing tents in the transition areas. I've done Barb's and I don't remember seeing any. I would love more than anything thing to do a quick change from bike shorts to running shorts. Dawn

There have been in past years.  They are very small though, but it's a small race so wasn't an issue when I've used them.

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