BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-02-03 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4604708

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-02-01 2:41 PM I have to get in the pool and actually start riding my bike for realz.

Exciting!  I just registered for the Sprint distance.  Guess I should ride my bike and get in the pool at some point, too.  

2013-02-03 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4606109

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
StaceyK - 2013-02-03 4:12 PM

Thanks everyone for your best wishes with my race today and for the weather report Jayne. It was a balmy 86*F (30*C) at the start of our race, water temp of 77*F (25*C) so not yet at the 100*F that it has reached this afternoon, thankfully.

It went well, it was a mini sprint and I really did it to keep myself motivated to train (not that that worked last week) and to work on a few things in a race situation in the build up to doing an Oly in April.

So the race was a 250m swim, a 10km ride and a 2km run (it feels very insignificant when you look at it like that but we've all got to start somewhere I guess). I had 4 goals for the race:

  1. swim the entire distance with my face in the water (except for breathing of course).
  2. wear my bike shoes for the ride (first time in a race).
  3. do the full km run withut walking.
  4. finish in 45minutes or less.

I managed the first 3 but according to my watch my time would have been about 48 minutes which is a bit of a bummer but I can live with that.

Some things that I learnt:

  1. dont start the swim at the middle of the back of the pack, there are too many people to swim around or over. start in the middle out wide.
  2. buy a number belt so I dont have to try to put a shirt on while Im wet.
  3. get down on the drops more when riding. I need to prctice this because my shoulders were getting sore.
  4. take 30 seconds to put socks on in T2 otherwise I end up with blisters on the insteps of my feet.
  5. Oh and most importantly get to the race a bit earlier to allow for the toilet line or be prepared to do the race with your butt cheeks clamped together

All up good race and I felt good all the way through, I think I could have run faster if I had worn socks because the blisters on my feet were really sore by the time I had finished. Should have listened to the nothing new on race day advice but just looked at my watch when I was in T2 and thought if I put socks on I was not going t make my goal time.

I have 10 weeks today until the Oly that I am planning to do and after today's race I'm feeling no where near even close to being ready for it.

. Great job sounds like you had fun. The heard a bit of a killer and will be reflected in your time. But the best thing about your post is...... You've inspired me! I've had my head in the sand with this ironman lost my way lost my mojo lost my focus. So there are a few little races before the big day I need to enter to try and get some joy!
2013-02-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Getting in a short bike/swim before football. Going to try a swim drill...ohhhh boy :/ I mean....yippee!
2013-02-03 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Edited by amd723 2013-02-03 4:59 PM
2013-02-03 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Got in a little over 4 miles today.  I'm ready for pizza!
2013-02-03 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4606782

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

2013-02-03 5:38 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

March 10th - Artemis is signed up for her first 'Tryathlon'

100m swim (OWS)

3km Bike

500m run

She is so excited....

2013-02-03 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4606802

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

KansasMom - 2013-02-03 3:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

I don't take Mucinex and I thought the same...and it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't have see it on a hike...Embarassed

2013-02-03 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4606785

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Artemis - 2013-02-03 3:00 PM Got in a little over 4 miles today.  I'm ready for pizza!

Nice work, Jen! 

2013-02-03 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4606810

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-02-03 3:38 PM

March 10th - Artemis is signed up for her first 'Tryathlon'

100m swim (OWS)

3km Bike

500m run

She is so excited....

Awesome!  Make sure she gives us a RR!

2013-02-03 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4606811

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
bcraht - 2013-02-03 5:41 PM

KansasMom - 2013-02-03 3:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

I don't take Mucinex and I thought the same...and it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't have see it on a hike...Embarassed

lol!  I guess we know neither of you have gators around your neighborhood

2013-02-03 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4606810

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-02-03 5:38 PM

March 10th - Artemis is signed up for her first 'Tryathlon'

100m swim (OWS)

3km Bike

500m run

She is so excited....

How fun!

2013-02-03 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4606810

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-02-03 6:38 PM

March 10th - Artemis is signed up for her first 'Tryathlon'

100m swim (OWS)

3km Bike

500m run

She is so excited....

So exciting for her!!

2013-02-03 10:06 PM
in reply to: #4606976

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-02-04 2:21 PM
jobaxas - 2013-02-03 6:38 PM

March 10th - Artemis is signed up for her first 'Tryathlon'

100m swim (OWS)

3km Bike

500m run

She is so excited....

So exciting for her!!

I will be sooo nervous!
2013-02-03 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4606475

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-02-03 9:47 AM
Asalzwed - 2013-02-01 2:41 PM I have to get in the pool and actually start riding my bike for realz.

Exciting!  I just registered for the Sprint distance.  Guess I should ride my bike and get in the pool at some point, too.  

WTG for both of you.

2013-02-03 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4605694

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-02-02 11:30 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-02-01 1:17 PM
TriAya - 2013-02-01 12:08 PM
4agoodlife - 2013-02-02 3:55 AM

I'm going to be swimming again tonight and I'm curious about people's opinions...

I'm a slooow swimmer (about 2:30/100). Everything about swimming, besides just basics, is new to me. I've read Swim Speed Secrets (refer to it quite often) and watched a Terry Laughlin TI video. Trying to work on getting a decent pull in the water (not easy or "natural" for anyone, right?). When my DH watches me swim, he points out issues I have like swimming too flat...and I really appreciate his input!

But my main question is much do you think I should let my focus "wander" away from getting the pull right? Is thinking about body roll, head position, etc. just jumbling what I need to be doing?

That's a tough question to answer. I guess the way I look at it, everything is done in order to get the pull right. No pull, no propulsion.

How long/far can you hold 2:30/100 (meters or yards?) for?

I would suggest focusing on one thing at a time.

#1 is balance.  You have to get balanced in the water.  When you work on balance -work on front to back AND left to right.  Front to back means your hips are high in the water.  

#2 your roll - A follow up to the "balance" focus.  This is where you can work on left to right balance

#3 your pull.  If you are balanced front to back AND left to right - you can now begin to focus on your catch and pull.  

A good pull with bad balance will mean you are working way, way to hard to move forward in the water. This can lead to overuse muscle injuries - and bad habits.

You should get very, very balanced in the water before changing your focus.  You can swim a lap and see how moving your head, pushing down with your chest, changing your kick etc all affect where your hips are in relation to the rest of your body.  When you feel balanced you have mastered balance, grab a pull buoy and then focus on your stroke.  You can then forget about your hips (the pull buoy raises them for you) and your kick and just focus on the catch and pull for a few laps.  Alternate between the 2 so you don't get too bored.  

Here are a couple of video's I like on the web that demonstrate some drills you can work on. 

Balance drill (front to back)

Balance (left to right)

Also - if you can get a video of you swimming - it would be helpful.  

I sure wish fellow Manatee's lived closer...would love to go to the pool and help out in person.    




I'm pretty sure you're right on this, as I have never "worked" on anything with my swimming. I also know I drop my hips...I can feel it and have to tell myself "Butt up!" which then takes my thinking away from my stroke. Ugh.

So my homework is to watch your videos and implement some drills. And basically you're saying that I should spend as much time as I need on #1-2 til I "get it", right?

Yes, I'll be trying to get DH to video when he's back at the gym soon after two sick weeks out.

Thanks for help! And I'll let you know how it goes.

Yes - this is what I am saying.  It is ok to work the drills, and then swim a few laps.  Then do some more drills.   # 1 will probably be boring to you and seem useless, but it applies to the part I highlighted above.  Instead of thinking "butt up" - think "chest down" and that will automatically push your butt up.  #2 will probably feel like you are going to tip over to one side or another, and it may be difficult to balance at first, but it's a great drill.  I still do this one sometimes.  

When you feel as though you have mastered those - let me know and we will move to something else.  If you can, take video's of yourself doing the drills, then swimming the laps, then doing drills a week later and swimming again.  Videos will help you as sometimes it seems as though we are doing it one way in our head, but then you see the video and go "oh! "    

Good luck, and please, please keep me updated.  I can't wait until you crack the 2:00 per 100 mark!  

2013-02-03 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Here's the race report for my 5 miler today. It was a bit nippy for sure.  This is our course.

I must have missed the four mile marker.  I was waiting for it to pick up the pace, but about that time we started going back uphill, and I started reeling people back in.  Having lived in upstate NY, I'm not afraid of hills, cuz I know what real hills are.

Here are the splits for the 5.11 miles my phone gps gave me:

1 mi07:18 min/mi
2 mi07:09 min/mi
3 mi07:50 min/mi
4 mi07:48 min/mi
5 mi07:18 min/mi
5.1 mi06:00 min/mi


2013-02-03 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4606811

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
bcraht - 2013-02-03 3:41 PM

KansasMom - 2013-02-03 3:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

I don't take Mucinex and I thought the same...and it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't have see it on a hike...Embarassed

Haha! Me, too! Except I did wonder where the heck she was hiking where someone would have a pet hippo Wink (my excuse is that I was looking at it on my phone screen)

2013-02-03 11:18 PM
in reply to: #4607085

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-02-04 4:14 PM
bcraht - 2013-02-03 3:41 PM

KansasMom - 2013-02-03 3:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

I don't take Mucinex and I thought the same...and it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't have see it on a hike...Embarassed

Haha! Me, too! Except I did wonder where the heck she was hiking where someone would have a pet hippo Wink (my excuse is that I was looking at it on my phone screen)

I too saw a hippo....

2013-02-03 11:46 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
So the positives about my swimming today... DH watched 300 and said my rotation was much better and he could see my butt higher in water. Negatives? I was less than enthusiastic about starting the swim, so I spent 45 on bike first. Then I did a lazy back float for 50yds to get my mind in the right place to really work on my issues...but I think it worked.
2013-02-04 3:06 AM
in reply to: #4606109

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
StaceyK - 2013-02-03 1:12 PM

Thanks everyone for your best wishes with my race today and for the weather report Jayne. It was a balmy 86*F (30*C) at the start of our race, water temp of 77*F (25*C) so not yet at the 100*F that it has reached this afternoon, thankfully.

It went well, it was a mini sprint and I really did it to keep myself motivated to train (not that that worked last week) and to work on a few things in a race situation in the build up to doing an Oly in April.

So the race was a 250m swim, a 10km ride and a 2km run (it feels very insignificant when you look at it like that but we've all got to start somewhere I guess). I had 4 goals for the race:

  1. swim the entire distance with my face in the water (except for breathing of course).
  2. wear my bike shoes for the ride (first time in a race).
  3. do the full km run withut walking.
  4. finish in 45minutes or less.

I managed the first 3 but according to my watch my time would have been about 48 minutes which is a bit of a bummer but I can live with that.

Some things that I learnt:

  1. dont start the swim at the middle of the back of the pack, there are too many people to swim around or over. start in the middle out wide.
  2. buy a number belt so I dont have to try to put a shirt on while Im wet.
  3. get down on the drops more when riding. I need to prctice this because my shoulders were getting sore.
  4. take 30 seconds to put socks on in T2 otherwise I end up with blisters on the insteps of my feet.
  5. Oh and most importantly get to the race a bit earlier to allow for the toilet line or be prepared to do the race with your butt cheeks clamped together

All up good race and I felt good all the way through, I think I could have run faster if I had worn socks because the blisters on my feet were really sore by the time I had finished. Should have listened to the nothing new on race day advice but just looked at my watch when I was in T2 and thought if I put socks on I was not going t make my goal time.

I have 10 weeks today until the Oly that I am planning to do and after today's race I'm feeling no where near even close to being ready for it.



You did great and the race served exactly its purpose, as a "tune up" / practice run for your Oly. 10 weeks is plenty of time to prepare. You may or may not get the times you want but if you put in the work over the next 10 weeks you will definitely be ready for it.

Besides, no race ever goes as planned anyway :D it's part of the charm of this crazy adventure we call triathlon ...

2013-02-04 3:08 AM
in reply to: #4607065

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
ponderingfox - 2013-02-04 12:50 PM

Here's the race report for my 5 miler today. It was a bit nippy for sure.  This is our course.

I must have missed the four mile marker.  I was waiting for it to pick up the pace, but about that time we started going back uphill, and I started reeling people back in.  Having lived in upstate NY, I'm not afraid of hills, cuz I know what real hills are.

Here are the splits for the 5.11 miles my phone gps gave me:

1 mi07:18 min/mi
2 mi07:09 min/mi
3 mi07:50 min/mi
4 mi07:48 min/mi
5 mi07:18 min/mi
5.1 mi06:00 min/mi



Nice kick at the finish. Honestly, it looks like the race went perfectly and with going uphill and reeling folks in, the last mile was excellent as it is.

2013-02-04 6:32 AM
in reply to: #4607085

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-02-04 12:14 AM
bcraht - 2013-02-03 3:41 PM

KansasMom - 2013-02-03 3:15 PM
amd723 - 2013-02-03 4:58 PM

Just a few friends seen on a hike I did today.  ETA:  don't know what happened to the 3d pic.

Okay, at first glance I totally thought that first picture was of a hippo.  Clearly I need to lay off the Mucinex for a while. Lol

I don't take Mucinex and I thought the same...and it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't have see it on a hike...Embarassed

Haha! Me, too! Except I did wonder where the heck she was hiking where someone would have a pet hippo Wink (my excuse is that I was looking at it on my phone screen)

I saw gator and grey heron. But I know what to look for in Fl Heck, I ran into a young gator in a parking lot while riding last year. 

2013-02-04 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Congrats Stacey and Tom!!



Well I have taken 4 complete full days off and I'm going crazy!!!!!!!! But I feel much much better. Actually feel like I could run a marathon right now but I'm not going to Just going to ease back into it. Seeing my Doc this morning so hopefully he has good news for me and I'm back to training. I think I've gained 10 pounds in the last 4 days. (note to self, change eating habits when not working out )

2013-02-04 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4606109

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
StaceyK - 2013-02-03 12:12 AM

Thanks everyone for your best wishes with my race today and for the weather report Jayne. It was a balmy 86*F (30*C) at the start of our race, water temp of 77*F (25*C) so not yet at the 100*F that it has reached this afternoon, thankfully.

It went well, it was a mini sprint and I really did it to keep myself motivated to train (not that that worked last week) and to work on a few things in a race situation in the build up to doing an Oly in April.

So the race was a 250m swim, a 10km ride and a 2km run (it feels very insignificant when you look at it like that but we've all got to start somewhere I guess). I had 4 goals for the race:

  1. swim the entire distance with my face in the water (except for breathing of course).
  2. wear my bike shoes for the ride (first time in a race).
  3. do the full km run withut walking.
  4. finish in 45minutes or less.

I managed the first 3 but according to my watch my time would have been about 48 minutes which is a bit of a bummer but I can live with that.

Some things that I learnt:

  1. dont start the swim at the middle of the back of the pack, there are too many people to swim around or over. start in the middle out wide.
  2. buy a number belt so I dont have to try to put a shirt on while Im wet.
  3. get down on the drops more when riding. I need to prctice this because my shoulders were getting sore.
  4. take 30 seconds to put socks on in T2 otherwise I end up with blisters on the insteps of my feet.
  5. Oh and most importantly get to the race a bit earlier to allow for the toilet line or be prepared to do the race with your butt cheeks clamped together

All up good race and I felt good all the way through, I think I could have run faster if I had worn socks because the blisters on my feet were really sore by the time I had finished. Should have listened to the nothing new on race day advice but just looked at my watch when I was in T2 and thought if I put socks on I was not going t make my goal time.

I have 10 weeks today until the Oly that I am planning to do and after today's race I'm feeling no where near even close to being ready for it.

Great race!  Great race report too!

I'm sorry to hear that we are Blister Sisters!  blah!

10 weeks is a lot of training time.  You'll do fine with the Oly!  You are off to a great start!

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