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2010-09-30 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3126178

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

You know how as the race gets closer, sometime you doubt this aspect of training, or that part.  How you wonder what you could have done differently??? We'll, I'm kinda there.

I'm a better than average swimmer, nothing great, but better than average.  In calm conditions, a sub 15 minute 1/2 mile swim is what I usually expect.  I have really been taking this swim for granted.  I have done plenty of open water swimming, and open water racing the last few years.  Some calm conditions, ome quite choppy, wetsuit and non wetsuit and I never get rattled.

I've had a few bad times here or there, and even had the fastest split in my AG twice, BUT never felt as if I needed more swim training. 

On to my point: In the middle of my training I was doing about 5,000 yards a week.  The last month I dropped that down to about 3,000 yards a week.  Now, I'm just doing 1 open water swim of 1.5 - 2 miles a week. 

Now, my training plan hasn't been ideal for my best race, but I'm not looking for my best race.  I'm looking for the best I can do on race day with the training I have put in.  With an 11 month old, things have been pretty rough, but I've still managed to put in 15+ hours a week.

In summation, should I be swimming more in these last few weeks being that you can really gain swim strength right up to race week?

2010-09-30 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3126286

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

LSUfan4444 - 2010-09-30 2:25 PM

You know how as the race gets closer, sometime you doubt this aspect of training, or that part.  How you wonder what you could have done differently??? We'll, I'm kinda there.

I'm a better than average swimmer, nothing great, but better than average.  In calm conditions, a sub 15 minute 1/2 mile swim is what I usually expect.  I have really been taking this swim for granted.  I have done plenty of open water swimming, and open water racing the last few years.  Some calm conditions, ome quite choppy, wetsuit and non wetsuit and I never get rattled.

I've had a few bad times here or there, and even had the fastest split in my AG twice, BUT never felt as if I needed more swim training. 

On to my point: In the middle of my training I was doing about 5,000 yards a week.  The last month I dropped that down to about 3,000 yards a week.  Now, I'm just doing 1 open water swim of 1.5 - 2 miles a week. 

Now, my training plan hasn't been ideal for my best race, but I'm not looking for my best race.  I'm looking for the best I can do on race day with the training I have put in.  With an 11 month old, things have been pretty rough, but I've still managed to put in 15+ hours a week.

In summation, should I be swimming more in these last few weeks being that you can really gain swim strength right up to race week?


Personally I think you can make some gains.  I'm not a swimmer per se but I know if I swim less than 3 days a week my times fall off.  Everyone has to do the best they can with 24 hours a day and squeeze in the training as best possible.  a bigger issue might not be so much how fast you swim and how well you can do on that leg of the race but more how tired its going to leave you going into the bike and run?  Is it peasy peasey lemon squeezy for you to knock out a 4224 yards swim and come out smelling like a rose? Or is it going to tire you so much it adversely effects your bike and run? 

2010-09-30 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Final countdown! Doubt I'll get my swim in tonight so this is it.

Bummed my monthly bike totals took a hit from last month to this month partly due to final power testing and the very mini taper to Augusta. Run and swim are up so that's pretty cool. Still not stretching enough or weight/strength training at all.

September's totals:
Bike:33h 46m 53s  - 672.76 Mi
Run:18h 00m 09s  - 137.93 Mi
Swim:12h 40m 07s  - 35012 Yd
Stretching:4h 30m

August's totals:
Bike:40h 29m 10s  - 803.76 Mi
Run:16h 08m 04s  - 123.78 Mi
Swim:14h 31m 33s  - 32090 Yd
Stretching:3h 45m
2010-09-30 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My biggest month on both bike and swim. Run is plugging a long with more frequent runs trying to run 5x a week but had a flair up with knee pain so had to be wise on building volume.

September's totals:
Bike:42h 06m 10s  - 667.85 Mi
Run:13h 11m 59s  - 61.93 Mi
Swim:17h 18m 38s  - 40950 Yd
Physical Therapy:4h 55m
Walking:2h 13m
Yoga:3h 01m

August's totals:
Bike:38h 06m 20s  - 610.29 Mi
Run:10h 36m 23s  - 50.64 Mi
Swim:9h 49m 04s  - 27078 Yd
Cyclocross:2h 18m
Walking:1h 49m
Yoga:2h 17m
2010-09-30 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Well thanks to The tropical storm that is washing out the mid-Atlantic I got to enjoy my first century ever on the trainer in my living room. Watched a lot of National Geographis specials, tv shows and some movies on Netflix, that was until the Internet went out for a couple hours. Those were some dark hours in my head, demons at work for sure. But I managed to finish and ever tacked on a whopping 2 mile run to loosen up he legs a bit, and so I can call it a brick ;-). Overall I felt good but had an issue with over heating but I chalked that up to a stuffy house with no air flow and cheap fans.

Edited by gravesjo 2010-09-30 9:07 PM
2010-09-30 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Way to rock out a century on your trainer. Now you're ready for anything!

Actually I kind of enjoy riding and watching movies on the trainer. Last year I watched Kona live during a long trainer ride.

2010-09-30 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Here are the September totals. Lost a "few" days tapering for a race and then recovering from a bike accident at the same race. 2+ weeks out of the pool waiting for everything to heal up. A large majority of the bike rides this month were on the trainer.

September's totals:
Bike: 28h 18m - 476 Mi
Run: 17h 42m - 109.26 Mi
Swim: 6h 22m - 14700 Yd
Strength: 1h 30m
Massage: 6h 00m
Mountain Bike: 40m
2010-09-30 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Biggest bike month this month, but due to short taper for the aqua bike and a really tight shoulder muscle after, the run and swim are just short of last month's totals.  Still happy with the totals overall.  October should be good.  No weekend volleyball tournaments for my daughter and my son's soccer games are on Sundays, so I shouldn't have any pressure on Saturdays to get my long rides in and get some where by a certain time.  And hopefully some cooler weather is coming and staying.  At least we aren't in the 100s anymore.

September's totals:
Bike:31h 23m 56s  - 506.55 Mi
Run:20h 58m 47s  - 120.53 Mi
Swim:8h 04m 05s  - 21724 Yd
Yoga:1h 00m

August's totals:
Bike:22h 10m 42s  - 360.12 Mi
Run:21h 44m 09s  - 126.54 Mi
Swim:9h 38m 34s  - 25780.84 Yd
Yoga:4h 40m
2010-09-30 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Did a 160 mile ride this past weekend - 80 miles Saturday, 80 miles sunday. Saturday ride didn't go as well because I didn't manage my hydration and nutrition well. Managed to roll at about a 20-22mph pace for the first 50 miles. I cramped up in my calfs on the tail end of the ride and energy levels dropped off to a 16mph pace. Although I did manage to rest a bit and then did a couple miles of running. Legs felt fine until I was done, and then both quads locked up on me.

Sunday ride went much better. I managed my nutrition better, and drank more frequently. Felt strong and pulled hard for another 20-22mph pace for the first 60 miles or so. Then I just dropped off to a comfortable 19mph pace til the end.

Saturday ride rocked my confidence a little in prepping for this event. But after sunday's ride, I know as long as I take care of myself throughout the day, everything will be fine.

With a busy job, wife and two kids, I haven't been able to get in nearly as much training as most of what you are all reporting, but I'm going for quality over quantity right now. Only 4 weeks left to train! Cool
2010-09-30 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3127238

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
gravesjo - 2010-09-30 9:01 PM Well thanks to The tropical storm that is washing out the mid-Atlantic I got to enjoy my first century ever on the trainer in my living room. Watched a lot of National Geographis specials, tv shows and some movies on Netflix, that was until the Internet went out for a couple hours. Those were some dark hours in my head, demons at work for sure. But I managed to finish and ever tacked on a whopping 2 mile run to loosen up he legs a bit, and so I can call it a brick ;-). Overall I felt good but had an issue with over heating but I chalked that up to a stuffy house with no air flow and cheap fans.

Wow thats pretty way in hell I could handle that amount of time on my trainer haha
2010-09-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3127324

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
krashockey - 2010-09-30 10:57 PM
gravesjo - 2010-09-30 9:01 PM Well thanks to The tropical storm that is washing out the mid-Atlantic I got to enjoy my first century ever on the trainer in my living room. Watched a lot of National Geographis specials, tv shows and some movies on Netflix, that was until the Internet went out for a couple hours. Those were some dark hours in my head, demons at work for sure. But I managed to finish and ever tacked on a whopping 2 mile run to loosen up he legs a bit, and so I can call it a brick ;-). Overall I felt good but had an issue with over heating but I chalked that up to a stuffy house with no air flow and cheap fans.

Wow thats pretty way in hell I could handle that amount of time on my trainer haha

Me either...I have my coach move around my training so I can ride on good days outside. Weather was iffy today and going to pour tomorrow so I'm doing rides Saturday and Sunday.

For sure it builds mental toughness doing it on the trainer. A local friend now a tri coach, did IM SG and did all but 100 miles on this Computrainer and he won his it can be done.

2010-10-01 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I can't imagine doing a long ride like that on the trainer.  3 and a bit hours is as long as I have ever done.  Hoping the next two weekends stay nice outside so I don't have to learn what it is like.  I would probably head to my coaches store and do it on the computrainer instead of on my trainer in the basement.

September went okay.  Missed one long run (18 km) but managed my longer runs okay - except my legs were tired.  I was able to start swimming consistently again after having a sore back after swimming for most of July and August.  I missed both of my swims this week because I was away for work.  I have worked 49.75 hours since Monday morning right now.  Ugh.  I'm going to work from home this morning and then do my long ride today instead of tomorrow.  This will mean I will have some free time on Sunday to spend with DH which is our 2 year anniversary .

Three big weekends left then taper!  I'm particularly looking forward to the weekend of October 16/17 where I get to ride 180 km on Saturday and then bike 1 hour/run 25 km on Sunday.  Fun! 

September's totals:


28h 15m 30s  - 714.45 KM


15h 20m 15s  - 133.1 KM


7h 17m 45s  - 22200 M





August's totals:
Bike:26h 05m  - 663.7 KM
Run:17h 09m 20s  - 150.35 KM
Swim:4h 05m 30s  - 12800 M
Strength:1h 15m
2010-10-01 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

September's totals:

Bike:24h 33m 28s  - 430.35 Mi
Run:22h 39m 48s  - 150.36 Mi
Swim:7h 09m 45s  - 20200 Yd


August's totals:
Bike:25h 39m 57s  - 426.48 Mi
Run:28h 56m 06s  - 185.98 Mi
Swim:6h 53m 26s  - 19500 Yd

2h 30m

About what I expected for September.  Unfortunately for training, I always have 2 conferences in September where I lose at least part of 2 weekends, plus the travel time.  So September turned out about what I expected. 

3 weekends of 100 plus mile rides in a row, so October will hit big numbers before the taper!!

2010-10-01 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
September's totals:
Bike:30h 39m  - 578.94 Mi
Run:13h 35m 44s  - 72.64 Mi
Swim:11h 44m 01s  - 38861.84 Yd
Strength:1h 25m


I don't know how you all manage such big numbers.  I am unworthy.  Unfortunately I have a time consuming job and I like to sleep.  Run numbers are way behind.  I've had achilles tendinitis off and on for almost 2 years now and if I run a nanosecond more than I should I end up with some new problem.  I'm doing everything I can for it but there it is.  Rest has not improved it so now I just soldier forward.  I'm just not made for running!

2010-10-01 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Biggest month ever for me overall, with maxes in swimming and cycling.  I finally feel like I'm getting ready for this thing!

September's totals:
Bike:36h 06m 34s  - 619.93 Mi
Run:17h 29m 37s  - 130.06 Mi
Swim:12h 15m 21s  - 35034.05 Yd
Walking:32m 12s

2010 totals
Bike:207h 06m 28s  - 3554.98 Mi
Run:112h 21m 05s  - 850.85 Mi
Swim:87h 07m 28s  - 236745.2 Yd
2010-10-01 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I was feeling good about my numbers until I saw everyone elses....

September's totals:
Bike:34h 49m 09s  - 509.89 Mi
Run:14h 01m 22s  - 64.79 Mi
Swim:10h 01m 21s  - 27030 Yd
Strength:1h 16m
Massage:2h 00m
Powerwashing:4h 00m
Stretching:2h 30m
Walking:1h 08m

August's totals:
Bike:18h 18m 52s  - 242.83 Mi
Run:8h 59m 44s  - 44.43 Mi
Swim:9h 18m 28s  - 26406.74 Yd
Strength:1h 42m
Powerwashing:2h 00m
Stretching:1h 25m
Walking:1h 32m
Yard Work:5h 00m

2010-10-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3127887

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jldicarlo - 2010-10-01 10:18 AM I was feeling good about my numbers until I saw everyone elses....

August's totals:
Bike:18h 18m 52s  - 242.83 Mi
Run:8h 59m 44s  - 44.43 Mi
Swim:9h 18m 28s  - 26406.74 Yd
Strength:1h 42m
Powerwashing:2h 00m
Stretching:1h 25m
Walking:1h 32m
Yard Work:5h 00m

If it makes you feel better everyone is kicking my @ss on the bike numbers.
2010-10-01 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3128156

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
September's totals:
Bike:22h 53m 57s  - 401.46 Mi
Run:19h 27m 15s  - 122.12 Mi
Swim:4h 27m 27s  - 15050 Yd

I need to bike more.  saw some 1000 mile months.  WOW!
2010-10-01 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Reminder about BT t-shirts...deadline is approaching October 9th.

I finally heard back from the t-shirt company and the prices are the same as last year.  The regular shirts are $15 and the drifits are $23.50. We'll have the athlete shirts as well as the "BT SUPPORT CREW" shirts.  I'll need the money prior to ordering the shirts.  All orders need to be in by the 9th of October.  It'll take about 2 weeks to make them and I want to allow 2 weeks prior to the race to ship them out. 

My paypal account is under [email protected].  Please be sure to include you're address, shirt size, type of shirt, athlete or supporter, and bt name.
2010-10-02 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Had to move some workouts around and I felt it today!  It's just been difficult to keep the tank filled up as I go into each workout.  Good news is, I did sunday's workout friday so tomorrow I am FREE!!!  Have some free passes to waterpark, so we are going to go PLAY!!!   It will be a welcome change.  Train smart, and safe folks...we're getting close
2010-10-02 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
September's totals:
Bike:39h 17m  - 616.9 Mi
Run:15h 39m  - 72.69 Mi
Swim:5h 32m  - 17200 Yd
Strength:2h 37m

2010 totals
Bike:219h 59m  - 3234.24 Mi
Run:82h 38m 15s  - 488.46 Mi
Swim:39h 59m 44s  - 123525 Yd
Strength:23h 22m

I'm feeling pretty good about the bike and swim, but my run mileage is still too short.  Not sure why - probably because I work out by time, and I just run slow.

Did a 1/2 mary today in 2:17.  That would be fine if I could keep that pace for the whole marathon, but I know that at 13.1 miles I was ready to quit today.  Not sure four more weeks is going to change that.  I'll give it what I've got though.

tomorrow 6 hr bike followed by 1 hr brick run.

2010-10-03 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Did 100 mile ride and 3 mile run was great and legs felt fresh off the bike!

2010-10-03 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3130638

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Had an awesome workout friday. 95 miles on bike, tough wind averaged 17.5 mph at about 75% MHR.  Ran 10 miles after, and smoked it.  10 min/miles averaging about 80% MHR.
People were looking at me funny cause I was smiling so big.

Tried to run Saturday morning at 11 min/mile but only made it about 3 miles at that pace.  Legs were like jello. Turned around after 4 and walked home for a total of 8.    What's odd to me is that I know I could have run another 8 or so on Friday, at 10 min/mile.

2010-10-03 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Today I did the run for the cure and that is it   I'm taking my rest day today.  i did a walk run with one of my friends.  PB for her, PW for me .

Friday I rod 150 km and my legs were a little sore so I had to get off a few times to stretch my legs.  yesterday I rode 1 hour and ran 25 km.  Next two weekends are going to be very big for me.  I'm going to talk to my boss tomorrow about taking the next two fridays at work so that my training doesn't impact my life.  (next weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving.)
2010-10-03 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I'm happy with how my workouts went today. Feeling good about how everything is starting to come together. Now I'm cleaning house and getting ready for a busy training week. The cooler weather has been nice.
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