BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-10-10 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3144015

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-10-10 8:16 PM Hey guys!!! Thanks for the LOVE!!

I'm home. I'm good. I'm a little sad but not a ton.

It was a brutal day out there in Portland today. Lots of rain. Lots of it. (We've been dry all fall, great weather coming next week, just bad luck.) Rain has never stopped me before, though.

I had a goal today, and a plan to get there. I tend to be a very conservative marathon runner -- I go out slowly and negative split or hang on well. To be faster, I wanted to get out there faster. I had sized up goal splits compared to my splits last year (when I ran a 3:57 with my girlfriend Abbe). I could do it. I'd go out with the 3:50 pace group for 5-ish miles, and then either stick with them or pull on ahead. Running coach wanted me holding 8:30-8:45, maybe 9:00 on big hills (of which there is one HUGE one, 2-3 decent smaller ones). So I startd with 3:50 pacers. Abbe, who has been training similarly to me (but actually quite a bit faster) started with 3:45. I felt pretty good -- was pushing it, but had a few mantras I was channeling. "Be bold." (Thanks, Kim!!) "When I say no to fear, I win." (Thanks, Suzy!) "A marathon should never feel easy." (Running coach!) Around 6 miles or so, I was comfortably running beside the pacers, then pulled ahead of them a bit.

Last year I clocked something like 26.5 miles at this race and it was a huge mental mind-$#*$ for me, so this year I was not going to obsess over it. My Garmin auto-lapped my mile splits, but I only looked when I passed the mile markers, checking it against my pace band. I was 20-45 seconds ahead. Around mile 12-ish the pacers caught me again, but that was OK as I'd just hang with them. After crossing the half marathon mark, I began to feel like this was not sustainable for me. Really not sustainable. My glutes/hamstrings were screaming, and I've run enough marathons (8) to know what I had to look forward to the 2nd half. I knew in my heart of hearts that I could not sustain that pace. I took quick inventory of what this meant, what I wanted, what I'd be happy with, etc. I thought, "I could still PR. Maybe I could even negative split this -- don't give up! You have tons of endurance and crazy stamina!" But I just knew I could not keep up that pace. And I figured if I finished the race, I'd be looking at a good several weeks, up to a month, of recovery time. If I stopped, I might be able to resume training sooner, the way I want to train. I'm doing an Ironman again in June... I want to be able to train for that. I just weighed my pros/cons and felt like I did not need a substandard (for me) marathon. I did not need to suffer in the rain (with the biggest hills yet to come). I did not need another t-shirt and another medal. It wasn't my day.

I could still see the pacers!! I had walked a little to re-group and have a pep talk with myself, but then I felt like I did not want to watch them slowly get away from me. I ran/walked a little. And then I just said, "You know what? I'm done." I found a car with three sweet Seattle women in it, and they drove me back to the start area (they were heading back to see their peeps). And I was FINE. I was not sad. I felt at that second like that was the best call. Yes, I had a bit of "Failure is not an option" in me that made it hard to stop at first, and had it been my first or second marathon maybe I would have continued.

Made it to the hotel and was amazed at how sopping wet my clothes/socks/shoes were. Ugh. I showered, made some phone calls, got some coffee, and wandered back to the finish to see Abbe crush it. I knew she could.

You know what? She had a dismal (for her) day as well. She hung with the 3:45 pacers until mile 20 or so, then she really hit the wall. At mile 22 or so she saw the 3:50 pace group go by and she was soooo hoping to see me, to run with me. At mile 23 she called her husband and said, "No way, not today." She walked. She cried. She persevered. She finished in 3:59:22, two minutes slower than last year. It was miserable for her. We spent the whole drive home talking about how miserable it all was. Seeing how she ended up really solidified my decision in my brain. It was not meant to be today. I cut my losses and moved on.

I'm OK.

I was worried about being a disappointment to my kids, about teaching them that quitting is OK. They don't seem to care. So either my husband did a fabulous job of talking to them before I got home, or more likely, I am so much more to them than a race, win or lose, start or finish, succeed or not. My daughter is sick (again) with a 102 fever, poor thing. She couldn't give a rat's #$$ about a marathon right now, and I don't blame her!! I am more than a marathon.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. When I was out there running I was feeling like, "I just need to take a break. A long break." Of course now that I've stopped I don't want to. And Abbe and I spent the drive home contemplating other races. We'll see, we'll see.

Of course I felt like I had let you guys down when I knew I wouldn't be crossing timing mats anymore, but it was the best thing FOR ME today. And it's all about me, right?!

It's all good!!!!!!

You didn't let anyone down.  You're a smart girl with a lot of heart!
Sometimes I think it is harder to call it a day than to plod along when we shouldn't be out there.
My hats off to you.  Now rest up, you've got big races in your future.
Sorry about your daughter...hope she gets to feelig better soon. 

2010-10-11 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Morning Kids!!!

Tony--since we last saw each other both you and Paul grew facial hair!!!  Sounds like you had a blast.  Great pics.

Trev--Michelle needs to learn to run on her own.  A marathon will be a very lonely experience, especially when the pain hits.  Suprise her with that new fuel belt and send her on her way.  oh and remind her when it gets ugly in the marathon she will have many of the MG to cheer on her on.  Promise.  If she needs help determining calorie intake give her my email.  I can help.  It used to be a major problem for me.

John--NEVER dark brown. EVER.

Kyla--you're like a pro athlete...they pull out all the time if they know they won't podium so they can keep their bodies fresh.  You're have other goals including an IM in JUNE! After IM, I felt desperate to add a bunch of races to my calendar asap...guess what, they're all off my calendar.  Sometimes the mind or body needs a break.

To all--I have an extra room at the MGM that I am planning to let go of this week.  If you're interested let me know.  Also signing up for REV3 and making my hotel reservations.

Make it a great day!
2010-10-11 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Hey can run but you can't hide.  Yes, I actually do check in on you people.  Your doing a great job taking care of each other.

John,  That run looks awesome.  However, I'd have to really focus or I'd end up doing a face plant.

Swimming topic.  A friend of mine who is an elite coach is a huge fan of swimming with your feet tied with an old bicycle tube.  Talk about wear your azz out.  Just cut the stem out and tie loosely around both ankles.  You don't want to not be able to get out but it shouldn't fall off while swimming either.

Can't wait for LV!!!  Is anyone up for a show on Friday night?  I'm thinking Cirque ...however you spell it.

2010-10-11 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Girlfriend, I have so been there with you.  Last year when I decided to pull out of the marathon at mle 16 of the Beach 2 Battleship 140.6 I felt the exact same things you did; disappointed, embarrassed, miserable, wet, in pain, felt I let everybody down..........but it was the right decision.  Just like you I would have done more damage to my body if I'd plugged away and it just wasn't worth it.  Looking back it was the right decision and I have no regrets.  I am a firm believer in my signature line and you made the smart move.  You are a lion's roar and have nothing to prove.  GGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
2010-10-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3144446

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Thanks, Suzy. Hardly like a pro athlete, ha ha!! But I did have an element of knowing how long it takes to recover from an IM and knowing that if yesterday wasn't my day, I might want to find another day soon, and I can get back to quality training sooner if I don't trash the body. I'm pretty painfully sore today, I honestly can't imagine how I would have been if I finished, even at a slower time. Hmmmmmm. Having a chat with LL this afternoon to figure out the game plan for now...

Trevor, love how supportive you are of Michelle out there!! Really, truly sweet!! I sort-of agree with Suzy that she needs to learn to run on her own, but I also think it's awesome if spouses can run together (I'm too uptight for that, as you guys are learning!). In a race, she will have thousands of her closest friends to support her. But caloric intake does play a huge component in the management of the mental game -- so yeah, she may need to learn more how to handle that and try taking in some more. I learned that years ago when I would be in tears during a long run, ready to call my husband for a pick-up... then I'd eat a gu and I'd be singing, smiling, waving at other runners and feeling like I could conquer the world. It taught me that my brain crashes before my body does on long, slow efforts. (And also that a Gu creates too much of a spike/crash for me, so I go with either carbo pro calories or chomps at this point.
2010-10-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3144446

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
tri-chic - 2010-10-11 8:00 AM

Hey can run but you can't hide.  Yes, I actually do check in on you people.  Your doing a great job taking care of each other.

John,  That run looks awesome.  However, I'd have to really focus or I'd end up doing a face plant.

Swimming topic.  A friend of mine who is an elite coach is a huge fan of swimming with your feet tied with an old bicycle tube.  Talk about wear your azz out.  Just cut the stem out and tie loosely around both ankles.  You don't want to not be able to get out but it shouldn't fall off while swimming either.

Can't wait for LV!!!  Is anyone up for a show on Friday night?  I'm thinking Cirque ...however you spell it.

I responded to this and then the site bombed!!!!

Kelly, how are you these days? Long time, no talk.

I will be in LV on Friday later afternoon, but am Cirque'd out....seen everyone but the naked version!!! Probably time to think about what we want to be doing though.

Funny you should mention the banding of your legs.  I'm doing it tomorrow during Master's to tame the crazy right leg.

2010-10-11 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Kyla, like everyone said, this stuff happens to everyone.  You made the right choice.  Good job sticking it out as long as you did.

Kim happy anniversary!  so how was it?  the place definitely sounds great.  

Tracy sorry to hear about the dog, I hope he's feeling better.  

Saw bits and pieces of the IMK, they're all so impressive.  I still can't believe some of the pros run a sub 3 hr marathon after the bike and in the heat..  that's crazy.   Even crazier/impressive is an athlete competing with a hand bike..  can you imagine doing an entire IM using your upper body?  on that course? 
2010-10-11 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3144015

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kkcbelle - 2010-10-10 8:16 PM Hey guys!!! Thanks for the LOVE!!

I'm home. I'm good. I'm a little sad but not a ton.

It was a brutal day out there in Portland today. Lots of rain. Lots of it. (We've been dry all fall, great weather coming next week, just bad luck.) Rain has never stopped me before, though.

I had a goal today, and a plan to get there. I tend to be a very conservative marathon runner -- I go out slowly and negative split or hang on well. To be faster, I wanted to get out there faster. I had sized up goal splits compared to my splits last year (when I ran a 3:57 with my girlfriend Abbe). I could do it. I'd go out with the 3:50 pace group for 5-ish miles, and then either stick with them or pull on ahead. Running coach wanted me holding 8:30-8:45, maybe 9:00 on big hills (of which there is one HUGE one, 2-3 decent smaller ones). So I startd with 3:50 pacers. Abbe, who has been training similarly to me (but actually quite a bit faster) started with 3:45. I felt pretty good -- was pushing it, but had a few mantras I was channeling. "Be bold." (Thanks, Kim!!) "When I say no to fear, I win." (Thanks, Suzy!) "A marathon should never feel easy." (Running coach!) Around 6 miles or so, I was comfortably running beside the pacers, then pulled ahead of them a bit.

Last year I clocked something like 26.5 miles at this race and it was a huge mental mind-$#*$ for me, so this year I was not going to obsess over it. My Garmin auto-lapped my mile splits, but I only looked when I passed the mile markers, checking it against my pace band. I was 20-45 seconds ahead. Around mile 12-ish the pacers caught me again, but that was OK as I'd just hang with them. After crossing the half marathon mark, I began to feel like this was not sustainable for me. Really not sustainable. My glutes/hamstrings were screaming, and I've run enough marathons (8) to know what I had to look forward to the 2nd half. I knew in my heart of hearts that I could not sustain that pace. I took quick inventory of what this meant, what I wanted, what I'd be happy with, etc. I thought, "I could still PR. Maybe I could even negative split this -- don't give up! You have tons of endurance and crazy stamina!" But I just knew I could not keep up that pace. And I figured if I finished the race, I'd be looking at a good several weeks, up to a month, of recovery time. If I stopped, I might be able to resume training sooner, the way I want to train. I'm doing an Ironman again in June... I want to be able to train for that. I just weighed my pros/cons and felt like I did not need a substandard (for me) marathon. I did not need to suffer in the rain (with the biggest hills yet to come). I did not need another t-shirt and another medal. It wasn't my day.

I could still see the pacers!! I had walked a little to re-group and have a pep talk with myself, but then I felt like I did not want to watch them slowly get away from me. I ran/walked a little. And then I just said, "You know what? I'm done." I found a car with three sweet Seattle women in it, and they drove me back to the start area (they were heading back to see their peeps). And I was FINE. I was not sad. I felt at that second like that was the best call. Yes, I had a bit of "Failure is not an option" in me that made it hard to stop at first, and had it been my first or second marathon maybe I would have continued.

Made it to the hotel and was amazed at how sopping wet my clothes/socks/shoes were. Ugh. I showered, made some phone calls, got some coffee, and wandered back to the finish to see Abbe crush it. I knew she could.

You know what? She had a dismal (for her) day as well. She hung with the 3:45 pacers until mile 20 or so, then she really hit the wall. At mile 22 or so she saw the 3:50 pace group go by and she was soooo hoping to see me, to run with me. At mile 23 she called her husband and said, "No way, not today." She walked. She cried. She persevered. She finished in 3:59:22, two minutes slower than last year. It was miserable for her. We spent the whole drive home talking about how miserable it all was. Seeing how she ended up really solidified my decision in my brain. It was not meant to be today. I cut my losses and moved on.

I'm OK.

I was worried about being a disappointment to my kids, about teaching them that quitting is OK. They don't seem to care. So either my husband did a fabulous job of talking to them before I got home, or more likely, I am so much more to them than a race, win or lose, start or finish, succeed or not. My daughter is sick (again) with a 102 fever, poor thing. She couldn't give a rat's #$$ about a marathon right now, and I don't blame her!! I am more than a marathon.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. When I was out there running I was feeling like, "I just need to take a break. A long break." Of course now that I've stopped I don't want to. And Abbe and I spent the drive home contemplating other races. We'll see, we'll see.

Of course I felt like I had let you guys down when I knew I wouldn't be crossing timing mats anymore, but it was the best thing FOR ME today. And it's all about me, right?!

It's all good!!!!!!

Kyla, we all know how strong you are.  You have nothing to prove to us.  As others have said, sometimes the hardest thing is to do is to know when to say when.  You've run marathons before so finishing was not your goal.  You had a specific time goal and you knew you weren't going to make it.  In my book, that is not quitting.  That is reality.  It sounds like you are okay with your decision and you should be.  If you are interested, pick another race and prep for that one.  If not, give yourself some time to relax.  IM training will be here before you know it. 
2010-10-11 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3144201

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
velcromom - 2010-10-10 8:15 PM
kt65 - 2010-10-09 1:01 PM So sad about Chrissie.

But now, I am full on rooting for Mirinda Carfrae (sp?).  I love the way she runs!

Hey guys, tonight Kathy and I have reservations here:

It is Tyler Florence's new restaurant in town!  Made the reservation about 6 weeks ago.  It is our 5 year anniversary.  Not as long as lots of you guys here, but we are doing our best, and still having fun.  I don't think either of us will be doing the chicken dance tonight or climbing on top of the speakers. 

Happy Anniversary!!!   Die hard foodie here.....was it as good as the menu looks?   FYI, we ate at eVe in Berkeley last week, amazing.

Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes.  It was indeed as good as advertised...we had a little of both of what John and Suzy said they would order, and it was unbelievably good.  Rich, but good.  I love figs...the seared foie gras appetizer was to die for as well as the bacon wrapped dates.  You know you need to come back when you are digging in to the desserts and a waiter walks by with the burger and fries for another party and all 4 of us look up and salivate over it!

Tony, the cyclo cross looks really fun!  I didn't realize you have to run with the bike.  Are cross bikes different from mountain bikes?

2010-10-11 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3144446

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
tri-chic - 2010-10-11 9:00 AM

Hey can run but you can't hide.  Yes, I actually do check in on you people.  Your doing a great job taking care of each other.

John,  That run looks awesome.  However, I'd have to really focus or I'd end up doing a face plant.

Swimming topic.  A friend of mine who is an elite coach is a huge fan of swimming with your feet tied with an old bicycle tube.  Talk about wear your azz out.  Just cut the stem out and tie loosely around both ankles.  You don't want to not be able to get out but it shouldn't fall off while swimming either.

Can't wait for LV!!!  Is anyone up for a show on Friday night?  I'm thinking Cirque ...however you spell it.

we're getting in friday.  not sure what the heck we're gonna do though.  how about we hit the chicken ranch!!!!
2010-10-11 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3146164

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2010-10-11 6:30 PM
tri-chic - 2010-10-11 9:00 AM

Hey can run but you can't hide.  Yes, I actually do check in on you people.  Your doing a great job taking care of each other.

John,  That run looks awesome.  However, I'd have to really focus or I'd end up doing a face plant.

Swimming topic.  A friend of mine who is an elite coach is a huge fan of swimming with your feet tied with an old bicycle tube.  Talk about wear your azz out.  Just cut the stem out and tie loosely around both ankles.  You don't want to not be able to get out but it shouldn't fall off while swimming either.

Can't wait for LV!!!  Is anyone up for a show on Friday night?  I'm thinking Cirque ...however you spell it.

we're getting in friday.  not sure what the heck we're gonna do though.  how about we hit the chicken ranch!!!!

I'm in with that plan! Release some pre-race tension.

We are coming in friday some time as well. Knowing me, Friday night may be a wee bit of a poker night. We'd be in for a show.  Has to be Carrot Top doesn\t it?

2010-10-11 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3146060

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-10-11 7:24 PM
velcromom - 2010-10-10 8:15 PM
kt65 - 2010-10-09 1:01 PM So sad about Chrissie.

But now, I am full on rooting for Mirinda Carfrae (sp?).  I love the way she runs!

Hey guys, tonight Kathy and I have reservations here:

It is Tyler Florence's new restaurant in town!  Made the reservation about 6 weeks ago.  It is our 5 year anniversary.  Not as long as lots of you guys here, but we are doing our best, and still having fun.  I don't think either of us will be doing the chicken dance tonight or climbing on top of the speakers. 

Happy Anniversary!!!   Die hard foodie here.....was it as good as the menu looks?   FYI, we ate at eVe in Berkeley last week, amazing.

Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes.  It was indeed as good as advertised...we had a little of both of what John and Suzy said they would order, and it was unbelievably good.  Rich, but good.  I love figs...the seared foie gras appetizer was to die for as well as the bacon wrapped dates.  You know you need to come back when you are digging in to the desserts and a waiter walks by with the burger and fries for another party and all 4 of us look up and salivate over it!

Tony, the cyclo cross looks really fun!  I didn't realize you have to run with the bike.  Are cross bikes different from mountain bikes?

Cross bikes are more like road bikes, they have drop bars and road bike shifters & derailleurs.  They have canteliver brakes which are a bit simpler than road brakes since they get muddy.  You do a circuit about 2 miles or so over grass, road, dirt, mud, sand, etc.  There are obstacles on the course, the one I did had 2 separate ones, where you have to get off your bike, pick it up and carry it over the barriers then jump back on and go.  Some times there are hills you might have to run up or steps to climb where you put your bike on your shoulders to run up.

It's pretty much a zone 4/5 ride for 40ish minutes.  It's really hard and I'm not good at it but it's a lot of fun.

Womens fields are very small around here, the race I did only had 18 women in the Cat 4 race (beginner category, same as what I race)  You guys should try it out.

The other cool thing about it is how laid back they are, there is always beer, and food, and everyone seems to be having a good time, quite a few bring kids, they had a moon bounce going saturday and a playground.  Quite a different vibe from any other racing I have done.
2010-10-11 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Just need to scream, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!I love my Giants, sorry Steve, great series though! Whew, i need a pepcid AC.
2010-10-11 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3146351

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
kt65 - 2010-10-11 7:50 PM Just need to scream, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!I love my Giants, sorry Steve, great series though! Whew, i need a pepcid AC.


It's times like these I miss the Bay Area. But these are the only times, really...
2010-10-11 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3138641

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
We had our tri-club meeting in a pizza place/bar......and had frequent screaming-at-the-tv breaks!

I won some (*what?  BT blanked out the brand name of a pain-relieving lotion?  Why?*)  , which I'm gonna go bathe in now.

HUMMMM....  BABY!!!!!   Bring on Phillie!!!

Edited by velcromom 2010-10-11 10:44 PM
2010-10-12 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

I finally heard back from the REV3 RD.  They are negotiating with Bike Transport for all of their races....stay tuned.  I hope IM doesn't have some crazy non compete with them.  Would like to go this route.

2010-10-12 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Hi gang!  Nothing really to say but good morning.  I hope everyone has a great day!
2010-10-12 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Well I finally got caught up on the new thread. My darned computer has been acting up for several days now. The mouse keeps locking up. Guess I might have to break down and get a new one.

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Barry welcome back.

Sugar  Sorry about Hobbs. I’m sure he’ll be OK and stay away from his drugs.

Linda: Sorry to hear about Connors accident. Hope he’ll be OK.He's obviously a tough little guy.

Doug. Great pic. Wish I was ther.e I’d love to do some hiking in those hills

Kyla: Sorry it wasn’t your day but you made a hard, difficult decision and will be the better for it.

Crap missed the whole Kona thingy. Had people over all day for thanksgiving dinner. Guess I.ll have to catch it on TV.


Kim Happy Anniversary

Sam congrats on the PR. Sometimes that is the way it goes. You’re relaxed, don’t even think about it and bang there it is.

Sam: Awesome moves on the dance.

Tony nice pics. Did you have to take the wheels off to get through the blue tunnel behind you.

2010-10-12 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!

Morning All!

Suzy-  I'm doing ok.  Heels are still tender from the kids race two weeks ago but I'm ready to start working out again starting today.  That should have been yesterday but I was a slacker.

Kayla- Sorry about the race but you made the right decision.

John-  NO!

I'll research what's in LV as far as shows go and get back with everyone.  Is the race on Sat or Sun?

2010-10-12 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3146672

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
tri-chic - 2010-10-12 7:52 AM

Morning All!

Suzy-  I'm doing ok.  Heels are still tender from the kids race two weeks ago but I'm ready to start working out again starting today.  That should have been yesterday but I was a slacker.

Kayla- Sorry about the race but you made the right decision.

John-  NO!

I'll research what's in LV as far as shows go and get back with everyone.  Is the race on Sat or Sun?


I also think we should start planning dinner....I was perusing Opentable yesterday and some of the restaurants are already full for early seating that day.  Need a rough count.
2010-10-12 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3146727

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
SSMinnow - 2010-10-12 9:12 AM
tri-chic - 2010-10-12 7:52 AM

Morning All!

Suzy-  I'm doing ok.  Heels are still tender from the kids race two weeks ago but I'm ready to start working out again starting today.  That should have been yesterday but I was a slacker.

Kayla- Sorry about the race but you made the right decision.

John-  NO!

I'll research what's in LV as far as shows go and get back with everyone.  Is the race on Sat or Sun?


I also think we should start planning dinner....I was perusing Opentable yesterday and some of the restaurants are already full for early seating that day.  Need a rough count.

we're in for dinner.  the national finals rodeo is that weekend so its gonna be busy.

2010-10-12 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
CAUTION......Training question ahead!!!!!!!!

I am a little ( or maybe a lot) confused about the direction I need to head over the course of the winter.  I am volunteering next month at IMFL to sign up for next years race.  Trying to figure out what direction to take to be ready to start IM training next june.

My running is my main concern, and I was going to train for a feb marathon so that I would be really RUN focused over the winter, but I have been steered away from that as it would jeopardize my other two sports.  I have been looking at some of the End. Nation stuff which suggests work on the bike and the run, and that makes sense.

I am thinking that Jorges winter cycling plan would be similar intensity as the EN cycling????and free from BT.  Work on increasing my long run each week and mix in some intensity and intervals during the week (which I have never done)????  Maybe swim once or twice a week????

Any advice from you seasoned Ironmen and Ironwomen?

2010-10-12 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3146771

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Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2010-10-12 9:22 AM CAUTION......Training question ahead!!!!!!!!

I am a little ( or maybe a lot) confused about the direction I need to head over the course of the winter.  I am volunteering next month at IMFL to sign up for next years race.  Trying to figure out what direction to take to be ready to start IM training next june.

My running is my main concern, and I was going to train for a feb marathon so that I would be really RUN focused over the winter, but I have been steered away from that as it would jeopardize my other two sports.  I have been looking at some of the End. Nation stuff which suggests work on the bike and the run, and that makes sense.

I am thinking that Jorges winter cycling plan would be similar intensity as the EN cycling????and free from BT.  Work on increasing my long run each week and mix in some intensity and intervals during the week (which I have never done)????  Maybe swim once or twice a week????

Any advice from you seasoned Ironmen and Ironwomen?

Barry,  no training answer. 
But IMFL related....Gulf Coast in May is a must!  
Also, chek out the bike course...I hear it's different this year. 
2010-10-12 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
2010-10-12 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3138641

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun Mentor Group II- CLOSED FOR BUSINESS!!!
Serious training question.....

Linda, and anyone else out there that's putting in huge run miles - how do you do it and stay injury free?  Was it a really slow ramp-up, a natural talent( reallly?  I'm not kidding!) or is there a trick I'm missing somewhere.   I'm sore every day, and I know my mileage isn't where it should be.
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