BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed. Rss Feed  
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2014-04-20 5:19 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

I did a slight variation on Week 12's long ride today:

20' w/u with pick-ups

45' @ 80%

45' @ 85%

45' @ 80%

30' @ 85%

15' @ 90%

10' c/d (well, 7....because I got back to the car after 7 minutes)

The weather was absolutely perfect (I suppose I could have asked for a bit less wind or maybe in a different direction, but whatever....temps were awesome, blue sky) and my legs performed just as I asked them to.  It's one of those rides where everything feels like it comes together almost effortlessly.  Now let's hope that's the kind of ride I get in my race in two weeks!

2014-04-22 8:16 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!

Hello all.  I think I'm one of the last few to finish off the final round testing.  I came down with a cold last week and then Easter Weekend delayed testing even further.

I wanted to get a few rides in before the final 20' minute test, so I'll likely be testing on Thursday or Friday.

I ran across a blog by a local Ontario pro and training with power for his build-up to Texas 70.3.  Interesting results considering he focused mainly on the sweet spot and very little training above threshold. 

He must have done something right as he had the 5th fastest bike split.


2014-04-23 7:55 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
Scott - You're not alone, I've been trying to work my next set of testing into my plan in a place where I feel comfortable not changing things too much.

Nicole - Glad that ride went so well. It's a great feeling when everything comes together!
2014-04-23 9:48 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ---- Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Scott71

Hello all.  I think I'm one of the last few to finish off the final round testing.  I came down with a cold last week and then Easter Weekend delayed testing even further.

I wanted to get a few rides in before the final 20' minute test, so I'll likely be testing on Thursday or Friday.

I ran across a blog by a local Ontario pro and training with power for his build-up to Texas 70.3.  Interesting results considering he focused mainly on the sweet spot and very little training above threshold. 

He must have done something right as he had the 5th fastest bike split.


I really enjoy his blog. It will be interesting to see how he develops.

I think he is self coached but not 100% sure. While he says he did not do much over threshold, he does question if that was wise.
He also talks about hitting a plateau.

If you do the same thing over and over, at one point it becomes less effective.

I wonder what he would have achieved if he did a few months with some high intensity then moved to his current mix.

2014-04-25 7:12 AM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

When did this group become SBR Utopia???

Any way, I'm still working at it.  Did wk 9 sweetspot WO last night.  Phew, the 2*30 were mentally loooong! The 10' interval at the end was actually a nice change.  Garage was 83* at the start and I sweated a few buckets.  TSS was 131, NP 195.

2014-04-25 7:16 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Donto

When did this group become SBR Utopia???

Any way, I'm still working at it.  Did wk 9 sweetspot WO last night.  Phew, the 2*30 were mentally loooong! The 10' interval at the end was actually a nice change.  Garage was 83* at the start and I sweated a few buckets.  TSS was 131, NP 195.

Not sure how that happened. A few people here are in the other group.

Good job keeping at it. I am doing 2 trainer rides per week but have to admit, it's getting tough.
But my local climbing spot is still snow covered.

2014-04-25 8:48 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

I promise it wasn't me...

Earlier this week I was able to set some new power personal bests.  11" at 1023 watts, 15" at 1001w, and 20" at 961w.  

2014-04-29 6:47 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Re-tested tonight. I had to do a modified version with both the 5 min and 20 min tests in the same workout so I wouldn't mess up my other workouts for the week.

5 Watt increase in CP, up to 240.
I'm happy with the results, the 20 interval was tough and I know I could have given it a little more if I could have split the tests up but sticking them together I did the best I could. It was a struggle to keep from fading in the last 5 minutes.

The previous test results were 283/247, tonight was 299/255.
2014-04-29 7:03 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by cdkayak

Re-tested tonight. I had to do a modified version with both the 5 min and 20 min tests in the same workout so I wouldn't mess up my other workouts for the week.

5 Watt increase in CP, up to 240.
I'm happy with the results, the 20 interval was tough and I know I could have given it a little more if I could have split the tests up but sticking them together I did the best I could. It was a struggle to keep from fading in the last 5 minutes.

The previous test results were 283/247, tonight was 299/255.

Excellent results.

What is interesting is the Hunter protocol says to do 5', then the 20 and take 95% of the 20'.
It matches the result you got

Nice improvement !!

Edited by marcag 2014-04-29 7:04 PM
2014-04-30 7:50 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Jason N

I promise it wasn't me...

Earlier this week I was able to set some new power personal bests.  11" at 1023 watts, 15" at 1001w, and 20" at 961w.  

Jason - Those are some impressive numbers!
2014-04-30 7:54 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Marc - I was hoping to do the test in the same format as the two previous test to get a better representation of changes but I'll take this one. Considering how the last couple of weeks of workout felt at my prior FTP I am not looking forward to the future! they are going to hurt.

2014-04-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I found you guys!

I still haven't managed my 12 week test (got derailed by travel, illness, and then my first triathlon of the season).

HOWEVER, on my sprint tri on Saturday I increased my bike by 1 mph on the same course as last year, which did not negatively impact my run (run was actually a bit fater as well) and finished first in my age group!!!

Now I have about 12 pages of posts to catch up on, but wanted to say, again, THANK YOU. Can't wait for my races in June which have much better bike courses for me.

2014-04-30 12:42 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke

HOWEVER, on my sprint tri on Saturday I increased my bike by 1 mph on the same course as last year, which did not negatively impact my run (run was actually a bit fater as well) and finished first in my age group!!!

Podium !!! Woohoooo !!!!

Keep the results coming in


2014-04-30 4:25 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by RunningJoke HOWEVER, on my sprint tri on Saturday I increased my bike by 1 mph on the same course as last year, which did not negatively impact my run (run was actually a bit fater as well) and finished first in my age group!!!
Podium Winning !!! Woohoooo !!!! Keep the results coming in Congratulations.


2014-04-30 4:32 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Congratulations on the WIN!!
2014-05-01 9:57 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

After a few weeks of procrastination, I finally did the 20 minute test last night. 

I started out the first few minutes at my 20 minute power from the prior test and gradually built throughout.  It felt like a solid effort and so I think the results are accurate.

HR rose to 182 bpm, which is 6 beats higher than for my prior 20 minute test.

Ended up with an average of 255 watts, which is 10 watts above the prior test, and an overall CP of 247 watts (also a 10 watt increase from the prior tests).

  • First Test: 5 min @ 246 watts, 20 min @ 235 watts = CP of 231 watts
  • Second Test: 5 min @ 270 watts, 20 min @ 245 watts = CP of 237 watts
  • Third Test: 5 min @ 280 watts, 20 mint @ 255 watts = CP of 247 watts

It was 3 weeks between the 5 minute and the 20 minute tests, so I don't know if that will skew the results at all (even if it does, I am not doing the 5 minute test again ). 
Very pleased with the results.  An overall increase of 16 watts since the start of the group, and I expect that it is actually closer to 20 watts as I don't believe I paced my first 5 minute test properly.

Marc/Shane - again, a big thank you for putting this group together.  I will continue to use variations of the Week 8 to 12 workouts as I get ready for my first tri in June.

Marc - you were going to give us details of the charity.  Let me know where/how I can donate.

Good luck to everyone as race season begins.


Edited by Scott71 2014-05-01 10:01 AM


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WK16-20MIN.JPG (108KB - 15 downloads)

2014-05-01 10:03 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Scott - Nice job on the increase!

Here is what I had regarding the charity from one of Marc's earlier posts.

Originally posted by marcag

We are going to ask members, IF THEY WISH, to make a donation to the WBR: World Bike Relief. I will provide more details on this a little later on.

2014-05-01 11:05 AM
in reply to: cdkayak

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by cdkayak

Scott - Nice job on the increase!

Here is what I had regarding the charity from one of Marc's earlier posts.

Originally posted by marcag

We are going to ask members, IF THEY WISH, to make a donation to the WBR: World Bike Relief. I will provide more details on this a little later on.

Yes yes yes. I am sorry I delayed so long giving details. I was waiting for one of their "campaigns" to make it easy. Here it is :-)

It starts today for 30 days.

Thanks for reminding me !!
2014-05-01 2:51 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by cdkayak Scott - Nice job on the increase! Here is what I had regarding the charity from one of Marc's earlier posts.
Originally posted by marcag We are going to ask members, IF THEY WISH, to make a donation to the WBR: World Bike Relief. I will provide more details on this a little later on.
Yes yes yes. I am sorry I delayed so long giving details. I was waiting for one of their "campaigns" to make it easy. Here it is :-) starts today for 30 days. Thanks for reminding me !!

Done.  Thanks again Marc and Shane for hosting such a helpful group.

2014-05-01 3:34 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
OK, I finallly got my 20 min test done yesterday. I did it outside, though, so I think it was a little lower than it could have been (had to watch for traffic, deal with slight up and downhills, and then I actually ran out of highway and had to do a u-turn!)

Still, I averaged 172 watts, which gives me a new CP of 161. That's up from 144 when the group started in January, and where I was stuck for all of 2013, (Or, a move from 2.7 W/kg to 3.03 W/kg). And that was enough to move me from 4th to 1st in my AG on Saturday. Even more than that, I feel like I understand my training so much better than I did before this group, and that has extended to the run as well.

I really can't thank you guys enough. Looking forward to a great summer.

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2014-05-01 3:39 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by cdkayak Scott - Nice job on the increase! Here is what I had regarding the charity from one of Marc's earlier posts.
Originally posted by marcag We are going to ask members, IF THEY WISH, to make a donation to the WBR: World Bike Relief. I will provide more details on this a little later on.
Yes yes yes. I am sorry I delayed so long giving details. I was waiting for one of their "campaigns" to make it easy. Here it is :-) starts today for 30 days. Thanks for reminding me !!

Done.  Thanks again Marc and Shane for hosting such a helpful group.

Marc, I went to the site to donate, is there a team or a fundraiser under your name? Or do I just donate?

2014-05-01 4:32 PM
in reply to: RunningJoke

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by RunningJoke
Marc, I went to the site to donate, is there a team or a fundraiser under your name? Or do I just donate?

No, I didn't set up a group name or my name.

Thanks for donating. It's a great cause.
2014-05-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Marc, great cause and happy to contribute.  Thanks to you and Shane for putting this together. My year may not have started out the way I'd hoped but I learned a great deal from this group. Looking forward to continuing to apply that knowledge and using the tools you've shared (just getting everything set up and learning how to use GC was terrific) Thanks again!


2014-05-04 7:00 PM
in reply to: kcarroll

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Raced today, and I guess training with power has helped. I forgot to turn on my bike computer before I left to swim, then it couldn't find satellites for about 3 miles or so. Once it picked up, I got 54 miles of data. Average 259 watts at 22.8 mph. I really wanted to average 23 mph, and I probably could have pushed it, but my quads were pretty busted up by the time I hit the run anyhow.

Finished in 4:47. Got 2nd AG too. I ran a 1:28:12 open HM three weeks ago, and was hoping to run in the 1:32-1:33 range, but I did have some cramping in my right quad just to the left above the knee, and that slowed me down a bit. and hit 1:35:00 on the nose. I am pretty sure I negative split once I got my legs under me. Considering my last FTP test, I was at 300, which put me at 86% FTP for the ride, so I guess I'll be satisfied with my run.

Again, this mentor group has taught me a ton, and its really paying off. Next step is to get a professional fit, and see if I can drop about 10 pounds. I am still hovering at about 175, and really should be racing at 165. Not sure if I can hit my goal weight by IMMT, but I am hoping I can. That, and I should probably learn to swim now. My swim split was in the 39 min range =/
2014-05-04 11:21 PM
in reply to: ImSore

Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
I did my first tri race ever today. The Texasman Sprint. First things first, I had a blast and will be doing more. Official results have not been posted yet but I finished in 1:44 and had a PR on my 5K of 34:37. Yes that's slow but I'll be 42 tomorrow, never ran in my life and only started running July 1, 2013. Now for the bike, as far as I'm concerned the bike training paid off huge. I used all of the training, mostly kept the power in check, kept the heart rate in check, passed people (even some people on those fancy tri bikes) and felt really good off the bike.

16.18 miles
18.1 MPH Average
Average power: 184W
NP = 207
IF = .928

Thanks to Marc and Shane plus others that answered questions along the way. I really felt like the best prepped noob in the field.

Congrats to everyone on the awesome improvements and wins!!!

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