BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work) Rss Feed  
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2014-03-05 8:42 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm, so Chris and Janyne, are you guys paying members?

I think there are certain features one should expect if you are paying. Other than that, I guess BT doesn't really owe us much. 

But I guess that brings me to the question that you guys were likely alluding to. How does BT fit into our lives and what, eh, void does it fill? And that's going to be pretty individual with lots of crossover.


First and foremost I use it as a training log. It's easy to go back and look and it tracks my monthly/yearly volume. I don't need much more than that. I don't upload from a device or anything (waaay out of my expertise heh) Second is the mentor forum, where I am able to ask questions. I only default to the mentor forum for this because I often get ignored in TT (and still do in the mentor forums occasionally     ) And there is the relationship part that Chris touched on and I think that's not only a nice bonus but also really helpful when it comes to answering eachothers questions and sharing our experiences. 

This stuff, to me, all seems to work moderately well. I think the biggest thing I feel is lacking is engagement. I think more people need to contribute in order for the site to be successful and I am not sure why that doesn't happen. 

When the "what's wrong with BT" thread went around, I saw that a lot of people said they only used the mentor forums, inspires (didn't even know what those really were) and logging - not TT.  At the time, I'd spent a lot of time in TT and not the mentor fora and didn't get it.  After being in this group and SBR Utopia for a bit, plus a couple others (shout out to all of ya'!), I now get what they were talking about.

I still try to go on TT and add when I have something to add (other than, "x37 on the above" or such).  Just don't do it quite as much as before.

I also find that I have a lot less time to surf BT and Strava than I used to.  It's still a compulsion, though, so I'm not dropping off any time soon (sorry to inform you!).  I do like that there are so many like minded (while still very different) athletes here and on Strava, so it feels like the community that is tough to find in person locally (logistics for meet ups are much tougher than a scan of BT/Strava!).

So, I'm not on as much, might well decrease a bit more over the next few months as work (hopefully) ramps back up, but I'll likely not leave either site.  

It has nothing to do with the adds or any of that stuff.  I like seeing what people I've come to e-know have to say, and that's worth it to me.  I'm probably NOT what Ron wants on the site exclusively, cuz I don't pay!    But, I do like the community (and I'm sure he wants/needs that).

OK, did I just have a point?  Not sure…  

I mainly use the training log and this Mentoring group. I used to surf around in TT a bit, but never really felt that I had much to contribute and my husband commented a few months back about throwing my ipad away so I generally dont log in when he is home. Also at present logging my training (the little I do) and keeping up with you guys is all I can manage to fit in. Even doing just that I am late for work nearly every day, but I have almost a compulsion to check in on the Manatees at Breakfast each morning even though I know it will make me late
I think most of us go through the same cycle. Join BT, learn a little from the TT forum. Get to know who is who, join a mentor group and drift way from TT. I have consciously tried to add to the TT forum without being too snarky, but there are times it is challenging.While I am a real nerd, techy, tri-geek, I really enjoy this group. I have learned a lot. Bless my heart!It will be unfortunate if the TT regresses. I am hopeful people will prevent that from happening. A few features could go a long way in making the forum that much better.BTW, other forums have seen some decline as well. I think FB has diluted the value of the forums, yet is not able to provide all the value the forums can.
Hey Hon, are you still in Clermont ?

2014-03-05 8:49 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm, so Chris and Janyne, are you guys paying members?


I think there are certain features one should expect if you are paying. Other than that, I guess BT doesn't really owe us much.

Agreed.  Now to fix the Garmin issues... ;-)

2014-03-05 8:51 AM
in reply to: kgore

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by kgore

Hey everyone--My MARATHON TRAINING STARTS THIS WEEK!!!! (tomorrow actually...) This should be fun (?

On another note, my shoulder was beginning to feel normal yesterday--with little to no pain no matter which way I moved my arm. ---AND THEN---Last night when I was moving my arm/turning over in bed, I heard and felt a 'pop'...and it hurts like CRAZY again! Lateral raising of the arm= no problem; front raising of the arm= MAJOR pain!!! Oddly enough, I feel pain if I press any point along my collar bone--I told Clint, that had I hit or smashed that area recently, I would think I had a broken collarbone, but I haven't. So I iced again tonight, and hopefully the pain will dissipate eventually.

In other news....I have a phone interview with Dallas Zoo on Monday.   in other words, this sh*t got real! I might actually acquire a new zoo job! I might have to move to a new state! I might work with Komodos and Tuataras and Hellbenders, and dang-near every type of Cobra known to man!!! WOW. Am slightly amped up right now.

Enjoy the marathon training!

Take care of that shoulder.

We'll be sending positive thoughts about you towards the Dallas Zoo all day Monday!

2014-03-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: kgore

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by kgore

Hey everyone--My MARATHON TRAINING STARTS THIS WEEK!!!! (tomorrow actually...) This should be fun (?

On another note, my shoulder was beginning to feel normal yesterday--with little to no pain no matter which way I moved my arm. ---AND THEN---Last night when I was moving my arm/turning over in bed, I heard and felt a 'pop'...and it hurts like CRAZY again! Lateral raising of the arm= no problem; front raising of the arm= MAJOR pain!!! Oddly enough, I feel pain if I press any point along my collar bone--I told Clint, that had I hit or smashed that area recently, I would think I had a broken collarbone, but I haven't. So I iced again tonight, and hopefully the pain will dissipate eventually.

In other news....I have a phone interview with Dallas Zoo on Monday.   in other words, this sh*t got real! I might actually acquire a new zoo job! I might have to move to a new state! I might work with Komodos and Tuataras and Hellbenders, and dang-near every type of Cobra known to man!!! WOW. Am slightly amped up right now.

What is up with your shoulder?!?!  That sounds scary.  Hopefully it recovers again and stays good.  Great zoo news, that is so cool!  Every time you mention Hellbenders I have to think of wine - Red Newt winery in NY has a Hellbender variety.

2014-03-05 9:00 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm, so Chris and Janyne, are you guys paying members?

I think there are certain features one should expect if you are paying. Other than that, I guess BT doesn't really owe us much. 

But I guess that brings me to the question that you guys were likely alluding to. How does BT fit into our lives and what, eh, void does it fill? And that's going to be pretty individual with lots of crossover.


First and foremost I use it as a training log. It's easy to go back and look and it tracks my monthly/yearly volume. I don't need much more than that. I don't upload from a device or anything (waaay out of my expertise heh) Second is the mentor forum, where I am able to ask questions. I only default to the mentor forum for this because I often get ignored in TT (and still do in the mentor forums occasionally     ) And there is the relationship part that Chris touched on and I think that's not only a nice bonus but also really helpful when it comes to answering eachothers questions and sharing our experiences. 

This stuff, to me, all seems to work moderately well. I think the biggest thing I feel is lacking is engagement. I think more people need to contribute in order for the site to be successful and I am not sure why that doesn't happen. 

When the "what's wrong with BT" thread went around, I saw that a lot of people said they only used the mentor forums, inspires (didn't even know what those really were) and logging - not TT.  At the time, I'd spent a lot of time in TT and not the mentor fora and didn't get it.  After being in this group and SBR Utopia for a bit, plus a couple others (shout out to all of ya'!), I now get what they were talking about.

I still try to go on TT and add when I have something to add (other than, "x37 on the above" or such).  Just don't do it quite as much as before.

I also find that I have a lot less time to surf BT and Strava than I used to.  It's still a compulsion, though, so I'm not dropping off any time soon (sorry to inform you!).  I do like that there are so many like minded (while still very different) athletes here and on Strava, so it feels like the community that is tough to find in person locally (logistics for meet ups are much tougher than a scan of BT/Strava!).

So, I'm not on as much, might well decrease a bit more over the next few months as work (hopefully) ramps back up, but I'll likely not leave either site.  

It has nothing to do with the adds or any of that stuff.  I like seeing what people I've come to e-know have to say, and that's worth it to me.  I'm probably NOT what Ron wants on the site exclusively, cuz I don't pay!    But, I do like the community (and I'm sure he wants/needs that).

OK, did I just have a point?  Not sure…  

I mainly use the training log and this Mentoring group. I used to surf around in TT a bit, but never really felt that I had much to contribute and my husband commented a few months back about throwing my ipad away so I generally dont log in when he is home. Also at present logging my training (the little I do) and keeping up with you guys is all I can manage to fit in. Even doing just that I am late for work nearly every day, but I have almost a compulsion to check in on the Manatees at Breakfast each morning even though I know it will make me late
I think most of us go through the same cycle. Join BT, learn a little from the TT forum. Get to know who is who, join a mentor group and drift way from TT. I have consciously tried to add to the TT forum without being too snarky, but there are times it is challenging. While I am a real nerd, techy, tri-geek, I really enjoy this group. I have learned a lot. Bless my heart! It will be unfortunate if the TT regresses. I am hopeful people will prevent that from happening. A few features could go a long way in making the forum that much better. BTW, other forums have seen some decline as well. I think FB has diluted the value of the forums, yet is not able to provide all the value the forums can.

True that.  I have been on a dog forum for ages -- 20 years?  It's an email list actually and I got on it when my first dog was sick and I needed advice.  I actually blame Gmail and the way it threads things as much as I blame Facebook.  The forum was really good back in the Pine days.

2014-03-05 9:01 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by kgore

Hey everyone--My MARATHON TRAINING STARTS THIS WEEK!!!! (tomorrow actually...) This should be fun (?

On another note, my shoulder was beginning to feel normal yesterday--with little to no pain no matter which way I moved my arm. ---AND THEN---Last night when I was moving my arm/turning over in bed, I heard and felt a 'pop'...and it hurts like CRAZY again! Lateral raising of the arm= no problem; front raising of the arm= MAJOR pain!!! Oddly enough, I feel pain if I press any point along my collar bone--I told Clint, that had I hit or smashed that area recently, I would think I had a broken collarbone, but I haven't. So I iced again tonight, and hopefully the pain will dissipate eventually.

In other news....I have a phone interview with Dallas Zoo on Monday.   in other words, this sh*t got real! I might actually acquire a new zoo job! I might have to move to a new state! I might work with Komodos and Tuataras and Hellbenders, and dang-near every type of Cobra known to man!!! WOW. Am slightly amped up right now.

What is up with your shoulder?!?!  That sounds scary.  Hopefully it recovers again and stays good.  Great zoo news, that is so cool!  Every time you mention Hellbenders I have to think of wine - Red Newt winery in NY has a Hellbender variety.

The question is, will Yanti need to avert her eyes?

2014-03-05 9:30 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by amd723
Hey Hon, are you still in Clermont ?

No, I am back at the North Pole :-(
2014-03-05 10:01 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by kgore

Hey everyone--My MARATHON TRAINING STARTS THIS WEEK!!!! (tomorrow actually...) This should be fun (?

On another note, my shoulder was beginning to feel normal yesterday--with little to no pain no matter which way I moved my arm. ---AND THEN---Last night when I was moving my arm/turning over in bed, I heard and felt a 'pop'...and it hurts like CRAZY again! Lateral raising of the arm= no problem; front raising of the arm= MAJOR pain!!! Oddly enough, I feel pain if I press any point along my collar bone--I told Clint, that had I hit or smashed that area recently, I would think I had a broken collarbone, but I haven't. So I iced again tonight, and hopefully the pain will dissipate eventually.

In other news....I have a phone interview with Dallas Zoo on Monday.   in other words, this sh*t got real! I might actually acquire a new zoo job! I might have to move to a new state! I might work with Komodos and Tuataras and Hellbenders, and dang-near every type of Cobra known to man!!! WOW. Am slightly amped up right now.

What is up with your shoulder?!?!  That sounds scary.  Hopefully it recovers again and stays good.  Great zoo news, that is so cool!  Every time you mention Hellbenders I have to think of wine - Red Newt winery in NY has a Hellbender variety.

The question is, will Yanti need to avert her eyes?

Nah, they're salamanders, not geckos.  I am not a wine drinker, but I REALLY want a bottle of that stuff!!! 

2014-03-05 11:20 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm, so Chris and Janyne, are you guys paying members?


I think there are certain features one should expect if you are paying. Other than that, I guess BT doesn't really owe us much.

Agreed.  Now to fix the Garmin issues... ;-)

Now that IS frustrating. Same with Jen.  I would probably stop paying until it was a product I wanted to pay for.


2014-03-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

2014-03-05 12:57 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

2014-03-05 1:04 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

2014-03-05 1:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

As for looking back, doesn't that work with it logged here on BT?




2014-03-05 1:11 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

As for looking back, doesn't that work with it logged here on BT?

For me it's faster/easier in Gcal. Plus I have pre-BT stuff there. 

Also, if need be, I can export it from Google in a standard format that other calendar apps understand.  If I export in BT, I can import it to... nothing.

2014-03-05 1:13 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

As for looking back, doesn't that work with it logged here on BT?

For me it's faster/easier in Gcal. Plus I have pre-BT stuff there. 

Also, if need be, I can export it from Google in a standard format that other calendar apps understand.  If I export in BT, I can import it to... nothing.

What would be an example of a reason you would need to export old workout data? Just curious.

I am not a data person (when it comes to training) so this is very fascinating. 

Edited by Asalzwed 2014-03-05 1:13 PM
2014-03-05 1:20 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

As for looking back, doesn't that work with it logged here on BT?

For me it's faster/easier in Gcal. Plus I have pre-BT stuff there. 

Also, if need be, I can export it from Google in a standard format that other calendar apps understand.  If I export in BT, I can import it to... nothing.

What would be an example of a reason you would need to export old workout data? Just curious.

I am not a data person (when it comes to training) so this is very fascinating. 

Basically if I left BT or BT went under.

2014-03-05 1:22 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

As for looking back, doesn't that work with it logged here on BT?

For me it's faster/easier in Gcal. Plus I have pre-BT stuff there. 

Also, if need be, I can export it from Google in a standard format that other calendar apps understand.  If I export in BT, I can import it to... nothing.

What would be an example of a reason you would need to export old workout data? Just curious.

I am not a data person (when it comes to training) so this is very fascinating. 

Basically if I left BT or BT went under.

Or, thinking more positively for the few folks that work at BT, if Yahoo buys them (since Yahoo buys companies and then shuts them down).  Then Ron would be rich and we'd have 60 days to get our stuff out of here and into another training log.

2014-03-05 1:27 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Heh heh. For the marathon I've got a printout of key workouts I should execute. 2 per week. It sits next to my desk.

Then I run. And log what I actually do here on BT. It's quite low tech.

The calendar thing is good for me because I can easily look back at it.  After I'd been using that method for a long time, Kevin asked if he could see it so he knows what the heck I'm up to so I shared the calendar with him.  I mean, I tell him and it's on the menu (because I can't make dinner and run/ride/swim at the same time, at least not very well) but, well, you know. 

And yes, I get what you are saying with what you actually did is more important than what you thought that you were going to do but 95+% of the time, mine are the same so, same difference. 

After last night's misfire (which actually happens frequently), I'm going to have to employ a similar tactic.  I had plans to ride on the trainer last night but when I came upstairs from putting a load of wash in the washer, I noticed E had already started supper, something that doesn't take long and doesn't heat up well - pancakes.  That's what I get for informing him yesterday was National Pancake Day.  So instead I settled for only doing my hammy exercises and sulked/fretted/whateveryouwanttocallit about not riding.  Had he known I wanted to ride for an hour he could've waited to make pancakes.

2014-03-05 1:33 PM
in reply to: melbo55

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Mmmmmmm pancakes!

Yeah, I don't think I'd be too sad if I lost any data.

2014-03-05 1:35 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

And to update this with my response: I tried importing a .csv and it appeared to work yet I couldn't find it on my calendar.  Not sure if this is a paid vs. free issue.  So I've decided to make good ol' fashioned paper copies a la Salty but also put it in Evernote so I can access it if I don't have the paper with me. 

2014-03-05 1:36 PM
in reply to: melbo55

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

And to update this with my response: I tried importing a .csv and it appeared to work yet I couldn't find it on my calendar.  Not sure if this is a paid vs. free issue.  So I've decided to make good ol' fashioned paper copies a la Salty but also put it in Evernote so I can access it if I don't have the paper with me. 

Yessss, so old timey  

2014-03-05 1:37 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Mmmmmmm pancakes!

Yeah, I don't think I'd be too sad if I lost any data.

Yeah, they were good, which helped soothe the sting of no riding.

2014-03-05 1:38 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

And to update this with my response: I tried importing a .csv and it appeared to work yet I couldn't find it on my calendar.  Not sure if this is a paid vs. free issue.  So I've decided to make good ol' fashioned paper copies a la Salty but also put it in Evernote so I can access it if I don't have the paper with me. 

Yessss, so old timey  

Perhaps I should write it by dipping a quill into an ink bottle and writing on parchment paper...

2014-03-05 1:49 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

And to update this with my response: I tried importing a .csv and it appeared to work yet I couldn't find it on my calendar.  Not sure if this is a paid vs. free issue.  So I've decided to make good ol' fashioned paper copies a la Salty but also put it in Evernote so I can access it if I don't have the paper with me. 

Yessss, so old timey  

Perhaps I should write it by dipping a quill into an ink bottle and writing on parchment paper...


Now we're talkin'

2014-03-05 1:50 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

With all of this talk about where BT could use some improvement, I kind of lost sight of Melanie's original question.  I've been talking to her backchannel but it's not like this will clog up the list so here goes.

  • I update my training plan in BT every other week, which is how often I get a new training block.  I do this via a CSV file that I update in Excel.  In the past, this was handy because you could see your upcoming workouts from your training log.  In thinking about it, now the only practical purpose this serves if the Planned versus Actual report.  (Note to self: Perhaps I should stop doing this?)
  • Since way before BT, I have added my planned training to Google calendar.  I created a sub calendar for this purpose and I just do this as "all day" events but it's become a really useful reference for me if I want to see what recovery week looked like after my last marathon or whatever.  This is what I would recommend doing.

How do you organize your training plan?

I have a Google Work sheet that has each month as a tab. Each month is built in advance according to objectives, such as running focus in Jan and Feb. I can pull up BTCal and my spreadsheet and compare if need be. I like the Google Cal Idea, which you could tie into reminders via email as well. How much time do you spend on that each week roughly? I may have to fire that up as soon as I get the next block of training figured out after next week's relay. My Google worksheet also has this year's race possibilities on it, and then they move to the calendar when I get more serious or register or whatever.  For example, Rev3 Oly is on there for November, but I'm not positive on it yet. And there is some color coordination in there to indicate the type of workout, ie easy run, interval ride, etc.

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