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2010-10-21 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3163808

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Daffodil - 2010-10-20 8:52 PM
KathyG - 2010-10-20 8:22 PM
Socks - 2010-10-20 1:41 PM

phatknot - 2010-10-20 8:26 AM Nice new bike!

Had another IM nightmare last night. Reading the Athlete guide this morning and watching the mass swim start videos on youtube has me a bit jacked up:

watch this:

kathyG: I'm guessing that I will be #1353. Was 1244 last year at IMAZ.

All I know is everything is freaking me out now and hearing about bad ankles etc is not helping me chill haha

OMG I think I saw myself on that video!!! I don't even rememebr seingthe camera!! I'm the big smiling face white cap at the end!!

Look for Sue at 57" on that video!

That is awesome.  I watched this at lunch and thought that it was awesome that there was a girl surrounding by all those guys

And I was getting the CRAP kicked out of me I might add....but at least I was having a good time apparently

2010-10-21 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3164171

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I was starting to have my usual spiral down into the depths of IM anxiety this morning and replayed that clip to see SOCKS smile and I think I have had a change in attitude. If she can get the carp kicked out of her, smile, and enjoy it, I can enjoy my day!

But darn I should not have gotten that pedicure yesterday! Didn't even think that could be the thing to take me out of IMFL 8)

Time to resume my stupid piddly final workouts praying that my body doesn't give out now.
2010-10-21 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3164111

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

paranoia is definitely kicking in.  I've been finding it hard to stay focused at work.  I keep finding myself making list of gear, nutrition, etc.  Now I wake up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head.  Hoping i can get this stopped/knocked out soon.

A friend of mine rented a wetsuit.  Here's an email she sent yesterday with some coupon codes if interested...

Don't know if any of you are still in need of a wetsuit for your last race(s) of the season. I rented one from this site a few months ago  and ended up buying the westuit from them, because it turned out to be a pretty good deal.    In the case that you still need a wetsuit, here are some coupon codes that are good until October 31st.

OCTNLFS              = free shipping on wetsuit sales
OCTNL40CRED   = $40 rental credit + $12 shipping credit valid toward wetsuit sales

Stay safe out there!

2010-10-21 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3164190

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Actually I have 4 wetsuits and would cut anyone a freakin deal for a male XL or L full sleeve if they need one. They are just sitting here as backups to backups.
2010-10-21 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3164188

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

phatknot - 2010-10-21 7:35 AM I was starting to have my usual spiral down into the depths of IM anxiety this morning and replayed that clip to see SOCKS smile and I think I have had a change in attitude. If she can get the carp kicked out of her, smile, and enjoy it, I can enjoy my day!

But darn I should not have gotten that pedicure yesterday! Didn't even think that could be the thing to take me out of IMFL 8)

Time to resume my stupid piddly final workouts praying that my body doesn't give out now.

LOL glad to help

I actually am having little to no IM anxiety.  I just have a LOT of other extremely big stressors in my life right now and on top of trying to get thru the grind of my day to day life and having a bit of a cold  its something fun and exciting to look forward to not something to be stressed out over.  I will do my very best on race day which, in the grander scheme of triathlon is pretty slow, but its a triumph for me and thats all there is to it!

I'm not a fan of pedicures.  Hate them actually. It kind of grosses me out.  I will do my own toes thankyouverymuch. I'm ridiculously conservative about where I bike on a day to day basis.  I've had achilles tendinitis for nearly 2 years now off and on so that is what it is.  I'm thankful I only have it on one side and not both sides anymore !!!  I have a cold but I'm gaining on it and it WILL be gone by race day so whatever.  Looking forward to doing some hunting and gathering for race stuff this weekend.  I wasted a large part of the morning watching ironman videos on YouTube

2010-10-21 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I'm like Sue, calm & excited. Training is mostly done, fitness is there, now it is all about getting to starting line healthy and execute the best I can on race day with fitness I have. The grind is almost done and the reward of my hard work will soon be here.

I'm doing lots of preparing,  list updating, I have two boxes of stuff to bring, figuring out the little minutea of racing I enjoy like finding perfect container to carry my Lava Salts or how to organize my stuff in T1 and T2 bags.

Weather here in MA makes workouts challenging to fit in especially long bikes. I move things around each week to try and take advantage of a warmer day to ride long.

IM weekend is regional HS soccer tournament first two rounds. Our daughter Shasha is a started and leading girl scorer on the team so she'll miss the games and is okay with that.

2010-10-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I think I'm a mix of all of the above.  Calm and excited at times, nervous at times, paranoid about certain things at times, etc.  I have a list in my "notes" on my phone and every time I think about something, I type it in so I don't forget.  It's hard to believe that it is so close now.  Won't be long until we are standing on the beach waiting for that gun to go off!
2010-10-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I don't post much on here... but I have to say I deft. take some comfort in  reading posts about making lists at work, anxiety of the swim start etc! I was really excited about doing IM FL from last November but it seems this month  I have been starting to doubt myself and feel overwhelmed with work, family etc and trying to figure out special needs bags! But I keep telling myself how lucky and fortunate  I am to even be able to train for ironman and getting to this point!
2010-10-21 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I know I'm ready.  I'm not getting paranoid.  I'm more ANNOYED that since I had so little time after I got back I'm still settling several large pieces of gear...namely the bike and the wetsuit.  That crap should have been done months ago.  But, I didn't have that option.  So here I am, almost two weeks out, still making changes to bike and wetsuit.

I haven't even thought about packing yet.  Maybe after my last "longer" ride this weekend I will be able to start setting stuff aside.
2010-10-21 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Is it too early to start obsessively checking the weather???

Intellicast has it in the 83/84 range most of the next ten days until Halloween weekend when it drops to highs of 77.  I would much rather have 77!

Historic high/low and records:
Nov 649°74°28° (1976)85° (1975)0.14"NA

I mean, if it hasn't peaked over 85 in 35 years....that's good, right?

Edited to add: The average highs for THIS week are in the upper 70' they are sitting a good 6-7 degrees above normal.  FREAKING COOL OFF ALREADY!

Edited by jldicarlo 2010-10-21 9:05 AM
2010-10-21 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I have another dumb question.  The athlete guide says the bike course closes at that later than last year?

2010-10-21 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3164547

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

jldicarlo - 2010-10-21 10:07 AM I have another dumb question.  The athlete guide says the bike course closes at that later than last year?

I don't think so...................Also on the obesessively checking whatever brings you peace, but I tend to not worry or obsess over stuff I can't control   All I can do is be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. 

2010-10-21 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3164547

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jldicarlo - 2010-10-21 9:07 AM I have another dumb question.  The athlete guide says the bike course closes at that later than last year?

I noticed that, too.  I do think it was 5:15 last year because of the sun setting.  Maybe it is different this year because daylight savings is the night of the race.  Who knows.

And you aren't the only one who is starting to watch the weather.  On my last two long bike rides, we started as soon as it got light outside.  Temps were in the mid 50s.  I had on my tri outfit and arm warmers and was freezing at the start.  I need to watch the temps for race day because if it's going to be in the 50s when I get out of the water, I may decide to swim in a swim suit under my wetsuit and change in T1 to a DRY tri outfit to start the bike.  If it's warmer, I'll just swim in my tri suit.  Decisions, decisions......   
2010-10-21 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3164547

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jldicarlo - 2010-10-21 10:07 AM I have another dumb question.  The athlete guide says the bike course closes at that later than last year?

It has been 5:15 in past years due to safety on bike course and day light.

Depends if IM day is before or after change to/from day light savings time. This year will be different than last year and change is night after IM.

Did you notice all the time cut offs now? One on loop 1 of swim, 2 on bike before T2 and 2 on the run before midnight.
2010-10-21 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3164579

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
KathyG - 2010-10-21 9:17 AM
jldicarlo - 2010-10-21 10:07 AM I have another dumb question.  The athlete guide says the bike course closes at that later than last year?

It has been 5:15 in past years due to safety on bike course and day light.

Depends if IM day is before or after change to/from day light savings time. This year will be different than last year and change is night after IM.

Did you notice all the time cut offs now? One on loop 1 of swim, 2 on bike before T2 and 2 on the run before midnight.

But if this race is always on a Saturday then it will NEVER be before the will always be the night after.  Daylight savings time always always always changes early on Sunday morning.  I mean, it USED to change in October...but it's been doing that since 2007 so I don't understand why this year would be so different than last year.  Do sunrise and sunset times vary that much by year???

Okay, after I typed all that I did some more research.  The only years the bike cutoff will be really early are when the race is on the 7th of November.  Because DST starts on the first Sunday in November...which was 1 Nov for last year's 7 Nov race.  So the sunrise and set were an hour earlier last year.  The 5:15 cutoff was really pushing it since end of civil twilight was something like 5:17.  It must have been pretty darn dark.  I don't remember...I was in the change tent.   But if the race is ANY other day, then DST will end after it.  It really shouldn't be an issue though...I mean, the bike cutoff is the same at all IM's...and all the other IM's have more hills to slow you down.  FL should in theory be the easiest bike cutoff to make.

2010 6 Nov SR/SS:
7:01 / 5:52

2009 7 Nov SR/SS:
6:02 / 4:51

So we will literally be starting at sunrise.  And the first 11 hours of the race will be during daylight.  My new goal is one lap of the run course before the sun sets.   I don't think I will quite make it.  But it will be close.
2010-10-21 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Ooooooooooooooh....wish I hadn't seen this. will give you a 15 day forecast...

First four days of November:

Looks like 1 Nov a high of 65!!!!  But then it heats back up to 75 over the next few days...bummer.

Yeah, I realize it's 15 days out...and it's accuweather which is rarely accurate.  But it's FUN!

2010-10-21 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I look at weather underground to see what averages are for November 6th.

One of the positives about IMFL is weather is more consistent than any other US IM...low around 50 and high around 75...for me that is perfect racing weather.

It will be chilly early on the bike so I have disposable arm warmers, either a gallon ziplock to put down my tri top to use to keep me warm or a throw away vest. I dislike being cold on the bike and being chilled often effects me for long time.

Run I have bolero shrug to put on at SN and another throw away vest and super light weight jacket and stretchy cheap gloves to keep me warm.

We all can worry about weather, when bib numbers will be posted, and try to stay or get healthy and avoid any weird little injuries....then we can all post what we hope our finish times will stuff!
2010-10-21 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
For those of you who have friends and family attending, the 2010 spectator Guide is now posted.
I look forward to seeing all of you at the finish line!
2010-10-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3164848

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

It will be chilly early on the bike so I have disposable arm warmers, either a gallon ziplock to put down my tri top to use to keep me warm or a throw away vest. I dislike being cold on the bike and being chilled often effects me for long time.

It should feel warm to you on the bike!  It will be much warmer than Massachusetts!

Plus I think we will all warm up having to pedal our way up the false flat to the north.  It isn't like it's chilling downhill early on.  Though it will be somewhat shaded on Front Beach due to the buildings.  So that part will be chilly.  I really don't want to bring armwarmers unless I have to but I was thinking about sacrificing an old pair of socks to the cause...
2010-10-21 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I am actually enjoying the strange race dreams I am now starting to have.  Most recent was the Gulf had receded, so most people were walking/wading the swim portion.  In my dream I was trying to swim but just using my arms along the bottom to pull me along.  As it gets closer I will have dreams where my transition is all messed up before the race or I have forgotten something.  Gotta love my mind ...
2010-10-21 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3164877

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
cjkelly0729 - 2010-10-21 11:52 AMI am actually enjoying the strange race dreams I am now starting to have.  Most recent was the Gulf had receded, so most people were walking/wading the swim portion.  In my dream I was trying to swim but just using my arms along the bottom to pull me along.  As it gets closer I will have dreams where my transition is all messed up before the race or I have forgotten something.  Gotta love my mind ...
Very close to my dreams. I've been dreaming about doing the events out of order and forgetting my bike when I leave transition for the bike portion. Thankfully these things won't happen. I'm sure other weird dreams are lurking around the corner.

2010-10-21 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Liverpool, England
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
So what are the evening temps likely to be then?

Even if it drops into the 60's it's still going to be warm for us folks that are now getting cool temps.

I will bring warmer stuff along just in case and then see what it's like over the days before the race. I'm not expecting to use stuff, but you never know.

My cold is just about on the way out. It really hit hard at the beginning of the week. I couldn't have done any training even if I had wanted to. Not going to risk doing anything just yet although I might try a light turbo session tomorrow and then see how I get on. I'd like to get out at the weekend for a ride and a run, but I'll see how tomorrow goes and also see what the weather is up to.
2010-10-21 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3165036

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jaro0606 - 2010-10-21 12:41 PM So what are the evening temps likely to be then? Even if it drops into the 60's it's still going to be warm for us folks that are now getting cool temps. I will bring warmer stuff along just in case and then see what it's like over the days before the race. I'm not expecting to use stuff, but you never know. My cold is just about on the way out. It really hit hard at the beginning of the week. I couldn't have done any training even if I had wanted to. Not going to risk doing anything just yet although I might try a light turbo session tomorrow and then see how I get on. I'd like to get out at the weekend for a ride and a run, but I'll see how tomorrow goes and also see what the weather is up to.

Hope you get over your cold.

It will likely be in the 50s at race start as it was in upper 40s one year I was there and later in the evening towards midnight it might get back into the 50s.

I need to get off the computer and actually get something done.

I upgraded my wko+ and migrated files to new version 3.0 and have been playing around with and racing with power rocks!
2010-10-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3164913

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
in my dream the other night all of my bags had been messed up...

t2 bag was given to me in t1 so no bike shoes (but i did have a helmet??)
my t1 bag was at the bike special needs drop

i ended up biking in my running shoes to special needs...putting my bike shoes on...tied my running shoes together and biked the second 56miles with them dangling around my neck.  I woke up bf i hit t2.

New wetsuit should show up today.  Gonna try and get out for a swim in it this weekend.
2010-10-21 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3165304

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I'm just trying to stay positive....I've been battling IT band issues caused by weak hips for a month and a half now.  I have been going to the chiropractor and the PT multiple times a week. Along with doing the roller, stretching and hip strength exercises.  I am going to get a cortisone shot on monday before I leave so hopefully that gets me through at least the first 15-20 miles of the run. 

Luckily I dont have any issues on the swim or bike due to the IT band.  I have no doubt I can run a decent marathon if my IT band stays at bay.  It may be a 15 mile run with a hobble to the finish.

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