General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-05-14 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4208808

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
On the bright side, it's a balmy 87 degrees in Boise today!

2012-05-14 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4208938

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
geauxtri - 2012-05-14 11:32 AM
popsracer - 2012-05-14 9:55 AM

geauxtri - 2012-05-14 6:57 AM
gvey - 2012-05-14 1:39 AM
PeteDin206 - 2012-05-13 10:05 PMIf you are ok with "climbing" in a 23, you should be fine. As others have mentioned Boise isn't a huge climbing course, but more long slow climbs. Below is an approximate map of the course. You can click elevation on the bottom to see a profile of the course. It doesn't seem to have too many steep climbs, but a few longer slight uphills. I haven't ridden the course, but I don't think I'll have any issues with the climbs in a 25, if I even get into that gear.
Iwouldn't put too much faith in that elevation chart. I've raced it twice and I guarantee that the climbs are greater than 3%. After the descent off the reservoir, the climb out is probably closer to 6% (I'm guessing, but it's probably close) for at least a mile, and the second climb is similar, if not longer.

Oh well... I've got what I've got, so I'll just suck it up and deal   Fortunately, I AM used to climbing long and hard.  Perhaps I'll get out for a few more canyon rides in before heading north. 
Last year I stressed and worried about the climb on Chaulk Hill for Vineman 70.3.  I kept chugging up wondering when I'd hit the steep section.  Then there was a guy w/ a cowbell yelling I was there, I thought he was lying.  Everyone talks about that climb, and now I still can't help but wonder, what climb?

I had the pleasure of Chaulk Hill twice last summer and I think it is actually steeper than either of the Boise climbs.  When I raced Boise in 2009, the Birds of Prey climb was the one everyone talked about and the other two were kind of intermediate climbs.  Now that Birds of Prey is no longer part of the course these two get all the fear.  I think the potential wind is going to be a bigger factor in how difficult the ride will be.

YES!!!  THANK YOU!!!!  That is EXACTLY what I want/needed to hear    I just may be able to pull off my goal time now    THANKS AGAIN!!!

As long as the wind doesn't affect the swim (I'm paranoid of water) I'm okay with it.  "Mr Wind is my Friend"

The wind did affect the swim when I was there.  Wind picked up and water was rough.  Also broke one of the corner turn buoys loose.  Me and many others followed it off path until rescue workers yelled at us to head for the next intermediate buoys.  

2012-05-14 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4209496

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2012-05-14 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4209562

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
gvey - 2012-05-14 5:48 PM
popsracer - 2012-05-14 5:57 PM
geauxtri - 2012-05-14 11:32 AM
popsracer - 2012-05-14 9:55 AM


I had the pleasure of Chaulk Hill twice last summer and I think it is actually steeper than either of the Boise climbs.  When I raced Boise in 2009, the Birds of Prey climb was the one everyone talked about and the other two were kind of intermediate climbs.  Now that Birds of Prey is no longer part of the course these two get all the fear.  I think the potential wind is going to be a bigger factor in how difficult the ride will be.

YES!!!  THANK YOU!!!!  That is EXACTLY what I want/needed to hear    I just may be able to pull off my goal time now    THANKS AGAIN!!!

As long as the wind doesn't affect the swim (I'm paranoid of water) I'm okay with it.  "Mr Wind is my Friend"

The wind did affect the swim when I was there.  Wind picked up and water was rough.  Also broke one of the corner turn buoys loose.  Me and many others followed it off path until rescue workers yelled at us to head for the next intermediate buoys.  

I did the same thing. That's my excuse for why my swim sucked so bad that year. Oh, and the whitecaps.

*lalalalala* (fingers in ears, hands over eyes)

okay, THIS is an example of what I DO NOT want to know!!!
White caps and chop over a foot and I will bail and sit on the side w/ a bucket of Popeye's Fried chicken (do they still do the meal in a bucket???)

2012-05-14 9:42 PM
in reply to: #4206220

Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
rbhancock1 - 2012-05-12 11:00 AM

Thanks, pops.

Pretty good pro field coming:  Tim O'Donnell, Linsey Corbin, Heather Jackson, Magali Tisseyre, Matt Lieto.  Among many others.


What? Three of the hottest pro girls in the field...I may have to shave before the race.

2012-05-15 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3940536

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

So the shuttle tickets are on sale. Sucks though unless I have read that athletes have to pay for the shuttle too. I thought when looking over the past years, that athletes didn't have to pay for that.  

Anyways who knows the water temp down there right now?  I was out in low 50s water on Friday and will be swimming at Lake CDA next week.  Should be a cold adventure there but oh well.

2012-05-15 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4210968

Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
spie34 - 2012-05-15 10:56 AM

So the shuttle tickets are on sale. Sucks though unless I have read that athletes have to pay for the shuttle too. I thought when looking over the past years, that athletes didn't have to pay for that.  

Anyways who knows the water temp down there right now?  I was out in low 50s water on Friday and will be swimming at Lake CDA next week.  Should be a cold adventure there but oh well.


Yeah, I plan on just running to the start from my hotel as a warm-up...

2012-05-15 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4211256

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
JasenGuy - 2012-05-15 12:41 PM
spie34 - 2012-05-15 10:56 AM

So the shuttle tickets are on sale. Sucks though unless I have read that athletes have to pay for the shuttle too. I thought when looking over the past years, that athletes didn't have to pay for that.  

Anyways who knows the water temp down there right now?  I was out in low 50s water on Friday and will be swimming at Lake CDA next week.  Should be a cold adventure there but oh well.


Yeah, I plan on just running to the start from my hotel as a warm-up...

While wearing your wetsuit...

2012-05-15 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I was trying to figure out some details on logistics for race day. Because this is a point to point race, I'm assuming it will be best to pack light when heading out to the start. Do they provide a bag for everything in T1 and will they transport a transition bag back to the T2/Finish area for you? I'm assuming you get some sort of plastic bag and they won't bring my transition bag back for me.

For you past Boise finishers, how does that all work?
2012-05-15 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4211363

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-15 1:19 PM I was trying to figure out some details on logistics for race day. Because this is a point to point race, I'm assuming it will be best to pack light when heading out to the start. Do they provide a bag for everything in T1 and will they transport a transition bag back to the T2/Finish area for you? I'm assuming you get some sort of plastic bag and they won't bring my transition bag back for me. For you past Boise finishers, how does that all work?

The athletes guide when available will spell out in detail but I'll give it a shot.  You will receive two plastic bags at check-in which will either have a sticker or you'll write your number on.  The first bag is for items you wish to discard before the swim.  There will be a truck there that you hand your bag to a volunteer who will throw it in the truck.  Second bag is for all your swim gear that you will leave with your bike prior to start.  Everything including wetsuit needs to be in that bag which you will just leave next to bike rack.

After the race, there will be a location near the finish to retrieve your bags.

2012-05-16 5:13 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Anyone else see a problem with this confirmation for shuttle tickets?

Thank you for purchasing shuttle bus tickets for the Ironman 70.3 Boise on June 13, 2009.

Tickets will be available for pick-up in the Race Office located on the Qwest Arena floor June 11th from 3:00pm-7:00pm and June 12th from 9:00am-8:00pm. You may also pick up your tickets at the race office on June 13th in Qwest Arena from 8:00am-10:30 am.

 I guess the shuttle tickets I bought are for 2009.  Time to get out the time machine and get on the bus. 



2012-05-16 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I saw that and just figured I'd find them somewhere at check in.
2012-05-16 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4211363

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-15 1:19 PM I was trying to figure out some details on logistics for race day. Because this is a point to point race, I'm assuming it will be best to pack light when heading out to the start. Do they provide a bag for everything in T1 and will they transport a transition bag back to the T2/Finish area for you? I'm assuming you get some sort of plastic bag and they won't bring my transition bag back for me. For you past Boise finishers, how does that all work?

From last years guide.  Now what do they do for the color blind?

Gear Bags
You will receive the following gear bags at athlete
• Green Morning Clothes Bag - for items you wear
to the race start and for items needed after you
• Blue Bike Gear Bag - for items needed during the
bike segment of the race.
• Red Run Gear Bag - for items needed during the
run segment of the race.
2012-05-16 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4209562

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
gvey - 2012-05-14 5:48 PM
popsracer - 2012-05-14 5:57 PM
geauxtri - 2012-05-14 11:32 AM
popsracer - 2012-05-14 9:55 AM

geauxtri - 2012-05-14 6:57 AM
gvey - 2012-05-14 1:39 AM
PeteDin206 - 2012-05-13 10:05 PMIf you are ok with "climbing" in a 23, you should be fine. As others have mentioned Boise isn't a huge climbing course, but more long slow climbs. Below is an approximate map of the course. You can click elevation on the bottom to see a profile of the course. It doesn't seem to have too many steep climbs, but a few longer slight uphills. I haven't ridden the course, but I don't think I'll have any issues with the climbs in a 25, if I even get into that gear.
Iwouldn't put too much faith in that elevation chart. I've raced it twice and I guarantee that the climbs are greater than 3%. After the descent off the reservoir, the climb out is probably closer to 6% (I'm guessing, but it's probably close) for at least a mile, and the second climb is similar, if not longer.

Oh well... I've got what I've got, so I'll just suck it up and deal   Fortunately, I AM used to climbing long and hard.  Perhaps I'll get out for a few more canyon rides in before heading north. 
Last year I stressed and worried about the climb on Chaulk Hill for Vineman 70.3.  I kept chugging up wondering when I'd hit the steep section.  Then there was a guy w/ a cowbell yelling I was there, I thought he was lying.  Everyone talks about that climb, and now I still can't help but wonder, what climb?

I had the pleasure of Chaulk Hill twice last summer and I think it is actually steeper than either of the Boise climbs.  When I raced Boise in 2009, the Birds of Prey climb was the one everyone talked about and the other two were kind of intermediate climbs.  Now that Birds of Prey is no longer part of the course these two get all the fear.  I think the potential wind is going to be a bigger factor in how difficult the ride will be.

YES!!!  THANK YOU!!!!  That is EXACTLY what I want/needed to hear    I just may be able to pull off my goal time now    THANKS AGAIN!!!

As long as the wind doesn't affect the swim (I'm paranoid of water) I'm okay with it.  "Mr Wind is my Friend"

The wind did affect the swim when I was there.  Wind picked up and water was rough.  Also broke one of the corner turn buoys loose.  Me and many others followed it off path until rescue workers yelled at us to head for the next intermediate buoys.  

I did the same thing. That's my excuse for why my swim sucked so bad that year. Oh, and the whitecaps.


It actually was pretty bad. My swim was almost 5 minutes faster last year than 2009's. I was a swimmer before and so my swim shape doesn't change too much. I think it was mostly because of the wind.

2012-05-16 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3940536

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Hey all,

This is my first 70.3 and as it's only a few weeks away my nerves are increasing daily. 

I was reading some past blogs about the race and found reference to "clean transitions" meaning all your stuff has to stay in the bag hanging from your bike.  Is this correct that you don't get to lay out your transition site?  If so what are some tips or tricks to make this more smooth?

Also I've only done short distances before that don't have bike aid stations.  How do these work?  Are they similar to run water stations, volunteers handing you cups?




2012-05-16 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3940536

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Also are you allowed to use balloons to help identify your bike location?


I found this website,,I would love if the reservoir was warming up to 59, but I'm guessing this may not be to accurate.


-Kat 1142

2012-05-16 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4213836

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
katpopovich - 2012-05-16 5:19 PM

Also are you allowed to use balloons to help identify your bike location?


I found this website,,I would love if the reservoir was warming up to 59, but I'm guessing this may not be to accurate.


-Kat 1142

Given how warm it's been lately and how dry and warm of a winter it was, I wouldn't doubt if it's up to 60 for race day.  But I'll be sure not to hold my breath either
2012-05-16 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Given that it was 47 degrees a little over a week ago and they have been dumping a huge amount of water from the upper reservoirs to Lucky Peak and into the Boise River from Lucky Peak, I'm guessing it hasn't changed too much. Maybe into the low 50's right now if we are lucky.

The guys at the Kokanee forum (link below) have been pretty good about posting updates, so hopefully they will post something soon.
2012-05-16 11:19 PM
in reply to: #4213763

Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
katpopovich - 2012-05-16 3:19 PM

Hey all,

This is my first 70.3 and as it's only a few weeks away my nerves are increasing daily. 

I was reading some past blogs about the race and found reference to "clean transitions" meaning all your stuff has to stay in the bag hanging from your bike.  Is this correct that you don't get to lay out your transition site?  If so what are some tips or tricks to make this more smooth?

Also I've only done short distances before that don't have bike aid stations.  How do these work?  Are they similar to run water stations, volunteers handing you cups?




The bike aid stations will hand up bottles, not cups. 

For transitions, its actually pretty easy.  Just think about what you really need. You only get what will fit in the bags, so you are somewhat limited.  If you just put in what you really need, you'll be fine.

2012-05-16 11:40 PM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
So it sounds like the temp over the weekend was between 51 and 54 at the surface near the damn. This was in the morning according to their post.

We might be lucky and get a 60 degree swim!!!
2012-05-17 12:24 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Okay... here's an odd one... but I'll throw it out there just in case.

My roommate just backed out of the race tonight.


If there's a single female (or even two) that is still figuring out hotel rooms, I've got a Dble Queen booked at the Hampton near the finish line/Park for $114 a night.  It's non-refundable, so I'm committed and unable to jump into another room.  But at this point I'm not sure my husband can get off of work to come with the kids, so if anyone wants to split it, I'm open to doing so.  (Parking is an additional $10 per night)

2012-05-17 12:59 AM
in reply to: #4214230

Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
geauxtri - 2012-05-16 10:24 PM

Okay... here's an odd one... but I'll throw it out there just in case.

My roommate just backed out of the race tonight.


If there's a single female (or even two) that is still figuring out hotel rooms, I've got a Dble Queen booked at the Hampton near the finish line/Park for $114 a night.  It's non-refundable, so I'm committed and unable to jump into another room.  But at this point I'm not sure my husband can get off of work to come with the kids, so if anyone wants to split it, I'm open to doing so.  (Parking is an additional $10 per night)

For some reason, I always thought you were a male so when read the bolded sentence I thought Holy Cow, until I got to the husband part.  Just thought it was kind of funny.

2012-05-17 2:00 AM
in reply to: #4213763

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2012-05-17 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4214244

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
popsracer - 2012-05-16 10:59 PM

geauxtri - 2012-05-16 10:24 PM

Okay... here's an odd one... but I'll throw it out there just in case.

My roommate just backed out of the race tonight.


If there's a single female (or even two) that is still figuring out hotel rooms, I've got a Dble Queen booked at the Hampton near the finish line/Park for $114 a night.  It's non-refundable, so I'm committed and unable to jump into another room.  But at this point I'm not sure my husband can get off of work to come with the kids, so if anyone wants to split it, I'm open to doing so.  (Parking is an additional $10 per night)

For some reason, I always thought you were a male so when read the bolded sentence I thought Holy Cow, until I got to the husband part.  Just thought it was kind of funny.

2012-05-17 8:31 AM
in reply to: #4214419

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
PeteDin206 - 2012-05-17 6:35 AM
popsracer - 2012-05-16 10:59 PM
geauxtri - 2012-05-16 10:24 PM

Okay... here's an odd one... but I'll throw it out there just in case.

My roommate just backed out of the race tonight.


If there's a single female (or even two) that is still figuring out hotel rooms, I've got a Dble Queen booked at the Hampton near the finish line/Park for $114 a night.  It's non-refundable, so I'm committed and unable to jump into another room.  But at this point I'm not sure my husband can get off of work to come with the kids, so if anyone wants to split it, I'm open to doing so.  (Parking is an additional $10 per night)

For some reason, I always thought you were a male so when read the bolded sentence I thought Holy Cow, until I got to the husband part.  Just thought it was kind of funny.


lol... I do tend to wear the pants in the family more often than not

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