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2018-02-02 3:13 PM
in reply to: Homebush

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Homebush

Good morning everyone! I am newish to BeginnerTriathlete, but not really to Triathlon.

Name: Heide Bush

Story: I began doing triathlons in 2014 at the suggestion of my therapist. I have been widowed for 5 years, and in 2014 I was struggling with depression and anxiety. I love to swim, and am okay at biking, but suck at running. He thought it would be a good idea for me to have some activity in my life.

I am looking forward to being part of this group.


Welcome Heide:

It sounds like you're off to a solid start in 2018! Half marathon on Sunday! Nice.

There is a good community here so let us know how we can help.



2018-02-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?
Hey Scott:

I feel like I've finally got some base fitness in the pool. So now I think I can start working on stamina and a bit of speed. Hopefully you have a couple of ideas.

Right now, I hit the VASA on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Swim in the pool on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sundays I'll often add a shorter VASA workout right before I jump on my bike trainer for a modified brick.

Today, at the pool I was fairly comfortable putting in 2,000 yards. I was a bit fatigued from the start as I did a reasonably hard 1 X 1500 meter set last night on my Vasa.

Since I've been focused on base fitness I've really been doing longer, stead- paced intervals. So, after a warm up I did 3 X 500 with a full recovery between each rep and one 200 kick set with fins All three 500's were at the same pace...8:38, 8:39. 8:38. I finished with a cool down using a pull buoy focused on technique for the balance of the 2000 yard workout.

I'm about 7 weeks out from my first Oly race. Any suggestions you can offer for modifying my pool work outs will be greatly appreciated.

2018-02-02 7:18 PM
in reply to: Homebush

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Homebush

Good morning everyone! I am newish to BeginnerTriathlete, but not really to Triathlon.

Name: Heide Bush

Story: I began doing triathlons in 2014 at the suggestion of my therapist. I have been widowed for 5 years, and in 2014 I was struggling with depression and anxiety. I love to swim, and am okay at biking, but suck at running. He thought it would be a good idea for me to have some activity in my life.

I did my first sprint distance tri on 1/5/14 and out of 89 people, I finished 88th. But I finished

I have since done a couple dozen sprint tri's and 2 olympic tri's.

Family Status: I have 4 kids, ages 28, 23, 17 and 16. The younger 3 still live at home. My 17 year old is a cyclist and for the 4th year will be participating in a 4 day 630 mile ride from Sacramento CA to Orange County CA in May to raise money for fallen law enforcement officers (my husband was a cop who died from duty related illness).

Current training: I just started an Olympic 2x balanced workout through BT.

2018 Goal: I am participating in my first half marathon this Sunday (Surf City). My goal is complete in less than 3 hours. I know that sounds like a lot of time, but I haven't trained the way I should. I also signed up for an Olympic in May in UT and I want to podium.

2018 Planned Races:
2/24 Race on the Base Sprint Relay (I'm swimming)
3/18 Hot Chocolate 5K
4/7 MS Walk 5K
5/19 Sand Hollow UT Olympic

Weight Loss: I started doing the Whole30 (clean eating) in September 2015. By November 2017 I had gone from 269 down to 185. Over the holidays, I went off the clean eating plan, and gained back weight hitting 219. After a month of clean eating, I am down to 215, and my goal is to get to 150. I know it is going to take A LOT of time. But I am willing to work for it.

I would love to have a 'work out buddy' accountability partner for training. Texting, or emailing daily workouts and encouragement.

I am looking forward to being part of this group.


Hello Heide and welcome to Gray Guys/Gals!

We have a great bunch of people here from all experience levels that are happy to offer advice and encouragement - don't hesitate to ask!

I think you get the prize for the earliest race with one this weekend.

In case you didn't notice, we started a weight-loss/workout challenge last weekend.  If you'd like to participate, maybe hop on the scale and jot down your weight.  We will be doing our first progress report this weekend.  You can find the details several posts back.

I have to laugh.  My wife and I just moved from California to Indiana in September.  We lived near Temecula.  I still have an IT client in Orange about a block east of the Honda Center on Katella.  When we were in CA I don't recall ever having a fellow Gray Guy/Gal that lived in CA.  Now that we are back east, it seems I run into people all the time that are in So. Cal.  Go figure!  At any rate, you have a whole group of virtual training partners here!

2018-02-02 8:26 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?

Originally posted by lutzman

Hey Scott:

I feel like I've finally got some base fitness in the pool. So now I think I can start working on stamina and a bit of speed. Hopefully you have a couple of ideas.

Right now, I hit the VASA on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Swim in the pool on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sundays I'll often add a shorter VASA workout right before I jump on my bike trainer for a modified brick.

Today, at the pool I was fairly comfortable putting in 2,000 yards. I was a bit fatigued from the start as I did a reasonably hard 1 X 1500 meter set last night on my Vasa.

Since I've been focused on base fitness I've really been doing longer, stead- paced intervals. So, after a warm up I did 3 X 500 with a full recovery between each rep and one 200 kick set with fins All three 500's were at the same pace...8:38, 8:39. 8:38. I finished with a cool down using a pull buoy focused on technique for the balance of the 2000 yard workout.

I'm about 7 weeks out from my first Oly race. Any suggestions you can offer for modifying my pool work outs will be greatly appreciated.


Hey Steve,

Happy to offer some thoughts.

First thing, lose the long sets.  Those aren't doing you any favors.  When you do long sets, you fatigue.  As you fatigue your technique breaks down (this happens even if your name is Michael Phelps or Katie Ledecky).  With each stroke, you are storing technique information into muscle memory.  As you fatigue and your technique breaks down, you are storing improper technique into muscle memory.  When you fatigue your stroke will break down to what is stored in muscle memory.  In a perfect world, you have good technique stored in muscle memory so when your stroke breaks down it breaks down to perfect stroke technique.  This is the reason that swimmers do intervals in training - to maintain proper technique.  

You are 7-weeks out from an Olympic.  It only takes 4-6 weeks to get your speed to the fastest it will be given your current technique/fitness. 

In the pool:

For the next two-weeks I'd suggest sets of 100's or 200's on short rest (mix it up each week - one week a couple workouts with 200's and one with 100's, the next week reverse it).  Something like 20 x 100 w/15" RI (rest interval) or 10 x 200 w/15" RI.  Ideally you would know what your swim threshold pace (STP) is and swim these at STP.  (For example, if your STP is 1:45/100, you would swim a set of 100's at 2:00 send-off.  A set of 200's would be at 3:45 send-off).  Using the send-off rather than a set rest interval forces you to maintain pace.  It also adds to the intensity of the set as you must maintain pace or you get less rest.

You could mix it up with ladders - something like 5-6 x [100-200-100].  It would be best to calculate your send-off time rather than use a set 15" RI.  

After a couple weeks, I'd do two workouts per week with sets of 50's and 100's with longer rest - 30-seconds.  The target pace for these would be STP-5 seconds/100.  So, again using 1:45 as your threshold pace, your target would be 1:40/100.  Your 100 send-off would be 2:10/100.  (Continue to do one workout per week with the shorter rest intervals as you are doing the first couple weeks).

Explaining what's going on there - a simple question - how do you build base on the run?  By using LSD - zone 1/2 runs.  Swimming those 100's and 200's with short rest is similar to the LSD runs.  You have just enough rest to allow recovery so your technique doesn't break down.  The shorter sets with longer rest are the "speed work."  You are swimming hard and fast - and creating lactate (and the associated lactic acid).  The longer rest allows your body to clear the lactate accumulation so you can complete the next hard repetition. 

On the VASA:

For the next two-weeks, do the VASA "30-20-10" workout once a week.  When you start doing the short swim intervals with longer rest, add a second "30-20-10" workout each week so you are doing two/week.  The remaining VASA workouts do as you have been doing however remember you don't want technique breaking down so keep "intervals" shorter rather than longer.

I suggest 6-8 x 7-minute round described below.

The 30-20-10 workout:


Ideally, warm-up gradually for 10 – 15 minutes at easy intensity by doing a mix of supine cardio pullovers & Freestyle swimming on the Swim Erg. Plus, incorporate some dynamic exercises on or off the Swim Erg, especially for shoulders and core stabilizers.

Main Set:  7-minute Round using “30-20-10” Interval concept

Each round consists of seven, one-minute intervals. Each 1-minute interval is divided into 3 segments – 30 seconds, 20 seconds, and 10 seconds.

  • Do the first 30 seconds at an easy pace / power.
    • Do the next 20 seconds with pace / power increased to a moderate speed & intensity.
      • Finish the last 10 seconds of each minute by sprinting at high intensity, slightly faster than race pace.

Repeat this 1-minute sequence 7 times, which completes One Round.  Take 60-seconds rest by doing easy freestyle swimming.

NOTE: Strive to maintain the same Stroke Rate for each 30-20-10 segment.  Focus on increasing your pulling power. Holding a steady stroke rate shifts the intention to using proper stroke technique throughout the workout. It also is a great way to reinforce accelerating the “blade” (palm to elbow crease) from the “catch” through to finish of each stroke.


Finish the workout with an active recovery exercise (easy swim or dynamic exercises) for several minutes.

Final thoughts:

During both the pool and VASA workouts, focus on proper technique.  On the VASA you can clearly see if you are establishing the EVF.  The EVF is the key to power in freestyle swimming.

In the pool, make sure you are thoroughly warmed-up before you start the main set.  When you go to the longer rest sets, I'd do two of those workouts per week and one of the short rest workouts per week (so two intensive endurance workouts and one extensive endurance workout per week).

2018-02-02 9:25 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman

Hey Scott:

I feel like I've finally got some base fitness in the pool. So now I think I can start working on stamina and a bit of speed. Hopefully you have a couple of ideas.


Hey Steve,

Happy to offer some thoughts.

First thing, lose the long sets.  Those aren't doing you any favors. 

In the pool, make sure you are thoroughly warmed-up before you start the main set.  When you go to the longer rest sets, I'd do two of those workouts per week and one of the short rest workouts per week (so two intensive endurance workouts and one extensive endurance workout per week).

Fabulous feedback Scott. Much more than I could have hoped for. I very much appreciate your insights.


2018-02-02 9:42 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?
Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman

Hey Scott:

I feel like I've finally got some base fitness in the pool. So now I think I can start working on stamina and a bit of speed. Hopefully you have a couple of ideas.


Hey Steve,

Happy to offer some thoughts.

First thing, lose the long sets.  Those aren't doing you any favors. 

In the pool, make sure you are thoroughly warmed-up before you start the main set.  When you go to the longer rest sets, I'd do two of those workouts per week and one of the short rest workouts per week (so two intensive endurance workouts and one extensive endurance workout per week).

Fabulous feedback Scott. Much more than I could have hoped for. I very much appreciate your insights.Best,Steve

My pleasure Steve.

One comment - I just realized in my earlier comments I said, "Lose the long sets." I mis-spoke. I should have said, "Lose the long INTERVALS . You probably surmised that's what I meant when I gave you some sample sets. Sorry if there was any confusion. I knew what I meant!

Edited by k9car363 2018-02-02 9:42 PM

2018-02-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?

Hey Steve - and anyone else who is swimming.

In an earlier post I made the coment, "Make sure you are thoroughly warmed up." Yet I didn't say what a thorough warm-up was.If you're swimming less than ~ 1,000 yards/meters in a single workout, continue doing the warm-up you've been doing. If you're workouts are more than 1,000 yards/meters I suggest you consider this warm-up -

Warming-up properly gets your body ready for the harder efforts during a workout so it's important you're warming-up properly.Don't forget to cool-down at the end of a workout. It's just as important to ease your body back to a resting state and allow your body to clear metabolic by-products from the workout. If your workout was more than an hour a good recovery drink will help. Chocolate milk has the perfect blend of carbs and protein to help your body recover.

Edited by k9car363 2018-02-03 5:07 AM
2018-02-02 10:48 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Scott--suggested swim workouts?
Welcome Heide!

Am feeling really stuck when it comes to swimming. I have not been in the pool yet this year. Don't like swimming and it's so cold. I know I just need to get myself there, get past that initial resistance.

Otherwise, Just finished the first week of my HIM plan. Spent months getting able to fully complete this week (minus swimming).

Do a HIM in June
keep recording workouts on calendar months posted on the wall - do each planned workout.
Want to get my running down to 10 min miles. Am down to 11:10 for 45 mins. Plan does have speed work, tempo runs, hill work.

Can't think of more specific than - do each workout and I'll be as good as the plan can make me.

Hope the weight challenge will motivate me. I just know that losing weight will be an easy way to gain speed.

Wishing everyone a good training weekend.
2018-02-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Turns's all in our heads
Interesting article on athletic performance and the role of inner psychology on performance. A good read.

2018-02-03 5:21 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Hey All!

Just a reminder our first Weight-Loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report is tomorrow.

Simply hop on the scale - preferably with BOTH feet.   Figure out your weight gain/loss over the past week.  You don't have to put your actual weight - just the amount lost (or gained).

Also post your total workout time for the week.  You can include what you did to get those minutes or not - up to you.

On Monday I'll plug all the numbers into my magic spreadsheet and each week post a running "leader-board."


weightloss-workout.jpg (46KB - 3 downloads)
2018-02-04 5:18 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

I'll start!

I didn't lose any weight, but on a good note, I didn't gain any either.

I had 19:27 total workout time.

That's a touch over 55,000 meters done across 12-hours in the pool; plus 4-hours on the bike, and 3-hours running.

That works out to:

5 points for no weight gain, 19.45 points for workout time.

With that, I am going to recuse myself from the challenge as my swim time will nearly double in the next couple of months.  That seems like an unfair advantage.  I will continue to report my time and weight however so that I can have some accountability.

2018-02-04 6:31 PM
in reply to: k9car363

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hi everyone, I’m happy to be part of the group! I participated in another group for my first HIM, and it really helped.

For the weight loss challenge, not the best start- had to travel to Philly for work - so too much sugar & alcohol!

Plus 1 lb., 8 hours training, 3.5 hours running, 3.5 biking hours and 1 hour of weights.

Enjoy the Super Bowl everyone, Rob D.
2018-02-04 9:49 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Scott - Very timely swimming info.  I've been trying to get back to where I was before last June and I have been picking up the pace but tomorrow I'm going to incorporate some 100's.  I think I will have to redo my STP to see where I stand now.  Based on my old STP and what you said to Steve I should be starting at 2:30/ 100m tomorrow.  My goal is to lower my STP.  In August I swam my 3K swim at 2:16/ 100m avg by my Garmin (OWS, wetsuit, draughting)

Weight Loss - I actually lost a bit of weight:

Down 1.2 lbs

Swimming - 1.35 hrs

Biking - 4.17 hrs

Running - 1.56 hrs

Total     7.08 hrs

I'm hoping to increase my times for next week.

2018-02-04 10:13 PM
in reply to: #5231907

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Not a great week for me. I gained 1.7 pounds and had 63 minutes exercising. I’m not going to beat myself up over a couple of bad days.
2018-02-05 9:32 AM
in reply to: BakerBryan

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hi Scott:

Down 1.6 pounds. Workouts were 9:22 as follow:

Run 2:44:00
Bike 4:30
Swim 2:08

Sunday was a spectacular day here for early Feb with the temp jumping over 60. If there wasn't so much sand on the roads I would have loved to ride my bike outside. But it's just too dangerous (for me) until they get the street sweepers out in force. So, I watched the Superbowl from kickoff until the start of the 3rd quarter on my trainer.

Unfortunately, I tweaked my back while getting the Christmas lights down off the roof on Sunday morning. Isn't getting gray great! I plan to run on my lunch hour today, so I'm hoping a lower back tweak won't mess with my workout.

Have a good week everyone.

2018-02-05 12:11 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

I don't think I will lose much weight, but with such a nice coffee mug up for the taking I logged my beginning of the  Gray Gays/Gals Weight Loss Contest last night.

Week 1: weight loss = .8 lbs

              workout minutes = 405

              week's points = 12.6 

              Cumulative points = 12.6


2018-02-05 1:27 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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New user

Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge
I GAINED!!!! Which is typical for me. HAHA I knew it would be a bad week at work as well as a birthday party and Super Bowl. ughgugh

UP 2 pounds I would like to lose about 8 pounds by FEB 19th, (it was 5 pounds until this weekend)
I just have a big shin dig to get to at work, and if I'm going to buy some new dress pants I'd like to be at least 1 size smaller.

I did 354 min of training

2hr 7 min Swimming
15 min Bike (I'm still working this into my week)
32 min of Running
3 hrs of Strength training
2018-02-05 4:43 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report
I've been following this thread for a while but I'm not sure I'll stick with it and start again so I didn't want to speak up. Anyway, if you don't mind another lurker hanging about, I'd like to tag along.

Name: Dwayne. I'll turn 61 later this year.

Story: I didn't do any organized sports when I was young. I sort of learned to swim, literally by myself, in lakes and rivers but just stuff like splashing out to a raft. Fast forward to my mid forties when I started trying to learn to run. I was also sometimes commuting a short distance to work on a mountain bike. Like many, I soon injured myself running and while recovering decided to learn what it was like to swim in a pool with lanes. About that time I signed up for a "super-sprint" triathon with a 200m pool swim, though I was not yet able to swim that far. I kept saying I had no interest in going long, but little by little the events stretched longer. I did IM Canada in Penticton in '08 and '09, though both times complications prevented proper preparation. I liked the half-IM distance and managed a sub-5:30 in '09 before injuring myself by running too hard too soon afterward.

Family Status: I was married for 23 years but my wife struggled with health issues and we never had children. She passed away almost 7 years ago now.

Current Training: I'm just sneaking up on the idea of getting back into triathlon. I haven't been swimming in over a year, though I had been with a masters club until then. So I'm starting out again like a beginner with no real base. I'm hesitant to commit to a plan yet as I'll be feeling out just where I am for a bit first. I have gotten on the running track for a second week now.

Weight: Currently hovering around 240 to 245. However, even with age, I'm still 6'2" and the weight is not distributed too badly. In the midst of IM training I was down to low 190s but at that weight people started asking if I was sick. I suppose I'd like to lose 20 lbs or so but I've never paid much attention to diet beyond maybe passing on second helpings. I may have to learn a little about that now.

George's video was great and brought back memories since I've raced there before. The post on setting goals was timely so I guess my first goal would be to come up with some real goals.
2018-02-05 8:01 PM
in reply to: Micawber

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report
Originally posted by Micawber

I've been following this thread for a while but I'm not sure I'll stick with it and start again so I didn't want to speak up. Anyway, if you don't mind another lurker hanging about, I'd like to tag along.

Name: Dwayne. I'll turn 61 later this year.

George's video was great and brought back memories since I've raced there before. The post on setting goals was timely so I guess my first goal would be to come up with some real goals.

Welcome to the journey, George.

Let us know how we can help.

2018-02-05 8:46 PM
in reply to: Micawber

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Originally posted by Micawber

I've been following this thread for a while but I'm not sure I'll stick with it and start again so I didn't want to speak up. Anyway, if you don't mind another lurker hanging about, I'd like to tag along.

Name: Dwayne. I'll turn 61 later this year.

Story: I didn't do any organized sports when I was young. I sort of learned to swim, literally by myself, in lakes and rivers but just stuff like splashing out to a raft. Fast forward to my mid forties when I started trying to learn to run. I was also sometimes commuting a short distance to work on a mountain bike. Like many, I soon injured myself running and while recovering decided to learn what it was like to swim in a pool with lanes. About that time I signed up for a "super-sprint" triathon with a 200m pool swim, though I was not yet able to swim that far. I kept saying I had no interest in going long, but little by little the events stretched longer. I did IM Canada in Penticton in '08 and '09, though both times complications prevented proper preparation. I liked the half-IM distance and managed a sub-5:30 in '09 before injuring myself by running too hard too soon afterward.

Family Status: I was married for 23 years but my wife struggled with health issues and we never had children. She passed away almost 7 years ago now.

Current Training: I'm just sneaking up on the idea of getting back into triathlon. I haven't been swimming in over a year, though I had been with a masters club until then. So I'm starting out again like a beginner with no real base. I'm hesitant to commit to a plan yet as I'll be feeling out just where I am for a bit first. I have gotten on the running track for a second week now.

Weight: Currently hovering around 240 to 245. However, even with age, I'm still 6'2" and the weight is not distributed too badly. In the midst of IM training I was down to low 190s but at that weight people started asking if I was sick. I suppose I'd like to lose 20 lbs or so but I've never paid much attention to diet beyond maybe passing on second helpings. I may have to learn a little about that now.

George's video was great and brought back memories since I've raced there before. The post on setting goals was timely so I guess my first goal would be to come up with some real goals.

Hello Dwayne and welcome!

You've been peeking in now and again so you likely know we just started a weight-loss/workout challenge.  You are welcome to join in if you like.  Simply record your weight.  Next weekend we'll be posting our progress.

You've done a couple of Ironman's so you understand this isn't a sprint, rather it's a marathon - one step at a time.  Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you on your newest journey.

2018-02-05 8:49 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Checking in .  Had a busy weekend but I'm off work this week so hoping to get in some good training.  For the past week:

no weight lost but nothing gained either (I'll take that)

5:34 training time - 5:04 on the bike and :30 yoga (if that counts)

I was hoping to get back to the pool today but we had some bad weather come through - icy roads, so I chose to be safe and stay home.  Swim has been re-scheduled for Wednesday.  


2018-02-05 10:22 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Hi Dwayne and welcome to the group.  Don't hesitate getting into any of the group discussions. 

Glad you watched the video.  I'm feeling kind of lost this year without the long race this year but I am slowly getting going again.

Scott - I had a good swim today but I found I was taking too long between intervals and even more frustrating was my inability to keep track of how many intervals I had actually completed.  I start out keeping count okay but after two I am lost.  I get bored and my mind wanders and I have no idea what my count is.  Maybe I'll have to swim an extra 400m each swim just to get the count I was supposed to do.  

Edited by wenceslasz 2018-02-05 10:23 PM
2018-02-05 11:49 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report
Welcome Dwayne, just ease in slowly, you'll have a better chance of enjoying it.

This is the first week of the weight challenge for me so I'll just treat it as a no change week.

Need to lose 15 lbs to be in decent shape.

Weighed in (148.2) and working towards next Sundays weigh in.

Edited by MuscleMomma 2018-02-05 11:56 PM
2018-02-06 5:09 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Progress Report

Originally posted by wenceslasz

Scott - I had a good swim today but I found I was taking too long between intervals and even more frustrating was my inability to keep track of how many intervals I had actually completed.  I start out keeping count okay but after two I am lost.  I get bored and my mind wanders and I have no idea what my count is.  Maybe I'll have to swim an extra 400m each swim just to get the count I was supposed to do.

Hey George,

If you are doing the intervals in a pool with lane lines, there's a little trick you can do.  The discs on the lane lines are independent of each other, meaning you can grab hold of them at the very end, and gently pull them back towards the middle of the pool a foot or so.  Then, as you complete each interval, slide one disc down to the end of the line.  You will periodically need to do some "house-keeping" - pulling the discs down again - as the discs will move, but you will be able to keep enough clearance that you can keep an accurate count.

2018-02-06 5:23 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Gray Guys/Gals

Hey everyone!

Here's an updated list of the Gray Guys/Gals -

(gray guys-gals group.jpg)

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Views: 1017 Posts: 4

2018-04-04 7:28 PM leatherneckpa

Baowolf's Life Balance Group.. (OPEN!) Pages: 1 2 3 4

Started by Baowolf
Views: 10785 Posts: 81

2018-10-01 11:48 AM cconst