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2010-10-27 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I went to the doctor and had an x-ray today. Diagnosis- dislocated and fractured toe. Trying to decide between DNSing or n aquabike- DNF option for the race.

2010-10-27 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3177419

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Catwoman - 2010-10-27 10:31 PM I went to the doctor and had an x-ray today. Diagnosis- dislocated and fractured toe. Trying to decide between DNSing or n aquabike- DNF option for the race.

Oh, sucky!  Can you walk the run?  Cut a slit in your shoe like Whizzz did and just get through it???? 
2010-10-27 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
.Going to the race knowing that I would have to walk 26.2 miles isn't on my plan. Everyone has different goals and reasons for doing the Ironman. Perhaps if this were my first IM then just finishing the race might be a higher priority. I'd rather be cautious and recover for IMTX instead. If it hurts too bad to run then it will probably hurt too bad to walk a marathon.
2010-10-28 1:00 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I haven't ridden outside in about a week.  Call me crazy, but I just want to get to start line. 

I'm sorry to hear about catwoman broken horrible.  You're probably very wise for deciding to not run on it despite the natural inclination to soldier through.

Sleeplessness is starting to become an issue for me.  The short workouts, pre-race anxiety, all starting to add up.  I've read some posts on these forums about the taper blues, but didn't quite think it would be this bad.  So, it's 1 a.m. and I've got to decide if I should try to go to sleep until 5 for my 1 hour trainer ride, or if I should just get on it now and then sleep in till 6.

Also, for those folks out there thinking about doing some sort of GPS tracking....
I had explored various possibilities (all expensive, non risk-free) and finally realized that my cell phone provider (sprint) had a "family locator" type plan.  So, turn the phone GPS on,  register for a free 15 day trial.  Now my wife or anybody else can ping a sprint website and it plots my current position on Google maps.    All for free.  The only catch is that phone communicates position via text messaging, so you gotta have a text message plan.

Sorry for the rambling Wink

2010-10-28 5:38 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Really sorry for the bad news CATWOMAN and I'm stuck on the trainer too Eric. Rather not take any chances this late in the game. I'm also very concerned about getting sick again with all my coughing sneeezing snotty rugrats at home and at work. I may go sleep in the guest room because my wife still lets them crawl in bed with us at times.

I was browsing and found this:
I recall several folks on say they were dropping out and I had a backup plan to do B2B. This confirms WTC lost a certain amount of participants early on during the spill.

I'm trying to keep swimming open water until race day. Then I'll go back to the dreaded pool for the heart of the winter prepping for IMCDA.
2010-10-28 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3173960

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Daffodil - 2010-10-26 7:32 PM Of all the things I'm starting to question - I'm questioning my swim training.  Swimming is my strength and for months have been able to do 4000 m in 1:10-1:15 but I'm starting to freak out because my swim training hasn't been ideal for the last couple of months (first back troubles, then this cold).

Take a look at my swim totals for 2010 and you'll feel better. My longest swim this year is 60min and my 2nd longest was a HIM swim. Wetsuit+salt water makes the swim easy.  And I had never swam before until 2007.  So i'm not a swimmer.

2010 totals
Bike:197h 40m 51s  - 3805.51 Mi
Run:103h 48m 38s  - 678.43 Mi
Swim:14h 15m 34s  - 35861.77 Yd

2010-10-28 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3177419

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Catwoman - 2010-10-27 10:31 PM I went to the doctor and had an x-ray today. Diagnosis- dislocated and fractured toe. Trying to decide between DNSing or n aquabike- DNF option for the race.

I have broken my pinky toe 3 or 4 times in my life.  You can totally run with a broken toe. I always just taped it to the toe right next to it and took some pain meds.  You might be surprised by race day that it doesn't feel to bad.  Now i can't promise you that at mile 15 it won't be hurting pretty bad, but i bet you can make it through.

2010-10-28 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3177913

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
You can totally run with a broken toe. I always just taped it to the toe right next to it and took some pain meds.  You might be surprised by race day that it doesn't feel to bad.  Now i can't promise you that at mile 15 it won't be hurting pretty bad, but i bet you can make it through.

I'm not going to try and convince anyone to do something they don't want to do, but if you wanted, you could definitely complete this race.  In training and racing people have different midsets and there are as many midsets as personalities.

I guess thats why I got another shot of cortisone in my shoulder yesterday after not being able to brush my teeth 3 days ago, a week and a half before Ironman.

I will do this.  For myself, for my family since they sacrificed so much for me to get here, for my friends who have supported me time and time again and who have listened to me talk about this for god knows how long, for my daughter who will learn from her daddy that YOU CAN. 

For the same reason I don't play in more than 1 fantasy football league a year, I only do one 70.3, one marathon etc a year.  I put all my focus into that race.  I don't expect that opinion to be shared, nor do I want it to be, thats just me.  Thats what gets me to the starting line and lets me enjoy the process from the starting line to the finish line.  It lets me stay bigger than the moment and not let the moment get too big for me.

In the end, whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right.

2010-10-28 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Ive done that walk (sans boot) and its no fun. Yes I got that mary done, and I was proud that I dug deep for 11 miles or so of agony, but those were the longest 3 hours in my life.

It all depends on your goals Catwoman. Make the choice based on what you want/need from the day. Thats all anybody can really ask from you.
2010-10-28 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Morning all:

Just a couple things I thought I would pass along in case they were helpful to others.  To confirm Kathy G's warning about not being able to travel with CO2 cartridges, below is the response for the TSA.  Bottom line, if they were attached to a life preserver, ok, by themselves, weapon of mass destruction: 

"Based on Department of Transportation regulations, passengers and crew members are permitted to carry carbon dioxide cylinders for use in life jackets in checked and carry-on baggage.  With approval of the aircraft operator; passengers and crew members are permitted to transport two carbon dioxide cylinders fitted into a self-inflating life-jacket, plus two spare cartridges in checked or carry-on baggage.  Passengers and crew members may not transport cartridges without the associated life jacket in carry-on baggage."


2010-10-28 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Just got a nice dose of Race Day reality.  Dropped the bike off at the local LBS for TriBike to pick up this afternoon to take to IMFL.  Felt weird knowing I wouldn't see it again until being at the race site. 

2010-10-28 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Alexandria, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I also dropped off bike last night for shipping. Very eerie. Achilles is getting better but not 100% yet - doc says to run Saturday (first time in 2 weeks) and get a shot Monday if I'm not pain free. Dropped a jar on my bare foot last night and thought I broke something. It's swollen and bruised, but no sharp pain.

This is crazy.
2010-10-28 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hi everyone!

I have been busy with training, life, work and logging stuff for my coach so not much time for me to join the fun here for the past few months.  Training has been hard, fun and at times excruciating but I am happy that I am now tapering in PCB.

Bib #2570
Screen name: Nats
Real name: Nathalie Bosse
AG: 40-44
IM #: 1
Goal:  I'm thinking of a 13 to 14 hrs finish with a 1h30 swim, a 6h30 bike and a 4h30 to 5h marathon.  Could be better depending how I feel but those numbers are realistic. 

I wish that all of you race the race you want to race and to do so with the best of your abilities!


2010-10-28 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2512129

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Good luck to everyone and safe travels!  T-9 days and counting...holy cow!  I thought it would never get here and now I am worried that I have not trained enough, or I will have mechanical issues on the bike, or I will get sick or, I will encounter some rookie raceday problem I haven't thought of/////......anyone else getting a little nervous?

Hope you all have a great race!
2010-10-28 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Thanks for the support and encouragement. As I said before everyone has their own goals and ideas about race day. Going into an Ironman injured to complete a race isn't one of my goals. Being able to run and exercise long term is more important than one day out of my life. I'm very happy and content with my decision.

I'm also an elementary physical education teacher. What type of example would I set by going to this race injured? The kids are very concerned about my foot and what was going to happen with the Ironman. How can I teach and model the importance of exercise and taking care of your body while racing injured? I would rather be able to model the importance of personal goals and limits, delayed gratification and many other lessons through what has happened.

Fracturing and dislocating my toe is the third obstacle in my IMFL10 journey. During a triathlon in September I wrecked my bike and couldn't swim for 2 weeks. The first week of October I hurt my leg with either severe shin splints or micro tears and couldn't run or bike up until last week. Now the broken toe. Obviously this race was not meant to be this time.

The journey to the Ironman is what it is all about. Race day is just the icing on the cake. My journey is just taking a bit of a rest until it is time to start over again for IMTX.

Thanks for the support and friendship. At least now I can watch everyone come across the finish line!
2010-10-28 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I just noticed that my race number #2062 adds up to 10, as in 2010.  I'll take that as a good omen.

I'm just remembering the taper blues.  Each little ache, or hurt worries.  Knees that have been fine for months are twinging.  Each old injury is poking it's head up, just a little.   

Think we've all done this taper thing before, still it make an interesting roller coaster ride.  

If you're spending way too much time on BT (as I am this week), check out Hornet's blog.  On Wednesday he wrote 140.6 reasons to do an Ironman.  It's a hoot!

2010-10-28 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Catwoman - we're going to miss you.  sorry we won't get a chance to meet at IMFL.

2010-10-28 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
We'll miss you Rene.

Glad you are at peace with your decision. Heal up quickly!
2010-10-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hey Jashac

I fixed it for you:

If you're spending way too much time on BT (as I am this week), check out Hornet's blog.  On Wednesday SHE he wrote 140.6 reasons to do an Ironman.  It's a hoot!

Hornet is Brittany and she is a teammate of mine. She has beat ovarian cancer etc. She was IMLOU's special athlete. What a gal and I named her that because she buzzed by me on her yellow bike.
2010-10-28 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I've got the shirts but they were later getting in than expected.  I'm a little concerned about them getting to all of you in time and was wondering if you were planning on having a BT get together before the race.  If so I could seperate the order in the envelopes, that are already addressed, but ship it to one location for distributing at the party.  Comments?  All will go out tommorow if you don't want to go this route.  Sorry for the trouble.

2010-10-28 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Hmm... I have a "dry" throat. Wonder if coughing, sneezing, fever, is soon to follow.

Hopefully it's just the weather, it's like winter today in central IL. It could be the weather................ right?? I guess I'll probably know tomorrow morning what it is.

2010-10-28 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3177584

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I'm trying to keep swimming open water until race day. Then I'll go back to the dreaded pool for the heart of the winter prepping for IMCDA.

Cool man, I'm doing CdA too.  It'll be #2 (hopefully).  It seemed weird signing up for CdA back in June 5 months prior to my first ironman.  But, with the worries about the oil at the time and my kids starting real school, that was what made the most sense for a fall back position.
2010-10-28 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3180850

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

jccbulldog - 2010-10-28 6:52 PM All,

I've got the shirts but they were later getting in than expected.  I'm a little concerned about them getting to all of you in time and was wondering if you were planning on having a BT get together before the race.  If so I could seperate the order in the envelopes, that are already addressed, but ship it to one location for distributing at the party.  Comments?  All will go out tommorow if you don't want to go this route.  Sorry for the trouble.


We don't really have a formal meeting place aside from people meeting up to swim.  I'd say just get them out first thing and hope for the best.

2010-10-28 8:25 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I say just mail them as well. I am happy to paypal you some more dough if you think you need to send them more than just standard shipping.  Thanks again for doing this, really appreciate it!
2010-10-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3180850

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jccbulldog - 2010-10-28 6:52 PMAll,

I've got the shirts but they were later getting in than expected.  I'm a little concerned about them getting to all of you in time and was wondering if you were planning on having a BT get together before the race.  If so I could seperate the order in the envelopes, that are already addressed, but ship it to one location for distributing at the party.  Comments?  All will go out tommorow if you don't want to go this route.  Sorry for the trouble.

I say better safe than sorry. We are all going to be there. We can find a way to distribute them. Me and my faniky are leaving this weekend. I already arranged with Jen Dicarlo to get them from her. Just my two cents. Would save on shipping too. Thanks again for organizing the shirts. On an even more exciting note I just worked my last night shift for 3 weeks! Leaving Sunday, tomorrow is run around and make sure I have everything day!
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