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2011-02-03 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Finally got 2 workouts today swim at lunch 2240yds felt good and I did use the dreadmill tonight and hated every minute of it. I took everything I had not to quit during the run it was the longest 5.73miles in my life. If I weren't recovering from the flu it would not have even entered my mind. People who can use these are beasts. my hats off to you all.

2011-02-04 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3337210

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2011-02-03 10:23 AM
George, I have these and love them...
They are eadbuds, but you turn them into the outer part of your earcanal. Locks them in. Even sweat won't pull them out.

Thanks for the link I am going to check those out. I am wearing a cheap pair that go over my ear but it sucks with sunglasses.

Couple of Music shops seem to be dealers where I live. Hopefully they will have them.
2011-02-04 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3338516

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-04 12:07 AM
Terps421 - 2011-02-03 12:27 PM Thanks for the headphone rec. Trevor!  I also can not keep the darn things in my ears.  I don't run outside with them but I like them at the gym and on cardio machines.  The ones you posted a link to are expensive but they look like they are designed to stay IN the ear during workouts.


I wear dirt cheap over the head Sony's and they last about a year before the wires wear out.

Thanks Suzy, they are more in my $ range! Love the pic by the way! Beautiful.

2011-02-04 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Work has still held me down. But I have been getting back to some P90X and a Spin last night. Plan on running or spinning tonight. It is NOT 72 degrees here.

I think it was a warm 5 degrees this morning. BRRRR.

Thanks to P90X I am looking at my chair at my desk in Fear it HURTS to sit down. HAHA. Its apparent Cross training works some muscles you just don't work when doing SBR.

It's also apparent I haven't done as much in the last two weeks. I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.
2011-02-04 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3338716

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I've been using these for a couple years.  I can't wear the regular iPod ear buds while running, they just fall out. 

2011-02-04 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3338838

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2011-02-04 9:48 AM I've been using these for a couple years.  I can't wear the regular iPod ear buds while running, they just fall out. 

Thanks Tony!

2011-02-04 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3338433

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-03 7:22 PM
gdale - 2011-02-03 8:32 PM
velcromom - 2011-02-03 9:25 PM Wow....72 here today.  Had a decent swim after a brutal day of climbing yesterday.  Did major damage at Costco, stocking up for the superbowl.  Have to figure out a way to log a workout pushing the monster carts.

We LOVE Modern Family - except when it gets a little too close to home!!  Wink

Looks to me like she is rubbing it in Rob...right after you make a frozen nostril post.  That's rough!!

Gee-whiz it was 80F here today......the warm breezes were blowing as we climbed our way through another awesome trail.  Learned how NOT to do stream crossings. 

I've aslo learned there is way more to life than SBR!

You are correct!!! NICE NICE NICE!!!
2011-02-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
2011-02-04 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



2011-02-04 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 9:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



Nice I am on the hunt for my first bike as well. After a deal just fell through.

It's hard to find a small frame bike however. And no local shops around me carry tri bikes.
2011-02-04 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I have teeny-tiny itty-bitty ears. These are the buds I have found that work, but they aren't great if it's super-duper rainy. I'm not a huge sweater, so can't comment on that front. These are made with memory foam, so you squish them down and then put them in your ear, where they expand and stay put for the most part. Oh, and they come in colors other than pink, but of course mine are pink.

2011-02-04 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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New user
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 10:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



You might want to consider a bike tire pump and maybe even a spare tire or tire/tube repair kit.
I also have a mirror on my bike so i can see if cars are approaching.
Oh and a water bottle holder will come in handy.

When are you getting your bike??  

2011-02-04 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 9:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



I would add some sort of hydration system to that list, either cages or a front mount if you are getting a bike with aerobars. You might also consider a side view for your helmet if you will do a lot of riding outside... Other than the bike fit, I found the saddle and the pedals to be really important decisions.  I have TIME IClic pedals and love them , but went through several before I found them.....
2011-02-04 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 7:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



Saddle bag is important too!!  Some saddlebags have pretty much all the components you need in one. CO2 caninster, tire levers, etc etc.

You should be good to go.
2011-02-04 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3339043

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 7:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



Do not skimp on #4.  Spend the money.
#5- Base pedals may come with bike, but most likely you will need/want to buy new pedal.  If you go with Clipless pedals you will also need to buy shoes!
Also you are going to want to buy things to change a flat or 2.  Have the bike shop show you what they suggest.  Tubes, tire arms, co2, etc...

Good luck!
2011-02-04 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3339164

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Agree with all of the above on things to buy.

Make sure you have a saddlebag with.

Tire levers (for changing tire)
Spare tube or two
C02 inflator
Patch kit
Small multi-tool

possibly very small pump as backup.  I personally don't like C02, too much chance it can go wrong when you need it.  It's ok for a race but on a long solo ride I always have a pump.

if you don't buy it when you get the bike, the first time you're 20 miles away from home in an area with no cell coverage you'll regret it.

As far as pedals they're really a personal preference.  I use speedplays and like them, I like how you can adjust the float (how far your feed will move around on the pedals)

Edited by dalessit 2011-02-04 10:47 AM

2011-02-04 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3339181

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2011-02-04 8:46 AM Agree with all of the above on things to buy.

Make sure you have a saddlebag with.

Tire levers (for changing tire)
Spare tube or two
C02 inflator
Patch kit
Small multi-tool

possibly very small pump as backup.  I personally don't like C02, too much chance it can go wrong when you need it.  It's ok for a race but on a long solo ride I always have a pump.

if you don't buy it when you get the bike, the first time you're 20 miles away from home in an area with no cell coverage you'll regret it.

As far as pedals they're really a personal preference.  I use speedplays and like them, I like how you can adjust the float (how far your feed will move around on the pedals)

x2. And it costs a fortune if you use it with every flat. I've tried to use it just enough to feel that I *could* if I needed to in a race. And in my IM I carried a few extra cartridges just in case I screwed one up. But on basic training rides, I'm all about the hand pump. And I know where there are LBS's if I want/need to/can do a full pump-up sooner rather than later.
2011-02-04 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3339104

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-02-04 9:14 AM
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 9:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



Nice I am on the hunt for my first bike as well. After a deal just fell through.

It's hard to find a small frame bike however. And no local shops around me carry tri bikes.

Ah dude, what happened? I thought you had that biked from Florida locked in?
2011-02-04 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3339214

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2011-02-04 12:02 PM
dalessit - 2011-02-04 8:46 AM Agree with all of the above on things to buy.

Make sure you have a saddlebag with.

Tire levers (for changing tire)
Spare tube or two
C02 inflator
Patch kit
Small multi-tool

possibly very small pump as backup.  I personally don't like C02, too much chance it can go wrong when you need it.  It's ok for a race but on a long solo ride I always have a pump.

if you don't buy it when you get the bike, the first time you're 20 miles away from home in an area with no cell coverage you'll regret it.

As far as pedals they're really a personal preference.  I use speedplays and like them, I like how you can adjust the float (how far your feed will move around on the pedals)

x2. And it costs a fortune if you use it with every flat. I've tried to use it just enough to feel that I *could* if I needed to in a race. And in my IM I carried a few extra cartridges just in case I screwed one up. But on basic training rides, I'm all about the hand pump. And I know where there are LBS's if I want/need to/can do a full pump-up sooner rather than later.

Yep, I carry my pump in races, it takes forever to fill up the tire but it fits in my saddle bag.
2011-02-04 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3339234

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I must have a real cheap hand pump...I would try to pump it up, and I find it very difficult to do so.  Granted, I never had to use it in a real flat setting. I probably only had 1 true flat, and my guy friend used his pump to pump it up.  It's attached to my bike for those "what if's".  I've used the CO2 with the adjustable button...and I didn't find it hard to do.  

Maybe I need to go on more rides to get more flats...or my tires are damn good with punctures. ;-)
2011-02-04 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Here I was thinking not working  was going to give me all this free time to do my training in the middle of the day.  Unlucky me finally caught the sickness that's been moving through our family and I haven't made one workout since Tuesday.  This is a major bumber. 

2011-02-04 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3339302

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tahrens - 2011-02-04 12:38 PM Here I was thinking not working  was going to give me all this free time to do my training in the middle of the day.  Unlucky me finally caught the sickness that's been moving through our family and I haven't made one workout since Tuesday.  This is a major bumber

Wow! Even your typing sounds stuffed up!
2011-02-04 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3339348

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2011-02-04 1:10 PM
tahrens - 2011-02-04 12:38 PM Here I was thinking not working  was going to give me all this free time to do my training in the middle of the day.  Unlucky me finally caught the sickness that's been moving through our family and I haven't made one workout since Tuesday.  This is a major bumber

Wow! Even your typing sounds stuffed up!

HA!!  Good one.
2011-02-04 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Morning peeps from the land of the stuffed.  *stomach, not nose, sorry tracy!*

Chinese chicken salad, I LOVE PICKLED GINGER!
Lettuce wraps with minced chicken/oyster/mushroom filling topped with a hoisin (plum) sauce
Wintermelon soup, served right out of the steamed wintermelon!
Peking duck with steamed buns
Sweet and savory sticky rice in a stuffed deep fried chicken (sounds crazy but is delicious!)
Prawns with carmelized walnuts
Shanghai bok choy with black mushrooms
Steamed bass with ginger and soy

Not 10 courses, 8!  silly me, we do everything in 8's all year round since it is a very lucky number!

And I swam like a bottom feeder catfish today because our dinner didn't start til 8pm.  Aiyah!

NOW I can say, Have a great weekend, everyone!

2011-02-04 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3339456

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-02-04 1:10 PM

Morning peeps from the land of the stuffed.  *stomach, not nose, sorry tracy!*

Chinese chicken salad, I LOVE PICKLED GINGER!
Lettuce wraps with minced chicken/oyster/mushroom filling topped with a hoisin (plum) sauce
Wintermelon soup, served right out of the steamed wintermelon!
Peking duck with steamed buns
Sweet and savory sticky rice in a stuffed deep fried chicken (sounds crazy but is delicious!)
Prawns with carmelized walnuts
Shanghai bok choy with black mushrooms
Steamed bass with ginger and soy

Not 10 courses, 8!  silly me, we do everything in 8's all year round since it is a very lucky number!

And I swam like a bottom feeder catfish today because our dinner didn't start til 8pm.  Aiyah!

NOW I can say, Have a great weekend, everyone!

Will you invite me along next year????? totally willing to swim like a bottom feeder for that feast!
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