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2011-06-02 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3529618

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-06-02 3:59 PM

With all this talk of bikes and beer, this is appropriate and raises some great questions about beer becoming the next "real" sports drink!  (P.S.  This was shared with John earlier, thought it might be a great idea for a thesis or something .......)


Great article.  My favorite part, " Your beer should not make your ride casual; rather, it should demonstrate your confidence that you are a badass who is not afraid to put a little bit of depressant in his body while tackling Mont Ventoux in the rain. When you feel the hurt, your beer will help you hurt the hurt back."

Now I'm thirsty for a good oatmeal stout! mmmmmmmmmm

2011-06-02 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3529755

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-06-02 2:29 PM
badgerintx - 2011-06-02 3:59 PM

With all this talk of bikes and beer, this is appropriate and raises some great questions about beer becoming the next "real" sports drink!  (P.S.  This was shared with John earlier, thought it might be a great idea for a thesis or something .......)


Great article.  My favorite part, " Your beer should not make your ride casual; rather, it should demonstrate your confidence that you are a badass who is not afraid to put a little bit of depressant in his body while tackling Mont Ventoux in the rain. When you feel the hurt, your beer will help you hurt the hurt back."

Now I'm thirsty for a good oatmeal stout! mmmmmmmmmm

I had an Espresso Stout from a local brewery in Eugene last week.  It was by far the best beer I was drinking at the time.    Top 3 for the week.  There are a lot of good breweries in Eugene, which makes going there for work more bearable.

Edited by cadmus 2011-06-02 6:00 PM
2011-06-02 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey Bike People....

Paul has a colleague that wants to see his race wheels and asked me to post it on BT.  Before I do can you take a look at what he provided and let me know if we are missing anything relelvant?  Thanks!


Selling my race wheels. Purchased these in 2009 before IMWI. Used them on a couple of training rides and IMWI. Since then they have sat in my wheel bags. I had reconstructive hip surgery after the race, got married, moved, and now am having a kid. Needless to say, priorities have changed and I won't be using them anytime soon. Less than 400 miles on the wheels. I currently live in Minocqua, WI but travel down to Madison all the time (will be there this upcoming weekend).

Bontrager Aeolus 5.0 carbon clincher wheelset with a 2.4 SL+ hub (includes CPU, bike mount, USB cables, ect). Will include a set of Bontrager cork pads and SwissStop yellow king carbon pads as well. Asking $1900.00 obo (~$4300.00 retail).

2011-06-02 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


It the rear hub a campy or a shimano/SRAM?


2011-06-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3529607

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-06-02 2:48 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-06-02 2:22 PM
DougRob - 2011-06-02 10:56 AM

The way Tony describes his weight loss is a good way to go about it. It is difficult to balance feeding your body the nutrition it needs to support your training and at the same time run at a caloric deficit to lose weight. These are competing goals. As you train more you will develop more muscle which will allow you to burn more calories.

Things I would recommend are:

1) Be very selective about what you eat. Keep empty calories to a minimum. Try to eat foods that are less processed and that your body can use to fuel your training/racing. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein are all good. Sweets and alcohol not so much.

2) You can workout at a deficit, but do not skimp before a race. You NEED the fuel for the race, and fueling begins before the race does. In a sprint, what you eat the 24 hrs. before is more important than what you eat during the race.


I know quite about nutrition so would be happy to answer any questions you might have   I don't have a ton of experience with losing weight while training though.

On top of Doug's comments, I would also add that often times people think they need to eat a lot more calories after a training session that they really do.  A 3m run would burn only about 210 calories for me at 4'10".   A 'normal' sized person would burn more.

I might also suggest getting a RMR test done to see how many calories you burn at rest.  I had one very recently and was pleasantly suprised that it actually increased from 10 years ago.  I know Sam has done one as well.  Nutrtionists offer them using a tool called BodyGem.  Some gyms do them too.

So, give here's a scenario.  You're going to be doing a long bike ride (for me that's 30 miles) at 1pm.  What would you eat/drink before/during/after the ride??? 

P.S. The idea of counting calories sounds like a slow and painful torture.  Kinda like watching the watch while you're running. :-)

What time would you normally eat breakfast? and what do you eat?   If it's carb based with some protein, some fat and lower fiber I would stick with it.  Then assuming you have 2-3 hours beforehand I might consider any of these items:

2-3 hrs  Before (*may need another snack before training*)                                  2 hrs Before                                                                      

300-400 calories; mixed sources                                                                               Up to 300 calories; mixed sources

12-20 oz. fluid + options below                                                                                   12-20 oz fluid + options below________________________


2 slices bread + 2 slices turkey + 1 slice cheese                                                          1 cup low fat fruit yogurt + 1 cup apple juice

4 oz. bagel + 1 Tbs each low fat cream cheese and jelly                                             English muffin + 1 Tbs peanut butter

English muffin + 1 Tbs peanut butter + small banana                                                2 slices bread + 2 slices turkey + lettuce/tomato

2 eggs + 2 slices toast with jam                                                                                low fat blueberry or cranberry muffin

Frozen burrito + 6 oz fruit juice                                                                                 ½ cup low fat granola + 6 oz non fat vanilla yogurt

¼ cup trail mix + 8 oz cranberry juice                                                                           6 inch pita + 1/3 cup hummus

Tomato +2 slices low fat cheese melted on 2 slices bread                                        English muffin + 2 slices low fat cheese

Low fat muffin + 8 oz low fat milk                                                                                  4 oz cinnamon raisin bagel

2 toaster waffles + 2 Tbs maple syrup                                                                           Clif Bar

Larabar + 12 oz cranberry juice                                                                                       10 oz yogurt smoothie      

Subway Breakfast sandwich or McDonald’s EggMcMuffin                                       10 oz. Carnation Instant Breakfast                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

As far as what to during the workout, I would aim for 30-60g CHO per hour.  I don't know how much you weigh so it's a wide range.  I aim for 30g and usually fall around 20-25g (low side).   If you can tolerate the higher end without GI issues, I would do it.   I don't take in solids, but it they work for you, go for it.  Key is knowing what works on the bike to run if a tri is in your future!

Post effort, carbs and protein.  Sometimes I do chocolate milk, other times it's a sandwich of some sort.  I think you see from the various answers that we all have slightly different approaches.  Kim is much more protein focused than me.  Experiment and see how you feel afterwards and during that next work out.

PS. Skimping on calories before, during or after isn't recommended.  Just know how much you burn and make sure you are replacing the essentials.  I used to use the starve approach to burn more fat for fuel, but have switched that thinking.  Recovery has become much more important these days.

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-06-02 6:27 PM
2011-06-02 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3529605

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-06-02 3:42 PM
jfought - 2011-06-02 3:22 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 1:58 PM
swbkrun - 2011-06-02 10:44 AM
jfought - 2011-06-02 6:55 AM
gdale - 2011-06-02 8:26 AM
jfought - 2011-06-02 7:22 AM
fowlmood - 2011-06-01 11:43 PM

No races for me this weekend.

Did have a great ride today on my Cannondale Slice 5 going to call her Miranda maybe with a name like that will give me some mojo she is fast with hardly any effort no wind to fight today just dodging thunder and lightening storms.


With a name like that, we need the story that goes along with it!! 

As for me, I did have a really good 4 mile run last night.  For me, that's a major accomplishment. 

Awesome!!  Keep it up!

Thanks George.  It was only about 9 weeks ago that I ran the first non-stop 3 miles of my life!  I WILL be a runner!!!  First tri is 3 weeks from Saturday :-)

Question:  Who is the resident nutritionist of the group?  I'm trying to train and slowly lose some weight.  I've lost 20 lbs since I started training in January, but I've stalled.  I would ultimately like to lose another 10-20 lbs.  Who would be a good "go to" person for advice?  Any of you been there and done this????


John has probably lost the most weight, but I suggest you AVOID his type of diet !!!

lots of cold beer and ironman.  keep it simple! 

John, you're my kind of guy.  I'm drinking a cold beer with one hand and signing up for an Ironman with the other.  I think I can feel myself getting leaner already!!! Laughing  There HAS to be some nutritional value in beer.  There just HAS to. 


P.S. I'm really writing this as a drink a protein shake after a 30 mi. ride.  A person can dream, can't she?


Of course! My dad has always told me that cold pizza and warm beer is the breakfast of champions.


The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's the opposition.  ~ Nick Seitz

2011-06-02 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3529501

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 4:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second nature therefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on." <


Explain further please.  Given your T1 time for the IM you just did, you must be doing a lot of things right.   

2011-06-02 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3529872

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-06-02 7:24 PM

What time would you normally eat breakfast? and what do you eat?   If it's carb based with some protein, some fat and lower fiber I would stick with it.  Then assuming you have 2-3 hours beforehand I might consider any of these items:

2-3 hrs  Before (*may need another snack before training*)                                  2 hrs Before                                                                      

300-400 calories; mixed sources                                                                               Up to 300 calories; mixed sources

12-20 oz. fluid + options below                                                                                   12-20 oz fluid + options below________________________


2 slices bread + 2 slices turkey + 1 slice cheese                                                          1 cup low fat fruit yogurt + 1 cup apple juice

4 oz. bagel + 1 Tbs each low fat cream cheese and jelly                                             English muffin + 1 Tbs peanut butter

English muffin + 1 Tbs peanut butter + small banana                                                2 slices bread + 2 slices turkey + lettuce/tomato

2 eggs + 2 slices toast with jam                                                                                low fat blueberry or cranberry muffin

Frozen burrito + 6 oz fruit juice                                                                                 ½ cup low fat granola + 6 oz non fat vanilla yogurt

¼ cup trail mix + 8 oz cranberry juice                                                                           6 inch pita + 1/3 cup hummus

Tomato +2 slices low fat cheese melted on 2 slices bread                                        English muffin + 2 slices low fat cheese

Low fat muffin + 8 oz low fat milk                                                                                  4 oz cinnamon raisin bagel

2 toaster waffles + 2 Tbs maple syrup                                                                           Clif Bar

Larabar + 12 oz cranberry juice                                                                                       10 oz yogurt smoothie      

Subway Breakfast sandwich or McDonald’s EggMcMuffin                                       10 oz. Carnation Instant Breakfast                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

As far as what to during the workout, I would aim for 30-60g CHO per hour.  I don't know how much you weigh so it's a wide range.  I aim for 30g and usually fall around 20-25g (low side).   If you can tolerate the higher end without GI issues, I would do it.   I don't take in solids, but it they work for you, go for it.  Key is knowing what works on the bike to run if a tri is in your future!

Post effort, carbs and protein.  Sometimes I do chocolate milk, other times it's a sandwich of some sort.  I think you see from the various answers that we all have slightly different approaches.  Kim is much more protein focused than me.  Experiment and see how you feel afterwards and during that next work out.

PS. Skimping on calories before, during or after isn't recommended.  Just know how much you burn and make sure you are replacing the essentials.  I used to use the starve approach to burn more fat for fuel, but have switched that thinking.  Recovery has become much more important these days.

Now that school's out (I teach 8th grade U.S. History) my schedule is totally up in the air.  I was working out every morning between 5-5:30am, so I usually had a cup of desperation coffee on the way to the gym or pool and then had breakfast post-workout.  On day's that I also had an evening workout, I would try to snack before leaving school (string cheese, almonds, crackers and peanut butter--that sort of thing).  Also, my workouts were never more than one hour long, so I could get by without any nutrition during the workout. 

Now . . . . with more time on my hands and my training plan ramping up, I figure I should start taking the nutrition thing a little more seriously. 

I appreciate the examples of things to eat.  They all look "doable" except the egg McMuffins--that just doesn't sit well for me :-)  Probably like Ramen noodles for Kim.

Anyone want to chime in about milk:  skim, 1%, soy, almond ??????  I use soy in my protein shakes and 1% on my cereal/oatmeal. 

2011-06-02 7:54 PM
in reply to: #3529959

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I only drink soy milk pre-exercise (with the exception of a splash of half-and-half in my coffee). Dairy gives me side aches. After HUGE workouts, my chocolate milk (or Instant Breakfast) is usually 2% milk. Day-to-day life, if I have milk, it's non-fat. 

My pre-workout meal is granola with soy milk. If I need more calories or have a couple of meals (i.e. granola, then swim, then snack before run), the next one is often a piece of toast w/pb or almond butter and/or maybe another small bowl of cereal that's less dense than granola.

2011-06-03 1:41 AM
in reply to: #3527389

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-06-02 1:41 AM

SO I hit the IM loop today for my 2 hour ride.  Some dude pulls up next to me in a pick up and his passenger says "do you really think that Fu$king little light on the back of your shirt is going to save your a$$?" and then sped off.  And so the season begins.

Our house deal fell through.  Too long to explain, but I'm off with Cooper in the car, his cage and bed and toys in my back hatch while the house is shown today.  Really hating this part of moving.

One of my mates was out riding at night a few weeks back and went past a McDonalds, he felt someting brush his leg then the sound of something bouncing down the road - he thought it was his drink bottle but turned out to be kids throwing stuff at him. Lucky for them he didn't stop, he's a cop and built like a brick sh#thouse!

Sorry about the house Suzy, that sucksFrown

2011-06-03 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3529501

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second nature therefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on." <

Personally I have found that my road specific shoes which I thought were going to be easy to slip on if they are already clipped in are not.  I jut can't open them up enough, especially after pedaling on top of them for a few minutes to make it work quickly.  Tri-specific shoes with a single flap can be easier to open up to slip feet into.  I've tried it.

I'll also throw in that I struggled with comfort on the bike and run in the past so I've gotten past that now by taking an extra few seconds in T1 and T2 to make sure all my shoes are on correcty, does me no good to have a fast T2 with rocks in my shoes because I didn't wipe my feet off.  I don't leave my shoes clipped in because I have yet to execute the procedure fast enough, who cares if I save 10 seconds in T1 if It takes me 15 seconds longer on the bike because I had to fiddle with my shoes, besides chicks dig fast bike splits not fast transition times ; )

I would like to get to the point where I can leave my shoes clipped in as I think I can run faster in transition with my bike shoes off vs. on, the speedplay cleats are tough to run in, but even still I would want to make sure my feet get in quickly, I too pass quite a few guys coming out of T1 that maybe were faster in T1 but not the first 200M out of transition because they are busy putting their feet in their shoes and I can get right to business pedaling hard.

I've got some work to do to get better at transitions, most of it comes from not paying attention to where my stuff is before hand, Need to get better in T2 to just grab my stuff and go, put hat, number, glasses on once out on the road, that I can do without breaking stride.

2011-06-03 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3530430

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

dalessit - 2011-06-03 7:52 AM

 besides chicks dig fast bike splits not fast transition times ; )

Spoken like a true Velominati .....  could even be taken as a shot across the bow ..... John ....  Fatty .... you up down south yet today?  

P.S.  I always thought the shaved legs were more important than actual split times?  Guess I need to go ride more!  Laughing

2011-06-03 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3530487

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-06-03 9:11 AM

dalessit - 2011-06-03 7:52 AM

 besides chicks dig fast bike splits not fast transition times ; )

Spoken like a true Velominati .....  could even be taken as a shot across the bow ..... John ....  Fatty .... you up down south yet today?  

P.S.  I always thought the shaved legs were more important than actual split times?  Guess I need to go ride more!  Laughing

Shaved legs just increase your coolness factor.

2011-06-03 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3529560

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-06-02 2:22 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 1:58 PM
swbkrun - 2011-06-02 10:44 AM
jfought - 2011-06-02 6:55 AM
gdale - 2011-06-02 8:26 AM
jfought - 2011-06-02 7:22 AM
fowlmood - 2011-06-01 11:43 PM

No races for me this weekend.

Did have a great ride today on my Cannondale Slice 5 going to call her Miranda maybe with a name like that will give me some mojo she is fast with hardly any effort no wind to fight today just dodging thunder and lightening storms.


With a name like that, we need the story that goes along with it!! 

As for me, I did have a really good 4 mile run last night.  For me, that's a major accomplishment. 

Awesome!!  Keep it up!

Thanks George.  It was only about 9 weeks ago that I ran the first non-stop 3 miles of my life!  I WILL be a runner!!!  First tri is 3 weeks from Saturday :-)

Question:  Who is the resident nutritionist of the group?  I'm trying to train and slowly lose some weight.  I've lost 20 lbs since I started training in January, but I've stalled.  I would ultimately like to lose another 10-20 lbs.  Who would be a good "go to" person for advice?  Any of you been there and done this????


John has probably lost the most weight, but I suggest you AVOID his type of diet !!!

lots of cold beer and ironman.  keep it simple! 

John, you're my kind of guy.  I'm drinking a cold beer with one hand and signing up for an Ironman with the other.  I think I can feel myself getting leaner already!!! Laughing  There HAS to be some nutritional value in beer.  There just HAS to. 


P.S. I'm really writing this as a drink a protein shake after a 30 mi. ride.  A person can dream, can't she?


Sorry I have been a little pressed for time the past few days and have not been able to write a good response to your nutrition question.  I will say that losing weight especially the stubborn pounds while training is tough b/c you need the calories for training and recovering.  However, you can change your body shape but putting in quality calories.  You will lose fat which may not change the scale but it will change how you feel and look.

Counting calories/keeping a food journal is a pain in the a$s but it will give you a snapshot of your diet.  From there you can see your weak areas and areas for improvement.  Sometimes shifting around the balance of your macronutrients or subbing one food for another can make a world of difference but until you have something on paper to look at it can be difficult to be accurate.

For me eating whole foods as close to their natural state and less meat really helps.  Good luck - it takes some patience and tweaking to find the right formula and then just like babies the minute you think you have the routine figured out things change.  Your body will adapt and you've got to mix things up again.  And it takes time, it is another part of the sport just like swim, bike, and run.

And for those who can put in a ton of miles (and drink beer) while the weight melts off consider yourself very fortunate.  Some goes for those naturally thin people.  ;-)


On another note - North Face has a cool Facebook tracker for my race tomorrow.  So it is set up to post my splits through facebook if anyone is interested in following.  Temps and humidity look good for tomorrow so I'm pumped.  Should be a piece of cake.  HA!!!!! 


2011-06-03 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Sam- Congrats on your AG win last weekend! Awesome job! I loved the pics of your son too, and the bike shoes, leaf, and nutrition... too cute! Good luck and have fun tomorrow! I look forward to tracking you

Congratulations to Trevor too... super speedy tri run!

Tony- Sounds like you're getting your strategy figured out. Congrats, crazy cyclist guy! Can't wait to hear how it goes this weekend!

Good luck to all our other racers this weekend!

We moved our RV to Black Diamond, WA, yesterday. We're right on Lake Sawyer, so I'm looking forward to lots of OWS! I also, got on my bike yesterday for the first time in forever. Did 30' on the computrainer. I'm starting to feel like a triathlete again!

2011-06-03 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3529946

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-06-02 8:30 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 4:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second naturetherefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on."

Explain further please.  Given your T1 time for the IM you just did, you must be doing a lot of things right.   

here's were "slow is smooth, smooth if fast" really shows up.  its kinda like listening to jeter talk about seeing the ball in slow motion from the pitchers hand to the plate.   or urlacher talking about someone coming out of the backfield at half speed.  neither instance is really happening but their minds tell them it is.  slow it down. 

keep it simple.  what do you NEED to go race for the next few hours?  not much.

do a walk through transition by yourself.  start from swim in, go to your rack then go to bike out. repeat for t2.  if you can do this the night before and in the morning, all the better.  pay attention to your surroundings during the walk through.    this ain't optional  for those of us inside the swim time bell curve at ironman. 

you should have seen some of the crap people were loading in their im bike bags.  i had my bike shoes, helmet and race belt.  i had my helmet and belt on and buckled before the tent and shoes on at the bike.  and i was yapping away!!!

i royally f'd up t2.  ha!


edit to fix the terp!


Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-06-03 8:52 AM

2011-06-03 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3530600

User image

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-03 9:50 AM
dcon - 2011-06-02 8:30 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 4:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second naturetherefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on."

Explain further please.  Given your T1 time for the IM you just did, you must be doing a lot of things right.   

here's were "slow is smooth, smooth if fast" really shows up.  its kinda like listening to jeter talk about seeing the ball in slow motion from the pitchers hand to the plate.   or urlacher talking about someone coming out of the backfield at half speed.  neither instance is really happening but their minds tell them it is.  slow it down. 

keep it simple.  what do you NEED to go race for the next few hours?  not much.

do a walk through transition by yourself.  start from swim in, go to your rack then go to bike out. repeat for t2.  if you can do this the night before and in the morning, all the better.  pay attention to your surroundings during the walk through.    this ain't optional  for those of us inside the swim time bell curve at ironman. 

you should have seen some of the crap people were loading in their im bike bags.  i had my bike shoes, helmet and race belt.  i had my helmet and belt on and buckled before the tent and shoes on at the bike.  and i was yapping away!!!

i royally f'd up t2.  ha!


edit to fix the terp!


This is where I usually fail, normally so busy getting ready I forget to see where I am.  At Rev3 I thought I had it made, large numbers on the end of the row.  Unfortunately when I got there someone had removed those numbers from 3-4 rows where I was.

2011-06-03 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3530430

User image

Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dalessit - 2011-06-03 8:52 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second naturetherefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on."

Personally I have found that my road specific shoes which I thought were going to be easy to slip on if they are already clipped in are not.  I jut can't open them up enough, especially after pedaling on top of them for a few minutes to make it work quickly.  Tri-specific shoes with a single flap can be easier to open up to slip feet into.  I've tried it.

I'll also throw in that I struggled with comfort on the bike and run in the past so I've gotten past that now by taking an extra few seconds in T1 and T2 to make sure all my shoes are on correcty, does me no good to have a fast T2 with rocks in my shoes because I didn't wipe my feet off.  I don't leave my shoes clipped in because I have yet to execute the procedure fast enough, who cares if I save 10 seconds in T1 if It takes me 15 seconds longer on the bike because I had to fiddle with my shoes, besides chicks dig fast bike splits not fast transition times ; )

I would like to get to the point where I can leave my shoes clipped in as I think I can run faster in transition with my bike shoes off vs. on, the speedplay cleats are tough to run in, but even still I would want to make sure my feet get in quickly, I too pass quite a few guys coming out of T1 that maybe were faster in T1 but not the first 200M out of transition because they are busy putting their feet in their shoes and I can get right to business pedaling hard.

I've got some work to do to get better at transitions, most of it comes from not paying attention to where my stuff is before hand, Need to get better in T2 to just grab my stuff and go, put hat, number, glasses on once out on the road, that I can do without breaking stride.

so, the majority of your issues in transition have nothing to do with the type of shoes you wear but rather how you execute.   ding. ding. ding.  edit to fix the terp'd AGAIN and to add all of my issues are pretty much the same as yours)


Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-06-03 9:13 AM
2011-06-03 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3530648

User image

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-03 10:10 AM
dalessit - 2011-06-03 8:52 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:54 PM
dalessit - 2011-06-02 2:35 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-02 2:26 PM

ahhhh.  the main forums.  why do i bother. 

let me give you all a little tip.... 

the type of bike shoes you wear has NOTHING to do with the speed at which you move through transitions.  NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.....



Meaning ones that are on your feet while you are running through transition?  or Tri-specific ones that are clipped on you bike.  If it's the latter then it would matter, non tri-specific ones are a pain to put on after your feet have smashed down the top when you ride for a bit then try and put shoes on.  If it's the running part then yeah wouldn't matter.

oh heavens no!  .. .you too.   *shakes head*

you DO NOT have to have "tri specific" shoes in order to keep your shoes in the pedals.  you simply don't.  this is a freak'in myth.   i have beat up old road shoes and i beat all kinds of people out of transition. 

shoes in pedals in T1 is not faster.  its not.  ask me how i know... come on ask me... BECAUSE I KNOW.. ha!

clip any type of shoe in. (as long as its clipless of course)  it doesn't make a difference in time.  i do it ALL the time.


tip #2

there are many more things to focus on in transition... getting into and out of your shoes should be second naturetherefore something your're not even thinking about other that "gotta get me shoes on."

Personally I have found that my road specific shoes which I thought were going to be easy to slip on if they are already clipped in are not.  I jut can't open them up enough, especially after pedaling on top of them for a few minutes to make it work quickly.  Tri-specific shoes with a single flap can be easier to open up to slip feet into.  I've tried it.

I'll also throw in that I struggled with comfort on the bike and run in the past so I've gotten past that now by taking an extra few seconds in T1 and T2 to make sure all my shoes are on correcty, does me no good to have a fast T2 with rocks in my shoes because I didn't wipe my feet off.  I don't leave my shoes clipped in because I have yet to execute the procedure fast enough, who cares if I save 10 seconds in T1 if It takes me 15 seconds longer on the bike because I had to fiddle with my shoes, besides chicks dig fast bike splits not fast transition times ; )

I would like to get to the point where I can leave my shoes clipped in as I think I can run faster in transition with my bike shoes off vs. on, the speedplay cleats are tough to run in, but even still I would want to make sure my feet get in quickly, I too pass quite a few guys coming out of T1 that maybe were faster in T1 but not the first 200M out of transition because they are busy putting their feet in their shoes and I can get right to business pedaling hard.

I've got some work to do to get better at transitions, most of it comes from not paying attention to where my stuff is before hand, Need to get better in T2 to just grab my stuff and go, put hat, number, glasses on once out on the road, that I can do without breaking stride.

so, the majority of your issues in transition have nothing to do with the type of shoes you wear but rather how you execute.   ding. ding. ding.  edit to fix the terp'd AGAIN and to add all of my issues are pretty much the same as yours)


Agree that there are execution issues, but my original statement is that tri-specific bike shoes are easier to get your feet into when they're left on the bike than most normal bike shoes, due to the fact that normal bike shoes don't always open up as much as the single strap tri-shoes.

LOL, though most triathletes should work on bike handling skills before trying this (yes I'm pulling my snobby bike racer card) looking at that video from Rev3 should be enough, love the dude riding out with his helmet on backwards.

2011-06-03 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Personally, I like guys with fast bike splits, but I like guys that look good getting fast bike splits the best.    And they don't involve facial hair and sitting on the toilet....they involve compression shorts and some chiseled legs and arms.
2011-06-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Kim - you scared me about not having been in a wetsuit or OW since September....!!

So, headed out the the Splash-N-Dash last night, with a same-day entry.  Can't even blame the decision on alcohol!  

Very cold, overcast and windy, Mother Nature hasn't gotten the June in California memo.   Last time I did this race was 2009, and I believe I did a 1:05 - but I'm not sure.  This time they had 2 at the start of the run, and one at the finish.  So the T1 time was wrapped in with the swim. 

1.5K swim.  Guys headed off at 6 pm, Ladies at 6:05.  Choppy, but manageable.  Need to work on my sighting - added quite a bit to the first loop of the lake.  yikes.  Couldn't believe how many people cut corners around the buoys, do you rationalize that?!?

Slippery, mossy, gooey climb out of the lake....and a tough time getting the wetsuit off.  I DO think it shrank - is that possible??  Frozen fingers had a tough time tying shoes - don't have the yankz on them, been doing only run races since Sept.  Garmin on (why? 'cuz I feel naked without it!), hat, shades (same reason as Garmin, plus I'm blind without them!), back for the race belt.  Geez.  Not sure what the T1 time was, but suffice to say....slow.

Split showed 33.?? for swim/T1.

Out to the run.....not a lot of people, and not very well marked.  Concerned a couple of times that I was in the right place!  Caught a few guys, felt less lost!  Started seeing people on their way back.  Didn't have heart rate strap on, but it was HIGH - and it didn't come down.  Good thing it was a short race!  Several of us went a bit to far at the turnaround, poorly marked.   Passed a few more on the way back.  Nasty, nasty hills, including one that 150 foot climb in .5 mile, and one that was 150 foot climb in .10 mile.  Rough.  Couple of pukers.    Found a bit of a kick to pass a guy at the finish - who didn't want that to happen.  I felt like telling him to chill.....I already had him by the 5 minute start delta.  Men.

Finished with a 27:?? on the run.  1:01.?? total time, 7th among Masters women.  Results aren't up yet....looking forward to that.

Glad I did it!!

Edited by velcromom 2011-06-03 10:28 AM

2011-06-03 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3530847

User image

Sacramento, CA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-06-03 8:26 AM

Kim - you scared me about not having been in a wetsuit or OW since September....!!

So, headed out the the Splash-N-Dash last night, with a same-day entry.  Can't even blame the decision on alcohol!  

Very cold, overcast and windy, Mother Nature hasn't gotten the June in California memo.   Last time I did this race was 2009, and I believe I did a 1:05 - but I'm not sure.  This time they had 2 at the start of the run, and one at the finish.  So the T1 time was wrapped in with the swim. 

1.5K swim.  Guys headed off at 6 pm, Ladies at 6:05.  Choppy, but manageable.  Need to work on my sighting - added quite a bit to the first loop of the lake.  yikes.  Couldn't believe how many people cut corners around the buoys, do you rationalize that?!?

Slippery, mossy, gooey climb out of the lake....and a tough time getting the wetsuit off.  I DO think it shrank - is that possible??  Frozen fingers had a tough time tying shoes - don't have the yankz on them, been doing only run races since Sept.  Garmin on (why? 'cuz I feel naked without it!), hat, shades (same reason as Garmin, plus I'm blind without them!), back for the race belt.  Geez.  Not sure what the T1 time was, but suffice to say....slow.

Split showed 33.?? for swim/T1.

Out to the run.....not a lot of people, and not very well marked.  Concerned a couple of times that I was in the right place!  Caught a few guys, felt less lost!  Started seeing people on their way back.  Didn't have heart rate strap on, but it was HIGH - and it didn't come down.  Good thing it was a short race!  Several of us went a bit to far at the turnaround, poorly marked.   Passed a few more on the way back.  Nasty, nasty hills, including one that 150 foot climb in .5 mile, and one that was 150 foot climb in .10 mile.  Rough.  Couple of pukers.    Found a bit of a kick to pass a guy at the finish - who didn't want that to happen.  I felt like telling him to chill.....I already had him by the 5 minute start delta.  Men.

Finished with a 27:?? on the run.  1:01.?? total time, 7th among Masters women.  Results aren't up yet....looking forward to that.

Glad I did it!!

Cool!  So you are ready for Silicon Valley Tri???? You made good time on the OWS in windy conditions.  I did a practice 2 days ago too...sooo windy that I sucked water at every breath or so it felt....and I was soooo slow!

Sad news for me...went in for MRI - Knee pain.  I have a MCL tear.  Cant finish my big build week and my race is in 9 days.  Cry

2011-06-03 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3530847

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-06-03 11:26 AM

Kim - you scared me about not having been in a wetsuit or OW since September....!!

So, headed out the the Splash-N-Dash last night, with a same-day entry.  Can't even blame the decision on alcohol!  

Very cold, overcast and windy, Mother Nature hasn't gotten the June in California memo.   Last time I did this race was 2009, and I believe I did a 1:05 - but I'm not sure.  This time they had 2 at the start of the run, and one at the finish.  So the T1 time was wrapped in with the swim. 

1.5K swim.  Guys headed off at 6 pm, Ladies at 6:05.  Choppy, but manageable.  Need to work on my sighting - added quite a bit to the first loop of the lake.  yikes.  Couldn't believe how many people cut corners around the buoys, do you rationalize that?!?

Slippery, mossy, gooey climb out of the lake....and a tough time getting the wetsuit off.  I DO think it shrank - is that possible??  Frozen fingers had a tough time tying shoes - don't have the yankz on them, been doing only run races since Sept.  Garmin on (why? 'cuz I feel naked without it!), hat, shades (same reason as Garmin, plus I'm blind without them!), back for the race belt.  Geez.  Not sure what the T1 time was, but suffice to say....slow.

Split showed 33.?? for swim/T1.

Out to the run.....not a lot of people, and not very well marked.  Concerned a couple of times that I was in the right place!  Caught a few guys, felt less lost!  Started seeing people on their way back.  Didn't have heart rate strap on, but it was HIGH - and it didn't come down.  Good thing it was a short race!  Several of us went a bit to far at the turnaround, poorly marked.   Passed a few more on the way back.  Nasty, nasty hills, including one that 150 foot climb in .5 mile, and one that was 150 foot climb in .10 mile.  Rough.  Couple of pukers.    Found a bit of a kick to pass a guy at the finish - who didn't want that to happen.  I felt like telling him to chill.....I already had him by the 5 minute start delta.  Men.

Finished with a 27:?? on the run.  1:01.?? total time, 7th among Masters women.  Results aren't up yet....looking forward to that.

Glad I did it!!


2011-06-03 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3530516

User image

Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
sdalessio - 2011-06-03 9:20 AM

Sorry I have been a little pressed for time the past few days and have not been able to write a good response to your nutrition question.  I will say that losing weight especially the stubborn pounds while training is tough b/c you need the calories for training and recovering.  However, you can change your body shape but putting in quality calories.  You will lose fat which may not change the scale but it will change how you feel and look.  This is happening.  I've dropped two clothing sizes since January and it's time to purge the closet of clothes that don't fit.  But, that said, I also know the lighter I am the easier it will be to run!  My 45 year old joints will thank me.  I'm all about making running as painless as possible. LOL

Counting calories/keeping a food journal is a pain in the a$s but it will give you a snapshot of your diet.  From there you can see your weak areas and areas for improvement.  Sometimes shifting around the balance of your macronutrients or subbing one food for another can make a world of difference but until you have something on paper to look at it can be difficult to be accurate.   Ok, I am willing to give this a try, but I wish I had my own private nutritionist to take my food diary, interpret all of the information and then tell me what I need to change.  I suppose I could find someone who could do this for me if I made a few inquiries. I have tracked my food in the past, but I just don't like doing it :-

For me eating whole foods as close to their natural state and less meat really helps.  Good luck - it takes some patience and tweaking to find the right formula and then just like babies the minute you think you have the routine figured out things change.  Your body will adapt and you've got to mix things up again.  And it takes time, it is another part of the sport just like swim, bike, and run.  I have been working on the "whole foods" part of the process for a couple years.  I do eat meat, but I try to stick to very lean meat, usually chicken.  I have to admit, I crave cheese!!!  I try to snack on string cheese (a couple a day), but I love it all!!  The biggest change I have made is cutting out the desserts/sweets/sugars/etc.  I cut them out in January and I actually don't mind that much.  I will have an occasional treat, but I try to make it a couple of bites instead of a whole serving. 

And for those who can put in a ton of miles (and drink beer) while the weight melts off consider yourself very fortunate.  Some goes for those naturally thin people.  ;-I will second this comment!  You have NO IDEA how much we envy you Smile


On another note - North Face has a cool Facebook tracker for my race tomorrow.  So it is set up to post my splits through facebook if anyone is interested in following.  Temps and humidity look good for tomorrow so I'm pumped.  Should be a piece of cake.  HA!!!!!  Do you have a link for this??  Good luck tomorrow!!!

2011-06-03 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3529969

User image

Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I only drink soy milk pre-exercise (with the exception of a splash of half-and-half in my coffee). Dairy gives me side aches. After HUGE workouts, my chocolate milk (or Instant Breakfast) is usually 2% milk. Day-to-day life, if I have milk, it's non-fat. 

My pre-workout meal is granola with soy milk. If I need more calories or have a couple of meals (i.e. granola, then swim, then snack before run), the next one is often a piece of toast w/pb or almond butter and/or maybe another small bowl of cereal that's less dense than granola.


Soy milk is the only type of milk I drink now.  I was having problems with acid reflux so I quit drinking milk and have not had problems with it since.



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