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how young is too young??
5yrs younger6 Votes - [10.71%]
8 years younger1 Votes - [1.79%]
10 yrs younger10 Votes - [17.86%]
15yrs younger2 Votes - [3.57%]
who cares she/he is young and hot8 Votes - [14.29%]
Your Age/2+76 Votes - [10.71%]
17 years, 364 days, 23:59 hours5 Votes - [8.93%]
younger the better1 Votes - [1.79%]
age is just a number-don't get hung up on it9 Votes - [16.07%]
If you have to ask big boy...1 Votes - [1.79%]
If I wasn't married and I was Zillas age I would disccuss.2 Votes - [3.57%]
as long as the pizza is good and legal1 Votes - [1.79%]
Date your daughter 1 Votes - [1.79%]
"You're only as old as the woman you feel"2 Votes - [3.57%]
women might as well date as young as they can because men never mature anyw1 Votes - [1.79%]

2009-02-19 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1969270

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Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Aikidoman - 2009-02-18 4:43 PM

The secret formula is =  Half your age + 7....There you go

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with my 8yo daughter dating 11 year olds.

2009-02-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1969551

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Subject: RE: how young is too young??
KenD - 2009-02-18 6:37 PM

Gaarryy - 2009-02-18 6:20 PM

I'd claim great genes, but then I'd get hit by a bus.. most people in my family live well into their nineties and are still active mentally and physically.. so maybe I do need someone younger.. Akido man is convincing me !!!!!!!

What defines mentally active in your book? Still able to work the interwebz and sign up for another tri?

Starting to hit a little close to home, Ken?
2009-02-19 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1969871

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2009-02-19 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1970077

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Spokes - 2009-02-19 9:14 AM
onefitgeek - 2009-02-18 11:11 PM
Spokes - 2009-02-18 4:43 PM
CitySky - 2009-02-18 3:40 PM

So I did the age/2 - 7 thing and was startled to learn I should be dating a guy who is 26.  Eek!

Then I realized, the assumption was that the male would be older.

Let see, 47 - nah, I'll AG myself and say 48, since I'll hit that #er in November - 48/2 + 7 = 31.

There was a table of four hotties last night watching me play last night that looked in that ballpark. Cool

You take home all 4?

That sounds like a GREAT idea! Thanks!


The musician factor throws a curve into the equation. You can date any girl of legal age who will actually go out with you.

2009-02-19 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1969255

New user
Subject: RE: how young is too young??
To add a bit of perspective. My grandfather is 81 years old and just remaried (2 years ago) and his new wife was a friend of my parents, she is 57. But is truthfull ness my grandfather is still active loves to ballroom dance fixup cars ect. So again i think it is maturaty level and if you and the person have a connection.
2009-02-19 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1969255

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: how young is too young??
I've just very recently jumped on the dating train again and my current criteria is: if it is just for 'fun' I am setting the limit at 25yo and for a relationship 30yo or older (we'll see how that works out ). I guess I could consider younger girls and have fun but to be honest I get bored and lose interest rather easy with gals on their early 20s in general. 

2009-02-19 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1970255

Subject: RE: how young is too young??
JorgeM - 2009-02-19 9:33 AM

I've just very recently jumped on the dating train again and my current criteria is: if it is just for 'fun' I am setting the limit at 25yo and for a relationship 30yo or older (we'll see how that works out ). I guess I could consider younger girls and have fun but to be honest I get bored and lose interest rather easy with gals on their early 20s in general.

Agreed. Women don't get their sh*t together until their mid-20s. Until you sort your life out and have a career, pay your bills, etc., I'm not interested in anything long-term. We can have pizza, but I'm not buying the pie.

Guys aren't any better, but I'm not trying to date them so it doesn't matter.
2009-02-19 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1969255

Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Gary if I think your girl is hot then she's probably too young (except for the last one, haha).
2009-02-19 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Sliding scale, agreed.
2009-02-19 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Sorry for the extra post, had to do it.  You'd understand.
2009-02-19 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1970118

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2009-02-20 2:06 AM
in reply to: #1969255

Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: how young is too young??

me 46, hubby 31, only time it's a problem is when I say something like "do you remember going to see Star Wars in High School?" and he says "not really, that was the year I was born"  OUCH

 He was born old I reckon, still feels like he's older than me.  or it could be that I just incredibly immature.  When I met him, I was looking for a sugar daddy and thought he was an obnoxious liitle geek.  

Gaarryy, age don't matter a dingo's kidney,  

PS that's why I'm training for tri's - I'm too scared for botox

2009-02-20 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: how young is too young??

does she have a brotherYell

2009-02-20 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1973159

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: how young is too young??

I met my husband when he was 40 and I was 22.  Our 7th wedding anniversary is coming up next month.  So far so good.  I wouldn't have dated a guy my age at the time, although he is by far the oldest I ever went out with.  He's a very young 50 now, he even hangs with a group of bike hipsters who make me feel old.  It's definitely an individual situation.

I do admit, though, that he went along with some really dumb things when we first met like late nights at the bar, etc.  Although now he goes out more than I do.  I'm too pooped from tri training on weekend nights, and you know I have to get up for early morning run meet-ups...

The most interesting part of this for me is that he admits I wouldn't have been the slightest bit interested in him if we'd met when he was 22.  He had a minimum wage job, hitchhiked to work, and was a college dropout.  I chose him based on the sum of his experiences at 42, which were more in line with what I was looking for as a young adult.  Even now I look at my girlfriend's husbands who are my age and not really that interested. 

I am starting to think I've developed a thing for older guys now, though.  I saw Kevin Costner's band play recently and I was just as smitten as the other (middle-aged) ladies in the audience

2009-02-20 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: how young is too young??

Age doesn't really matter that much if the person is on the same level of maturity and thinks similar.  Obviously laws have to be considered and there is a level where things get "creepy" but that level is entirely based on societal issues and locale.  There are plenty of countries in the world where young girls and boys get married (13 or so).  That was how it used to be throughout history.  Would I want to date someone 18 while I am 37 if I were single??  Not really.  Just different stage in my life.

But my wife is 8-1/2 years older than me ..... and we have worked out just fine!!  She sometimes brought up the age issue while we were dating and early in our marriage, but not really any more.

2009-02-20 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1969255

the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: how young is too young??

if there's grass on the field, play ball.


(i couldn't resist.  it's been a rough week and i'm starting to lose it.)

2009-02-26 5:45 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Subject: RE: how young is too young??
When a man offers to take me to Pizza Hut and doesn't get my allusion to the Brady Bunch, I know he is too young. 
2009-02-26 10:56 PM
in reply to: #1973222

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2009-02-26 11:46 PM
in reply to: #1969255

Extreme Veteran
Hattiesburg, MS
Subject: RE: how young is too young??
Man I am 22 dating younger than me they can't go out and drink so I stay away from them haha.  Other than the old they are the more ummm experince they have......
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