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UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser - TriathlonSprint

View Member's Race Log
Orem, UT
United States
25F / -4C
Total Time = 1h 43m 44s
Overall Rank = 132/154
Age Group = It's on my leg
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I got about 7 hours of sleep. I ate a pb sandwich for breakfast (this is normal) and tried to drink up on water. Wore a ss t-shirt and sweatpants so body marking would be easy and then changed into the polyprop. underwear, long sleeve t-shirt and tight-like thingies that bagged around my knees. I am not a tri fashion goddess. Especially when it is 25 degrees F. Got to the race about an hour early, unloaded my bike, picked up my packet, activated my timing chip and hung out. The race started, ended and transitioned in a park where there were grills so there were hot coals providing some heat. I didn't feel cold so I didn't use them. My husband came later and got set up too.

This tri's order was a run-bike-swim.
Event warmup:

Stretched a little, jogged a little. It was COLD, but it felt good. It waited to snow until after I was home. Doughnuts and hot chocolate were available during pre-race, but I didn't have any because I didn't know what their effect would be on me during the race. However, I did wrap a doughnut in a napkin and put it in my jacket pocket in the event I decided a sugar boost with its accompanying plunge would be worth it. My husband suggested filling my flask with hot chocolate, but I didn't do it.
  • 14m 49s
  • 300 yards
  • 04m 56s / 100 yards

The swim was last. My time includes a "walk really fast into the rec. center (officials said we could not run-liability) and a "lengthy, goofy struggle with my STUPID swimsuit" transition. I didn't wear it under my clothes (a comfort issue) and had to put it on in the locker room. After that, I couldn't seem to get into my swimming rhythm. I think I was thinking how I just survived the run and bike. Since my time wasn't really an issue and my family and friends were up above the pool in the observation area, I did a little backstroke thing and waved to them. I took my sweet time. The hardest part of the swim was climbing out of deep end of the pool w/o a ladder to get my timing chip across the sensor. I felt like one of those walruses trying to get up onto the beach. My husband assures me I didn't look that way, though. That was the right thing for him to say.
What would you do differently?:

Wear swimsuit under my other clothes. Mentally focus, focus, focus, even when fatigued. I used breaststroke during this swim and will learn TI freestyle by spring. Learn to climb out of the pool with grace and flair :)
Transition 1
  • 00m

This is the transition from run to bike. I think because of the excitement of my first tri, my heartrate was higher than I wanted it to be. I never felt "caught up" with myself. I can't explain it. I was trying to not let the fact I was near the last of the racers bother me and stick to my goal of finishing in under 2 hrs.
What would you do differently?:

Take my sunglasses out of my shoe before trying to put the shoe on ;), figure out something different with my bike shoes so I can get them on faster.
  • 44m 55s
  • 10 miles
  • 13.36 mile/hr

Bike was second, after the run. I noticed the cold on the bike because my knuckles got numb. This was to only time I even noticed the cold. I went about the pace I thought I would. I did some walking on the hills, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
What would you do differently?:

Lose the extra 45 lbs. I am lugging around. Figure out something to do with my bike shoes so I don't have issues with them at transition.
Zip up my shell. I was a giant sail, but I got cooled off. I would wear the windproof glove covers I had set out because my fingers DID get numb. I would focus on my pedaling stroke. I would ride a road or tri bike rather than a mountain bike. Not walk up hills.
Transition 2
  • 00m

This is the transition from bike to swim.
What would you do differently?:

Wear my swimsuit so my battle with it isn't timed. It wasn't pretty. Remember to take off helmet.
  • 44m
  • 5 kms
  • 08m 48s  min/km

The run was first. I took off at my pace, which was slow, but I got through the course. I was chugging along and heard a "whir/rumble" sound. It was the first place guy going past me on his bike. His tri bike had a rear disk and it sounded very cool.
What would you do differently?:

Turn off the beeper on my heartrate monitor. I knew I was over where I wanted to be and I was trying to bring it down, but it kept beeping at me. I finally turned off the entire monitor. ARGH!
Post race
Warm down:

I needed to do this, but didn't have time. I got done and POOF! it was award time.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

If I only had to name one thing, it would be the extra 45 lbs I am carrying. Losing that would make all the difference in the world.

My goal was to finish, period. But I would be extra happy if I did it in under 2 hours and I did that. This was my first tri and I didn't know what to expect. My times were what I thought I would do, except for the swim. I just couldn't seem to mentally get it together for that. With all the stuff going on, I just didn't seem to have the focus I am capable of. My body and mind went into "autopilot". I learned the importance of mental preparation. I learned that when one's brain checks out, the body does what it has been trained to do. That is exactly what happened to me and it worked out OK-not great, but OK. I have come such a long way since the last week of July. I can run more than 100 yards and swim more than 50 yards without gasping for air. I just finished a triathlon!

This was my husband's first tri and he did well.

Lessons learned from this experience (in no particular order): 1. Don't use the audio on my heart rate monitor. It rattled me because my heartrate was only slightly over my setting and the beeping drove me nuts a la Quasimoto "THE BELLS! THE BELLS!" 2. Go your own pace (I did that and I was fine). 3. Wear my swimsuit under my clothes. 4. Get a road bike. Use a road bike. 5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I would forget to drink because I wasn't hot, but I was sweating. I drank about a million gallons of water when I got home. 6. Remember to take the sunglasses out of the bike shoe before trying to put the shoe on. 7. I must prepare for physical AND mental fatigue. 8. Take my helmet off before leaving the bike to swim transition. Actually, I was going to use it as a flotation device in case all went south during the swim (just kidding). :) 9. Learn TI freestyle. 10. Zip up my jacket while on the bike so I am not a big sail. 10. It is difficult to munch on a doughnut and run at the same time (I ate maybe an 1/8th of it). 11. Cold weather isn't noticable when I am racing. 12. I AM HOOKED ON THIS SPORT!!

Event comments:

I was near the end of the bike group and the road volunteers were gone. I was nearly hit by a woman who decided a Jeep Cherokee at a stop sign had the right of way over a bicylist making a left turn w/o a stop sign. The cop who was regulating the intersection had just left 10 seconds earlier (literally, I saw him up the road). I wish all the volunteers would have been around a little longer for us slow folks.

All entrants got a sweatshirt and finishers got a medal.

One of the local TV stations filmed all of us at the beginning of the tri because of the race's connection to Garrett Bardsley. I was told I was seen on TV, but I was sound asleep by the time the news came on and I didn't see it. It doesn't matter to me because I don't want to see what I look like from the back ;)

Garrett Bardsley is a 12 year old boy who became lost in the Uinta Mountains last August and is presumed dead ( His family are regular participants in this event sponsored by the UVSC Tri Club ( and the money raised today ($5K) will go to build a school in Ecuador in Garrett's memory.

Thank you for taking the time to read my report. I hope it contains some information that either 1. helps you; 2. makes you laugh while envisoning the scene; or 3. makes you shake your head and wonder why I am even doing this.

Last updated: 2004-11-20 12:00 AM
00:14:49 | 300 yards | 04m 56s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/154
Performance: Below average
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 80F / 27C Current: Low
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 00:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
00:44:55 | 10 miles | 13.36 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/154
Performance: Average
Wind: Little
Course: Generally flat but with a long (1/2 mi.) gradual hill that goes up about 120 feet. Then one hill with a 120 foot elevation gain in about 300 yards (ouch)
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Bad
Race pace: Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:00
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
00:44:00 | 05 kms | 08m 48s  min/km
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/154
Performance: Average
Course: Generally flat with one hill down and one hill up.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 2
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5]

2004-11-21 7:18 PM

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Subject: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser

2004-11-21 8:05 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser

Congratulations on finishing your FIRST TRI!!!!!!!!  Great job and way to go!!!!! 

2004-11-21 8:15 PM
in reply to: #85218

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
Major snaps on finishing your very first tri! I know I sound like a broken record, but if you aren't starting your first tri at your max heart rate, why show up? ;-)

It only gets more fun from here on out. Congrats on lessons learned at T1 and T2. You don't need to make the same mistakes when you do this next year, or next tri.

And last, nothing wrong with doing your first tri on a mountain bike (I rode my husband's). You'll feel so much faster if and when you transition to road bikes.

You did great! Congrats and enjoy the off season.

ETA: How sad for the family of the little boy. I hope they find him alive a la the Smart family.

Edited by Aikane 2004-11-21 8:17 PM
2004-11-21 8:20 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
Great race report. Great cause too. Congrats on your finish. I particularly liked #12 --I AM HOOKED ON THIS SPORT!!

2004-11-21 8:26 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser

Congratulations, triathlete, on a job well done!


Welcome to the addiction. Have you scheduled the nest one yet?

2004-11-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
Hooray!!! Good for you! That is a great achievement.
Keep it up!

2004-11-21 8:43 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
COngrats! Congrats! Congrats!
2004-11-21 9:10 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
YEAH!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Nice report.
2004-11-21 10:01 PM
in reply to: #85218

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser

You did it!  Congratulations, Triathlete.


2004-11-22 10:37 AM
in reply to: #85218

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Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser

Super job!!!

I loved your race report sharing the good and the bad.

Glad your hooked!!

The swim exit I'd love to learn that too...avoiding the walrus move.

Doing your first Tri when it is 25 outside for the bike and run, is very brave. What a great experience and now you get to think about it all winter as your prepare for your next season. I'd love to do a Tri like this...during the winter.

You rock!
2004-11-22 11:22 AM
in reply to: #85218

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Elite Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: UVSC Turkey Tri/ Garrett Bardsley Fundraiser
You did it, you did it, you did it!!! Great job!

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