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2008-01-25 7:08 PM

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Irvine, California
Subject: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

I was actually looking forward to my fitness evaluation at LA Fitness as a new member.  I figured it'd be good to find out my real body fat % with calipers, and be able to chat with someone knowledgeable about training, and what might work best for someone (like me) planning to do their first triathlon in the spring.

Boy was I wrong.

What I was subjected to was basically humiliation plus a hard sales job.  The woman started me off on the elliptical to get warmed up, and had me do some stretches, which was fine.  But then she had me do a bunch of leg lifts that killed my abs, and an extended "plank"-type pose that actually ended up hurting my back.  She then took me from one strength machine to the next and had me do reps I really wasn't capable of doing.  Then, at the end, she wanted me to do as many push-ups as I could, right smack dab in the middle of the room, where everyone could see us.  By that point, I was worn out and could barely manage any, and of course felt humiliated.

Then she sat me down and said "well it's obvious you need tons of improvement", and proceeded to sell me on their personal trainer program for the next 15 minutes.  I didn't cave at all, which clearly ticked her off, and was finally able to extract myself and leave.  I never did find out my body fat % by caliper -- they just use the same hand-held device that I have at home.  And it was *very* clear she was there merely to preach their mantra of strength training (with their trainers, of course) as the main ingredient of any workout regime.

Looking back, I now realize I shouldn't have expected anything else.  But I still wanted to vent some steam here.

2008-01-25 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Oh God. I have an evaluation at LA Fitness tomorrow!!!!!!! 
2008-01-25 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1176724

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

ScotinSeattle - 2008-01-25 5:13 PM Oh God. I have an evaluation at LA Fitness tomorrow!!!!!!! 


Well, with any luck, your experience will be different than mine.  But don't let them make you feel humiliated -- and if they try to put you through the ringer of machines, only do what you're comfortable with.

2008-01-25 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
They just do that to make you think "man, I must really need some personal training!" and then you'll be more likely to buy their services. If they did body fat % for most people, then did it a few months down the road, it wouldn't change much. If they make you do a bunch of pushups and you can do 5 now, then 10 in 2 months, they can say "wow! Because of your personal training, you've doubled the amount of pushups you can do!"
2008-01-25 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

These trainers have ZERO certifications, I can guarantee you. As you found out, they are merely there to give you a hard-sell for a formula training plan (at $50 a session -- the trainer only gets $12 of that). It's easy to discern the emphasis of these clubs -- follow the money trail. The sales people are paid about 4-5X what the "trainers" are. And no certifications are required. The adage "you don't have to be right, you just have to be sure" applies.

And yes, I worked at one of these clubs (though not LA Fitness).

2008-01-25 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1176724

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Silver member
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

ScotinSeattle - 2008-01-25 7:13 PM Oh God. I have an evaluation at LA Fitness tomorrow!!!!!!!


And look at your avatar! It's just too perfect! Heh.


Good Luck!  

2008-01-25 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Well, I am across the US and I have more or less the same confidence in LAF. The gym is fine as long as you don't need help from anyone that works there. Not long after I got married...and fell into the 'I'm lazy trap', I got talked into signing up for their personal trainer package. I was on the treadmill and a high school 'friend' was a trainer trying to get new clients. I did cave and signed up for a year. Well I went home and realized that it was the stupidest thing EVER that night(after my husband freaked) and I had to go back the next day and cancel my contract. The funny thing is that I swam competitively thru high school and played sports for a DIV I college...I don't need anyone to tell me how to do shoulder press. They ended up letting me cancel my contract, but talked me into 10-15 training sessions over 12 months. That was 2-3 years ago and now it was the BIGGEST WASTE ever. I just laugh when I see people in there with the trainers(I still go to LAF). SO, my advice is to stay away, they are kinda like leeches. Whenever one of the trainers comes up and tries to sell me some sort of training, I just say that I have a running and tri coach. They leave me alone.

And if you ever want them to test your BF% for you, just ask.  Make sure it's before you do any workout, but they should do it for you.   They usually don't as any questions...just act real focused...

Edited by CourtneyM 2008-01-25 9:57 PM
2008-01-25 11:13 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Welp. I decided a new dog was far more important than a free evaluation so I cancelled it. Going next Saturday instead. 
2008-01-26 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1176719

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

Hmmm, guess I got lucky when I had my free training session / evaluation at my local LA Fitness.  The trainer who I was assigned to had been a competitive swimmer throughout his life.  He took me through a bunch of swim-related weight exercises.  I've lifted weights many different times in my life, and quite a few of the things he showed me were completely new to me.  Some were nuances on exercises I had done previously.  Unfortunately, I didn't keep up with it and have forgotten much of what he showed me, and I really wish that I'd been able to video the session because he really took me through a lot of cool stuff.

I guess it's hit and miss. 

2008-01-26 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1176719

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Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Another LA Fitness member here.  IMO, the "free fitness evaluation" is merely a means to get you in front of one of their "trainers" so they can try to sell you some personal training hours.  I guarantee that if Lance himself had an evaluation, they would figure out a way to try and sell him on the idea that he needs some improvement.  It's just a sales pitch.  In most cases, the "fitness professionals" are under qualified, non-certified used car salesmen trying to hook someone.
2008-01-26 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1177045

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
LMAO, right now I am picturing Hans & Franz" from SNL.... "We're here to pump YOU UP!!!"

2008-01-26 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1176719

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Right now at 24-fitness they have "free body fat evaluations" where you can sign up your name in the girls locker room.

Can you just imagine the soul-crushing potential that has? I mean its a great idea buisness wise but the whole intent is to make you feel like crap and scare you into personal training.

2008-01-26 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1176719

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Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

Fitness club people can not even get their mental arms around a real athlete, let alone evaluate them. They gave me that hand thing and it said I was 16%. I said - really- do you think you could right me a program to get that down some....hahahaah

furthermore, anyone that is triathletic (real word?) is beyond comprehension for a guy who paid 300 bucks to get an online certification.

AND- if you are 70.3 or beyond- well- nevermind!

I mean unless one of you guys or gals did that- you would be the exception to my overall judgement of fitness clubb sissies with the hair gel! ahahhahahaha

I have wanted to say all that for a long time- thanks for the chance.

Use their pool, sling their wights around some, and walk out barefooted- just to be warned over and over again- that's what i do.

2008-01-26 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1177410

South Jersey
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

Exactly. There are more than 700 "fly by night" personal trainer certifications out there. You're not going to find the cream of the crop at LA fitness.

Sorry you had such a bad experience .

2021-04-29 10:50 AM
in reply to: krludwig


Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!
Originally posted by Tripolar

I was actually looking forward to my fitness evaluation at LA Fitness as a new member.  I figured it'd be good to find out my real body fat % with calipers, and be able to chat with someone knowledgeable about training, and what might work best for someone (like me) planning to do their first triathlon in the spring.

Boy was I wrong.

What I was subjected to was basically humiliation plus a hard sales job.  The woman started me off on the elliptical to get warmed up, and had me do some stretches, which was fine.  But then she had me do a bunch of leg lifts that killed my abs, and an extended "plank"-type pose that actually ended up hurting my back.  She then took me from one strength machine to the next and had me do reps I really wasn't capable of doing.  Then, at the end, she wanted me to do as many push-ups as I could, right smack dab in the middle of the room, where everyone could see us.  By that point, I was worn out and could barely manage any, and of course felt humiliated.

Then she sat me down and said "well it's obvious you need tons of improvement", and proceeded to sell me on their personal trainer program for the next 15 minutes.  I didn't cave at all, which clearly ticked her off, and was finally able to extract myself and leave.  I never did find out my body fat % by caliper -- they just use the same hand-held device that I have at home.  And it was *very* clear she was there merely to preach their mantra of strength training (with their trainers, of course) as the main ingredient of any workout regime.

Looking back, I now realize I shouldn't have expected anything else.  But I still wanted to vent some steam here.

Exactly! Thank God someone voice it out. Been experienced that and I am totally disappointed but I used to get silence. Scrolling old threads and I saw this, I remember how hilarious their service was.
2021-04-30 6:50 PM
in reply to: kirlinpyht

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

Originally posted by kirlinpyht
Originally posted by Tripolar

I was actually looking forward to my fitness evaluation at LA Fitness as a new member.  I figured it'd be good to find out my real body fat % with calipers, and be able to chat with someone knowledgeable about training, and what might work best for someone (like me) planning to do their first triathlon in the spring.

Boy was I wrong.

What I was subjected to was basically humiliation plus a hard sales job.  The woman started me off on the elliptical to get warmed up, and had me do some stretches, which was fine.  But then she had me do a bunch of leg lifts that killed my abs, and an extended "plank"-type pose that actually ended up hurting my back.  She then took me from one strength machine to the next and had me do reps I really wasn't capable of doing.  Then, at the end, she wanted me to do as many push-ups as I could, right smack dab in the middle of the room, where everyone could see us.  By that point, I was worn out and could barely manage any, and of course felt humiliated.

Then she sat me down and said "well it's obvious you need tons of improvement", and proceeded to sell me on their personal trainer program for the next 15 minutes.  I didn't cave at all, which clearly ticked her off, and was finally able to extract myself and leave.  I never did find out my body fat % by caliper -- they just use the same hand-held device that I have at home.  And it was *very* clear she was there merely to preach their mantra of strength training (with their trainers, of course) as the main ingredient of any workout regime.

Looking back, I now realize I shouldn't have expected anything else.  But I still wanted to vent some steam here.

Exactly! Thank God someone voice it out. Been experienced that and I am totally disappointed but I used to get silence. Scrolling old threads and I saw this, I remember how hilarious their service was.

I realize this is an old thread and that robots are pulling these back up, but I am a new LA Fitness Member so if any real people are out there that want to talk I am game.  My old guy at the McAlester Wellness Center in Oklahoma did new member fitness evaluations.  I had to come fasting and if I remember correctly they did a cholesterol test, they do the BMI, I did an air volume test, yes I think I did push ups and possibly sit ups too.  They had charts showing where your fitness was i for your age and sex compared to national averages.  I was in the top 5% in about every category by the push ups.  They also did a hear stress test when I had to ride the stationary bike for 10 minutes at a steady Heart Rate then they turned up the resistance by the amount set for the test and measured the increase in HR they said my HR did move hardly at all and I was about the best fit person they had ever tested.  So it was a totally different experience and it qualified for the $75 incentive from my Health Insurance for getting a fitness test.  So...there are systematic ways to do health tests that provide value.  I wonder why LA-Fit hasn't adopted that.

My previous gym at the Marble Falls Athletic Club in Texas had a free trainer session.  It was pretty good.  Jonny was an ultra distance runner.  I was happy about that because I was fearing I would get some body builder or cross fit guy that was all about heavy weights and bulking up.  Jonny taught me some really good things and I likewise with I could have recorded it because I have forgot some may things he taught.

I have been at LA-Fit for 2 weeks.  I haven't signed up for fitness evaluation and almost for got that they had offered one when I was on-boarding.  I would like to do it by am in and out of the gym so fast that I probably will never take the time to do it.   

2021-06-11 8:13 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: "Fitness evaluation" at LA Fitness was a joke!

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by kirlinpyht
Originally posted by Tripolar

I was actually looking forward to my fitness evaluation at LA Fitness as a new member.  I figured it'd be good to find out my real body fat % with calipers, and be able to chat with someone knowledgeable about training, and what might work best for someone (like me) planning to do their first triathlon in the spring.

Boy was I wrong.

What I was subjected to was basically humiliation plus a hard sales job.  The woman started me off on the elliptical to get warmed up, and had me do some stretches, which was fine.  But then she had me do a bunch of leg lifts that killed my abs, and an extended "plank"-type pose that actually ended up hurting my back.  She then took me from one strength machine to the next and had me do reps I really wasn't capable of doing.  Then, at the end, she wanted me to do as many push-ups as I could, right smack dab in the middle of the room, where everyone could see us.  By that point, I was worn out and could barely manage any, and of course felt humiliated.

Then she sat me down and said "well it's obvious you need tons of improvement", and proceeded to sell me on their personal trainer program for the next 15 minutes.  I didn't cave at all, which clearly ticked her off, and was finally able to extract myself and leave.  I never did find out my body fat % by caliper -- they just use the same hand-held device that I have at home.  And it was *very* clear she was there merely to preach their mantra of strength training (with their trainers, of course) as the main ingredient of any workout regime.

Looking back, I now realize I shouldn't have expected anything else.  But I still wanted to vent some steam here.

Exactly! Thank God someone voice it out. Been experienced that and I am totally disappointed but I used to get silence. Scrolling old threads and I saw this, I remember how hilarious their service was.

I realize this is an old thread and that robots are pulling these back up, but I am a new LA Fitness Member so if any real people are out there that want to talk I am game.  My old guy at the McAlester Wellness Center in Oklahoma did new member fitness evaluations.  I had to come fasting and if I remember correctly they did a cholesterol test, they do the BMI, I did an air volume test, yes I think I did push ups and possibly sit ups too.  They had charts showing where your fitness was i for your age and sex compared to national averages.  I was in the top 5% in about every category by the push ups.  They also did a hear stress test when I had to ride the stationary bike for 10 minutes at a steady Heart Rate then they turned up the resistance by the amount set for the test and measured the increase in HR they said my HR did move hardly at all and I was about the best fit person they had ever tested.  So it was a totally different experience and it qualified for the $75 incentive from my Health Insurance for getting a fitness test.  So...there are systematic ways to do health tests that provide value.  I wonder why LA-Fit hasn't adopted that.

My previous gym at the Marble Falls Athletic Club in Texas had a free trainer session.  It was pretty good.  Jonny was an ultra distance runner.  I was happy about that because I was fearing I would get some body builder or cross fit guy that was all about heavy weights and bulking up.  Jonny taught me some really good things and I likewise with I could have recorded it because I have forgot some may things he taught.

I have been at LA-Fit for 2 weeks.  I haven't signed up for fitness evaluation and almost for got that they had offered one when I was on-boarding.  I would like to do it by am in and out of the gym so fast that I probably will never take the time to do it.   

LA Fit, being a big box gym, tends to be focused on the financial numbers, and they pay trainers what are likely the lowest wages in the entire industry.  The result is most good trainers don't stay long before moving on to better environments and better opportunities.  "Assessments" end up being simple affairs with the objective of selling training.  In better facilities assessments provide useful information regardless of whether or not training is purchased.  Assessments in my studio focus primarily on assessing movement quality to identify over active and under active muscles so we can incorporate corrective exercise into program design.


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