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Yakima River Canyon Marathon - RunMarathon

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Ellensburg, Washington
United States
On the Run Events
30F / -1C
Total Time = 4h 42m 4s
Overall Rank = F-75/154
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 15/27
Pre-race routine:

Drove the RV to Yakima Friday. Headed over to Selah for packet pick up, and then went in search of a Sushi restaurant. Had lots of yummy Sushi rolls at Ozeki. Then went back to the RV and watched "The Runner" about Ultra-runner David Horton's run across the Pacific Crest Trail. After watching this 26.2 miles didn't seem so long ;) Got to bed 9:30 and slept pretty good other than waking up to see if it was time to get up 4 or 5 times. Got up at 4:20am, ate some waffles, filled my amphipod bottles with infinit, put my gear together, and headed to the Civic center to catch the bus to the start.
Event warmup:

Sipped a bottle of infinit waiting for the race start, visited the bathroom a few times. One of the volunteers started yelling at everyone to get to the start because we had a ".3 mile walk and only a half hour to race start". I understand the need to get people moving so they can start on time, but I thought if it takes us half an hour to walk a third of a mile they better have the race course open a looooong time :) We walked to the race start and tried to stay warm. The sun was out and the skies were clear so I knew it would warm up soon enough.
  • 4h 42m 4s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 46s  min/mile

The semi horn blew and off we went at a crawl. This was fine by me because I knew I wanted to take it slow the first half, especially the first couple miles. I settled into an easy pace and checked my garmin occasionally to make sure I wasn't going too fast. It really helped keep me in check and not go out too fast. I drank a sip of my infinit every 10 minutes or so, and ate some clif shot blocks every hour. I think I smiled throughout most of the run! I was so happy just to be there and accomplishing something I never dreamed possible just a few short years ago. At the halfway mark I picked up the pace a little, but still kept it fairly comfortable. A lot of people passed me during the first half and I passed a lot of people during the second half, especially going up the hills where most people were walking. One of my personal goals was to run the entire race and I did it, even up the hills! There was only one time when I had to dig REALLY deep and it was at mile 23.? . There was a 2 mile hill at mile 22 and I slowed my stride and started trotting my way up it. I was passing lots of people and feeling pretty good, but the hill started wearing on me. My legs were getting really heavy, I was getting hot and running out of steam. There was a sign that said .3 to the top. I was soo close, and I kept going. I could see the top just yards away, but my trot had been reduced to a shuffle and my legs did not want to go on. I just kept telling myself I was almost there and it was all downhill from there. I wanted desperately to stop and walk, but I willed myself on. Then a guy about 20 feet in front of me cheered as he made it to the top. I knew I would make it too, and I did! I underestimated how much all that downhill to the finish would hurt my quads though, and while I never had to dig quite that deep again those last few miles were hard and painful. I couldn't quit smiling though, because I knew I was going to complete a marathon today! Each mile I thought of someone I knew who has supported me or made a difference in my life and they ran that mile with me. I started adding more people and by the end I visualized a huge group of people I care about running with me. If I have ever interacted with you, you were undoubtedly there :) It really helped get me through those last few difficult miles. THANK YOU!!!
What would you do differently?:

I have never run a race with my ipod, but I thought with how many miles I had to do out in the country by myself I might need the extra motivation. I enjoyed the distraction of music, but I also think I missed out on a lot of the human interaction with fellow runners along the course because of it. Next time I think I'll leave the ipod at home. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing.
Post race
Warm down:

I crossed the finish line and my race addled brain was a bit overwhelmed by the flurry of activity. A volunteer told me to grab his shoulder as I stopped. I think he was worried I might collapse, but I actually felt pretty good. I got a hug from the race director. Someone threw a space blanket on me. Someone else put my medal on me. Then I saw Gary... he finished in 4:09 WOO HOO!!! He helped me find some water. I ditched the space blanket, and walked around a bit absolutely elated!!! Ate some cookies, banana, and other treats. Then we took the bus back to the Civic Center. Got back to the RV and showered, then headed to the baked potato bar dinner and awards ceremony. Had a great meal of baked potato with lots of trimmings, salad, and cake for dessert. They gave certificates to all the first time marathoners, and I won a book of trail runs! We sat with some awesome and interesting people and had great conversations about running :) One of our dinner companions was an 80 year old man who opened a new age division in the marathon this year, and ran it in 4:18... so cool!

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

This was the best organized race I have been to. Everything was on time and ran very smoothly. They put a golden foot sticker on the bib numbers of first timers, so they can give them extra encouragement and support. The dinner was really yummy and even with all the people the meal lines went very quickly because of the great set up. I would definitely recommend this race and I would do it again!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2008-11-17 12:00 AM
04:42:04 | 26.2 miles | 10m 46s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/27
Overall: 0/154
Performance: Good
Average hr 159 According to my garmin the course was 26.56
Course: Winding paved road with scenic views of the Yakima River and canyon. Mostly gradual down hill with 3 significant uphills. The last being a 2 mile uphill at mile 22, YIKES!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2009-04-06 4:28 PM

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: Yakima River Canyon Marathon

2009-04-06 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
So awesome, Roni!!! Your race report gave me goosebumps when you were talking about digging deep to make it up that hill and then visualizing all your friends who have helped you along the way. I have a huge smile on my face now!!!!

You are a marathoner!!! Congratulations!
2009-04-06 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
What a great report, Roni! Congratulations!
2009-04-06 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Great job Roni!   That sounds like quite a mean trick putting a 2 mile hill basically at mile 22!     It sounds like you really held it together, and finished strong!  Congrats!!!!
2009-04-06 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2066812

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Wow! Fantastic race, and a really impressive run! CONGRATULATIONS!
2009-04-06 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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somewhere in the northwest
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Awsome job I'm extremly proud of you WOOOO HOOOOO 

2009-04-06 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Yay Roni, yay yay yay!!!!!!!! You are TOUGH AS NAILS!!! You were so well-prepared for this race yet you still faced a big challenge, and you overcame! Way to self-talk yourself up that hill. That is not easy to face a 2-mile hill that late in the race, but you toughed it out! So totally awesome!!

I love how you chose people to run with you each mile! The last mary I ran with a girlfriend, we found something to be thankful for each mile -- it was fun to think of what we were going to say each mile!

I'm so glad the entire race was such a positive experience. It sounds like a really nice race.

Congratulations again. I'm beyond thrilled for you!!
2009-04-06 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Congrats Roni on a truly outstanding job in your marathon.  Nice RR.  Thinking about all the people who supported you was really moving.
2009-04-07 1:39 AM
in reply to: #2066374

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Congratulations, MARATHONER! You did so awesome! That was speedy fast, and I know you were having some trouble before hand, so WAY TO GO!!! I was so happy to read that YOU were happy and smiling through most of the race, and you really nailed it on that hill!
2009-04-07 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
really good race report. Congratulations on kicking a$$ on those hills, that is awesome.
2009-04-07 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon

Good job, the long grinding up hill climb for 2 miles burned me out last year.   Did you have any problems with all the curves in the road?  I could feel it in the ankles from the slope of the road.

You must have got hugged by Lenora Dolphin (Race Director) or was it Bob.   Both are Legends in Marathons.

2009-04-09 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2068881

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
BellinghamSpence - 2009-04-07 12:58 PM

Good job, the long grinding up hill climb for 2 miles burned me out last year.   Did you have any problems with all the curves in the road?  I could feel it in the ankles from the slope of the road.

You must have got hugged by Lenora Dolphin (Race Director) or was it Bob.   Both are Legends in Marathons.

Yes, it was Lenore who hugged me! Wonderful couple!!!

The curves did bother my ankle a bit, but I was prepared for it thanks to your great RR from last year! THANK YOU!!!

Edited by roni_runnw 2009-04-09 11:21 AM
2009-04-09 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Great job Roni!  I am sooooo proud of you!!!!!! 
2009-04-11 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon

I'm sorry I missed your race day--but I was out on vacation.   Congrads on a great race and hardening up when you really needed too.  You've done something very few people have ever done.  You've made great strides the last couple of years and it has been my honor to watch your progress and successes.

Very well done!

2009-04-11 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2066374

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Subject: RE: Yakima River Canyon Marathon
Great job!

Sounds like the perfectly executed first Mary on many levels! You are tough and showed in in pacing well and climbing that long hill finding the motivation to keep on running.
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