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Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon - Run

View Member's Race Log
Duluth, MN
United States
60F / 16C
Total Time = 2h 05m 24s
Overall Rank = 2495/4379
Age Group = F19-34
Age Group Rank = 591/1388
Pre-race routine:

woke up w/o the alarm at 3:50 (alarms were set for 4am and 4:10). nursed fiona a few times after she woke up, then got dressed. she woke up again, so i brought her upstairs with me while i had some oatmeal w/ honey. my dad drove my brother (also running) and i to the buses which took us up north along the shore of lake superior to the starting point.
Event warmup:

we had almost an hour to kill before the race started. i went to the bathroom in one of the many many many port-a-pots (honestly, i've never seen so many in one place at one time). did some light stretching and the tossed our bags onto the gear trucks and headed to the start line.
  • 2h 05m 27s
  • 13.2 miles
  • 09m 30s  min/mile

felt pretty good throughout. wanted to go slower at the beginning and get my legs slowly warmed up, since it was pretty cool at the start. ran with peter to mile 2, but then felt ready to go faster. REALLY had to pee and there were port-a-pots at each water station (which were at nearly every mile marker), but there were lines! ran past them at mile 3 and then a bit later saw 5 women squatting in a little gully off the side of the i joined them. felt a lot better after that. my brother told me that it would be really amazing seeing the arial lift bridge from mile 1 and then again at mile 11...and boy was that true. it went from being a tinker toy to being actual size. really gave me the sense of how far i was travelling. i am still in complete awe of anyone who does a full marathon. even with good training, a perfect day, and a great event with loads of cheering spectators, i couldn't imagine going twice as far (although, i did feel like the time on the north shore was too short...and the marathon is an extra 13.2 miles on the shore). my dad was the only one who made it down to watch the race (the girls were still sleeping at 8ish when i ran past my dad). he was waiting to take my picture and i hollered at him from about 100 yards away...and then 50...and he didn't see me until i was right next to him! 'oh! slow down!' and i smiled and waved and he tried in vain to get a picture of my back as i ran off.
What would you do differently?:

long taper and a just a hair faster at the beginning i think.
Post race
Warm down:

saw a woman i know from duluth, so chatted with her...then walked around to cool down, had a smoothie, a cookie, a banana, then got in line for a massage. peter was in line already (despite finishing after me, he must have made a straight line for the massage tent!). massage was wonderful! after that, we got some bagels and ice cream, then headed to the gear pick up. changed our clothes, had a beer (which was nasty), then got some coffee. all the above mentioned foods and beverages were courtesy of the event. went to a candy store i used to work at and gave a sweaty hug to my old boss, then bought some peanut butter truffles and some treats for my family.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

i would not do a 10.8 mile run one week before. my legs were feeling much better, but i could still feel a bit of soreness during the race and they are sore in the same places as last sunday. long taper and a just a hair faster at the beginning i think.

Event comments:

this is an amazing event. it is very crowded with over 10,000 racing between the 1/2 marathon and the a TON of volunteers. my brother said i wouldn't need a water bottle, and he was right. it seemed like every time i blinked there was another water station. very well organized. it was also cool to watch the elite marathoners come in...and nearly collapse into the arms of the volunteers.

Last updated: 2005-01-29 12:00 AM
02:05:27 | 13.2 miles | 09m 30s  min/mile
Age Group: 591/1388
Overall: 2495/4379
Performance: Good
didn't wear my hrm for this race, but i did do some splits: first 3 miles, first 2 ran w/ peter: 30:12/10:04 pace second 3 miles & a potty stop in the woods: 29:18/9:46 pace missed a split at the 9 mile mark, so this was at 12: 55:54/9:19 pace last 1.2 miles!: 10:03/8:22 pace (guess i could have used that kick earlier on!) (chip time last 10k = 59:37/9:37 pace) overall women: 1095/2398
Course: course was really beautiful and the weather was amazing. it was probably a bit hot for those doing the full marathon, since it started an hour later...but for the early birds doing the half-marathon, it was just right.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2005-06-18 5:30 PM

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molto veloce mama
Subject: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon

2005-06-18 6:43 PM
in reply to: #177868

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Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Way to go!

I had a couple of friends over there and can't wait to see how they did.

2005-06-18 6:47 PM
in reply to: #177868

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Great race Autumn, way to go!!!!
2005-06-19 11:38 AM
in reply to: #177868

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Great Race Autumn...Glad you ahd are quite the runner girl   Take care -SMO
2005-06-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #177868

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Kingston Ontario
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon

Hey Autumn,

Great run!! You are speedy.

That was cool about the bridge to use as a reference point.  Glad you enjoyed yourself

2005-06-19 7:26 PM
in reply to: #177868

Princeton, MN
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Well done Autumn;
I was thinking about you when I was out on my run on Saturday morning. That's a mighty fine time. I'm pleased for you.


2005-06-19 9:06 PM
in reply to: #177868

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Very nice!!  Great pace and it sounds like you had a good time.  Way to go!
2005-06-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #177868

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Dayton, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Wow, sounds like a great race! Way to go, Autumn!!!
2005-06-20 9:26 AM
in reply to: #177868

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Awesome job Autumn! 
2005-06-20 1:57 PM
in reply to: #177868

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
thanks everyone. my dad never did manage to get any pictures (of me, my brother, or the race in general)...but the pro race photos should go online today. may actually buy some for the first time since my first tri!
2005-06-21 4:04 PM
in reply to: #177868

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
finally, a few pictures! first is me crossing the finish line (have to remember to look more triumphant when crossing the finish line) and running past a old permanently docked ore ship near the finish line...and my brother crossing for his 4th time!

Edited by autumn 2005-06-21 4:08 PM




bjorklund2.jpg (6KB - 43 downloads)
bjorklund1.jpg (5KB - 43 downloads)
bjorkpete1.jpg (5KB - 52 downloads)

2005-07-01 3:02 AM
in reply to: #177868

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon
Great job Autumn!

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Garry Bjorklund Half-Marathon Rss Feed