BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-03-20 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3405400

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
KeriKadi - 2011-03-20 9:50 AM

kpringle - 2011-03-20 9:24 AM

sorry i forgot to make the report "public".  hope this works now:

Nice job!

I typed up a big post the other day but for some reason it never showed up, probably some issue with my dinosaur of a computer.

Everyone is doing so awesome, you guys rock!

My training was coming along great and then my shin started acting up. I made an appt with my ART guy and thought I was catching it pretty early, I was wrong. After 3 sessions I am getting better but man that is brutal! Last Wednesday I was hurting. Saw him Friday and he worked on it and taped me up. The timing isn't horrible. I know it will be better before my Oly and am really looking forward to my race. Yesterday I did an OWS at a lake we have not too far away for triathletes and scuba divers. There is a boat about 50 meters away from shore, I dog paddled out to it and jumped off to start my swim. It's the closest I can get to this which is what my swim start will be like in two weeks. The timing mat is on the boat so once you cross it your time starts!

Today the plan is my last long bike (2 hours) followed by a short run. My husband is training for his first HIM and has a much longer ride than I do. He drove to where he is riding but I was going to ride close. Unfortunately, he took the bike pump with him so I am stuck at home Frown The place where he parks is 45 minutes away and he has a 3.5 hour ride so it's going to be a while. Not to happy about that.

Training for the next 2 weeks is pretty easy for me, hoping to get 4-5 miler this week depending on how the shin is feeling.

Oh and I think my dream race would be Cozumel but I would want 70.3 rather than 140.6. My husband and I have talked about doing Redman in OK next year, we have heard great things about it and the drive wouldn't be too horrible for us.



That is crazy, timing belt 50 meters from shore. Amazing.

2011-03-20 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
My official time for yesterday's race was just posted - 37:07, 7/19 for age group.  I'm happy with that, but of course my kids were disappointed that I didn't actually win the race!
2011-03-21 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Kristen, great job on the race!!! That's a nice speedy time! How are you feeling?

Keri, that's very cool about the boat start. And that' s good that your shin is being taken care of - i would hate for it to interfere with your race!! But that's also part of this sport is dealing with things like this when they pop up.

so that actually leads me to some questions for our more seasoned group to share: dealing with the unexpected

1.  Have you had to deal with anything that set you back in training? How did you manage the change? Examples: injuries, busy projects at work/home, training partners going on the injured list?

2.  How do you/have you dealt with the unplanned/unforeseen in a race?  For example: When you're out and cramps hit? The course is hillier that expected? You forget something? It rains?

2011-03-21 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

So I got to work this morning and had an email from the girl who is setting up the marathon relay team that she did not get the registration in in time and it is full!!!  I am so mad about it.  I was so looking forward to it and doing that run. 

So I think I am just going to stick to my current workout plan and hold on to it for as long as I can.  I have a 5K in May that I am doing for our Girls on the Run team at school and then one in June.  I feel really good with this workout schedule, so we shall see.

As far as dealing with the unexpected I am not very good at it.  I def. need to work on that piece...hence how upset I am about this.  When I tore my tendon during the last few weeks of my half training I just kept going and then when I found out what had happened completely stopped everything, which was a big mistake.

2011-03-21 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3407117

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
debbiereid06 - 2011-03-21 2:25 PM

So I got to work this morning and had an email from the girl who is setting up the marathon relay team that she did not get the registration in in time and it is full!!!  I am so mad about it.  I was so looking forward to it and doing that run. 

So I think I am just going to stick to my current workout plan and hold on to it for as long as I can.  I have a 5K in May that I am doing for our Girls on the Run team at school and then one in June.  I feel really good with this workout schedule, so we shall see.

As far as dealing with the unexpected I am not very good at it.  I def. need to work on that piece...hence how upset I am about this.  When I tore my tendon during the last few weeks of my half training I just kept going and then when I found out what had happened completely stopped everything, which was a big mistake.

Sorry to hear that your team didn't make the registration deadline...  That's frustrating to say the least!  Good for you, sticking with your races in May and June.  Keep up the good work!!  Glad you're feeling well and your pregnancy is going smoothly!!

2011-03-22 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3406422

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2011-03-21 7:47 AM

Kristen, great job on the race!!! That's a nice speedy time! How are you feeling?

Keri, that's very cool about the boat start. And that' s good that your shin is being taken care of - i would hate for it to interfere with your race!! But that's also part of this sport is dealing with things like this when they pop up.

so that actually leads me to some questions for our more seasoned group to share: dealing with the unexpected

1.  Have you had to deal with anything that set you back in training? How did you manage the change? Examples: injuries, busy projects at work/home, training partners going on the injured list?

2.  How do you/have you dealt with the unplanned/unforeseen in a race?  For example: When you're out and cramps hit? The course is hillier that expected? You forget something? It rains?

I have been lucky and have had relatively few unwelcome disruptions in training. Very few. And minor ones.

However, when I do, I get upset. I feel fat. Even something as simple as missing out on a bike ride to work during the summer because of a flat tire puts me in a pissy mood for the rest of the day, seriously I hate that.

When I was sick in November I missed about a month. It was brutal. I felt useless. Finally after a couple of weeks I started walking, very slowly, but I was walking, which made all the difference in my attitude.

2011-03-22 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Hi friends! I've missed you all! I am so happy for your race and your time Kristen! That's SOOO great.

Keri, you are insane. The end. Just kidding - but while watching that video, it occurred to me that not all triathlons are great equal

Debbie, so sorry about the relay not working out! I have some friends here and in LR that relay - will let you know if I hear of something!

Jen, thanks for the question on dealing with the unexpected. I guess I've had two of those lately - my trepidation about the swim leg at the FL race, and then the shoulder injury immediately after. Thanks Darren for your thoughts on this - I have been working through all sorts of emotions...namely the following:

1.) my shoulder's not that bad! I can totally still train!

2.) my shoulder's broken, and I will never do anything with my left hand/arm/shoulder ever again. I will probably wind up in a wheelchair, not able to feed myself.

3.) my stomach's getting really flabby. Where are the oreos?

4.) swimming? What swimming? I can't swim!!

5.) Dont touch me. Dont speak to me. (in pain)

6.) Life is grand! (on vicodin)

7.) God is teaching me a lesson. I really got to into the training/tri thing, and probably ignored more pressing needs. I really shouldn't bother with exercise at all, for that matter.

Seriously, there's probably more stuff going on too in my head...but FWIW, today my arm is starting not to hurt, and I've only had 800mg of ibu once at 6am. PT starts tomorrow - so we'll see! Still dont have full range of motion, and haven't attempted any cardio. The little 1.5 run on saturday really irritated the shoulder and arm, lots of pain that evening even w ice and meds. Depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow, I'd like to try a treadmill run. Anyone have opinions on run before therapy session or after? Banking on before...



2011-03-22 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
Keri - correction: not all triathlons are "created" equal
2011-03-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Mylissa, I am so sorry about your injury. I can sympathise a bit having a stress fractured heel last fall while training for my HIM. You will get better, you will train again, be kind to yourself, try to be patient, and the age old 'everything happens for a reason'.

I also feel the need to clarify - I am not doing Alcatraz. The race I am doing is the Kemah Olympic, it just has the same start with a timing mat on the boat and athletes jumping off the boat 3-5 at a time. It will look like the YouTube video and I hope someone video tapes this one so I can post it.

On another note, it is double birthday day in our house!


2011-03-23 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3409171

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
mylissahorrocks - 2011-03-22 3:20 PM

Hi friends! I've missed you all! I am so happy for your race and your time Kristen! That's SOOO great.

Keri, you are insane. The end. Just kidding - but while watching that video, it occurred to me that not all triathlons are great equal

Debbie, so sorry about the relay not working out! I have some friends here and in LR that relay - will let you know if I hear of something!

Jen, thanks for the question on dealing with the unexpected. I guess I've had two of those lately - my trepidation about the swim leg at the FL race, and then the shoulder injury immediately after. Thanks Darren for your thoughts on this - I have been working through all sorts of emotions...namely the following:

1.) my shoulder's not that bad! I can totally still train!

2.) my shoulder's broken, and I will never do anything with my left hand/arm/shoulder ever again. I will probably wind up in a wheelchair, not able to feed myself.

3.) my stomach's getting really flabby. Where are the oreos?

4.) swimming? What swimming? I can't swim!!

5.) Dont touch me. Dont speak to me. (in pain)

6.) Life is grand! (on vicodin)

7.) God is teaching me a lesson. I really got to into the training/tri thing, and probably ignored more pressing needs. I really shouldn't bother with exercise at all, for that matter.

Seriously, there's probably more stuff going on too in my head...but FWIW, today my arm is starting not to hurt, and I've only had 800mg of ibu once at 6am. PT starts tomorrow - so we'll see! Still dont have full range of motion, and haven't attempted any cardio. The little 1.5 run on saturday really irritated the shoulder and arm, lots of pain that evening even w ice and meds. Depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow, I'd like to try a treadmill run. Anyone have opinions on run before therapy session or after? Banking on before...



I think you really got to just do what you can do. Running with a sore shoulder hurts like a SOB that is for sure. Not on my list of fun things to do. I have stopped a number of runs because of pain in my shoulder (I think due to being too tense and an injury that never healed properly from many years ago).

I would start with walking and convince yourself to be satisfied with that, or whatever you can manage.

For the most part, the psychological benefits of exercise far outweigh the physical, and the psychological benefits only depend on your perspective and goals. (which is why so many people are horribly satisfied and proud of themselves with running 30 minutes 3 times a week where such a week would put me in a gloomy depression, if I don't change my perspective and goals)

2011-03-23 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3410981

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
KeriKadi - 2011-03-23 1:32 PM

Mylissa, I am so sorry about your injury. I can sympathise a bit having a stress fractured heel last fall while training for my HIM. You will get better, you will train again, be kind to yourself, try to be patient, and the age old 'everything happens for a reason'.

I also feel the need to clarify - I am not doing Alcatraz. The race I am doing is the Kemah Olympic, it just has the same start with a timing mat on the boat and athletes jumping off the boat 3-5 at a time. It will look like the YouTube video and I hope someone video tapes this one so I can post it.

On another note, it is double birthday day in our house!


its wild your kids have the same birthday.

2011-03-23 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3410981

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
KeriKadi - 2011-03-23 3:32 PM

On another note, it is double birthday day in our house!


that is so sweet, keri...  loved reading that!!  what a special birthday gift for big brother when his baby sister was born on his big day and he was so willing to share it with her!

2011-03-25 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Hello all - sorry I have been MIA this week. I am transitioning to a new job over the next couple of weeks and I am going between two offices. When I am at the new place i am not as able to get on and check up. 

So, what's in store for the weekend?

Darren and Mylissa - i love your responses because i think they are so universal. I was sidelined with ITBS late in 2006 after my first marathon and it took a loooong time to heal up.  And I definitely went through a whole self-reflection period about whether or not i was meant to be a runner and what I wanted out of it.  apparently I am very stubborn because as soon as the pain was manageable I was back to running half marathons and beyond. 

But I was recently telling someone about how jealous I was of all runners! haha - i would see them at the gym or outside and want to stop them and tell them that I was really a runner too!!

I've had a couple of run races definitely not go according to plan and a couple of tri's as well - mostly due to panic on the swim.

The first run race was the Ottawa half marathon in 2006.  The weekend before the race was cool - such that we were doing our last runs in long sleeves and tights and well, we line up for the 10 am start and it's already 26C and bright and sunny out.  I had high hopes when training for this race but after the first 9k in the bright sun i was struggling.  I didn't quit but i really wanted to. I threw my goals out. I walked about 3k (2 miles) and sorted myself out a bit - taking water and gatorade (even though that was something new on race day) and going through every sprinkler on the course.  I had one of my worst half marathon times but I kept myself out of harm's way (way too many people were being treated by medics) and was stubborn enough to sign up for the marathon training group next.  The race 'failure' was about conditions and not my ability.

Let's see, I had a sprint tri that I totally bailed on the swim. I got part of the way out to the first bouy and was WAY too nervous to continue. I talked a lifeguard and then got in the boat and went in. I was sooooo  disappointed in myself and totally reconsidered my journey with triathlon.  I did want to salvage the day and the race director let me do the bike and the run which I was glad I did because those were great! So, that was my first official DNF/DQ - whatever you want to call it. 

2011-03-27 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

so quiet here lately!  i just wrapped up an exhausting week and it has nothing to do with tri training!  my 2 girls have march birthdays so we've had 2 back to back birthday parties to throw and lots of family coming and going.  it was a lot of fun but kind of glad to have it all behind us!! 

i'm beginning my 10K training this coming week.  i'm excited b/c i feel like i need to be running more than the BT schedule i'm currently using since it's for people who are just beginning to run and the distances are quite short.  can't believe i'm looking forward to running longer distances!    running is turning into my favorite event.  (i think it was richard who asked us awhile back which was our favorite and i said swimming at the time!

hope everyone had a nice weekend!

2011-03-27 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
I had a really good weekend, finished up a great week of training. Best week ever I think. I did 125k, and some killer workouts. I did a 32 k long run with a killer last 20k. And today I did next weeks long run (because I have a race next weekend) which was 26k with 19k at 5:34, which is just awesome. I can't believe it.

Anyways, now that I am done bragging: I did have my marathon last May go horribly wrong. I thought I could do a four hour but, clearly, couldn't. Didn't really bonk just didn't have the legs to do it. Luckily it was a busy marathon so I just did my best to latch onto the people passing me and hang on for as long as I could.

So this week, I don't know. I have a 10k on Sunday that I would like to do a bit of a taper for...I think

M 16k recovery
T 24k
w 10k recovery
T 21k
F 11k with some strides
S 5k with some strides
Sunday.....10k race, bit of a warm down.

Leaves me 3k short of 100k so I will try to fit that in somewhere.

Have a great week everyone.
2011-03-28 12:13 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Hi everyone! Go Darren - so awesome on that crazy mileage last week. And Kristen - if I can even get back to running this year, I'd like to train for a 10K as well! Awesome!

So...learned that I most likely have chronic inflammation in the shoulder. Been staying off of computer, on ibuprofen, ice, etc...

Offically asked what they would allow me to do, since apparently we have to get this inflammation down before we can even start to rehab the core issues with the shoulder. Here was my answer:

recumbent bike
water walking or water aerobics
core that doesn't stress shoulder (so no plank, etc )
anything waist down thats low impact
treadmill work that doesn't stress shoulder - very slow jog or incline walk

I'm still kind of depressed and can't really bring myself to do a whole lot. I'm eating tons, though.

We leave April 1 for sabbatical in the WNC mountains - I will be continuing my PT there. We'll be gone for a month.

That's all I got! Best to all of you doing real workouts!

2011-03-28 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Great running Darren!

Mylissa - so sorry about the shoulder. I would recommend aqua jogging. I had to do this before my HIM since I wasn't able to run. You can get an aqua belt from at a great price, you just need to be in water deep enough so your feet don't touch. There are lots of articles online about the benefits.

I am in taper mode but with my shin splints I've pretty much been in taper for 2 weeks now. The GREAT news is after a few ART sessions the shin is good! I ran just a little twice this weekend and it was quiet. The not so good news is I have been battling blisters. I've been wearing Asics Cumulus for years and all of a sudden getting blisters no matter what socks I wear. I wore my Zoots the other day and got blisters in those too. I ended up buying a new pair of shoes and new socks yesterday and now I need to break them in and make sure they are going to work before my race on Sunday. I got Saucony's after trying a feew pairs and I know they make a good shoe, I just hope they work for me.

Went swimming in a lake the last 2 weekends, there is an achored boat about 50m off shore so I dog paddle to the boat and jump off to get an idea of how it will feel jumping off the big boat next week.

Had a good bike ride yesterday which helped boost my confidence. This race is going to be all about the run for me. Hoping the injuries stay at bay and everything goes smoothly. Already picked up my packet and have my # so I'm good to go!


2011-03-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3417239

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
mylissahorrocks - 2011-03-27 11:13 PM

Hi everyone! Go Darren - so awesome on that crazy mileage last week. And Kristen - if I can even get back to running this year, I'd like to train for a 10K as well! Awesome!

So...learned that I most likely have chronic inflammation in the shoulder. Been staying off of computer, on ibuprofen, ice, etc...

Offically asked what they would allow me to do, since apparently we have to get this inflammation down before we can even start to rehab the core issues with the shoulder. Here was my answer:

recumbent bike
water walking or water aerobics
core that doesn't stress shoulder (so no plank, etc )
anything waist down thats low impact
treadmill work that doesn't stress shoulder - very slow jog or incline walk

I'm still kind of depressed and can't really bring myself to do a whole lot. I'm eating tons, though.

We leave April 1 for sabbatical in the WNC mountains - I will be continuing my PT there. We'll be gone for a month.

That's all I got! Best to all of you doing real workouts!

That sounds so cool, a month in the mountains, wow, lucky duck.

Hope the shoulder gets better. Just do what you can. Try some stretching at least, some sun salutations, you can do those at whatever intensity you want and it is good to just get moving.

So jealous of a month in the mountains.
2011-03-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3417609

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
KeriKadi - 2011-03-28 8:08 AM

Great running Darren!

Mylissa - so sorry about the shoulder. I would recommend aqua jogging. I had to do this before my HIM since I wasn't able to run. You can get an aqua belt from at a great price, you just need to be in water deep enough so your feet don't touch. There are lots of articles online about the benefits.

I am in taper mode but with my shin splints I've pretty much been in taper for 2 weeks now. The GREAT news is after a few ART sessions the shin is good! I ran just a little twice this weekend and it was quiet. The not so good news is I have been battling blisters. I've been wearing Asics Cumulus for years and all of a sudden getting blisters no matter what socks I wear. I wore my Zoots the other day and got blisters in those too. I ended up buying a new pair of shoes and new socks yesterday and now I need to break them in and make sure they are going to work before my race on Sunday. I got Saucony's after trying a feew pairs and I know they make a good shoe, I just hope they work for me.

Went swimming in a lake the last 2 weekends, there is an achored boat about 50m off shore so I dog paddle to the boat and jump off to get an idea of how it will feel jumping off the big boat next week.

Had a good bike ride yesterday which helped boost my confidence. This race is going to be all about the run for me. Hoping the injuries stay at bay and everything goes smoothly. Already picked up my packet and have my # so I'm good to go!


Have a relaxing week. Look forward to the race report.
2011-03-28 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3416965

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
kpringle - 2011-03-27 7:03 PM

so quiet here lately!  i just wrapped up an exhausting week and it has nothing to do with tri training!  my 2 girls have march birthdays so we've had 2 back to back birthday parties to throw and lots of family coming and going.  it was a lot of fun but kind of glad to have it all behind us!! 

i'm beginning my 10K training this coming week.  i'm excited b/c i feel like i need to be running more than the BT schedule i'm currently using since it's for people who are just beginning to run and the distances are quite short.  can't believe i'm looking forward to running longer distances!    running is turning into my favorite event.  (i think it was richard who asked us awhile back which was our favorite and i said swimming at the time!

hope everyone had a nice weekend!

awesome you love running, it really is the best. Keep it slow and consistent though.
2011-03-28 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
oh I have another horrible race story. I did this race up and down a mountain 1.5 years ago. Brutal. Marathon. Anyways, going okay, but I didn't have enough water, I totally started to shut down. People were passing me asking if I needed anything I said no, dumb, I just needed some water. It was brutal, lol. I could barely walk, stuck in the middle of no where, inching towards the aid station. Got to the aid station, collapsed with cramps in my legs, a crying mess, oh my. I laugh about it now but I was so happy at the time i wasn't going to die.

From that I learned, if you are on the verge of sever dehydration remember pride goes before the fall, ask for it. Better yet, always bring enough water during a mountain run with few aid stations... dumb a$$.

2011-03-28 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3257308

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Keri - Hope your new shoes help out with the blisters and good luck next weekend!!

Mylissa - Have a great month on your mountain hiatus!! Wonderful that you're doing that.

Darren - Nice job on racking up those miles this past week!  "Slow and consistent" will now be my running mantra for training

Thanks everyone for sharing your crazy stories, very helpful!

2011-03-29 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Mylissa-have fun in the mountains.  That is awesome!

Darren-great job on the running!  You always impress me!


I haven't been on as much, except to log my workouts.  Our basement flooded a couple of weekends ago and everything has to come out so we can get a sump pump put in and it has been very time consuming packing everything down there.  I have been swamped at work too.  Missed my workout sunday, but my body was telling me to sleep and so I did.  I guess 4 workouts isn't too bad, just gotta keep it up!

2011-03-29 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3257308

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL

Hey guys - sorry i've been mia for the last week or so. As mentioned I am transitioning to a new job and this past weekend I did my 30k run.  I am not super impressed with my effort - the time is good, it was just a slog and i should have been better able to manage that effort.  Anyway, on to the next thing! :D

Debbie: sorry to hear about your basement!

So, i'll be catching up over the next day or so!

2011-03-29 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3419503

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Subject: RE: JuniperJen's Keeping It Consistent Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2011-03-29 8:23 AM

Hey guys - sorry i've been mia for the last week or so. As mentioned I am transitioning to a new job and this past weekend I did my 30k run.  I am not super impressed with my effort - the time is good, it was just a slog and i should have been better able to manage that effort.  Anyway, on to the next thing! :D

Debbie: sorry to hear about your basement!

So, i'll be catching up over the next day or so!

Hey nice job on your race, sounds like a good time to me.
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