General Discussion Triathlon Talk » How many calories do you gobble everyday? Rss Feed  
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2014-06-03 4:27 PM

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Subject: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
I am trying to lose some weight (fat actually) so i am trying to keep my calories down under 2000. However, on many days i feel really tired to do the S/B/R stuff. This is on top of my 3x weight training and 1x tennis per week. On the flip side, at 2k cals i dont loose weight, it stays constant, and i have to go even lower to loose. Bu then i feel like i am depriving the body. What gives?

Anyway, how many cals do you guys/ girls eat everyday. Just trying to get an idea, and thought would be fun to know everyones numbers as well

Happy Munching ; )

Edited by piok_opze 2014-06-03 4:28 PM

2014-06-03 4:33 PM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
About as many as I burn ;-) I don't count and haven't tried to gain or lose in a long time, so I have no real idea. I know a lot of people who use the Livestrong calorie counter thing.
2014-06-03 4:43 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Too many!
2014-06-03 4:51 PM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?

No where near enough (especially during peak training).

I doubt if the kCal numbers for all of my logged workouts are correct (They say I am regularly over 5,000 kCals per day and over 6,000 at once or twice a week)  I eat nowhere near what is calculated. (I don't even eat half of what is calculated) The normal estimate is a bit over 100 kCals per mile of running and if I could guess, I probably burn something a bit less than 50 kCals. The bike and swim numbers also seem somewhat over stated but I have no idea by how much.

I doubt if this is an issue with the calculators, rather it is probably just that I am not an "Average" runner.

I can say that during peak SBR training, I do find it hard to keep up with my nutrition needs. Even in the middle of marathon training (Very little bike/swim workouts) there are days when I get very behind on my fueling.....

2014-06-03 5:47 PM
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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?

If you're trying to lose weight then your daily consumption should vary depending on your work load for the day, not stay static at 2k cals. I'm still trying to sheer off some post Boston gluttony so I'm running 500-1000 short daily but on some days I get stupid, let it slip, and really end up a huge hole. Also, if you're using something like MyFitnessPal to track calories it is stupid optimistic when it comes to caloric expenditure, like almost double. 

Edited by thebigb 2014-06-03 5:51 PM
2014-06-03 6:28 PM
in reply to: thebigb

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Your perceived calorie deficiency fatigue is in your mind if you're not losing weight.

2014-06-03 6:56 PM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
I eat a lot.....I don't ever count calories, but I try to make sure most of them are healthy calories. I don't own a scale and only check occasionally on the one at the gym if I think I might be dehydrated (it can be a chronic condition here). I'm guessing I'm in the 2500-3000 range most days, depending on training and what exactly I eat. I agree on the numbers in the log, though--sometimes after a long brick or double they seem like more than I would ever possibly get into my body. I don't lose weight (not trying to, in any case) so I must make it up somehow, maybe over subsequent days.

I'd focus more on making sure that what goes in is healthy, nutrient dense stuff, and avoiding foods that add lots of calories but don't fill you up. A little bit of healthy fat can go a long way toward making you feel full and less "deprived".
2014-06-03 10:40 PM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Originally posted by piok_opze

I am trying to lose some weight (fat actually) so i am trying to keep my calories down under 2000. However, on many days i feel really tired to do the S/B/R stuff. This is on top of my 3x weight training and 1x tennis per week. On the flip side, at 2k cals i dont loose weight, it stays constant, and i have to go even lower to loose. Bu then i feel like i am depriving the body. What gives?

Anyway, how many cals do you guys/ girls eat everyday. Just trying to get an idea, and thought would be fun to know everyones numbers as well

Happy Munching ; )

How many calories you eat is not as important as what you eat.

Furthermore, if you deplete your body of too many calories, your body will recognize this and start to store my fat to account for the lack of energy it is getting.

Why keep your calories below 2000? Where did you get that number? With the activity level you describe, 2k of calories is probably on the lower end of what your body needs.
2014-06-03 11:41 PM
in reply to: #5006545

Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
I am probably in a different position than most here on the boards. I have currently lost 41 lbs and am looking to lose a total of 110 lbs when all is said and done. I do the paleo diet and for sure cheat / eat at least one meal a week. Some weeks life gets in the way and two or even three " business meals get in the way ". I realize this is a marathon and know at some point I will get to my overall goal of 110 lbs lost. I have found that if I keep my overall calorie intake at 1880 most days a week I will lose about 2 lbs regardless of exercise. I use my fitness pal to track my daily food intake. It really works for me.
2014-06-04 6:51 AM
in reply to: #5006691


Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
I'm around 3000-5000 depending on the training for the day. On rest days or light days I reduce the amount of carbs pretty significantly, and up the amount of fats. Most days have a large amount of protein as well, but it's all what works for you. There are some people that say a calorie is a calorie and some that say what those calories are made of are important. You just need to find what works for you.
2014-06-04 6:56 AM
in reply to: thebigb

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Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Originally posted by thebigb

If you're trying to lose weight then your daily consumption should vary depending on your work load for the day, not stay static at 2k cals. I'm still trying to sheer off some post Boston gluttony so I'm running 500-1000 short daily but on some days I get stupid, let it slip, and really end up a huge hole. Also, if you're using something like MyFitnessPal to track calories it is stupid optimistic when it comes to caloric expenditure, like almost double. 

I have noticed the inflated caloric expenditure numbers, too, regardless of the calculator. I always take whatever number it gives me and cut it in half.

2014-06-04 7:43 AM
in reply to: gbswan

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Originally posted by gbswan

Too many!

This X2 , at least over the last couple of months as my weight has been slowly creeping in the wrong direction.
2014-06-04 9:11 AM
in reply to: RRH_88

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Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Varying daily calorie consumption isn't necessary. Your body doesn't run on a clock that starts at 12am and ends at 12am and doesn't calculate the calories you burn in that period. Hitting a weekly number is easier and at the end of the day more important (in my opinion).

I use this to determine roughly how many calories i need.

If you are trying to lose weight i would subtract 10-20% of your tdee from the number you get. Of course every person is different and a lot of factors come into play such as body fat %, overall fitness, age etc.
2014-06-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: Chitwnnole

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Originally posted by Chitwnnole

I have currently lost 41 lbs and am looking to lose a total of 110 lbs when all is said and done.

That's awesome Chit! I'm down 30 right now. I'm trying to work with a net deficiency, so I end up around the 14 to 1600 mark daily net. As many have mentioned, kCal calculators leave something to be desired, but I feel that as long as I'm using the same calculator every time and the same calorie tracker I'm at least getting a consistent picture which helps me game plan. So far so good! I'm trying to get these last 20 pounds off and get to sub 200 for the first time in probably 8 years!
2014-06-04 10:55 AM
in reply to: benjooster

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Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Thanks everyone, some really good insights in here. I will try to cycle calories a bit, eat more on those long training days, and bit less on the days when i am not doing much.

I am actually not overweight or anything, just have this jiggly fat around my belly which i would love to get rid off. Probably 10 more pounds and i should be good. Lets see if that happens!
2014-06-04 11:40 AM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
Originally posted by piok_opze

Thanks everyone, some really good insights in here. I will try to cycle calories a bit, eat more on those long training days, and bit less on the days when i am not doing much.

I am actually not overweight or anything, just have this jiggly fat around my belly which i would love to get rid off. Probably 10 more pounds and i should be good. Lets see if that happens!

If you want to lose fat, as bcagle25 and HotRunner mentioned, what you eat is as important as the calories. I cut my body fat % in half in 4 months and I the biggest change I made in my eating habits was the type of food I ate as well as learning how to balance the nutrients and calories that my body needed according to my training volume and intensity.

Now, I eat a balance diet with the right mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats that supports my training volume and intensity while staying at the weight and body fat % that I think is right for me.

2014-06-04 12:11 PM
in reply to: piok_opze

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: How many calories do you gobble everyday?
I have never counted calories. My weight has been within 2-4 pounds over the last few years and I am happy with my current weight (5'9", 152) so I guess that I am eating enough. I do not snack and only eat when I am hungry, my guess would be 2500-3000 calories a day.

It is odd that during this, my first training session for an IM, I have lost about 1.5 inches in my waist but have stayed at the same weight. My guess is that I have gained weight/size in my quad muscles from the increased amount of cycling.
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