Westfields Sprint Triathlon
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Westfields Sprint Triathlon - Triathlon
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![]() Swim
Comments: Lucky me, with a smooth pool swim! I hadn't been in the water for two weeks, due to some illness, but it was all good once I pushed off. Got passed by the lady behind me, but it took her about 175m to catch me. I did notice in some of the pictures J got of me, my arms are seriously wide on recovery. Like, am I doing butterfly? I should probably get some refresher lessons. What would you do differently?: Nada. With a swim this short, it acted as my warm up. I swam long and strong, and just chilled. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Its a fairly long walk across concrete to get from the pool exit to the bike racks. I grabbed my flip flops, which I had stashed outside the gym door, and walked about half way, then switched to a light trot. No big rush, make sure I have everything, and off I went. Got clipped in on my second try (what? who is this girl?!) and got started off with hardly any anxiety. J even commented that I looked confident as I set out on the bike. What would you do differently?: Nothing. I'm not trying to be a speed demon in transition. ![]() Bike
Comments: Ummmm, say what now? I think the course was a little short, but I'm still really pleased with my time. It started to rain a bit during the first lap, but it petered out pretty quick. I actually passed some people, and not just people on cruisers and hybrids. I actually passed one lady on a tri bike! I felt like I was going to die on the little hill by the school, which of course since its by transition is where most of the spectators are. It was nice to get some cheers to boost me up the hill. (Which isn't a hill, by the way. It just seems that way when you're redlining.) What would you do differently?: Drink. It was a super short course, so I opted out of wrestling with my hydration pack. That means I didn't take in any fluids. I actually didn't feel bad for it, since it was so cool out. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Took a bit to get my shoes on, b/c everything was a bit wet from the earlier shower. What would you do differently?: Grab my hat and race belt and go, rather than fussing with it while standing still in transition. ![]() Run
Comments: I actually did some run/walk intervals right from the start, and I think it made a big difference. I wound up counting steps, because I had some kind of stupid idea that my watch beeping for my intervals would be irritating to others. Is that stupid? I feel like it is. Anyway, I ran for maybe the first mile with fellow teammate Chris, but she was just a touch faster than me, so after the first mile and a half I told her to go on. There's a bit of a hill coming out of the trails, which I walked - I wanted to be able to run the finish chute. And I did! What would you do differently?: Set the intervals on my watch so I could keep with them rather than ridiculous counting. ![]() Post race
Warm down: I crossed the line, got my medal and a bottle of water, and went to find J. We found each other quickly, and started walking the parking lot. I got some pretty bad nausea, which made getting fluids in pretty difficult. There were also a few times where I got a bit of tunnel vision. Fortunately J kept me on my feet, and I managed to avoid a trip to the med tent. What limited your ability to perform faster: My consistency in training has only been for the last few weeks. More consistency should yield more improvement. Event comments: Considering Rev3 wound up losing a bunch of their races to Ironman last year, I think they're still hanging on pretty well. That said, they're totally hanging on. No more names on the placards in transition, latex caps instead of silicone, unisex shirts, less swag, etc. They still run a pretty tight ship, and it was a wonderful day. Its just really sad that an organization that used to have so many events is now down to just three sprints. That clearly doesn't bring in enough revenue to add so much "pomp" to each event. Last updated: 2019-03-04 12:00 AM
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United States
Westfields Business Owners Association and Revolution3
55F / 13C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 11/17
2 Uncrustables and a Green Machine juice 5.5 hours before start, and a pouch of Skratch chews and a bottle of Skratch hydration about 2 hours before. I had picked up my packet the day before, so I just needed to get my chip, get bodymarked, and set up my transition.
Chatted a bit with some of the ladies I was racked with. It was pretty chilly out, so I was glad for my hoodie and sweatpants. Listened to the anthem and headed in to the pool to line up.
Waiting in line for 30 minutes to get in the pool. It was actually quite warm and humid on deck, so it could have been worse.