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Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City - Triathlon

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Atlantic City, NJ
United States
68F / 20C
Total Time = 5h 34m 53s
Overall Rank = 317/1547
Age Group = M 60-64
Age Group Rank = 5/49
Pre-race routine:

Slept great 2 nights before, not so great the night before the race-up at midnight for an hour and arose at 3am and stayed awake. Tried to stay relaxed. Usual pre-race meal/shower/BR. Sipped G2 w nuun all morning to stay hydrated. Bodyglide/body marking, timing chip-secured w black tape (self due to covid) but I didn't want to dress early so I stayed in my shorts and brought the race kit-zoot black tri shorts and 2XU black sleeveless LG top. Race started at 6:45am, and we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express only 4 miles away so there was no real line. Left at 5 and were parked by 5:15am. I changed and Denise helped me lug all the stuff to transition to prep-Aero helmet/bike pump, IM bag w shoes (R/B), run belt, socks, towels, nutrition and bottles/ice, swim bag w wetsuit. Set up transition, put ice on bottles and synced the Garmins with the power pedals. Wore socks and flip flops,Changed into race kit and brought contacts. Wore LS shirt and sweats. Windy and cool. No swim warmup but I did one at the hotel the day before-water was salty. The Holiday Inn had a beach behind it so you could actually swim! Bonus...I wore both the 920 and 935 Garmins.
Event warmup:

Athletes were not separated from family so we could stay together close to getting into line. Self seeded swim with times every 3 minutes-starting with sub 27 min. I took off my warm stuff/flip flops/socks and gave it to Denise. Went to BR again and got in the line @ 37-40 (a bit aggressive but I was feeling confident). My best swim at HIM is like 38 min, here was 40 min). Just waited in line and got into the water ~7am. Wore clear goggles for better visibility-excellent choice.
  • 35m 55s
  • 2111 yards
  • 01m 42s / 100 yards

Another tough, physical congested swim but this time my mind was right. Literally fell into the water off the ramp at the start as the ramp ended. Started swimming and within 50 feet got kicked in the right goggle which filled up and I had to stop and drain it and it kept leaking for the next 5 minutes until I got the seal right. Emptied it twice more then it was ok. Lots of contact with people clawing me and trying to swim over me while I was staying relaxed. No panic and felt good even when I went under knowing I could do this now. Keeping control of the breathing was most important. No stacking of breaths=perfect! Kept on counting down from 100 then I felt like I was swimming and could get into a rhythm, found some feet for a while. Turn buoy was another scrum and I saw it so I swam wide of it. Hit the turn around and felt the bottom and saw people standing up---in the thick mud! Walked a bit. Saw my swim pace was 1:40 at that time-couldn't see the watch in front of my face due to blackness from the mud. Started swimming again and walking slowed me to 1:44 pace. Swam on to the end. Ramp was slippery and I landed on my knee but helpers pulled me up-thanks guys! Cut my toe and banged my whole foot.
What would you do differently?:

That was about the best I've ever done and certainly my best here by far. I would not change a thing.
Transition 1
  • 05m 20s

I got out of the water and ran fast to my bike, which had a great spot this year, right by 'bike out'. Pulled my cap/goggles off while running and got out of the sleeves and un-zipped. Got to transition spot and took off suit and threw everything to the back. Sat down, toweled off feet/face (missed the shower), socks on/bike shoes on, grabbed a gel and ate it, bike helmet on-clipped and unracked bike and ran to mount line. Struggled trying to get my wristband on while running and almost took out people running with their bikes next to me. Finally got it on and passed 2 or 3 people running past the line, jumped on and went.
What would you do differently?:

Put wrist band on at transition, not while running.

  • 2h 39m 41s
  • 56 miles
  • 21.04 mile/hr

I tried to hold a steady pace and keep the cadence up except when standing. I stood up on any little hill (basically overpasses) and tried to pass people at these places. I always said 'on the left' and passed hundreds of people, no-really I did. Only a ~20 people passed me. Lots of fast women fish ahead of me and then the uber boy bikers showed up passing me like I wasn't moving. I was very conscious of maintaining my distance but there were lots of groups and there was real advantage cheating that way because of the wind. I saw penalties handed out all around me but I was always the lone biker staying away from the pack but my time was clearly going to be slower than the cheaters. Quads were starting to hurt a bit. I took both my mix bottles w 250 cals plus nuun tabs and an extra water as I felt I was getting hot. Dropped my bottle just before coming into an aid station and stopped to pick it up so I didn't get a penalty.
What would you do differently?:

Try to stay in aero position more but my back was a bit sore. Unending flatness is trying on the back. Wind was brutal and I'm sure it would have helped to be down more.
Transition 2
  • 04m 52s

Transition includes 2/3 of a mile in Bader so I slowed a bit and tried to think about what needed to be done. Knew right where my spot was this time. Run with bike-racked it, helmet off, shoes off, sit-run shoes on, visor on, run belt on-stand up and remember which way to run. You run out the opposite side but my brain wasn't working so well. My wife yelled 'Run out the back' and helped me and shouted more encouraging things-love that girl. Ate another gel but I could have waited until the first aid station. Broke a pre-formed ice pack and put it in my kit as the last thing I did and grabbed a ziplock to put ice in on the course.
What would you do differently?:

Not much.
  • 2h 09m 6s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 51s  min/mile

Windy, hot, windy, hot, crampy, hot/hot, crampy/crampy...yeah, that's how I remember it-ha. I put an ice pack in my kit which felt 'cold' for about a mile-and I chucked it into a garbage bag on the boardwalk as soon as I got there. Plan was to start a minute/mile slower than plan due to heat, so I targeted ~9:30 pace but quads were starting to twinge by mile 3. Salt stains were on my kit but I didn't feel dehydrated at all and felt I was keeping up with fluids/lytes ok. I was really under trained for the run and cramps were from low volume training. I did only 2 runs that were over 6 miles in the 2 months prior to the race-7 miles on 8/16; 6 miles on 7/24 (my Oly race). Not smart...Peak run volume was ~20-25 miles and lots of weeks were in the teens.
What would you do differently?:

Much bigger run volume and more long runs just for 'time on my feet' to avoid cramps. Otherwise, I gutted it out pretty well. Very sad to have slowed so much at the end as the cramps were incapacitating. One minute faster would have gotten me 3rd AG, rather than 5th. Take home message is to push hard all the way to the end.
Post race
Warm down:

As usual, I couldn't move well. I went directly into the ocean to cool my legs off, which was great until the salt hit all my blisters and chaffing and burned like hell. Stayed in the water for 10 minutes which helped, I'm sure. Back to sit and chat with Denise and tell her all the craziness-especially mud walking during the swim!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Under trained for the run and heat/cramps was the dagger that killed my race.

pics in strava-

Event comments:

As always, Delmo runs an exceptional race. Mr. Hollywood loves to bring the best and he does. Weather is beyond control but we were warned. Course is great and can be super fast when not really hot. My PR is from here and I'll never beat it.

Last updated: 2020-08-29 12:00 AM
00:35:55 | 2111 yards | 01m 42s / 100yards
Age Group: 10/49
Overall: 467/1547
Performance: Good
No HR data for swim.
Suit: sleeveless Roka Maveerick Pro
Course: counter clockwise loop (at low tide) in the bay off Bader field-brackish water--race started at 6:45 and low tide was 5:50am. Rolling start with self seeding. 5 Athletes at a time into the water lined up across the ramp. Had to keep all buoys on your right.
Start type: Wade Plus: Time Trial
Water temp: 73F / 23C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Average
Time: 05:20
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed:
02:39:41 | 56 miles | 21.04 mile/hr
Age Group: 6/49
Overall: 236/1547
Performance: Good
Got my new Garmin power pedals the day before we left so I wasn't sure how or if they would work. All my prior data screens worked well and I kept AP/NP up while trying to dial into RPE. I did not wear my HR monitor strap. Was looking at the data each lap/mile and trying not to fade too badly. AP/NP-181/192w, cadence ~80. TSS 160, ftp used was 249 (?over call for my fitness at that point). My L/R balance was 46%/54%-so I am stronger with my right leg apparently. I also stood for 26 minutes per the pedals. Not sure what to make about 'smoothness', 'torque effectiveness' or offset...hmmmm.
Wind: Cross-winds
Course: Wind was moderate-like 10 mph initially and was up in the 20 mph later on. Head wind on the way out and cross-tailwind on the way back. Leave transition and head right up Albany Ave (which is where our hotel was) turn onto the AC expressway and head up to the loop. Avoid the rumble strips-you can aim between them if there isn't a cyclist in front of you. Head back into AC proper and do the loop 2.5 times and return to Bader turning off at ~mile 54. It was very congested on laps 2 and 3. The course can be broken up into 3 distinct segments which each were about 5-6 miles; First part from Bader to Loop; Second part-the loop, Third part-into AC turnaround. The only difference is on the third loop-go back into Bader rather than AC.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 79
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 04:52
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal
02:09:06 | 13.1 miles | 09m 51s  min/mile
Age Group: 8/49
Overall: 569/1547
Performance: Below average
I messed up the start so mile markers were always off but I think the course is a tad short. No HR.
Course: Start by running out of transition and do a loop in Bader air field. There is an aid station right there so you can get ice/water/coke/gatoraid etc. right out of T2 or at mile 1/2. Continue to run down to the boardwalk and turn right-and today, this was directly into a very strong headwind. Then the un-ending rivets on the boardwalk start and never end. Loop down to Atlantic Ave twice going this way and turn at mile 4 and then you had a tailwind for a while. Unfortunately, this is all uncovered and it gets hotter and hotter. Keep going mile after mile, loop out towards the ocean at mile 8 and back to the boardwalk and keep going all the way to the turn around at mile 10.5. Back into the headwind and eventually turn off towards the beach just past the loop towards the ocean again. Only 50-100 yds of running on sand but muscles don't like it at that point.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2021-09-14 7:54 AM

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City

2021-09-14 12:44 PM
in reply to: #5278024

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City
Well done! Windy/hot/Windy/Hot,, that's about right these days..
2021-09-22 6:31 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City

How hot and windy was the Run - LOL!!  Dude, awesome awesome Race!  And kudos on the Swim PR!  Your strategies and consistency at Crystal Lake played huge dividends.  All things considered, you aced this race Dale. Really.  And 5th in your AG means you're doing something very right! 





p.s. sorry I took so long to read this 

Edited by Dream Chaser 2021-09-22 6:36 PM
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