Winter Maint/Prep - 7 to 10 Hours - 20 Week Training Plan
- Week 1Expand
- Time: 25m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 25
- 25' run with 4x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1400.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1400
- WU: 200 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 45m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 45
- WU: 10'
- MS: These are with your shoes clipped in, and the idea is to focus on one leg at a time.
- 90" right leg, then 90" left leg.
- Next is: 45" right, 45" left, vice versa 2x.
- Next: 30" left, 30" right increase cadence each 5'' to maximum.
- Next: 20" right, 20" left for 2'.
- 15" right, 15 "left for 1',
- 10" right, 10" left, for 40",
- 5"right, 5" left for 20".
- 3-4 x 1' at max cadence, RI 1'.
- 3-4 x 15" at max cadence to spinout, RI 45"
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 45
- 2000
- WU: 10 minutes alternating slow-fast pacing. Play with different strokes while warming up.
- MS: 30-minute steady swim. Swim without stopping. Count your strokes on the first 25 of each 100. Are they staying constant?
- CD: 5 minutes very easy. Choice of strokes or floating on your back and sculling.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1000.00 yards
- Swim Drills
- Form
- 45
- 1000
- WU: 200 easy swimming. Then 2 x 50 Swim Golf.
- MS: 8 x 50yd/m w/:20 rest:
- #1-3:Right Side Kick
- #4-6: Left Side Kick
- #7-8: Six Kick Change.
- *Mastery of a drill determines progression, not yardage.
- Then 2x 50 Swim Golf. Did you improve your swim golf score?
- CD: 200 easy swimming.
- Stretch afterwards and immediately take some notes on your session. What worked, what didn't, observations, questions, concerns, frustrations and victories."
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold
- CD: 15'
- Week 2Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 30
- 30' run with 6x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1500
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 35m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 35
- WU: 15'
- MS: 3' at 100 RPM. 2' at 110 RPM. 1 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM.
- CD: 15'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 45
- 2500
- Long easy swim. Add drills to wu.
- WU: 400 swim
- MS: 400 pull, 400 w/paddles. 300 swim, 300 pull, 300 w/paddles. 6x50 Fast on 60".
- CD: 100.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1100.00 yards
- Swim Drills
- Form
- 45
- 1100
- WU: 200 easy swimming. Then 2 x 50 Swim Golf.
- MS: 10x50 yd/m w/:20 rest:
- #1-2: Stomach kick
- #3-4: Right Side Kick
- #5-6: Left Side Kick
- #7-8: Six Kick Change
- #9-10: Six/Three Swim Transition.
- 2x 50 Swim Golf. Did you improve your golf score ?
- CD: 200 easy swimming.
- Stretch afterwards and immediately take some notes on your session. What worked, what didn't, observations, questions, concerns, frustrations and victories.
- Time: 50m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 50
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI
- #1 End at middle Zn 3
- #2 End at upper Zn 3
- #3 End at lower Zn 4
- #4 End at upper Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 5a in first 45s and hold
- CD: 15'
- Week 3Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 20
- 20' run with 6x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1800
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 8 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 30m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 30
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4' at 100 RPM. 3' at 110 RPM. 2 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Run TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- After 10 minute warm up, you are going to run for 30 minutes as hard as you can for the entire 30 minutes. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. This can be run on track the or measured course (flat). Record the time and get a 10 minute cool down. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1400.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 45
- 1400
- WU: 200 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 500 yd TT (time trial) for time.
- CD: 300
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 25
- 1200
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Time: 55m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 55
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- BT: Long warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor and record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed. Cool down for at least 15 minutes.
- Week 4Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 30
- 30' run with 8x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 2000
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 10 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 55m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 55
- WU: 10'
- MS: 1' spin with each leg. One foot is clipped in, the other foot is unclipped, not pedaling. Then spin for 30" easy. Do this cycle 6x or for 15 minutes. After the 6th cycle spin high RPMS (100+) for 5', then repeat with 6 more cycles. After 6th cycle,
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 40
- 2000
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 10x100 @T-pace +3". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2150.00 yards
- Endurance
- Continuous Swim
- 45
- 2150
- WU: Warm up 200 easy free, 50 easy kickboard.
- MS: 8 x 200 free at T pace + 5 per 100 (last 200 is cool down though). Alternate 50 hard kick between each 200, one on back, next on front, and so on.
- CD: End on last 200 of set using easy, slow stroke for cool down.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 25m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 85
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI, Repeat w/ 15' of Zn1-2 riding in between sets.
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold.
- CD: 15'
- Week 5Expand
- Time: 40m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 40
- 40' run with 8x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 45
- 2300
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 12 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 35m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 35
- WU: 10'
- MS: 8' at 100 RPM. 4' at 110 RPM. 2 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 45
- 2000
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 10x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 50
- 1500
- WU: 6 x 50 free/back alternate by each 50. 5" rest between each.
- MS: 100/200/300/200/100 free, 10" rest between each, at Olympic Distance pace. 6 x 50 free/back alternate cooldown, with 5" rest between each 50.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 65
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 25m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 85
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI - you are going to do this set 2x w/ 15' of Z 1-2 riding in between sets.
- SET:
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold.
- CD: 15'
- Week 6Expand
- Time: 50m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 50
- 50' run with 8x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2900.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 60
- 2900
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim 15 x 100 on :20 rest. #1-5 - focus on your CATCH. #6-10 focus on your PULL. #11-15 focus on your FINISH. Now swim another 6x50 swim golf and see if there is a difference in strokes or time. Last set is 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 40m
- Trainer
- Isolated Leg Training (ILT)
- 40
- WU: 10'
- MS: After WU, alternate 20-60" with 1 leg off the pedals, and up on a chair. Get a total of 7-10' of ILT on each leg in workout. Alternate legs as you feel like it. Work this up to 95-100 rpms, and focus on eliminating dead spot at top of stroke by pushing toes forward in shoes at top. You may start out being able to only hold 75-80 RPMS but over time your cadence will increase. Hang in there!
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 45
- 2200
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 12x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 1750.00 yards
- Speed
- 50
- 1750
- WU: 300
- MS: 5x50 (sprint 1st 25) - on 20" rest.
- 4x:
- - 2x50 Z3 (15" rest),
- - 1x100 Z3 (60" rest)
- - sprint a 50 Z5 (15" rest)
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Strength
- 60
- Run 60' on a hilly course or treadmill. Let the HR get up to high Z3/low Z4 on the uphill and keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 25m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 85
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI, Repeat w/ 15' of Zn1-2 riding in between sets.
- #1 End at middle Zn 3
- #2 End at upper Zn 3
- #3 End at lower Zn 4
- #4 End at upper Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 5a in first 45s and hold.
- CD: 15'
- Week 7Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 40
- 2000
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 10x100 @T-pace +3". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 45m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 45
- WU: 10'
- MS: These are with your shoes clipped in, and the idea is to focus on one leg at a time:
- 90" right leg, then 90" left leg.
- Next is: 45" right, 45" left, vice versa 2x. Next: 30" left, 30" right increase cadence each 5" to maximum.
- Next: 20" right, 20" left for 2'
- 15" right, 15" left for 1'
- 10" right, 10" left, for 40"
- 5"right, 5: left for 20"
- 3-4 x 1' at max cadence, RI 1'
- 3-4 x 15" at max cadence to spinout, RI 45"
- CD: 10'
- Time: 50m
- Run TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- After 10 minute warm up, you are going to run for 30 minutes as hard as you can for the entire 30 minutes. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. This can be run on track or measured course (flat). Record the time and get a 10 minute cool down. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 500 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time. After TT - swim a very easy 100. After easy swim -3x200 at the same effort at the TT - on 15" rest.
- CD: 200 - Your TT time for the 1,000 is divided by 10 , to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1800
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 8 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- BT: Long warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor and record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed. Cool down for at least 15 minutes.
- Week 8Expand
- Time: 50m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 50
- 50' run with 8x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 45
- 2500
- Long easy swim. Add drills to wu.
- WU: 400 swim
- MS: 400 pull, 400 w/paddles. 300 swim, 300 pull, 300 w/paddles. 6x50 Fast on 60".
- CD: 100.
- Time: 30m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 30
- WU: 15'
- MS: 3' at 100 RPM. 2' at 110 RPM. 1 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2250.00 yards
- Speed
- 50
- 2250
- WU: 300
- MS: 3x - 50, 100, 150, 100, 50 - all at Race Pace. (15" rest on all) - then 5x100 (swim 50, kick 50) on 15" rest.
- CD: 100
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 40
- 2000
- Easy 2k straight swim.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 65
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Raise Bike LT
- LT
- 60
- WU: 15'
- MS: 4' hard (at LT), 6' easy (zone 2). Do this 3x.
- CD: 15'
- Week 9Expand
- Time: 40m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 40
- WU: 10'
- MS: 8-12 x 15" pick-ups, (strides) - about as fast as 5k pace - quick NOT all out -with FULL recovery, these are meant to be very fast.
- CD: 10' Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 1700.00 yards
- Swim Drills
- Form
- 50
- 1700
- WU: 200 easy swimming. 4x50 swim golf.
- Swim to the deep end of the pool and do 4x20" of vertical kicking. Hands are above water, keep your head up! Rest is 20" treading water.
- MS: Then 8x50 drills, all on 20" rest. 2x50 are CFD (closed fist drill), 2x50 are SAD (Single arm drill), 2x50 are CFD, 2x50 are Swim.
- Swim an easy 100 focusing CFD, swim 1/2 length with fist closed, then open it and feel the POWER! Now repeat the set again, 8x50. Swim another 100 easy CFD.
- Last set is 4x50 Swim golf. How does your score compare to the first go-around?
- CD: Easy 100
- Time: 55m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 55
- WU: 10'
- MS: 1' spin with each leg. One foot is clipped in, the other foot is unclipped, not pedaling. Then spin for 30" easy. Do this cycle 6x or for 15 minutes. After the 6th cycle spin high RPMS (100+) for 5', then repeat with 6 more cycles.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 40
- 2200
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 12x100 @T-pace + 3". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Speed
- 45
- 2000
- WU: 500 mix non-freestyle. 200 kick.
- MS: 5 x 200 free, build from easy to mass race swim start pace by last 50. Rest 20" between.
- CD: 300 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Raise Bike LT
- LT
- 50
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4' hard (at LT), 2' easy (zone 2). Do this 5x.
- CD: 10'
- Week 10Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 20
- 20' run with 6x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 1850.00 yards
- Speed
- 50
- 1850
- WU: 300
- MS: 12x50 (mix strokes on odd # , even # are free) on 20" rest. Then 6x125 (50 Z4, 25 Z2, build 25, 25 Z2) - this teaches you to mix speeds - in case you need to catch a pack in front of you during a race.
- CD: 200
- Time: 30m
- Trainer
- High RPM Spin
- 30
- WU: 10'
- MS: 10' at 105+ RPMS.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 25
- 1200
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Speed
- 45
- 2000
- WU: 500 mix non-freestyle. 200 kick.
- MS: 5 x 200 free, build from easy to mass race swim start pace by last 50. Rest 20" between.
- CD: 300 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold
- CD: 15'
- Week 11Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1500
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 35m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 35
- WU: 10'
- MS: 8' at 100 RPM. 4' at 110 RPM. 2 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 50m
- Run TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- After 10 minute warm up, you are going to run for 30 minutes as hard as you can for the entire 30 minutes. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. This can be run on track the or measured course (flat). Record the time and get a 10 minute cool down. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 500 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time. After TT - swim a very easy 100. After easy swim -3x200 at the same effort at the TT - on 15" rest.
- CD: 200 - Your TT time for the 1,000 is divided by 10 , to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 45
- 2000
- WU: 10 minutes alternating slow-fast pacing. Play with different strokes while warming up.
- MS: 30-minute steady swim. Swim without stopping. Count your strokes on the first 25 of each 100. Are they staying constant?
- CD: 5 minutes very easy. Choice of strokes or floating on your back and sculling.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- BT: Long warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor and record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed. Cool down for at least 15 minutes.
- Week 12Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2900.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 60
- 2900
- WU: 300 Free & 3x100 on 20" rest. Then 200 Technique (drill)
- MS: 3x100 15" rest.
- 200 Kick then, 3x100 10" rest, 200 Pull and then 3x100 5" rest, 200 Easy. Then sprint 16x25 FAST! 30" rest.
- CD: 200
- Time: 30m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 30
- WU: 15'
- MS: 3' at 100 RPM. 2' at 110 RPM. 1 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 40
- 2500
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 15x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Recovery
- 30
- 1500
- Easy swim. 500 wu, 500 pull w/paddles. 10x50 on 20" rest. Swim easy and focus on form.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 60
- Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 3' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 27'). Leaving it in big ring, hardest gear, do 10 x (30" grind, 30" all out, 30" grind, 30" stand). Do 5' grind in big ring, hardest gear. Gradually work your way back to your easiest gear by 1' per gear for cool-down. Grind means sitting back on saddle, turning pedals over, not worrying about cadence.
- Week 13Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- Speed
- 50
- 2200
- WU: 300 w/drills.
- MS: 20x50 Z4, on 20" rest. Then 10x50 sprint first 25, easy 25 on 15" rest. Then 300 Z3.
- CD: 100.
- Time: 50m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold
- CD: 15'
- Time: 45m
- Raise LT
- Race Specific
- 45
- WU: 7' wu. At 7' add in a 30" acceleration every 90" (this is 30" fast, 1' recovery). You should be 13' into the run by now.
- MS: Main set is 3 x 5 minutes at LT;
- #1 should have you ending your 5 minutes at just about mid-Zone 3.
- #2 should see you finishing right at Zone 4a.
- #3 should have you finishing right at Z5.
- Between repeats you will get a rest interval of 3 minutes. The 3 minutes should be easy enough to allow your heart rate to come back down to Zone 2.
- CD: After your 3rd repeat you will run a 10 minute cool down and stretch for at least 10 minutes. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Endurance
- 50
- 2000
- WU: 400
- MS: 300 on 1:30 rest
- 2 * 150 on :45 rest
- 4 * 75 on :30 rest
- 100 loosen (easy)
- 4*100 pull w/ paddles on :30 rest
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Speed
- 40
- 2000
- WU: 400 free warm up.
- The following to be done at Tpace minus 3" per 100.
- MS: 50/100/50/100/200, repeat. 10" rest between.
- CD: 600 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Raise Bike LT
- LT
- 60
- WU: 10'
- MS: 7x2' at Z4, rest is 2'. Then 5x1' at Z5 rest is 1'
- CD: 10'
- Week 14Expand
- Time: 50m
- Raise LT
- Race Specific
- 52
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4x5' at LT w/3' recovery.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 50
- 2500
- Easy 2.5k straight swim.
- Time: 50m
- Bike ME
- Muscular Endurance
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: 5x3' w/ 1' RI
- #1 End at low Zn 3
- #2 End at middle Zn 3
- #3 End at upper Zn 3
- #4 End at lower Zn 4
- #5 Build to Zn 4 in first 45s and hold
- CD: 15'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 50
- 2500
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 15x100 @T-pace + 3". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 2000
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 10 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Run Base
- Strength
- 70
- Run 70' on a hilly course or treadmill. Let the HR get up to high Z3/low Z4 on the uphill and keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Big Gear
- Raise LT
- 60
- Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 3' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 27'). Leaving it in big ring, hardest gear, do 10' TT. Go small ring, middle gear for 5' spinning smoothly. Go back to big ring, hardest gear, and do another 10' TT. Gradually work your back to your easiest gear by 1' for cool-down.
- Week 15Expand
- Time: 40m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 40
- WU: 10'
- MS: 8-12 x 15" pick-ups, (strides) - about as fast as 5k pace - quick NOT all out -with FULL recovery, these are meant to be very fast.
- CD: 10' Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- Speed
- 45
- 2300
- WU: 300 & then 4x50 catch up stroke on 20"rest.
- MS: 8x50, 4x100, 2x200, all on 20" rest. Hold T-Pace - 5". Then 4x100 kick, on 15" rest.
- CD: 200.
- Time: 55m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 55
- WU: 10'
- MS: 1' spin with each leg. One foot is clipped in, the other foot is unclipped, not pedaling. Then spin for 30" easy. Do this cycle 6x or for 15 minutes. After the 6th cycle spin high RPMS (100+) for 5', then repeat with 6 more cycles. After 6th cycle,
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1400.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1400
- WU: 200 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 5 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Endurance
- 50
- 2500
- WU: 400
- MS:
- 4 * 150 2:45
- 2 * 50 Back loosen (easy)
- 4 * 100 1:45
- 2 * 50 Back loosen (easy)
- 4 * 50 :45
- 100 EZ
- 4 * 100 pull w/paddles 1:45
- CD: 200
- Time: 45m
- Run Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 45
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then run 4x2' up a hill. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Recover on the downhills. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15' Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 30m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 90
- Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 5' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 45'). 5 x (5' ride aerobically in middle gear, 2' stand in big ring, hardest gear). Gradually work your back to your easiest gear by 1' for cool-down.
- Week 16Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 25
- 1200
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Time: 30m
- Trainer
- Efficiency
- 30
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4' at 100 RPM. 3' at 110 RPM. 2 'at 120 RPM or highest sustainable RPM
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 50m
- Run TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- After 10 minute warm up, you are going to run for 30 minutes as hard as you can for the entire 30 minutes. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. This can be run on track the or measured course (flat). Record the time and get a 10 minute cool down. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 500 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time. After TT - swim a very easy 100. After easy swim -3x200 at the same effort at the TT - on 15" rest.
- CD: 200 - Your TT time for the 1,000 is divided by 10 , to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 1800
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 8 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- BT: Long warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor and record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed. Cool down for at least 15 minutes.
- Week 17Expand
- Time: 50m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 50
- 50' run with 8x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2700.00 yards
- Endurance
- 60
- 2700
- WU: 400 Warm-up
- MS:
- 3 * 200 0:45 rest
- 8 * 25 kick :10 rest
- 4 * 100 0:25 rest
- 8 * 25 kick :10 rest
- 5 * 50 :10 rest
- 100 loosen easy swim
- 6 * 75 pull with paddles 0:20 rest
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Raise Bike LT
- LT
- 60
- WU: 15'
- MS: 4' hard (at LT), 6' easy (zone 2). Do this 3x.
- CD: 15'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 50
- 2200
- WU: 400 swim.
- MS: 10x50, sprint first 1/2 lap, on 15s rest. 10x100 on 20s rest. First 25 is hard, then 75 cruise.
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 2000
- WU: 300 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 10 x 100 (10") moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20") moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 60
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then run 6x2' up a hill. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15' Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 35m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 35
- WU: 5'
- MS: 4x30" sprint - with 1' recovery, then 4x1' sprints - standing 2' recovery and then 4x30" sprint again with 1' recovery.
- CD: 5'
- Week 18Expand
- Time: 45m
- Raise LT
- Race Specific
- 45
- WU: 7'. At 7' add in a 30" acceleration every 90" (this is 30" fast, 1' recovery). You should be 13' into the run by now.
- Main set is 3 x 5 minutes at LT;
- #1 should have you ending your 5 minutes at just about mid-Zone 3.
- #2 should see you finishing right at Zone 4a.
- #3 should have you finishing right at Z5.
- Between repeats you will get a rest interval of 3 minutes. The 3 minutes should be easy enough to allow your heart rate to come back down to Zone 2.
- CD: After your 3rd repeat you will run a 10 minute cool down and stretch for at least 10 minutes. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Speed
- 45
- 1800
- WU: 400
- MS:
- 12 * 50 on 1:30 ez/FAST
- 300 pull
- 12 * 25 1:00
- CD: 200 loosen
- Time: 50m
- Raise Bike LT
- LT
- 50
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4' hard (at LT), 2' easy (zone 2). Do this 5x.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3100.00 yards
- Endurance
- Pacing
- 65
- 3100
- WU: 400
- MS: 400 (first 150 long smooth, 250 pick it up...note the 200 splits, Not Broken)
- 2 * 50 back :30 RI - just to loosen
- 2 * 200 (first 100 long moderate, second attempt to even split) :20 RI
- 2 * 50 back :30 RI - just to loosen
- 4 * 100 :25 RI
- 150 loosen
- 6 * 125 pull :20 RI
- 8 * 25 ez/FAST :40
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Speed
- 40
- 2000
- WU: 400 free warm up.
- The following to be done at Tpace minus 3" per 100.
- MS: 50/100/50/100/200, repeat. 10" rest between.
- CD: 600 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 60
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then run 8x2' up a hill. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Recover on the downhills. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15' Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike Strength
- Strength
- 60
- 60' ride on a hilly course. Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- Week 19Expand
- Time: 1h 00m
- Raise LT
- Race Specific
- 60
- WU: 10'
- MS: 5x5' at LT w/3' recovery.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2400.00 yards
- Endurance
- 60
- 2400
- WU: 400 warm-up
- MS: 8 * 25 ez/hard
- 8 * 100 on 1:00 rest - go through the following set twice
- 1.) 75ez - 25 fast
- 2.) 50ez - 50 fast
- 3.) 25ez - 75 fast
- 4.) 100 fast
- 200 loosen (easy swim)
- 6 * 100 pull on 1" rest
- CD: 200
- Time: 30m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 30
- WU: 10'
- MS: 4x2 minute sprint, with 2' recovery.
- CD: 5'
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1600.00 yards
- Speed
- 45
- 1600
- WU: 300 & 6x50 on 10" rest.
- MS: 8x100 on 20" rest.
- CD: 200.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2400.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- 2400
- WU: 500 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 7 x 200 on 20" rest.
- CD: 100 very easy - make sure you keep track of your avg pace for the 200s and email me the results.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Run Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 70
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then run 10x2' up a hill. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Recover on the downhills. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15'. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Bike Strength
- Strength
- 45
- 45' ride on a hilly course. Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- Week 20Expand
- Time: 20m
- Run Speed
- Speed/Efficiency
- 20
- 20' run with 6x30" strides. These are best if done on a slight downhill on a dirt path. Warm up for at least 10' before the first stride. For your recovery, you can walk back to the starting point. Strides are quick bursts that are as fast as 5k pace. You are looking to get in about 45 left foot strikes per 26-28". Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 25
- 1200
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Time: 40m
- Trainer
- Isolated Leg Training (ILT)
- 40
- WU: 10'
- MS: After WU, alternate 20-60" with 1 leg off the pedals, and up on a chair. Get a total of 7-10' of ILT on each leg in workout. Alternate legs as you feel like it. Work this up to 95-100 rpms, and focus on eliminating dead spot at top of stroke by pushing toes forward in shoes at top. You may start out being able to only hold 75-80 RPMS but over time your cadence will increase. Hang in there!
- CD: 10'
- Time: 50m
- Run TT
- Assess Fitness
- 50
- After 10 minute warm up, you are going to run for 30 minutes as hard as you can for the entire 30 minutes. After starting the run, hit your 'Lap' button so you record the average HR over the last 20 minutes. This can be run on track the or measured course (flat). Record the time and get a 10 minute cool down. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 500 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time. After TT - swim a very easy 100. After easy swim -3x200 at the same effort at the TT - on 15" rest.
- CD: 200 - Your TT time for the 1,000 is divided by 10 , to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Spin Class
- Aerobic Fitness
- 60
- Stay with a smooth pedaling stroke and keep your HR aerobic!
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 40
- 2000
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 10x100 @T-pace +3". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 60
- BT: Long warm-up of at least 15 minutes. Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor and record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed. Cool down for at least 15 minutes.
Day 1 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 2 | Print Day |

Day 3 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Sculling - moving your hand back and forth in the water, at your hips, your shoulder or over your head to keep your body balanced in the water while providing some propulsion. More specifically, this means to gently propel yourself through the water by moving your hands close to and just under your hips, using the figure-eight pattern. Basically, just easily push yourself through the water on your back.

Day 4 | Print Day |

Day 5 | Print Day |

Swim Golf = Add up your 50 yd/m time and the # of strokes for the 50 yd/m - for example: 50 seconds and 50 strokes for a 50 yard swim would give you a golf sore of 100
Right Side Kick:
How: Kick on your right side, with left shoulder pointed to the sky.
Head: Relaxed, underwater, look at the side of the pool. Advanced it to look at the bottom, but be sure to maintain vertical shoulders when on your side: shoulders perpendicular to bottom of the pool.
Arms: Right arm extended, left hand rests on left thigh.
Toes: Toes pointed, ankles relaxed. Keep width of kick within "tube" created by your body: relatively narrow.
Breath: Take a small sculling motion with right hand and roll head easily to breathe. Exhale slowly and smoothly.
1. Keep shoulders perpendicular to pool bottom. "Point belly to the side of the pool." 2. Relatively narrow kick.
3. Smooth breath by rolling your head up to the sky.
Left Side Kick - just the opposite of above.
Six Kick Change - Start with Right Side Kick. 6 kicks, then pull and roll over to Left Side Kick. 6 kicks left side, roll, repeat.
Day 6 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 7 | Print Day |

Day 8 | Print Day |

'Pull' Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 9 | Print Day |

Day 10 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 11 | Print Day |

Day 12 | Print Day |

Swim Golf - Add up your 50 yd/m time and the # of strokes for the 50 yd/m - for example: 50 seconds and 50 strokes for a 50 yard swim would give you a golf sore of 100
Right Side Kick:
How: Kick on your right side, with left shoulder pointed to the sky
Head: Relaxed, underwater, look at the side of the pool. Advanced it to look at the bottom, but be sure to maintain vertical shoulders when on your side: shoulders perpendicular to bottom of the pool.
Arms: Right arm extended, left hand rests on left thigh.
Toes: Toes pointed, ankles relaxed. Keep width of kick within "tube" created by your body: relatively narrow.
Breath: Take a small sculling motion with right hand and roll head easily to breathe. Exhale slowly and smoothly.
1. Keep shoulders perpendicular to pool bottom. "Point belly to the side of the pool."
2. Relatively narrow kick.
3. Smooth breath by rolling your head up to the sky.
Left Side Kick - just the opposite of above
Stomach Kick - Push off the wall with hands by your side, pressing head and chest into water, helping the legs come up. Kick steady for the length of the pool, rotating your body to the side to get a breath when needed.
Six Kick Change - Start with Right Side Kick. 6 kicks, then pull and roll over to Left Side Kick. 6 kicks left side, roll, repeat.
Six/Three - Start with Right Side Kick. 6 kicks, then pull three arms strokes, ending up on your left side. Kick 6 kicks on your left side, then take 3 arm pulls to rotate over to your right side. Repeat.
Day 13 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 14 | Print Day |

Day 15 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 16 | Print Day |

Day 17 | Print Day |

Day 18 | Print Day |
Day 19 | Print Day |

Day 20 | Print Day |

Day 21 | Print Day |

BT = 'Breakthrough' Workout - an important workout that is intended to cause a significant, positive, adaptive response.
Day 22 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 23 | Print Day |

Day 24 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 25 | Print Day |
Day 26 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick (front) or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 27 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 28 | Print Day |

Day 29 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 30 | Print Day |

Day 31 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 32 | Print Day |
Day 33 | Print Day |

Day 34 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 35 | Print Day |

Day 36 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 37 | Print Day |

Day 38 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 39 | Print Day |

Day 40 | Print Day |

Day 41 | Print Day |

Day 42 | Print Day |

Day 43 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 44 | Print Day |

Day 45 | Print Day |

Day 46 | Print Day |
Day 47 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 48 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 49 | Print Day |

Day 50 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 51 | Print Day |

Day 52 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 53 | Print Day |

Day 54 | Print Day |

Day 55 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 56 | Print Day |

Day 57 | Print Day |

CFD - Closed Fist Drill - You will be swimming freestyle with your hands closed in a fist. This should get you to have a better 'feel' for the water. Unless noted otherwise, this is usually done by swimming with your hands closed in a fist for 4 strokes, and then open your hands for 4 strokes, alternating until you get to the other end.
SAD - Single Arm Drill - Push off the wall with both arms extended in front of you with your hands touching, one on top of the other. Rotate to your side so that you are lying on your left side with your left arm in front on you. Now, swim down the pool, using only your right arm - once you get to the other end, try the same thing, this time lying on your right side and swimming with your left arm only. Keep a strong kick going and focus on the pull portion of the stroke.

Day 58 | Print Day |

Day 59 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 60 | Print Day |

Day 61 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 62 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 63 | Print Day |

Day 64 | Print Day |

Day 65 | Print Day |

Day 66 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 67 | Print Day |
Day 68 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 69 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 70 | Print Day |

Day 71 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 72 | Print Day |

Day 73 | Print Day |

Day 74 | Print Day |

Day 75 | Print Day |

Sculling - moving your hand back and forth in the water, at your hips, your shoulder or over your head to keep your body balanced in the water while providing some propulsion. More specifically, this means to gently propel yourself through the water by moving your hands close to and just under your hips, using the figure-eight pattern. Basically, just easily push yourself through the water on your back.
Day 76 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 20-25
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 77 | Print Day |

Day 78 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 79 | Print Day |

Day 80 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 81 | Print Day |

Day 82 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Day 83 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 20-25
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 84 | Print Day |

Day 85 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 86 | Print Day |

Day 87 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 88 | Print Day |

Day 89 | Print Day |

Day 90 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 15-20
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 91 | Print Day |

Day 92 | Print Day |

Day 93 | Print Day |

Day 94 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 95 | Print Day |

Day 96 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 97 | Print Day |

Day 98 | Print Day |

Day 99 | Print Day |

Catch Up Drill - Push off the wall with both arms extended in front of you touching each other. Start with the right arm and take a full stroke, coming to rest in the forward position, before the left arm starts its pull. Repeat this all the way to the other side of the pool. Keep a strong kick going and focus on the pull portion of the stroke.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 100 | Print Day |

Day 101 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 102 | Print Day |

Day 103 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Day 104 | Print Day |

Day 105 | Print Day |

Day 106 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 107 | Print Day |

Day 108 | Print Day |

Day 109 | Print Day |

Day 110 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 111 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 25-30
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
AND Core #1, 2, and 3
Time 75min
Day 112 | Print Day |

Day 113 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 114 | Print Day |

Day 115 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 116 | Print Day |

Day 117 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Day 118 | Print Day |

Day 119 | Print Day |

Day 120 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 121 | Print Day |

Day 122 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 123 | Print Day |

Day 124 | Print Day |

Day 125 | Print Day |

Day 126 | Print Day |

Day 127 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Day 128 | Print Day |

Day 129 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 130 | Print Day |

Day 131 | Print Day |

Day 132 | Print Day |

Day 133 | Print Day |

Day 134 | Print Day |

Day 135 | Print Day |

Day 136 | Print Day |

Day 137 | Print Day |

Day 138 | Print Day |

Day 139 | Print Day |

Pretty Running: lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Day 140 | Print Day |

Wk #1 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1400 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 4400 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #2 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1500 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1100 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 5100 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #3 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1800 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 1400 Yd | Thursday | Friday ![]() 1200 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 4400 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #4 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Thursday | Friday ![]() 2150 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6150 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 1 totals

Wk #5 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2300 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Thursday | Friday ![]() 1500 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 5800 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #6 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2900 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2200 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1750 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6850 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #7 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Tuesday ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2800 Yd | Thursday | Friday ![]() 1800 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6600 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #8 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2250 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6750 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 2 totals

Wk #9 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1700 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2200 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 5900 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #10 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1850 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 1200 Yd | Thursday | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 5050 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #11 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1500 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2800 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6300 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #12 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2900 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1500 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6900 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 3 totals

Wk #13 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2200 Yd | Tuesday ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6200 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #14 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7000 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #15 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2300 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 1400 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2500 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6200 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #16 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1200 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2800 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1800 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 5800 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 4 totals

Wk #17 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2700 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2200 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6900 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #18 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1800 Yd | Tuesday ![]() ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 3100 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6900 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #19 | Monday ![]() ![]() 2400 Yd | Tuesday ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 1600 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2400 Yd | Saturday ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6400 Yd ![]() ![]() |
Wk #20 | Monday ![]() ![]() 1200 Yd | Tuesday ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 2800 Yd | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 2000 Yd | Saturday ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6000 Yd ![]() ![]() |
Month 5 totals

Print 7-10 Hour Winter Maintenance/Prep Training Plan - 20 Week
Who is the plan for?
This program should be used for an athlete who is coming off a season where they have already raced an Olympic Distance triathlon and they are looking to maintain fitness over the course of the winter months. This is a great prep program leading into any of the other D3 programs such as the 12 Olympic Distance, the Bridge from Olympic Distance to Half-Ironman, and even the Bridge from Half Ironman to Ironman (if the athlete has a strong background in one of the three disciplines).
Plan schedule
The schedule consists of 3 workouts per week in each sport, 2 days of strength training and core work too. The maximum volume is around 10.5 hours toward the end of the 20 weeks and most of the weeks are around 8-10 hours with some lower volumes thrown in there in the beginning.
There is testing every few weeks throughout the program to test your fitness level so you can re-adjust your HR Zones if you train with a HRM. If you don’t train with a HRM, that’s fine as the tests are still good training and you can measure improvement based on time.
Background requirements
You should be able to swim at least 1,000 to 1, 600 yards in a workout. You should be able to bike at least one hour, and run at least 45 minutes. Its ok if you have to use the run/walk method for the running (more on that below). If you are a weak swimmer or runner, you can certainly do the best you can on your weaker events but its best if you are already up to the base fitness levels suggested.
For the first 2 weeks of the program you will be training based on feel and the first testing period will not be until week 3. Once you have tested for your HR you can plug in your test results into the attached Excel spreadsheet and your training zones will be calculated.
Training HR Zones and Swim Pace Zones
This plan uses heart-rate training zones for intensity specific training. See 'Related Links' at bottom for testing protocol and how to determine and setup your heart-rate zones.
The basic premise of this program is to help you maintain your winter fitness so you can start your specific training in the spring without feeling that you are behind. Some people will actually improve their fitness with this program although it is really geared toward maintaining fitness.
If you already excel in one of the sports
If you have a swimming background and you want to add distance or repetitions to the workouts, you are more than welcome to do that.
If you have a cycling or running background and feel the need to add volume to the program, you are welcome to do that as well.
If you are deficient in the sports
On the opposite extreme if you feel as though you need help in one area or the other, you may want to drop a workout that you are strong in, and add an extra where you are weaker. If you feel the need to add a swim lesson in place of a swim workout on the schedule, by all means take the swim lesson and don’t feel the need to make up the missed swim workout.
If you can complete both the swim and bike workouts, but you are a weak runner and you need to use a walk/run plan that is perfectly ok. I have many runners who use an 8/2 method. This is where the athlete runs for 8 minutes and walks for 2, getting their HR back down. I have had marathoners use this method that run in the 3:00 range for 26.2 miles, so don’t feel like you are less of a runner if you use this method.
Weight Training and Core Strength
The program that I am using this time around is adapted from The Training Bible and has been tweaked to include some exercises that I think are important. The program should be fairly balanced between core and strength training. You will be using AA1 to AA4 for this program.
Good Luck!
Train Smart,
Mike Ricci
USAT Level II Coach
USAC Expert Coach
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