Where do I start? What equipment do I need? How do I train? This article will serve as your 'Where do I start?' guide with several triathlon training schedules included below.
Welcome! Those of you that have resolved to get fit and do a triathlon this year have found your way here. You are in luck. We have many triathlon training schedules for the beginner below. This article will also serve as a 'where do I start' guide for new triathletes and especially people new to fitness that are just about to take the first steps towards becoming triathletes. This guide will also be especially useful for those needing to lose weight. This article may get lengthy but will serve as a complete guide to all of the necessary articles to start your triathlon training today
If you have current history as a runner, you may be able to jump into the Olympic training plans - my favorite distance for satisfying training vs family time.
Heart rate training is especially useful if you have problems going too fast or you want to really improve your training. Warning, this gets a little technical.
The following programs are excellent for those just starting out in swimming to build endurance. They can also be used to supplement your Sprint triathlon swim training.
Stretching is complicated. There have been and still are many debates on the merits of stretching. Like many things, it comes down to the individual and the right program.
The bike portion is where most of your miles are. It's also where most of your equipment is for. Here are several video tutorials on maintaining your bike.
Your triathlon transitions will save or waste precious minutes. Make sure you practice before the big day. Don't forget to print out our Race Day Checklist
There are thousands of knowledgeable people in our forums to help you out on any questions. Also visit our state forums to find people in your area for local information and training partners.
Access plans, log workouts and find races on your mobile device!
Just go to beginnertriathlete.com on your phone and you will get the mobile version. Access plans, log your training and more.
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Triathlon Training Schedule
Where do I start? What equipment do I need? How do I train? This article will serve as your 'Where do I start?' guide with several triathlon training schedules included below.
Welcome! Those of you that have resolved to get fit and do a triathlon this year have found your way here. You are in luck. We have many triathlon training schedules for the beginner below. This article will also serve as a 'where do I start' guide for new triathletes and especially people new to fitness that are just about to take the first steps towards becoming triathletes. This guide will also be especially useful for those needing to lose weight. This article may get lengthy but will serve as a complete guide to all of the necessary articles to start your triathlon training today
A Beginner's Guide to Triathlon
A FAQ on using the site and a compilation of basic advice
New Year’s Resolution: First Triathlon
First half or full Ironman? Click HERE!
Your first race will most likely be a minisprint, sprint or olympic race. Click Here for Iron distance information
Sprint Distances:
Olympic Distances:
Triathlon has many words that you probably have never heard of...and just as many acronyms. Triathlon Glossary
Medical Clearance
Read this before you begin any training. Know the risks of partaking in this sport. Choosing a Triathlon Training Plan is a perfect article to help you figure out where to begin.
Use these programs if you have weight to lose before beginning formal triathlon training. These are very conservative and low impact.
Along with the weightloss training plans above, here are a collection of several great articles on the many ways to think and go about losing weight.
These are some great formal schedules to start your triathlon training in all three sports.-->More Sprint Training Plans
If you have current history as a runner, you may be able to jump into the Olympic training plans - my favorite distance for satisfying training vs family time.
Olympic Triathlon Training Plans
We have nearly 50 articles of member questions on many beginner topics. Beginner Q&A Articles
Staying injury free is doable if you listen to your body, don't do too much too soon and modify or stop your training if there is pain. Ouch! The Body’s Language of Pain—What it Means and What to Do About it.Understanding Injury: Knowing when to stop may help make your season a success Training Through Injuries The Biomechanics of Overuse Injuries in Endurance Athletes
Heart rate training is especially useful if you have problems going too fast or you want to really improve your training. Warning, this gets a little technical.WORKOUT FUELING
Workout fueling is just as important as the training to get the best out of the workout and to lose or maintain your weight.BECOMING A RUNNER
There is nothing wrong with starting out in one sport first before doing all three. Here are the running programs that started the site(ironically).
The following programs are excellent for those just starting out in swimming to build endurance. They can also be used to supplement your Sprint triathlon swim training.SWIM TRAINING ESSENTIALS
If you are new to the pool, especially lap swimming, it would be a wise idea to read Pool Etiquette for Lap SwimmersSTRETCHING
Stretching is complicated. There have been and still are many debates on the merits of stretching. Like many things, it comes down to the individual and the right program.GETTING GEARED-UP
What training gear is necessary for a triathlon?
What a triathlon beginner needs to get started: The Swim
What a triathlon beginner needs to get started: The Bike
What a new triathlete needs to get started: The Run
Sooner or later you will be asking these questions. The following three articles will be indispensable.YOUR BIKE
The bike portion is where most of your miles are. It's also where most of your equipment is for. Here are several video tutorials on maintaining your bike.
The following are not bike workouts but important concepts for better bike training.
Here are a few articles on run training concepts.TRANSITIONS
Your triathlon transitions will save or waste precious minutes. Make sure you practice before the big day. Don't forget to print out our Race Day Checklist
A few tips on properly eating before and during a race. If you are new to racing, get familiar with Rule Violations During Triathlon Racing
VIDEO: USA Triathlon Rules Clinic
Great video on the rules that you need to know for your triathlon
Have questions?
There are thousands of knowledgeable people in our forums to help you out on any questions. Also visit our state forums to find people in your area for local information and training partners.
Access plans, log workouts and find races on your mobile device!
Just go to beginnertriathlete.com on your phone and you will get the mobile version. Access plans, log your training and more.
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