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Pumpkin Pie 10K - Run

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Denver, Colorado
United States
14F / -10C
Total Time = 1h 00m 6s
Overall Rank = 362/1073
Age Group = F45-49
Age Group Rank = 8/53
Pre-race routine:

Usual animal-assisted wake-up, followed by coffee and the paper. No chocolate chip bagels this morning (boo!!) so I settled for a chocolate mint Clif Builder's Bar. I drank a large glass of water because I planned not to drink during the race, then used the bathroom as many times as I could so I wouldn't need to use the freezing cold portapotties there. I dressed in a billion layers (4 on top, 3 on the bottom, mittens, hat, and wool socks) and headed out the door about 20 min. before start time. We live 5 min. away so the timing was just right.
Event warmup:

Jogged about 1/2 mile from drop-off point and did dynamic stretches (skip, high knees, butt kick, side leap skip thingies). Got to the start about 10 min. before the gun. Jumped around and chatted with a woman with 2 border collies that happened to be from the same rescue group we got Pippin from. Then 5...4...3...2...1...walk, walk walk, GO.
  • 1h 00m 6s
  • 6.3 miles
  • 09m 32s  min/mile

I started in about the middle of the pack and there were a bunch of slower runners ahead of me so I had to weave my way through them to get up to speed. The ice and snow made the course a lot more challenging because I had to really pay attention to find a relatively clear path. I slipped a little a couple of times and had to slow way down at the turnarounds because they were so icy.

Pace for first mile was slow because of all the slower runners. Then I looked at my Garmin wrong and kept thinking the time (the race started at 10:30) was my pace. I couldn't figure out why it kept increasing even though I was running faster. Then I realized that I was actually at about 9:30, which is much faster than my usual! After that, I settled in and just pushed the pace as much as I could manage all the way through. I was able to maintain 3/2 breathing for most of it; dropped to 2/2 at one point but not for very long. I went into this planning to give an all-out effort to set a baseline time so I didn't have any kind of targets except just go as fast as I could. I periodically checked my Garmin out of curiosity but it didn't really change or control how I was going. I got kind of crampy/stitchy a few times, both my Achilles were fairly tight until about mi. 4, and my hammy twinged a every now and then. None of that really slowed me down except maybe the crampiness.

At the halfway mark, I was feeling pretty good but then realized I had to do the whole course all over again. Ack!! Oh well. Just keep running.

At about mi. 5, I picked up the pace and went as close to all-out as I could. I could tell my form was starting to slip and didn't care. I could see that I might be able to finish at or under an hour so I used that as my carrot to keep going. Push, push, push, where the hell is the finish line, push, push, there it is, go go go...OMG I finished right at 1 hour!!!!! SuWEEET!! Alex were there to catch me and he helped me wobble my way over to the Gatorade coolers. My asthma kicked up a little; I got a little wheezy and coughed some but it cleared up pretty quickly.

I'm glad I wore all those layers. I was quite comfy and even took off my mittens for ~half the race. Because of the winding nature of the course, the 10 mph wind wasn't really a factor. It snowed a little--just some light flurries. Apparently about 25% of the registered racers didn't show up. Wimps. It really wasn't that bad until I was standing around all sweaty at the end.

What would you do differently?:

Start closer to the front.
Post race
Warm down:

Gulped down 2 glasses of Gatorade, walked around a little to catch my breath, then headed over to pick up my pie. NO WHIPPED CREAM??!! WHAT KIND OF OUTFIT IS THIS?? Oh well, they gave me 2 pieces. Guess I'll just take it home and put my own whipped cream on it. I started to get cold so we headed to the car. It was parked about 1/2 mi. away and during the walk I started really feeling all the aches and pains.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I felt like I put in a really good effort. The ice on the course was definitely a limiting factor. There were times when I had to slow down and run on the ice because I couldn't avoid it due to other runners. Also, the course was extra narrow due to the conditions so I got stuck behind slower people a number of times.

Event comments:

This race was well-organized and executed. Packet pick-up the day before was a breeze although the goody bags were really skimpy. They had volunteers at some of the turns and were making lots of announcements about being careful on the ice. There were 2 drink stations (well, 1 actually but we went past it twice) and a bank of portapotties on the course. There wasn't much in the way of post-race stuff. There had been a 5k that started at 9 so by the time we got done at 11:30, the booths had pretty much packed up and left. Can't say I blamed them!!

A number of people were in costume. There was a flock of turkeys being chased by a pilgrim and an indian, a couple more turkeys, and quite a few hats shaped like pie slices with whipped cream dollops. Participants ranged from a 10 y.o. girl (her time was 1:20!!) to a 79 y.o. woman. I had a lot of fun, a great time and am really proud of how well I did. First 10k is in the books!!

Profile Album

Last updated: 2014-10-04 12:00 AM
01:00:06 | 06.3 miles | 09m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 8/53
Overall: 362/1073
Performance: Good
Mi. 1 - 9:58 2 - 9:36 3 - 9:38 4 - 9:34 5 - 9:21 6 - 8:59 0.3 - 9:11
Course: Flat asphalt, varied between clear and snow-packed/icy. 2 winding loops through City Park.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2014-11-15 4:48 PM

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Denver, CO
Subject: Pumpkin Pie 10K

2014-11-15 6:21 PM
in reply to: #5067815

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Awesome way to push the speed on that 10K.  A 2 loop snowy course has to be tough!!

2014-11-15 11:53 PM
in reply to: #5067815

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Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K
Great job Mary! 8th place on your age group out of 53 "clap, clap".....

Where I live, if there's 1 inch of snow, they cancel school.
2014-11-16 10:05 AM
in reply to: #5067815

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Good job Mary!

2014-11-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Way to go Mary!  I love the photos.  Good job on pushing it on a snowy icy course. 

2014-11-17 12:21 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Great job Mary! I am so glad you went for it. Seriously though, where's the whipped cream???

2014-11-17 12:49 PM
in reply to: #5067815

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Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Great race, Mary, especially when you factor in the ice and cold!  You are a badazz and deserve two pieces of pie!  Congrats on pushing yourself to a solid finish.

2014-11-17 1:23 PM
in reply to: #5067815

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Nice job, congrats on the 10k PR! Love the pix!!!!!!!!!

2014-11-18 9:01 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K
awesome job!

and YOU get my vote for most improved/inspirational athlete for this season. WOO HOO!!
2014-11-18 12:42 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

That many layers and I get a mental picture of Ralphie and his brother in A Christmas Story. lol

Glad you had a good race despite the cold and ice.

Did the pie have to go home to be thawed out before eating? Besides that it obviously it needed whipped cream first.

2014-11-18 1:36 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Thanks for your cheers, everybody!  I'm *really* proud of myself and excited to see how I continue to improve.  Remember back in April when I wasn't sure I could even do a 5k?  My pace in this race was 2:28 mpm better!!  My improvement from here on out will be in smaller increments, but it's still fun to wonder about how much faster I'll get.

I've so appreciated all the encouragement, support, and wisdom I've gotten here on BT, especially from the Manatees.  It's really been a big factor in my making it this far, so a big huge thank-you to all of you!!!

2014-11-18 1:38 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

That many layers and I get a mental picture of Ralphie and his brother in A Christmas Story. lol

Glad you had a good race despite the cold and ice.

Did the pie have to go home to be thawed out before eating? Besides that it obviously it needed whipped cream first.

No, it was thawed when I got home.  I know because I ate 1 piece right away - with a dollop of whipped cream nearly as large as the piece of pie.

2014-11-24 2:47 PM
in reply to: #5067815

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Pumpkin Pie 10K

Great race!  Right at one hour for your first 10k and in slippery conditions no less.  And pie! 

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