General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Which bike to ride for charity ride Rss Feed  
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2009-04-17 9:08 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: Which bike to ride for charity ride
It is a 65-mile ride (tour de cure) - do most people ride their road bike or TT bike for this? I'd like to get the miles in on my TT bike, but not if it is not a generally accepted thing to do.

2009-04-17 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2091150

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
I would ride a normal roadie for a charity ride. If you used it for training you might get a few looks, maybe a couple "it's not a race" comments, but not much else.

I don't remember too many tri bikes on last year's TDC.
2009-04-17 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2091150

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Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
Plenty of people ride TT bikes in charity rides.
2009-04-17 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2091150

Ocean, New Jersey
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
If people care what you ride, they're there for the wrong reasons...ride what you want to.
2009-04-17 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2091150

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
Do the rules/guidelines for the ride have any restriction? I have seen it only once, but if the rules don't say you can't, go for it!
2009-04-17 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2091150

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
The normal rule applies - If you're going to ride in a group, stay out of aero if you're on your TT bike. Otherwise, there's no reason not to ride whichever bike you want to get miles on.

Have a good ride..

2009-04-17 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2091150

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Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
As long as there's not a rule saying you can't ride a TT bike I'd say go for it.
2009-04-17 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2091150

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Cary, NC
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
Its a charity ride.  I would think you could ride your kid's tricycle as long as you entered properly and made your donation (assuming there is nothing in the rules against it).
2009-04-17 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2091150

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
There's no reason not to if it is permitted and you want to.

Would I personally??  No.  But then again, I don't do charity rides.
2009-06-08 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2091150

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Which bike to ride for charity ride
189 miles over 2 days on my Felt S32 tri-bike this weekend.  Stayed out of aero unless I was pulling and it was smooth/flat road (and that was limited).  Most of Saturday I was either alone or with my training partner who also rode his tri-bike.  Sunday, we were the lead pack all day, and the group was 6-8 max, and cool with the aerobars when on the front.

Absolutely no issues.  I'd say that 10-20% of the bikes on the ride had aerobars (or century bars).
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