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Jumping into water -- How high?
Edge of the pool - Step in - Less than 1'0 Votes - [0%]
Off a 1 meter board3 Votes - [10%]
About 10' sounds good0 Votes - [0%]
Second story deck 20'3 Votes - [10%]
30-50 feet24 Votes - [80%]

2014-05-04 8:18 PM

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: Jumping into water -- How high?

I was driving over the Chesapeake Bay bridge and wondered how high of a jump into the water sounded fun.  In the middle, it is 186'.  That seemed a little high.

2014-05-04 10:10 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

Originally posted by pga_mike

I was driving over the Chesapeake Bay bridge and wondered how high of a jump into the water sounded fun.  In the middle, it is 186'.  That seemed a little high.


I think the highest I've ever done (into "safe" water) was a quarry in Kentucky Lake.  It seemed higher than a 10m diving platform.  I did that one when I was about 14.    I did the 10m platform when I was 11.


The highest I've ever done into *unknown*  water was about 20 feet from the suspension bridge at Turkey Run state park.   Thankfully, the bottom of the creek was sandy, because I hit it HARD.


I don't know what the *limit* would be for fun.   I've never had the opportunity to jump off of anything taller than about 50 feet. (into water)   The tallest rappelling jump I've ever done was over 60m.   We know it was that tall because we had a 60m rope, and the rope didn't touch the ground.   Thankfully, it was a climbing rope, so it stretched.   There was much discussion about whether the rope would stretch enough to reach the ground... it was hard to judge the distance while standing at the top.   (it did

2014-05-05 6:34 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
Originally posted by pga_mike

I was driving over the Chesapeake Bay bridge and wondered how high of a jump into the water sounded fun.  In the middle, it is 186'.  That seemed a little high.

I've been over that bridge. I would prefer to stay on it, thanks!
2014-05-05 7:04 AM
in reply to: trinnas

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Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
gone off the 10m diving board a few times, but not recently - I always wanted to jump over the side of the ship while I was in the Navy and then climb the anchor chain back up - but my CO wouldn't let us...we were allowed to jump off the well deck though
2014-05-05 7:28 AM
in reply to: austhokie

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
Cliff jump somewhere on Oahu with surfer/swimmer friends. It was probably about 10m, if that, but seemed like 100 at the time.. Water was very deep underneath and I went in feet first so quite safe. It was fun, but for some reason never did it again--one of those bucket list things.
2014-05-05 7:50 AM
in reply to: Guest

Extreme Veteran
Northbridge, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
I hate heights, so no jumping for me!!

My son is ok with it, here is a picture of him jumping off the OB Pier in San Diego for Junior Lifeguards at 9 years old. A good thirty feet. "Conquer the Fear, Jump the Pier" is their motto.


Jump1.jpg (74KB - 10 downloads)

2014-05-05 8:15 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

186' is way too high for me.  

I've jumped off county bridges into rivers, and both jumped and dove off a cliff a long time ago.  Those were in the 10 meter range, maybe a little higher.  

Funny story on the cliff.  "Tradition" is that guests have to dive off this cliff during their visit.  My hosts were telling me of a guest who didn't want to climb up barefooted, so he wore rubber boots to the top.  When he dove in, the top of the boots hit the water and stayed right there, yanking him rather violently out of his boots.  

2014-05-05 9:47 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

I jumped off some bridges years ago but those days are gone.  Nothing even close to 186!

 I'd jump off a cliff again in a heartbeat under the right conditions.  Say like Rick's Cafe in Jamaica.  That's around 25-30'.

2014-05-05 10:30 AM
in reply to: Goggles Pizzano

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?


There is a pretty decent rock we like to jump off on one of my river rafting spots, probably 30 feet or so, water is nice and deep so it is a lot of fun.


The is the local bridge people like to jump off. Know a guy that climbed to the top of the trusses and jumped from there, he won't be doing that again, managed to hit himself in the head with his own arm and knocked himself out. 

2014-05-05 12:36 PM
in reply to: SGriepsma

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

Originally posted by SGriepsma I hate heights, so no jumping for me!! My son is ok with it, here is a picture of him jumping off the OB Pier in San Diego for Junior Lifeguards at 9 years old. A good thirty feet. "Conquer the Fear, Jump the Pier" is their motto.

What a great pic!

The highest I've ever dove was on the Snake River, probably about 30-40 feet. I love that feeling of flying towards the water.

2014-05-05 6:54 PM
in reply to: zed707

Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
I have no idea how to judge height, but I like jumping off cliffs. Oahu has a lot of fun places for that- little water falls like ginger pond and larger rocks like Waimea in the summer.

My only trouble is the enema effect it has on me. I really try to keep certain body parts from taking the brunt of the force, but sometime is happens The phrase "tearing someone a new one" makes sense because it really is painful! Any advice on avoiding that? (Other than a wetsuit!)

2014-05-06 8:15 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
Cliffs by Rick's Café in Jamaica on my honeymoon ~ 35 ft.

2014-05-06 10:46 AM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

Random cliffs at Lake Powell.  I would like to say they were near 50' but things get distorted at that height.  However, there is a picture of me perched at the top and I'm 6'7" and using me as a scale, it looked like there were 6-7 of me that could be stacked up...

The wife and I cruise a lot and I'm always looking off the ship and asking "I wonder if I would survive that".  The lower decks, of course, but that top deck?  That's up there.

2014-05-06 3:21 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Richland, Washington
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
The nun at piha beach New Zealand was my highest. Locals claim is its just over 80'. You are required to wear shoes.... Well... Not required... But you have to climb up to it on pretty much a rock face, and then the water hitting your feet from that height stings like a mother... So yeah wear shoes... I'll see if I can find a photo. Scared the crap out of me.
2014-05-07 5:35 PM
in reply to: Swimaway

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
I jumped from the top of the trussel of this bridge:
~70 feet.
That was Very uncomfortable. 45 feet is comfortable for me...but there is a point where it feels that you no longer have control of your body position...70 feet is that.
2014-05-15 12:29 AM
in reply to: lifejustice

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?
West River bridge in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

The height depended on the tide, if was in it wasnt too bad. When it was fully out you had enough time to consider why you were doing this crazy thing as you fell. I am pretty sure it was a good 30ft, you had to keep your arms tight to your sides or you would come out with bruises on the bottom of them.

Great times!

2014-05-15 12:41 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Jumping into water -- How high?

The Sunshine Skyway bridge over Tampa Bay is about 190' in the center.  It's been popular with suicide jumpers since it opened in 1990.  Hitting water from that height is pretty much like hitting concrete. 

Some poor soul jumped a few years ago and landed on the foredeck of a pleasure boat passing under the bridge - would hate to have to clean that up.


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