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2008-10-14 8:59 PM

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Fairport, NY
Subject: Straight Razors

Any of the gents here shave with a straight razor? I'm investigating it and am looking for input from anyone experienced with it.

It's attractive to me for a number of reasons: 

  • I hate the waste of disposable razors. It just seems pointless.
  • I hate having to constantly buy new blades/razors. The fewer things I have to worry about keeping stocked up on in my life, the better.
  • The morning shave routine is really kind of a drag. Shaving with a brush/soap/straight razor seems like it could be fun. I like the idea of mixing it up with different soaps etc.
  • I'd prefer to use and maintain the same well made, familiar tool every day rather than a disposable piece of plastic.
  • I live with my wife and our two young daughters. I live in constant peril of someone wanting to do something like paint my nails. I need to grab every opportunity to do something manly in my day. Shaving with a straight razor would fit the bill.

So, I've done a bit of research and I'm going to look in the local antique malls over the next few days to see what I can find. Any advice before I pick anything up?

What about resources for getting a razor honed, or buying a strop or brush and bowl? Where do you buy your soap?

I'm looking to get started with serviceable kit as inexpensively as possible. Would $120 or so be a reasonable startup budget?

2008-10-14 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1743124

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Subject: RE: Straight Razors

A few guys I know have been to this place, have heard a lot good things about them.



2008-10-14 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1743124

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Subject: RE: Straight Razors

I attempted to attempt it in college.  Asked an old timer of a barber about them and he had one for sale, leather strap and all and showed me how to sharpen it.  Said that it was fit for shaving when you could pluck a hair, 'drop' it across the blade and the blade would cut it.  A lot of nights trying to sharpen that razor on the leather strap and never got it sharp enough.  Found out by trying it on the face and it seems to rip hair more than cut, so gave it up.

If you give it a go, I applaud your efforts.  If you are successful, please report back as I'd like to try again one day.

Like you, tired of buying and throwing razors away, even if just the blade head.

2008-10-14 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: ...
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Edited by Rynamite 2008-10-14 9:47 PM
2008-10-14 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Straight Razors

I can see the coroner's report listing my death as suicide if I went with a straight razor.  I use the following:

Safety Razor



Pre/Post cream

Less than $75 to get started.  The packs of ten double edged blades for the safety razor are about a $1.50, and the soap and cream last for a long, long, long time.


2008-10-14 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: RE: Straight Razors
 I hate buying razors too. I think a straight edge razor is kinda like those old fashioned rotary push mowers. I bought one of those a few years back and only mowed once with it to realize why the power mower was invented. Unless you do the full barber shop treatment which includes the hot towel on the face for 5-10 minutes you won't see great results. If you have twenty minutes to shave every day, go for it. Be sure to buy a styptic pencil to take care of all the nickage!!Frown

2008-10-14 11:22 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Chaska, MN
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Switched to an electric a while back...I'll NEVER go back to blade shaving...Far more comfortable and "entertaining" lol....
2008-10-14 11:35 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Oh no Mike! Don't tell us - you are looking at a new bike too....

Edited by speedball 2008-10-14 11:40 PM
2008-10-15 6:04 AM
in reply to: #1743329

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
speedball - 2008-10-14 11:35 PM

Oh no Mike! Don't tell us - you are looking at a new bike too....

That's hilarious.

My idea of old school is that I'm a Trac-II guy. I've had the same razor for over twenty years. Baby smooth results. Good luck.
2008-10-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Thought you had turned into waxing.  No?
2008-10-15 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: ...
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2008-10-15 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1743124

A Prairie Home
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
A little OT:
So I went on a cruise recently, on one of those xxx of the Seas monster ships. And they have a old style barber shop on aboard. I would expect they have old fashioned, straight razor shave available.. NO! Safety razor only. I guess they don't want to accidentally slice somebody's throat should the ship hit an ice berg.

Oh, my friends told me they don't shave, they pluck.

((Back to regularly scheduled programming...))
2008-10-15 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Another plus - you won't have to worry about dropping it in the sink while it's plugged in.
2008-10-15 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1743124

Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Go to classicshaving.com. It has everything you'll need. I've been using a brush and soap for years. Much nicer than gel - less waste and is not cold in the winter. Burt's Bees Bay Rum soap is great and one will last you at least a year.
2008-10-15 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1743124

Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
Ummm, are you gonna shave just your face or the rest of your body also with a straight razor

Just  be careful. (Especially when shaving the upper parts of your legs) Losing an ear could be bad, but one false slip could be all that much worse...

Seriously; I have never owned a straight razor but have a barber that uses one regularly for cleaning up the neckline and around the ears and it is the best. He even uses heated lather and a strap to sharpen it. (The thing is super sharp)
2008-10-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1744258

Armpit of Ontario
Subject: RE: Straight Razors

For a number of years str8 razor shaving and collecting were one of my passions.

Yes, I really am a dork. And yes, to those other dorks who are into it, it's cool to call them str8's. But of course, completely lame to everyone else.

Anyway, I had amassed a huge collection of razors, most of which were serviceable, but some so rare and expensive that I didn't risk trying to hone them. It took me several weeks to get the knack of shaving with one, but one accomplished, it really is a superior shave to any safety razor. It isn't so much learning the act of actually using the razor, but it's the art of honing and stropping that takes patience, practice and skill, since a $1000 bone Wade & Butcher is useless if you can't place and keep an edge on it, and once you've buggered the edge, it can be a real pain to get it back. I've even paid to have some of my more expensive and persnickety razors shipped across the globe to have them professionally honed. Then there's the cost - properly set up with good honing stones (couple hundred), leather and linen strops (another couple hundred), and a couple of quality razors - ideally you would never shave two days in a row with the same razor; you need to have a rotation of razors, again ideally, seven or more. Thus the reason behind the once-popular gentleman's 7 day-of-the-week sets. One decent razor will set you back around $75 to start. Then a quality brush - a handmade full size silver tip will run you $150-$200 to start, but is well-worth it. Time for a proper shave increases dramatically as well, taking up to 30 min from prep to finish. 

I gave up shaving with them a few years ago after having a near-fatal blood clot in my lung and finding out I have a clotting disorder that resulted in me having to take blood thinners for the rest of my life, because even small nicks in the skin caused me to bleed all day. 

It wasn't long after that that my interest waned and I sold off my collection; in fact, I used some of the money to finance my first year in triathlon. 

I haven't been there in ages, but was once an active member at a Yahoo! Group by the name of straightrazorplace: a fantastic resource for all-things str8 and very newbie friendly, with a great user's classified/buy/sell/trade area.

I still collect and shave with vintage DE razors, though, and use a silver-tip brush with traditional hand-made proper shaving cake soaps. I did keep my collection of scuttles and shaving mugs, and enjoy using them all.  

Edited by sty 2008-10-15 1:47 PM

2008-10-15 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1744628

Sin City
Subject: RE: Straight Razors

I keep thinking of the scene in "untouchables" when Di Nero was getting shaved by the nervous barber and got nicked....

Classic scene....

2008-10-15 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1743124

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Straight Razors
My dad used to use a safety razor. That things fascinated me. I miss my dad.
2008-10-15 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1743559

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Straight Razors

Denise2003 - 2008-10-15 9:02 AM

 So I went on a cruise recently, on one of those xxx


wait, you went on a XXX cruise? Niiiice.

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