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2009-08-27 4:02 PM


Subject: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
I'm doing the Chicago Triathlon this weekend for the first time, and just found out that I'm in one of the last waves. This means that if I go at 4:15 to set up my transition area, I'll have around 5 hours between setting up my gear and the swim start!

I've thought about sleeping on a bench somewhere (I could use my wetsuit as a pillow), but I wondered what everyone else would do with all that time?

2009-08-27 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Canderson - 2009-08-27 4:02 PM I'm doing the Chicago Triathlon this weekend for the first time, and just found out that I'm in one of the last waves. This means that if I go at 4:15 to set up my transition area, I'll have around 5 hours between setting up my gear and the swim start!

I've thought about sleeping on a bench somewhere (I could use my wetsuit as a pillow), but I wondered what everyone else would do with all that time?

What time does transition close?  I find it hard to believe you have to be there at 0415.

Normally I would just find people to chat's usually not worth the trouble trying to find a place to sleep...near impossible to sleep at that point anyway.
2009-08-27 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Chicago T closes around 5:30 I think? Can't remember from last year....a lot of people go back to their hotels and go back to bed! I would get there early as possible.

1000's of people that are new to the sport will be taking up a lot of space...

Have fun!
2009-08-27 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?

I would use the five hours to search the internet for a smaller, more manageable next race.

2009-08-27 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
carbo-load... a giant bowl of spaghetti should do the trick
2009-08-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
At the very least I would bring a folding chair to sit in... and have some food and water to consume while waiting.

I might also sleep in my car if I could easily get back to it.

Yeah, I like smaller races. Waiting that long is BS if you ask me.

2009-08-27 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2374962


Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
I've heard that the bike racks fill up quickly with so many people, so I wanted to be there early to make sure I get a spot.

carbo-load... a giant bowl of spaghetti should do the trick

I'm picturing some Michael Scott style puking 1/2 way through the swim...I'd feel bad for the wave behind me.

Next year I'm definitely doing a smaller race. I thought it would be cool to get passed on the bike by Greg Bennett, but now it's looking to be a looong wait.
2009-08-27 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2375040

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Canderson - 2009-08-27 2:34 PM I've heard that the bike racks fill up quickly with so many people, so I wanted to be there early to make sure I get a spot.

carbo-load... a giant bowl of spaghetti should do the trick

I'm picturing some Michael Scott style puking 1/2 way through the swim...I'd feel bad for the wave behind me.

Next year I'm definitely doing a smaller race. I thought it would be cool to get passed on the bike by Greg Bennett, but now it's looking to be a looong wait.

I had this exact same image pop into my head ... I love that show
2009-08-27 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2375001

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
zionvier - 2009-08-27 4:17 PM carbo-load... a giant bowl of spaghetti should do the trick

Why is that in red?  It's probably going to be 6 hours from when he eats breakfast to the start of the race.  I'd eat at least once in that time and still be hungry by the time I start.  It's crazy, I'm not at all sad I bailed on this race. 
2009-08-27 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Canderson - 2009-08-27 4:02 PM I'm doing the Chicago Triathlon this weekend for the first time, and just found out that I'm in one of the last waves. This means that if I go at 4:15 to set up my transition area, I'll have around 5 hours between setting up my gear and the swim start!

I've thought about sleeping on a bench somewhere (I could use my wetsuit as a pillow), but I wondered what everyone else would do with all that time?

The transition area fills up QUICK, so I recommend being there early.  There is not much room and (when I raced) the racks were not individually numbered.  Numbers were on the end of racks, but it was a free-for-all.  I usually stayed until transition closed to "guard" my area because the latecomers will push in and try and take the good spots (like the end of the rack).

The first year I did it, I didn't think to bring a full change of clothes to wander around in.  Big mistake that I corrected the next year.  Don't forget a change of shoes if you wear your racing shoes to the site.  It will be chilly, so a sweatshirt will help.  It rained one year, that didn't help matters  After the race, make sure figure out how to get your swim start bag back.  Its a long walk from the finish to transition to the swim start.  If you can give your swim start bag to friends or family it will save you a long walk.

Bring a headlamp or flashlight, its often too dark to read bike pumps.  And don't forget toilet paper.  They usually run out . . .

When you go to get your bike out of transition, don't wait in line at the south end.  Go around to the north end, they usually have it open and the line is much shorter.
2009-08-27 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2374962

Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
X3...michael scott pukng fettachini alfredo.....classic

2009-08-27 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Go get in line for the port-a-potty. By the time you get your turn, it'll be about time for your wave to go.
2009-08-27 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
This whole thread makes me really glad I didn't sign up for this one even though it's local for me.
2009-08-27 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
We set up transition then went back to the hotel to rest (never slept) a little while longer, then went to Starbucks (caffeine is a performance enhancer so the latest opinion goes), and finally sat along the shore and watched, which was fun.  Whatever you do, bring your bib, timing chip, etc,. when you go to set up transition because it's all required to get in.

You can wear whatever you like because there is a bag check before the swim.  Also, bring a headlamp because you'll be setting up in the dark.

Yes it's big and yes it's crowded and yes it's a long wait but just accept all that and enjoy the swim in the harbor, the bike on Lakeshore Drive, and the run past the museums.
2009-08-27 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2375299

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
thndrcloud - 2009-08-27 7:41 PM This whole thread makes me really glad I didn't sign up for this one even though it's local for me.

X2!!!  I'm out in the 'burbs, but it's only a 15-20 minute drive in for me...and I still don't think I'll ever sign up for the Chicago Tri.  Too expensive, too crowded, too long of a wait to start, etc.  I'll stick to the smaller races.
2009-08-27 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?

Don't knock the race if you haven't done it.  It is definitely an experience.  But, I guess it isn't for everyone.  It isn't one to go into to set a PR, that's for certain.  Only to say you did it.

That being said, I'm only doing it as a relay.  

So what to do in that down time?  Relax.  However you can, relax.  I've seen folks just crashed on the grass.  Others have found benches, few and far between that they are.

2009-08-27 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Yikes. Glad I read this thread. Chicago is crossed off my list permanently.

Of course this should come as no surprise. I used to live in Chicago and moved away because it seemed like everything was always 10x the hassle it should be. Apparently this race is no different.
2009-08-28 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2374962


Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Like Crowny said, I'm just going to try to relax and enjoy the experience. The field will probably be too cluttered to go 100%, but it should still be a fun race.
Another interesting thing is that the pros go LAST. They're about 15-20 minutes behind me, so I probably will get passed by them on the course
2009-08-28 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2374962

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Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Personally I like the big races (Chicago, St Anthony's etc..) The energy is totally different than a small race.  I think they both have their place.

My wave is usually one of the first so I do not have to wait around BUT if I did, I'd get a hotel close to the event and go back and get some shut eye.
2009-08-28 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2374962

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Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
Build a fire and try to keep warm!
2009-08-28 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2374962

New user
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?

Nobody does that race - it's too crowded!

2009-08-28 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2376293

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
TriRSquared - 2009-08-28 10:34 AM Personally I like the big races (Chicago, St Anthony's etc..) The energy is totally different than a small race.  I think they both have their place.

My wave is usually one of the first so I do not have to wait around BUT if I did, I'd get a hotel close to the event and go back and get some shut eye.


Time flies when you're having fun. If you like triathlons you probably won't mind watching others race. I sure don't. Yes, it will be a huge crowd, this year even bigger than the last year, but that's what makes this event great. You feel like the whole city shuts down for the race and you're part of it.  Estimated half a million spectators too...
You sure don't get that feeling swimming in a pond and riding around a parking lot somewhere. Not that there's anything wrong with it, just a different animal.
Have fun and enjoy it!
2009-08-28 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2374962

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: What to do with 5+ hours before swim starts?
  • Read war and Peace
  • Stand on a bucket and preach "Your all sinners, God is coming and he only does Duathlons" (the real reason for the Parting of the Red sea!)
  • Practice your pick up lines
  • Bring your laptop and post updates from the race

Hope this helps!

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