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2016-05-03 7:54 PM

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Subject: So I've got this one kid...........

I've got this crazy idealistic 15 year old who's nothing like my other kids.  Most of my kids have typical midwest conservative views on almost everything. Not this one.......she's going to save the world from itself.....just ask her.   The funny thing is, she can hold her own in a political argument and is passionate about almost everything....way beyond what you'd expect from a kid her age.  My wife, who's a liberal nut job, says the kid is an old soul.....whatever that is.  But the other thing is, the kid won't listen to any music that's not from the 60's and 70's....and out of nowhere started buying vinyl records with the money she makes teaching swim lessons and babysitting.  She didn't even have a record player, much less a stereo with a turntable.  Her reasoning was that today's music is crap, and sounds like crap compared to the music from the 60's and 70's.......I don't even know how she came up with that.  But sure enough, she's buying early Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd, BadCo, The Who, and on and on......she's nuttier then her mom.

Today I had enough......took her to buy a stereo and turntable for her upcoming 16th b-day.  We hooked it up, she threw "Tommy" on, and started to cry.(because she missed it from whatever life my wife thinks she had before, I guess)  So, for those of you (including me) who forgot what a turntable looked like or how much fun albums were.....here's one happy kid.

My house is rocking tonight before the hockey game!  Life is pretty damn good!




Edited by Left Brain 2016-05-03 8:02 PM


oldsoul.jpg (90KB - 1 downloads)

2016-05-03 8:46 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
That is awesome! Thanks for posting.
2016-05-03 10:36 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Consider yourself lucky. You could have ended up being one of those dads that has to chaperone his daughter and her friends to a One Direction concert.

2016-05-03 11:58 PM
in reply to: trijamie

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Too cool for school, LB.  Try working some Commodores and Earth Wind and Fire in the rotation. 

2016-05-04 12:12 AM
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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Too cool for school, LB.  Try working some Commodores and Earth Wind and Fire in the rotation. 

That's funny, man, because we had that conversation tonight while setting up her system.. 

She said, "dad, you know what they say. Pizz on disco, spit on soul, I was born for rock and roll".  LMAO 

Edited by Left Brain 2016-05-04 12:15 AM
2016-05-04 1:16 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
Christened the turntable with 'Tommy'? Good fortune is surely hers forever...

2016-05-04 6:50 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
This is awesome!

Tommy holds memories for me for sure!

Love this
2016-05-04 7:28 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
There might be something to that previous life thing. My wife took our oldest up to Boston last summer and she had a lot of 'moments' in the city. She would actually just sit down and start crying because the dejavu thing was so strong for her. So much so, that she plans to move there to get her Doctorate and then make her life in the Boston area. Neither of our families have any ties to the area. I get an amazing sense of peace when in the desert southwest which I pretty much attribute to my Native American roots. No dejavu stuff rushing at me, more like a sense of belonging there.
2016-05-04 9:18 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by mdg2003 There might be something to that previous life thing. My wife took our oldest up to Boston last summer and she had a lot of 'moments' in the city. She would actually just sit down and start crying because the dejavu thing was so strong for her. So much so, that she plans to move there to get her Doctorate and then make her life in the Boston area. Neither of our families have any ties to the area. I get an amazing sense of peace when in the desert southwest which I pretty much attribute to my Native American roots. No dejavu stuff rushing at me, more like a sense of belonging there.

Yeah.....could be.  When she started buying albums I was shaking my head.  She's always had "old" music tastes, but then she started her collection without even having a way to play them.....and it obviously made her really happy to get her hands on old albums. She said that she just felt like she needed them and that they made her feel like she was preserving something.  Hard to know where that comes from. 

It beats collecting beer cans, which is what I did as a kid.........haven't changed much.

2016-05-04 9:18 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Fantastic!!  If she doesn't already have them, Exile on Main Street and Physical Graffiti are both must haves for any vinyl collection.

Unfortunately, I'm fighting a losing battle with my wife in the music influence of our kids.

We both settled on the Songza playlist "Songs to Raise Your Kids To" but I know she's throwing in some Justin Bieber and One Direction when I'm not around. 

2016-05-04 9:24 AM
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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Scott71

Fantastic!!  If she doesn't already have them, Exile on Main Street and Physical Graffiti are both must haves for any vinyl collection.

Unfortunately, I'm fighting a losing battle with my wife in the music influence of our kids.

We both settled on the Songza playlist "Songs to Raise Your Kids To" but I know she's throwing in some Justin Bieber and One Direction when I'm not around. 

Yep, we have a huge "Vintage Vinyl" store here in St. Louis.  www.vintagevinyl.com

She is in their search program and has Physical Graffiti on her list.  When a decent copy of a record she is after comes in they email her.  It's pretty cool....so far it's out of her price range.  I may have to buck up for Xmas.


Edited by Left Brain 2016-05-04 9:26 AM

2016-05-04 10:24 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
Geez. I had lots of good ones in vinyl, PG was one of them, though it was literally worn out. Tossed most everything when CDs came out. I was looking for something else last week and came across these...


old_vin.jpg (82KB - 1 downloads)
2016-05-04 10:32 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by mdg2003 Geez. I had lots of good ones in vinyl, PG was one of them, though it was literally worn out. Tossed most everything when CDs came out. I was looking for something else last week and came across these...

Wanna sell them?  I had 3 of those as a kid myself so it'd be cool to share them with her.

2016-05-04 10:36 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

The other thing.......albums sound REALLY good.  I forgot how rich the sound is compared to CD's or digital. 

2016-05-04 10:48 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Left Brain

I've got this crazy idealistic 15 year old who's nothing like my other kids.  Most of my kids have typical midwest conservative views on almost everything. Not this one.......she's going to save the world from itself.....just ask her.   The funny thing is, she can hold her own in a political argument and is passionate about almost everything....way beyond what you'd expect from a kid her age.  My wife, who's a liberal nut job, says the kid is an old soul.....whatever that is.  But the other thing is, the kid won't listen to any music that's not from the 60's and 70's....and out of nowhere started buying vinyl records with the money she makes teaching swim lessons and babysitting.  She didn't even have a record player, much less a stereo with a turntable.  Her reasoning was that today's music is crap, and sounds like crap compared to the music from the 60's and 70's.......I don't even know how she came up with that.  But sure enough, she's buying early Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd, BadCo, The Who, and on and on......she's nuttier then her mom.

Today I had enough......took her to buy a stereo and turntable for her upcoming 16th b-day.  We hooked it up, she threw "Tommy" on, and started to cry.(because she missed it from whatever life my wife thinks she had before, I guess)  So, for those of you (including me) who forgot what a turntable looked like or how much fun albums were.....here's one happy kid.

My house is rocking tonight before the hockey game!  Life is pretty damn good!




These are the things that give me hope for the future. Not simply the music or the ideals or political views. She is able to converse, to understand and research the world around her, and has a willingness to be an active participant. She may be nuttier than her mom, but she makes a tired, old, pessimist like me feel a bit better about our future.

The music is simply a big plus! Enjoy it.

2016-05-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Left Brain

Today I had enough......took her to buy a stereo and turntable for her upcoming 16th b-day.  We hooked it up, she threw "Tommy" on, and started to cry.(because she missed it from whatever life my wife thinks she had before, I guess)  So, for those of you (including me) who forgot what a turntable looked like or how much fun albums were.....here's one happy kid.


LB your post reminds me of this scene from Almost Famous ....


2016-05-04 11:31 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Very cool.  Does that turntable have the light speed balancer(I think that's what they were called)?   I threw away two of those when we cleaned out my moms house prior to selling a year ago.  I wanted to keep them just had no where to store them. 

2016-05-04 12:22 PM
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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Goggles Pizzano

Very cool.  Does that turntable have the light speed balancer(I think that's what they were called)?   I threw away two of those when we cleaned out my moms house prior to selling a year ago.  I wanted to keep them just had no where to store them. 

Yep....it's a pretty cool turntable.  It's basically based on the old Technic brand turntables that were considered some of the best of my generation.  We talked quite a bit about what to buy.  At first she was all about going to a stereo rehab store and finding a cool old retro turntable and receiver.  But as the conversation evolved she realized that she hundreds of "albums" on her phone's music app so she wanted a receiver with bluetooth, and then when I started researching turntables I found that the top end had USB connections so it could be ran through a laptop, tablet, etc.  In short, it's a turntable that she can take to college and have quite a few options on how to play it.  Not as retro as she originally talked about......but a good nod.  I sat with her and let her assemble the cartridge, tone arm. balance, etc. so she understood what makes it go......fun evening for us.

Here's what I ended up with for her.


Edited by Left Brain 2016-05-04 12:25 PM
2016-05-05 5:35 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
Oh, Man. I saw Tommy on Broadway years ago and it was amazing. Hopefully it's not a phase. That's the music I grew up listening to and while I actually do like a lot of current music, you can't beat the classics.
There are some great record stores in NY that still specialize in vinyl if you ever did your way up here.
2016-05-06 8:32 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........
This thread is full of awesome. LB - I don't know what you did right (I'm guessing you don't either), but karma has smiled upon thee! I found a copy of 2112 when I was out in Augusta with the wife's family (this was a year or two ago) and had to pick that up for a buddy that's a huge Rush fan. They had a ton of records out there though - it's a bit of a hike, but if you have an afternoon to burn I think the most expensive thing in there was like $12.

I have an extra copy of Dazed & Confused (the movie, not the song or soundtrack) if she wants it. Plenty of excellent goodness on there, although at 15 I'll leave it to you if the content is appropriate or not

Whoever posted the pic with the 5 albums - those were 5 pretty darned choice ones to have!
2016-05-06 9:09 AM
in reply to: CycloneVM

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by CycloneVM Whoever posted the pic with the 5 albums - those were 5 pretty darned choice ones to have!

Whenever I see the Rumours album I think of the Mike Myer's joke (as Wayne)... "a copy of Rumours was issued to every suburban household in America". 

Its true, at least in Canada.  I grew up in Scarborough, a suburb of Toronto (coincidentally, the same suburb that Mike grew up in), and everyone I knew had a copy somewhere in their house.

2016-05-06 9:11 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by CycloneVM Whoever posted the pic with the 5 albums - those were 5 pretty darned choice ones to have!

Whenever I see the Rumours album I think of the Mike Myer's joke (as Wayne)... "a copy of Rumours was issued to every suburban household in America". 

Its true, at least in Canada.  I grew up in Scarborough, a suburb of Toronto (coincidentally, the same suburb that Mike grew up in), and everyone I knew had a copy somewhere in their house.

That album was crazy.....basically no "flyover" songs.....it was one hit after another.  Interestingly, I've never heard my kid mention Fleetwood Mac......I'm going to introduce her this weekend.  Thanks!

2016-05-06 10:28 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

I watched the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction show on HBO this weekend which included:  Deep Purple, Chicago, Steve Miller, and Cheap Trick.  I'd recommend it for your daughter, but the language of the presenters (particularly Kid Rock and Kendrick Lamar) might not be appropriate for younger viewers.

All of this talk of classic rock has got me thinking about seeing the Steve Miller Band who is playing in Austin this summer.

2016-05-06 10:32 AM
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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

Originally posted by Hook'em

I watched the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction show on HBO this weekend which included:  Deep Purple, Chicago, Steve Miller, and Cheap Trick.  I'd recommend it for your daughter, but the language of the presenters (particularly Kid Rock and Kendrick Lamar) might not be appropriate for younger viewers.

All of this talk of classic rock has got me thinking about seeing the Steve Miller Band who is playing in Austin this summer.

LOL - I walked in on her last night while she was doing homework......Cheap Trick on the turntable.

Thanks for the heads up.....I'll let her know.


Edited by Left Brain 2016-05-06 10:32 AM
2016-05-06 10:42 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: So I've got this one kid...........

I can see an impending battle brewing now that she can crank her music.  Her twin sister is a country music fan, and her brother is a hip hop fan.  This will end poorly for them.

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