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Ironman Kansas 70.3 - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Lawrence, Kansas
United States
83F / 28C
Total Time = 6h 15m 8s
Overall Rank = 0/942
Age Group = W30-34
Age Group Rank = 0/31
Pre-race routine:

Preliminary Results - Not sure of Run Rank and Overall Rank . . .

So something I've seen done in the past is a blurb about "Where I began, etc" I'm going to throw something in here to that regard. To skip the story of my life and get right to the LONG RR - skip to the ****'s below! :)

Although almost completing a HIM may not seem like a lot to some, to me it represents a 180 degree change in my life!

For the past 13 years or so, leading up to Jan 2006, I was very overweight, unhappy, and unable to solve my weight problem. I have always loved being active and competative. It was part of my identity . . . but yet it wasn't? If someone asked what I liked to do I'd answer "SOCCER, bike, run, SOCCER, hike, hockey, SOCCER, ski, volleyball, SOCCER" You get the idea :) YET, what I actually did was nothing like that . . . What I actually did was spend a lot of time studying, working, watching tv, and eating. Anything I did with friends and family revolved around food. I would start a new diet every day, not do PERFECT at it, then wait to start again "tomorrow" . . .

For years I was sure I'd lose the weight and make some awesome women's soccer team - LOL, I know, silly! Though it is good to have a dream ;) Then one day I saw an Ironman Championship televised - I was glued to the TV. Laughing, crying, listening to all of the unbelievable stories. It was then I accepted soccer was out, BUT, one day I would do an ironman, that was my compromise for giving up my totally unrealistic dream. I didn't have to have the best time, I just had to work hard to finish the race, and do it for me. I bet this was 8 years ago . . . so it is not like I set out to tackle this goal, but it was always in the back of my head.

In Jan 2006 I joined the Biggest Loser Club (BLC) - I had been watching the show religiously and LOVED it! It was amazing how they were changing their lives . . . yet what was I doing as I watched and cheered them on? SITTING and EATING! Don't get me wrong, I never was afraid of working out - I'd go gung ho for a while and really enjoy it, but eventually lose steam, if I wasn't doing everything I was supposed to (food right, etc) the exercise seemed pointless and I'd stop. That dang all or nothing mentality gets me all of the time!

In Jan 2006 I weighed 258# and wanted to lose 123# to hit my goal of 135#. Upon joining BLC I joined a challenge group on the site. I wanted to win the contest - I worked hard, lost 30# or so and won. The group tried telling me the point was to make a lifestyle change - I said I got it, but honestly didn't care to hear that. After winning, I got busy at work, stopped checkin in with the group, and went back to my old ways - gained it all back of course + more.

When I first joined BLC I read some questions another newbie posted to the experts. This person had a great deal to lose and travelled for a living - wow, I didn't envy her! This was one person of MANY whose posts I read, but for whatever reason, I would remember her when I came back. I'm sure all my BLC buddies recognize I'm talking about our awesome leader, Roxann! :)

So I left the site for about 8 months, came back around Oct 2006, ready to kick it into gear for New Years, as was my thing. Who did I see online but that lady?? And in the year I was gone, she managed to lose the EXACT amount of weight that I had posted as my total goal to lose . . . 123#'s . . . that HIT me hard . . . it WAS possible! If I had done what she had with my life in the last year I could be at goal . . . I SOOOO needed to see that, to believe it, in order to commit and go for it. That moment was the turning point for me. I started this journey Jan 1 2007 at 270# with a goal of losing half my weight! Still have 15# to go or so, but I'll get there!

Well, this person was the leader of a challenge group and I asked to join her team. Since that time she has become a very dear friend, along with ALL of the Foxy Ladies on BLC! They have all been HUGE inspirations to me, taught me how work through this journey, pulled me up when I was down, and in general just been there for me. I never believed support was part of losing weight - I just needed to diet and exercise, right? Wow, was I wrong, without the support I've received over the last year and a half, from the ladies in this group, my life would be totally different.

Their support didn't end with my weight loss endeavours (though I'm still working on that). They have all cheered me along on this dream of completing a HIM, for the past 7 months . . . listened to me talk about my training non-stop, struggles with eating, all of it . . . Foxy Ladies, being able to do this race brought me more pride than I've ever felt in myself and I would not have ever experienced that if not for you all!! I felt every one of you alongside me during the race, cheering me on!! Susan, walking or running, it didn't matter :) Lois, you could soooo do one girl ;) Heck, any of you could! If I can, ANYONE can!

So I said I liked working out, but it was still a push to make myself go, until I found something I truly LOVED - jazzercise! My good friend Catherine introduced me to it a few years ago - I was sooooo reluctant to try it out - I HATE dancing or moving with anyone watching me! But I gave it a try and liked it right away! Well, as long as I could have my spot in the very back corner of class, LOL! I'd get to class extra early just to ensure I got that spot. The first couple of years I'd go in spurts and stop. However, last year, with all the support I found in the Foxy Ladies, I finally became consistent at attending my classes. Also, one instructor really made a point to talk to me and cheer me on from the beginning - I look back now and know Amy had a huge impact on me. Last year I took around 550 classes and it is no secret that I loved her classes and wouldn't miss one unless I had to! She is soooo funny and always puts together a great set! I hated missing them during my traing, but didn't have enough hours in the day! Though I didn't realize it at the time, I know now all of the encouragement I received from her and the students in class, though I didn't like receiving any extra attention, kept me motivated to be there! Plus Amy was always throwing a challenge out, to hit more classes by x date, etc . . . and I can't pass up a challenge :) So although I started by mainly going to all of her classes, I eventually was going to all of them I could fit in my day, and the weight was dropping off! All of the instructors truly are wonderful and I could pay each of them several compliments! I haven't been going to class much since starting my training and I MISS it horribly and miss all of the students and instructors! It is a great group of people and I have really enjoyed getting to meet so many wonderful people there! Going back is one of the things I look forward to doing most with the extra time I hope to have now! I know they, too, were cheering me on during the race!! Thanks Jazzercisers, for supporting me while I lost, always asking about my progress and then my training, and thinking of me during the race and cheering me on!!

Thinking back to last July - I hadn't started running yet - I was afraid to try. I went to a Bootcamp put on by Marty and Amy (two of the Season 3 Biggest Loser contestants that live in Omaha now and work as personal trainers). On day 1 they had me running - they were continually challenging me to try something new. Had I not met them, I know I would not have attacked the running like I did - I was waiting - to get to goal I think, to try! Once I could run, I started perusing info on tri's - I knew I could bike (or so I thought - this turned out to be harder than I thought, but I digress . . .), swimming would be my limiter. If I could work up to the starting distances for swimming by the beginning of my HIM training plan, then I would go for it!

Well . . . it wasn't quite that simple . . . I explained my goals to Roxann and asked her if I was crazy to do this? Of course she encouraged me to go for it! I also posted a question to the fitness expert, Michael on the BLC site, explaining my history and asking his opinion - though heavily pushing him towards a yes, LOL! They both encouraged me to go for it, which I really needed to hear . . . wasn't quite believing in my abilities yet. Although after hearing from them I made up my mind to go for it and registered! No backing out then :)

And of course the most recent group I met was the BT community. This site and the people on it ROCK! Beth (lastcall2003) and other Nebraskan's responded to my first intro post and extended a very warm welcome! Beth even took the time to meet me and help me with my swimming, on like my second day in the pool, LOL! Poor girl - I was a mess :P She also got me involved in the December challenge after it had already started - that was the best thing I could have done, it was a swim challenge. I quickly got in some good volume I wouldn't have otherwise gotten, and was quickly able to improve upon my starting capabilities - less than 1 pool length - yikes!

I remember the mentor groups starting up back around the beginning of the year. I stumbled upon a staging area and read up on many of the mentors and found the one I hoped to join . . Triaya's. But somehow I missed the opening of the groups and hers was full immediately! :( I was bummed, however, after sending her a PM she let me and another great BT'r (Erin) join! I am sooo grateful for that decision! I have soooo enjoyed our group and learned the in's and out's of tri's from it! I appreciate all you have all shared over the past several months and I have learned all I know about tri's from you! I only wish I had been in more to support you all! Erin and Beth especially were continually there to leave inspires, when all I ever found time to do was update my logs. Thank you sooo much for all of your support Manatees as I prepared and I truly did feel you all cheering me on, on race day!

I really enjoyed getting to chat with some fellow racers pre-race on the threads as well and then getting to meet up with you all was awesome! Brian, thanks again for the training recommendations - I think you saved me!! :)

I think we all understand the time requirements of this sport and I am extremely grateful for the patience of my friends and family as I have been almost entirely unavailable this past year and a half. I've selfishly taken this time to work on me - where in the past I could be counted on to be at about anything that was planned - this past year and a half that was not the case. They have all been incredibly understanding!

I soooo appreciated Catherine and her mom coming to cheer me on! I read so many race reports, of people talking of seeing friends and family cheering them along, and always imagined how great it would be to get that boost! And let me tell you, a boost I got for sure, at several points! I think they covered more ground to see me, than I did, LOL!! Thanks Catherine and Kathy for being there!! :)

I was sooooo lucky to have soooooo many awesome people cheering me on from afar as well! Believe me, I felt the support! I pulled out those thoughts you were all sending me out, throughout the day, as I needed them! I thought of each of you often! Roxann, I thought of you running your FIRST 5k during my bike! :D Thank you all for your support! I truly believe it took meeting each of you for me to get here . . . one step closer to my ultimate goal of completing an ironman! And while that is great, the best part is that I had a wonderful experience at THIS race! It was much more than just a stepping stone to another race. I loved it, I'm proud of my accomplishments (and that's not easy to admit) and I thank all of you for your part!

Ok . . . now onto the RR FINALLY :)

I went to bed later than planned, around 10:15pm. I didn't fall asleep until a little after 11. A friend and her mom came up to watch the race - they were staying in KC, MO - so were up at 3:30 and she called me. I was confused as to why my phone alarm was going off so early! Oh well, mine was set for 3:45. I got up and hopped in the shower. I ate 1 svg of cashews for some solid food. Sipped on some powerade for hydration. I checked BT and BLC. I had laid everything out the night before, just had to pack it all into a bag - that proved to be tricky! I felt like I had forever to get ready and kept debating sleeping a bit more, but all of the sudden I think I was running behind! I ate a svg of WC cinn oatmeal for breakfast and headed out the door.
Event warmup:

The 1+ mile walk from my car (the volunteer pointed me to a remote parking lot - said I could get through without walking ALL the way back around - he was wrong) Oh ya, and A HUGE fight with my wetsuit - OMG!!! I laid out transition, then headed over to the porta potty line. I was a little later than I hoped in a long line. Finally got through. I stepped behind the porta pottys and proceded to get my wetsuit on. I'm frantically trying to hurry - 10 min or so until the Pros start . . . got it on - whew! Just gotta zip it . . . WAITAMINUTE!!!! WHAT is the zipper doing in the front? :( Did you know it is really hard to get out of a wetsuit when the zipper is in the front? I had to ask the guy (HOT guy) standing next to me, getting ready to put his on, if he could hold the shoulder so I could slip my arm out, LOL! He was nice - said he put his on backwards his first time too . . . I didn't bother telling him this wasn't my first! The Pros are off at this point and I start in 10 minutes! I run down to the beach to where everyone is lined up and begin attempt #2 - NO FUN! I'm sweaty - makes it harder to put on! I'm shaking like a leaf, so nervous I'm not going to get to use it (I'm sure I'd drown) or I'd have it half on when my wave started - that would be worse yet! A nice lady came up and felt really sorry for me - was saying she wished she could help! I said I'd love it if she could zip me up when I was done! The more nervous I was, the harder it was to put on! FINALLY got it on and got zipped, 1 minute later they called my group - WHEW!!!!
  • 49m 51s
  • 2112 yards
  • 02m 22s / 100 yards

I broke one rule - I tried something new today - well kinda - I did a quick swim yesterday and couldn't see a thing out of my goggles, they were scratched beyond belief! I knew they were getting bad and picked up 2 pair (wanted an exact duplicate but couldn't remember which I had - need to return one!) before leaving Omaha along with some new earplugs. I tried the earplugs out on the practice swim Saturday and they were ok - but I forgot the goggles. I did end up having the exact match, but hadn't ever adjusted them in the water, so they wouldn't leak, etc. Still, race day I decided using them was better than the alternative, of seeing NOTHING! I lucked out bigtime! They didn't leak once - WHEW!

The first 200 yards I was right with everyone and confused! Why hadn't they all passed me and left me to swim alone?? Lots of contact and not an easy start. I was rattled and stopped for 5-10 seconds to gather myself. Then I put my head back down and went for it.

Once on each segment someone came up next to me just right and I took in a bunch of water ALL wrong! The first was the worst, I really had to stop and cough it up for about 20 sec. The first segment took FOREVER! I think several people from each of the succeeding waves caught up to me on this segment alone! Yet there were still some silver caps around me, so that made me feel a bit better. I think I even caught up to very FEW of the people ahead of me - that gave me a boost, though I felt bad for them & knew they were struggling! I stayed a little wide a lot of the time, but always managed to round the bouys very nicely. I wanted to check my watch at the first bouy, but was afraid the time would be really bad (it felt so slow) and so I just couldn't take that. I decided to wait until I got out of the water to check.

The swim across was nice - shorter and the waves didn't affect me so much. Although again, when I'd get bumped for too long by the same person, I would kinda swim off course or just pause to let them get the heck outta my way - then I get aggrevated with myself! I need to work on pushing through that. This was a rough swim for me, almost the whole way - tons of contact.

The swim back along the final segment I could see the shore, but every time I looked up, it just didn't seem to get any closer! I felt good when I started this segment, was in a rhythm, and decided to push a bit harder. But I was still getting passed, that was frustrating. I finally had to tell myself - others probably were thinking the same, that it was time to push . . . My navigation and breathing were much better on this section. However, my mind kept wandering here, wondering how many were left behind me . . . as long as someone was passing at least I knew I wasn't alone out there! I was getting nervous thinking ahead to the bike course, which I had been warned was tough. I didn't want to be the last swimmer out and have to try to catch everyone on the bike and run! As I got close to shore I kicked harder as I've been told to do to get blood to my legs - must have worked I could run when I got out! The main thing I did wrong as approaching the shore is that I kept pausing to see if I could touch ground - should have just kept swimming - I couldn't wait to get done with the swim!

With all of that said - the swim sounds like it went awful! BUT - when I got out and saw my time I was THRILLED!!! It said 48 something - I had planned for 1 hour and was seriously worried during the swim about making the 1:20 cutoff time! I was surprised to glance back and see there were still lots of people swimming!

As I ran to transition I spotted my friend and her mom, who had driven down from Omaha to see me - they were cheering like crazy - that was great! I hadn't seen them before the race and was glad to see they made it with all the confusion!
What would you do differently?:

Try to stay on course better, have my wetsuit on SOONER, not pause when I get passed, not reach for ground so soon.
Transition 1
  • 04m 33s

I laid everything out (I thought) - except nutrition once again. I had nutrition in a rubbermaid container with an ice pack so it wouldn't melt. I wasn't sure what I was going to take. In T1 I decided to open 2 bags of sport beans and dump them in my bento box and I put a pure protein bar in as well.

I dumped some water on my feet, dried them quickly, put socks and shoes on. I put my helmet and sunglasses on and was ready to go - then I remembered my gloves! I hadn't laid them out - so I had to rummage through my bag. Found them, they were still inside out from the last time I took them off . . . shoot! There goes 30 seconds. Sprayed myself quickly with sunscreen and put some on my face using a stick. VERY glad I did this! Catherine is yelling at me to hurry by this point, haha!

Then I had to take a minute to stop and make sure I had everything, didn't want to take any chances! Though I'm not sure what I'd be missing!
What would you do differently?:

Have my gloves ready.

  • 3h 23m 13s
  • 56 miles
  • 16.53 mile/hr

Wow . . . this was TOUGH!!! I hoped somehow I'd get there and find it easier than I'd been warned of, but I didn't! Thank goodness Bripod had told me of a good local area to practice, it prepared me pretty well - as most days when I rode those hills it was windy. Main differenece - on training I would do an out and back totalling 18 miles, then stop back at my vehicle to refill hydration and take in nutrition. Then repeat . . . So I hadn't done a straight thru ride and was not prepared to eat on the bike, though I knew I would need to! I stopped after each aid station (3) to dump liquids into my aero bottle. This cost me - several people always passed, people I had worked to pass over the course!

The first out was HARD. I didn't have a feel for how the wind was affecting me (was I with it or against?) In any case, the hills were enough. It was getting sunny and hot too. With about 4 miles to go to the aid station I ran out of liquids. We passed the first aid station going UP a hill . . . that was fun . . . NOT! I was surprised at how many people I passed throughout the entire bike ride - lots of people :) I didn't feel like too many passed me either. Then there were some that I went back and forth with. I averaged almost 18MPH for this first segment - I was getting really excited for a GREAT ride!

Then I encountered the seconds leg . . . WOAH! That brought me back to reality FAST! Somewhere on the second leg I saw the 20 mile marker . . . The second leg out was extremely hard. I was really hot and getting tired. I was truly wondering how I was going to finish the bike, muchless run - I could feel the burn in my quads already! I was thinking I haven't even gotten to the OLY distance yet and I'm beat! How am I going to double that distance once I even make it to 28 miles . . . Here especially is where I thought of all of my friends cheering me on . . . I needed the boost!! I just kept plugging along until the turn around . . . then WHHHEEEEEEE! The next 10 miles or so were FAST heading back - totally with the wind! That brought my spirits WAY back up!

I hadn't ridden the course or studied the maps - but for some reason I thought the third leg was short . . . ummmm not the case! It took forever to get out and back, especially since I kept expecting to see a turn around. It was another tough leg. The cross-wind at one point was really scary, I just hoped it didn't pick up any more, I wanted to stay ON my bike! This was just plain tough both directions - tho overall, nothing compares to how I felt nearing the turn around on segment 2!

I was SOOOOOOO excited after finishing leg 3! Only about 6 miles to go! I don't even remember those miles, they flew by!

For nutrition - I started with about 16 oz of water and 40 oz of powerade. That was gone before aid stn 1. At aid stn 1 I took 1 gatorade, at aid stn 2 I took 1 gatorade. I was wishing I had some water to dump on me - just then I came across people handing out more liquids - I think from the aid stn across the street - SWEET! I took a bottle of water and used it to dump over me! Last aid stn I took a gatorade - but was getting tired of it. Didn't drink it all. After aid stn 1, when I stopped I opened my bar and ate half of it. A little later I felt hungry and knew I better eat the rest. Other than that, I probably had less than 1 pack of the beans (<100 cals) throughout the ride.

I ran into AmyJoTri from BT at one point on the bike and talked to her for a couple minutes. That was very nice! Poor girl though was stuck using her big chainring all of the time . . . with those hills . . . yikes! Good job girl!!

I was thrilled with my bike performance. I was hoping for 3:30 and worried with the hills and wind I'd be much slower than that! It was hot, windy, and hilly and I felt like I couldn't have done much differently on this course.
What would you do differently?:

Get in more than one 56-miler before race day - more miles on the bike in general. Get used to taking in nutrition and refilling my bottle on the fly. Learn to ride aero - my hands were falling asleep bad . . .
Transition 2
  • 04m 41s

I was at the far end of transition, so I had to run the furthest to get out with my bike and back with my bike . . .

I changed shoes, struggled getting my race belt on, took off my helmet and gloves, racked my bike, grabbed wet wipes, beans, a mojo bar (because earlier I disrupted everything and nothing was keeping cooled, I figured it wasn't melted, glad I had it along - almost didn't bring one!)

I have NO idea how this took so long! Well, I did wait inside the transition area for a porta potty for a bit - then my friend yelled to me that the ones at the other end were open - and I could see we run by those too - so I took off for them. This one had TP sitting out front, so I knew there would be some - was hopeful on the others! And there was some - whew!
What would you do differently?:

I don't know?
  • 1h 52m 51s
  • 11.1 miles
  • 10m 10s  min/mile

There were aid stations at every mile. The first mile I couldn't believe how great I felt off the bike! I passed a ton of people - tons were walking? I was surprised, because it didn't look like a walk-jog in most cases . . . I didn't see the sponges until mile 3 - wow! They were awesome. Those first few miles I was SOOOO hot . . . and a bit light-headed for just a second at one point at the end of mile 3. It was during mile 4 that I ate half of my mojo bar. It was weird, but I felt sluggish after that (and my time showed for that mile), but ok again by the next mile. I started taking a sponge at each aid station and putting it in my shirt on my neck, dumping water over it, then drinking some gatorade. I walked thru the aid stations, at least while drinking, but ran the rest of the course. I especially kept a slow jog on all hills, I knew that would be faster than any walking I could do. I saw Catherine at the top of one of the hills - perfect timing! :)

At some point I brightly decided it would be a good idea to dump some water on the front of my quads to cool off - tried to do it so I didn't get my shoes all wet - but that didn't work! So I ran with squishy shoes for a good half hour, fun!

I just kept plugging along on the run . . . just kept looking to get one more mile under my belt. I was surprised at how well it was going! I wasn't out of breath, I felt like I was "running pretty", and I felt strong! Even had people coming up next to me, or saying from the camps, that I looked strong . . . wow! :)

Around mile 8 I ate the other half of my bar. At mile 9 I felt my hamstrings tighten, but within a half of a mile they felt good again. When I hit marker 10 I noticed I was feeling REALLY good - WOW! I couldn't believe my knees weren't hurting! I decided to push it a bit to finish the race, I wanted to get as close as possible to my dream goal of 6:30, though I knew I couldn't make that. I picked up the pace in mile 11 and was feeling really strong - UNTIL I hit the ROAD BLOCK. LITERALLY. They would not let me pass - forced me into the finisher's chute - due to "weather" . . . WHATEVER! I felt tears in my eye and was thinking this is NOT what I trained all of these months for and the only tears I'm supposed to have were of joy for finishing. It was so unfair. The lady noticed, sincerely apologized over and over & I could tell others were having the same reaction as she apologized the same to them - what a blow. I didn't turn my race number around in time for the photo I'm sure, I wasn't thinking . . . I wasn't supposed to be entering the finisher's chute. I tried to force a smile for the camera, too late I'm sure. Took my chip off and started to leave. The guy says "You can't leave, you forgot your medal" I took one, but told him "Ya, well, I didn't earn it." He said "It's not your fault" . . . ya, ya . . .
What would you do differently?:

FINISH THE RACE. Not a damn thing - the day was going great, I couldn't have felt better about it, until it got called.

My most optimistic goal was 6:30, likely 7:00, possibly 8:00 . . . I have no doubt I would have done those last 2 miles at a 10 min avg - heck mile 11 was my fastest, I was feeling strong and finishing strong - or so I thought - I truly believe I would have finished around 6:35. My only consolation is that it wasn't called at mile 20 on the bike - if it had been - I would have had serious doubts about whether I would have finished and would have predicted a MUCH worse time!

I'm finishing this report on Tuesday . . . still fighting the letdown from not being allowed to finish. I have highs and lows - at times very proud of my training and how far it carried me, and certain of how I would have done, yet I can't help but feel the disappointment of not quite finishing . . . I would love to schedule another half in the next couple months, but am having trouble finding one that works with my schedule . . . I may just end up finishing a full IM before a Half . . . who knows?
Post race
Warm down:

It started raining - I walked up the hill and had a piece of pizza and a Dr. Thunder. Headed back down and gathered my stuff (barely able to handle it all) and pushed it the mile back to my vehicle. Cars were lined up forever and not moving. I was in line with 3 cars behind me - I pulled off into a parking stall, got out, used the restroom and changed. Came out and it was sunny. Good thing they called the race. Ok, just a bit bitter . . .

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Like during my first race I didn't know how hard I could push - I coulda gone a bit harder on the run probably, but there really was no way to know that until the end.

This has nothing to do with limiting my speed, it is just one final comment on the day . . .

I was reminded by many, but especially Yanti, to have fun . . . Anytime I've competed in sports, I've always been more the serious type. I made it a point to respond happily to those who encouraged me and to the volunteers and it made the day that much more enjoyable! Catherine even remarked at how much fun it looked like I was having and how happy I was to see her at each point and how nice that was . . . as opposed to many athletes she saw not even acknowledge their supporters . . . wow, back in the day I may have been pushing so hard I couldn't talk and in such a zone that that would have been me . . . I'm glad it wasn't me today! I truly did have a lot of fun!! Thanks Yanti :)

Event comments:

The aid station workers were awesome! I thanked every one of them very graciously. They were well staffed and didn't run out of anything that I saw. They were handing out COLD drinks which was great! Plus, the sponges rocked.

Organization for getting people out to the iron cross fell thru. A couple parts of the run course were confusing on where to go and there were no volunteers. Parking was bad and the guy directing traffic was giving out incorrect info - telling people to park way far away and there was a path to the transition - there wasn't. So where I could have parked around a half mile away I was over a mile away.

There weren't many vendors there for spectators - I don't know if there were any food vendors?

All post-race activities were CANCELLED because a few drops of rain fell. It was sunny before I ever got out of the park.

I was extremely impressed by the athletes, aid station workers, and spectators. The run was unbelievably fun . . . did I just say that? :P

Last updated: 2007-12-07 12:00 AM
00:49:51 | 2112 yards | 02m 22s / 100yards
Age Group: 26/31
Overall: 759/942
Performance: Good
6:56AM - 459 cal, time in zone (150-168) 25:36. Interesting . . . I hardly ever hit zone during my swim training . . . and I'm usually SLOWER! AVG HR 148, MAX HR 159 Maybe it is more elevated from nerves, struggles, waves . . . or maybe it is pushing harder - probably both.
Suit: QR
Course: Triangle - straight out, along the outside of a LONG line of bouys (they went on further than I could see), turned to the left around the last bouy, straight across the lake a ways, then rounded the last bouy and turned back towards shore.
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 74F / 23C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Average Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Good
Time: 04:33
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
03:23:13 | 56 miles | 16.53 mile/hr
Age Group: 21/31
Overall: 713/942
Performance: Good
1606 cal, time in zone (150-168) 47:44, AVG HR 142, MAX HR 158. I don't get my HR up much on the bike - that tells me I could probably push harder, though I do feel out of breath earlier on the bike. Usually tho it is my quads burning that limits me.
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: The course consisted of 4 out and back segments, that all met in one intersection (called the iron-cross). Since we headed every which direction, we had to deal with the wind in various ways. The roads were nice and the surface good. The athletes looked out for each other's safety - signaling anything ahead in the road - mainly discarded bottles . . .
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 04:41
Overall: Bad
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
01:52:51 | 11.1 miles | 10m 10s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/31
Overall: 0/942
Performance: Good
mile 1 - 11:34 (with porta potty stop), mile 2 - 9:47, mile 3 - 9:38, mile 4 - 10:20, mile 5 - 9:52, mile 6 - 11:03, miles 7 & 8 - 21:00, mile 9 - 9:42, mile 10 - 10:29, mile 11 - 9:20 992 cal, time in zone (150-168) 1:34:00, AVG HR 155, MAX HR 166 - these numbers are right around my training values for long distances . . probably could have pushed more . . tried to starting at mile 11 . . that didn't last long :(
Course: A lot of this course was on rock, with some small hills and some paved areas. After first getting off the bike, there were about 3 times I landed funny on a rock and thought I was lucky I didn't hurt myself! After that It felt great running on that surface - very forgiving . . . We ran through a couple camp areas - the people were GREAT! Soooo supportive! This run was actually FUN!! Some out there were spraying us with hoses as we went by, some kids with squirt guns, groups of people always encouraging us. Also all of the spectators lined a couple other main areas of the run and there were lots of them! Even the athletes were having a good time and overall friendly. Talked to a couple, but then had to push ahead. Some paid compliments as they flew by.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? No
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Bad
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2008-06-17 10:34 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: Ironman Kansas 70.3

2008-06-17 10:44 PM
in reply to: #1473183

North Dakota
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
This course was extremely tough but you did a great job!! You know that if the RD hadn't pulled you off the course you would have finished!! I'm sure it's frustrating but that could be some good fuel for training in your next race.  Beating your swim time by 12 mins is awesome!! Congrats on the great job!!
2008-06-17 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Hey great race and great to meet you!!! Thanks for the shout on the run. I liked how we all got to see each other at some point during the abbreviated race!!! Nice work and you'll kill the next one!!!
2008-06-17 11:28 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Husker Nation
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Wow - reading your "life story" at the beginning was awesome. You have come so far and it's crazy to think you've really "just begun". You rocked the bike and the run, and your swimming was way better than you expected so that's awesome! Now it's time to really focus on that swim form and get that nailed down, along with more time in the saddle and continued consistency with the run and you'll be zipping your way through a full Ironman in no time! Great race and great RR
2008-06-18 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Oh, Renee! I don't even know what to say, or rather where to begin. So first (and this is, what, the fourth? fifth? time I'm saying this?), CONGRATULATIONS! You ran a spectacular race -- I'm even more impressed having read this report and seeing your times. Across the board, you looked great. I'd love to do a HIM with any of those times! (You cracked me up so much with the wetsuit nuttiness. Ha!)

But second, wow, your story! I teared up all over the place. You've come so far and worked so hard, and, well, let's just say you TOTALLY earned that finisher's medal.

I'm so sorry your race got called, but you have so much to be proud of, and those last two miles shouldn't take away from that one bit.

2008-06-18 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Great race report and even better attitude!  Your swim synopsis tells me you are really tough!  I hope I can do as well some day.

2008-06-18 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Wow, you are truly an inspiration. Amazing job just getting to the start of this race, let alone rocking that hard-a$$ course. I loved reading your story, and I can't wait to continue to watch your Tri career grow. Don't worry about those last 2 miles- just more motivation to go sign up for the next one Come up to MI and do Steelhead- it will be a walk in the park compared to Kansas!!!

It was great to meet you, btw, and congrats again!
2008-06-18 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3

First of all Congratulations on your life-change and weight loss!  What an amazing story.

Secondly...Congratulations on a successful race.  You were smokin' that course and on the way to meeting your 'A' goal....until they stopped the race.  All of us still consider you and every other athlete who made it to mile 11 a true finisher.  You earned that medal.  Own it proudly!


2008-06-18 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Renee, what a fantastic RR! Hearing about your journey and all of the things that you have over come are awesome. You did so well on the race and it's unfortuante about the weather but you know that you have it in you. The next one will be yours and everyone here will be cheering you on along the way. Congratulations and great  job!
2008-06-18 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Stafford, Ks
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Awesome story.   And I love the RR! Great job out there. I'm sure I passed you on the bike but I think you were trying to eat something so I decided to just go on. I wasn't being rude I just didn't want to bother you!
2008-06-18 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3


I'm with Erin, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.  You, my friend are the inspiration!  what a beautiful report and thank you for sharing your story with us.



you were so not a mess!  


2008-06-18 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
Wow - thank you for sharing not just your race but your story, you are very inspirational!
2008-06-19 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
You are an inspiration to all of us who are out here doing tri's for ourselves. What a great story and a super race. Way to go!
2008-06-19 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1473183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Kansas 70.3
OMG!!! You have made so many incredible changes in your life. To do all that you have done, AND smoke a HIM with a great time on a tough course!!!! We'll all have to watch out for you in the near future. Just an incredible job!!!!
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