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2012-07-05 11:40 AM

Bismarck, ND
Subject: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

I have been training for "something" since January.  First HM in May.  First sprint triathlon, of the year, in June.  Now I am trying to train for a Sprint tri in August (to me my most important) and another HM in September.

Basically, I need a "suck it up and do it" response.  However, I am having a hard time balancing my life, job, 3 kids and workouts.  I find myself tired and needing naps in the afternoon and going to bed early, when I can.

I have been trying to watch my diet as well, but since I am crunched for time, I find myself resorting to my old way of eating. Which is not a good thing. 

How do you manage? What do you do when you get into a slump?

2012-07-05 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

Watch TdF or throw in an old IM I saved on DVD.  I have about 10 yrs of them.

But it's rare I don't feel motivated.  To me, it's something I just do, like brushing your teeth.  I don't need to get fired up to do it, I just do it.

2012-07-05 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

You can do it!

Some times I need to take an extra day or two off.   This helps both because of the rest and I will often feel like I missed doing the workout. 

Hang in there.

2012-07-05 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
brreems - 2012-07-05 11:40 AM

What do you do when you get into a slump?

I lie to myself. Seriously, I have no idea why this works. I know I'm doing it, and yet somehow it's enough to get me started. Usually something like this:

"It's late, I'm tired, and the planned two hours on the trainer sounds awful. Screw it, today I will only do an hour. Just get on and do an hour and then you can quit. Even if it's just half an hour, it's better than nothing..."

that gets me started, and I almost always do the planned workout once I get started. It seems starting is the hurdle for me.

2012-07-05 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

I hit a slump recently after being sick and being off with my schedule.  I think you need to accept the slump and finish out the day without criticizing yourself.  Tomorrow, get up, start over, and do something different.  

Maybe it's eating a better breakfast. If you're not motivated to workout, just put on your workout clothes and shoes and start walking. The hardest part can often be just getting out the door so if you do that, you've won 90% of the battle. 

Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up for past behavior. You can't change it so don't dwell on it.

And just for good measure: HTFU!

2012-07-05 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4295469

Bismarck, ND
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

I definitely need to HTFU! Laughing I love my family very much, but since my husband or friends don't "workout", it is hard for me to try to explain how important it is to me.  My hubby should be pushing me out the door because I get very crabby when I don't work out.  I am a, follow the plan, type of person.  If my training says run 6 miles and I only do 5, I get very upset with myself.  

I REALLY want to beat my time from last years triathlon. I know I will do WAY better on the run, but need to get out on the bike. Been trying to find a bike that fits me and doesn't give me knee pain.  My swim is also pretty weak. 

2012-07-05 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

Watch this Smile

The song is by Fort Minor. I teach Spin and I liked it so much I used it in class.

As mentioned above said, getting started is the hardest part. Once I'm moving, I normally finish the workout. If I'm *really* not feeling it and/or am no where near the effort I am supposed to have after I've been going for 10-15, I take that to mean that my body needs a break and I will modify or stop the workout.

For me, I am motivated because I want to see how good I can get before I reach whatever that age is where my body starts slowing down. I believe I will always be active, but might train with less frequency and fervor someday in the future.

As for eating, there are convenient, healthful options out there. I use a lot of prepared foods from Trader Joe's (salads and frozen items - some of their food isn't so good for you though...). I use my steamer to make brown rice (you don't have to worry about watching it like you would a pot - I set it and go do a workout). Cook up a bunch of chicken on a weekend and use it throughout the week. Find some crockpot recipes and let the food cook while you're at work. Research menus before you go to a restaurant and make informed choices. When you're busy, you might have to cut a few corners, but you can still do pretty well.

Hang in there until your August race - it's not that far away. If when you finish, you don't feel like the sacrifices you made were worth it, re-evaluate your goals and training plan.

2012-07-05 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
Well I know what your feeling, what I do is watch videos or events like TDF, but something I started doing is  read books to help motivate, when I was training for runs earlier this year I knew about 2 months in I would probably need some motivation so I read "Born to run", and that got me motivated, last year for my IM I read "Im here to Win", which really helped me that last push before the IM, this year I will start reading the "Iron WAR", in august to help me through to my HIM in Sept , than hopefully Crowie's new book comes out in October and that will lead me into the IM I have in seems to work for me .......just another option to try
2012-07-05 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Fernandina Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again


I can sympathize with everything but the children aspect. I've been getting up at 5 everyday and doing one discipline in the morning the going to work (where I'm on my feet all day) then head straight to a second discipline some days (always bring my gear with me to work, if not I'll have to stop by home and could find an excuse to be lazy). Then most days I'm in bed watching tv by 9 and passed out by 905 it feels like. My social life has taken a huge hit but I feel like thats something I chose and saw coming.

Serious respect for those of you who do this madness with children.

Edited by rjrankin83 2012-07-05 7:42 PM
2012-07-05 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
2012-07-05 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

I feel you!

I challenged myself to run (at least 3 miles) every day this month, and tonight I was just NOT feeling it. I work full time as an attorney, I have a husband and a toddler and friends I try to see every so often. It's tough to balance it all but it's worth it.

Think about how you feel after a workout. I saw this on FB: "Wow, I really regretted that workout" - said no one EVER. Think about how great you feel after a sweat session.

As for eating, go for easy --- string cheese, greek yogurt, deli meats, whole grain bread, etc.

Are you the kind of person who likes external rewards? What about -- if you get in a, b, c, d, e workout, you can treat yourself to a new _______ .

2012-07-05 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Grand Prairie
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

After I read the blog from Joe Friel today, I realized that resting is just an important part of training as SBR.

So that was my training for today.

Tomorrow 18 holes of golf.

Saturday I got a Swim training booked...

So just commit yourslef to something and give yourself a reason for one day off.

Then HaTFU!

2012-07-05 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4295469


Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
I would suggest finding a training partner. It dosent have to be someone you know. Ask around when your at the pool or on the forum for your state. Someone who lives near you is probably having the same problem.
2012-07-06 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
Sometimes it's good just to do something different.  I'll mix in a hard session of elliptical, stairs, etc. just to mix it up.  I get my heart rate up and I feel great afterwards since I was able to still get a good workout done.  Personally I think that is the key to not getting burned out. 
2012-07-06 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

My zen teacher tells me, "If your practice becomes a choice you eventually will choose not to do it." A senior member of my community told me "every time I sat around thinking am I going to go or not I just waste time, If I wonder if I should or not I just go."

Motivation is difficult and you haven to listen to your body, but your mind will tell you all sorts of things. Like many have said just make a commitment to always go out and try to workout. Then when you get out there if it just doesn't feel right stop. Your body needs rest. 

For other motivation I use these techniques. I recite mantras like "Mile after mile I maintain my smile, or fun in the water I swim like a water." The basic idea is I take my training seriously and myself very lightly. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time. I learned these from a book called Running within.

Remember this is supposed to be fun even though I know it won't always be fun. Once training becomes a miserable grind it's hard to keep going.

Good luck

2012-07-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
I feel you! Sometimes I have a really hard time understanding people who are "OMG I LOVE TRIATHLON so excited yayayay" all the time. Training is hard work, and when it's not the only hard work of the day, it's not so easy to get excited about it. 99% of the time, I feel great AFTER a workout, but most days, I'm not raring to go. And forget about races- I dread them! Again, I feel great after, but I get nervous as hell rather than excited.

I agree with the above suggestions- for motivation for just the workout at hand, just get it started and you'll get into it. Try to remember that your mood will improve afterward. For motivation overall, though, I think it does help to read about other people reaching their goals or, even better, struggling with reaching their goals. It's a good reminder that this is all tough, but that in the end, you'll feel great about yourself.

Good luck! And if your body is truly tired -- no "oomph" ever, you want to cry during training because you just feel exhausted -- take a rest week. It will be far better for you mentally and physically in the long run.

2012-07-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Wendell, NC
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
Sometimes it helps me to mix up the training a bit.  I jump rope, work on a speed and heavy bag, run trails instead of road etc.  Sometimes I just have to take it easy for a few days while my body recovers.  Sometimes I watch the motivational videos.  Sometimes any combo of the above and I'm sure there are tricks I haven't come up with.  Try to keep it fresh and fun.
2012-07-06 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
When I get bored I whip out the credit card, and buy something new!   New toys always make me feel better!!!
2012-07-06 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Extreme Veteran
St Johns, Florida
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

Just Do It !!  

   'Sorry, but that's what I have to tell myself sometimes to just get out the door and on the road. Usually, I start feeling pretty good once I get going. If I don't I just remind myself "This is a training run/ride/swim, sometimes it will go well, sometimes it won't". Usually after I let myself "off-the-hook" this way, I have a really good workout

Good Luck.


2012-07-06 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4295469

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Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
I read something the other day about the difference between being motivated and being dedicated. We often talk about being motivated to do something when really there is no need to be motivated. In the best of worlds it is great if we are motivated but the fact is we do many things every day that we are not so much motivated to doing but dedicated to doing.

You do not seek motivation, motivation wanes. You seek dedication. You perhaps even have dedication. You do not need motivation.

Yoda said something similar and much more pithy.
2012-07-06 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4295469

Bismarck, ND
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again
In response to Meulen.

I am going bike shopping today! :-)

2012-07-06 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

I agree with the poster who said that 90% of it is just getting your clothes on and getting out the door.  Whenever I don't feel like doing my workout, I stop THINKING about it and just get myself dressed and to my training destination.  I literally put the session itself out of my mind and just robotically get myself ready and there.  Then, without thinking about it, I just go.  Once you start the object in motion, it stays in to speak.  I always, always, always feel okay enough to finish once I get started (injury and illness aside).

Sometime instead of kind of b**tching and whining to myself about not wanting to do the workout, I tell myself to just get started, then I can b**tch and whine all I want......while I'm doing what I need to be doing! 

I've often thought that the worst part of workouts I don't feel like doing is the anticipation leading up to them, not the actually workouts themselves.  I hope that helps a little!

2012-07-06 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4295469

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

Some day the luxury of being able to choose to exercise will be removed.

You will have a stroke, get cancer, have a heart attack or an accident. You don't know when it will happen, but it is a certainty. We are mortal. Our life, our health, our choices will be revoked. They are ephemeral, temporary, fleeting.

Use it while you've got it 'cause when it's gone, it's gone...

2012-07-06 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4297136

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Having a hard time getting motivated, again

brreems - 2012-07-06 10:25 AM In response to Meulen.

I am going bike shopping today! :-)


WAY TO GO bbreems!!   Buy something pimp!! Cool

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