General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Ohh the pain... Rss Feed  
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2019-02-28 6:30 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: Ohh the pain...
About 5 weeks out now from the "cardiac event" that nearly took it all away. Ribs are almost healed from the CPR and the Defibrillator is being accepted, making the surgical area much less sore. My heart shows no signs of weakness and incurred no long term damage from said event...phew.

I have been on bike for the past couple of weeks, getting 100 miles a week in with decent pace.

Yesterday I took my first run.4 mile loop from the house in a glorious 36* & sunny lunch hour. Ohh the pain, as I sit now my legs are torched!!! haahaha. Feels like I ran a marathon yesterday. I will take it slow, getting my running legs under me that is.

This is the longest I have gone without a run in about 8 years.

Next week I am allowed to get back in the pool and go back to the office.

Let's go Spring!!!!


2019-02-28 8:43 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Steve, you are a trooper, man! Amazing to see you push through such a big life event.. I wish you the best.
2019-02-28 9:38 AM
in reply to: orijitdhar

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Awesome comeback! And they let you start B/R before letting you go back to the office? That doc must really understand our way of looking at the world...
2019-02-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Hopefully not AMA.... I know how we triathletes are.

2019-03-01 10:41 AM
in reply to: TriJayhawkRyan

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Bike Day yesterday and still sore...taking today off.

I can't believe what a 4 mile run did to me. But going through my garmin history for the past month, I don't have a day with 10,000 steps, until running day. I guess I need to reassess what easing into it looks like.

Otherwise, little bit of rib pain and still sore where they put the defibrillator but mending every day.

2019-03-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Not that it matters...but a quick update, almost 9 weeks out.

Swimming has been painful from both the ribs and the implant area. Got my first 1600m effort of Friday. It was slow, but it's done.

Did my first 10 mile run since the ventricular fibrillation put me on the table. I have been working up to it over the past few weeks. Of course, we had 25mph winds and chose to take a road rte call "High Rock Rd". Got it done and continued the day with no adverse affects.

Today was my second outdoor cycle. Still windy, rode a one way route (into the wind) to a little brewery in Gettysburg. Who doesn't love riding a one way into the wind.

Work has been tough...When I "work hard" I seem to get tired pretty fast. Doctors say it's normal after events like this occur.

Hope all of your training is going well...


2019-03-24 7:22 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Amazed at your progress! I just did my first real "workout" (as in get heart rate up into some kind of training zone and get sweaty) since breaking my elbow on a trail run five weeks ago and surgery 12 days after that. While there's a plate and five screws in my arm now and it's going to be a while before I can do anything that looks remotely like swimming, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my heart, lungs, or legs....I just haven't been allowed to sweat until the incision was fully healed. Thirty minutes on the trainer just did me in! Clearly am really starting from zero. My body has forgotten how to work, apparently. And I have been walking pretty much every day for 1-2 hours except for the day of surgery and day after, so not as if I have been totally sedentary. Ugh!
2019-03-25 7:23 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
I had been moving along at 7:30-8:00 pace during most runs. Now it is hard to do an effort at 8:30. In fact, the 10 miler on Saturday was 9:16 pace, which is the slowest I have on any of my historical logs...

This too shall pass, we all started at 0!!!


2019-03-25 11:25 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...

Originally posted by PigeonTri I had been moving along at 7:30-8:00 pace during most runs. Now it is hard to do an effort at 8:30. In fact, the 10 miler on Saturday was 9:16 pace, which is the slowest I have on any of my historical logs... This too shall pass, we all started at 0!!! Cheers, Steve
I think your progress has been incredible, truly!  I'm a bit gobsmacked that you just ran 10 miles (regardless of the pace) after your cardiac event and the rib/defib implant recovery.  Of course you see it from a different lens but color me impressed, keep up the good work and recovery but remember patience, too.  Take care.

2019-03-27 8:54 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Put me in the impressed column too. That's amazing progress and I'm sure that speed will comeback quickly. You must be one of the healthiest patients your cardiologist has ever seen. Good Job!
2019-03-27 8:04 PM
in reply to: jnuger

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
And because this is one of the places I can hide...

Neurologist yesterday, thinks everything fine but let's do a barrage of tests over the coming weeks. 24hr EEG, CAT scan (because my implant doesn't currently allow MRI's). Anti seizure meds are obnoxious and make me very tired. Stay on those for 6 months.

Cardio -

Had a VFIB event during sleep, heart rate upwards of 250. As reported by IED. At least I didn't get waken up by "the shocker"...hahahah.

More meds and more tests to come.

Took today off, bike and pool tomorrow.



2019-03-27 8:14 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Yikes, can't believe you can/are doing what you are with all that going on. Docs are okay with it?

I hadn't thought about the MRI thing--I guess I can't either with all the metal in my elbow? I recall the one MRI I got they asked me if I had any metal in my lower body (it was for a foot issue so not all of me was going into the machine). Hopefully will have no need for an upper or full body one in the near future.

I did some big gear work today. Watts weren't too bad, considering, but it was a "hard" workout and it was just 4 X 4 minutes at what would normally be my HIM watts!
2019-03-28 5:41 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Once Boston Scientific gets the clearance from the FDA I will be back in MRI shape again. The IED is too new...Crazy.

Back on the bike today, swim this afternoon and a run tomorrow.

Doctors are all (Neuro, Cardio, PCP) good with my activity level, just very surprised by it. They aren't used to people like us...but who is? hahahaha


2019-03-28 7:55 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
@Hot Runner. Most joint orthopedic plates/screws are titanium now. So, you should be ok for an MRI. I hope you don't need one though. I have 2 plates and screws in my ankle and didn't have any problem during my MRI on shoulder.
2019-03-29 8:54 AM
in reply to: alltom1


Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Yess, it's really pain :c
2019-04-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ohh the pain...
Bring your bike to work.

With the weather breaking (mid days in the high 40's) now I have a little bit of freedom. I work in a pretty small town and we have a couple of plants a few miles apart from each other, plus lunch, haircuts, the YMCA etc.

I can't drive for a number of months yet...This helps! It sucks having to ask for a ride EVERYWHERE you need to go.



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