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2007-03-28 8:41 AM
in reply to: #739795

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!


This is how I see it... you did it. You finished. You are here to talk about it today. Kiss 

It's impossibly unfair to yourself to set goals for a race situation you've never been in before. It's your first time doing something like this... you had no idea what was going to happen... Your first triathlon experience should be to test the waters, literally, and figuratively, I suppose, and see how you do. THEN you can make adjustments to your next performances after that...

So next year... you'll know... "If I don't go out hard on the swim, and if I dial in the right tension on the bike and pace myself on the track run... I can conceivably go (x) distance..."

But this year you didn't even know what you didn't know! There's a learning curve involved.

My suggestion and what I do with myself rather than setting time or pace goals, is I set "performance" goals... or "technique" goals. So, instead of saying "I'm going to swim this far or this fast" I'll say... "I'm going to swim with high elbows, focusing on my catch and pull." Or instead of "I'm going to run this far..." I say... "I'm going to run with fast feet, paying attention to cadence and leaning forward..."

You will invariably do better/go faster because you are focusing on technique. But you won't beat yourself up because as long as your technique doesn't go into the toilet, you will achieve your goals. This is not something I made up. I attended a clinic with Heather Gollnick in 2005 and this was her trick. It works.  

This is all one big athletic experiment. Congratulate yourself for DOING it the first time. Work on how you can do it better next time. Your first outdoor triathlon will the the same thing. Relish the FIRST TIME-NESS of it. It's not every day you get to DO SOMETHING entirely new for the first time. Whatever happens, happens. Try your hardest. Focus on technique goals. Finish strong.

Congratulations, Beth! Cool


2007-03-28 3:49 PM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey great job on the race Beth! Congradulations must be sent your way for completing your first ever tri! You have done what some many have wanted to do but haven't (myself included!). I think Laura just about summed it up and can't say anything else! Congrats!
2007-03-28 8:35 PM
in reply to: #739845

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I concur with the group with a great big WELL DONE! You're first event, with all of the accompanying first event jitters, is in the record book. And you set an event PR to boot! In addition to breaking the ice, you learned a valuable lesson that all of us have learned or will learn: stick to your plan. You also took a page from the triathlon survival guide: adapt to the situation. It would have been easy for you to quit during the swim and complain that things just didn't go right, but you didn't. You adapted and stuck to it. Great job!
2007-03-29 9:13 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Way to go Beth!  I think you only made one mistake and that was setting goals.  Even following bad advice was not that big of a deal because now you know whether that works for you or not.  And at least you found out at this race instead of something down the line where it might have really messed you up.  I say congrats on a great job.

I know we all always have goals in mind but getting too stressed about the when doing a distance/event for the first time is not worth the effort.  Whether it's a 5k or an Ironman your first time is for the experience.  I'm not saying don't have goals, just don't let achieving them determine your enjoyment of the day.


2007-04-02 6:25 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Bumpity Bump back to the first page! How ya doin' Whizzzzz Posse?

Whizzzzz, we are all waiting to read your race report!

Now that it is April, how did you do on your goals for the month of March? If you raced, how did it go?

-I did not make my goal of increasing my running to 3 times per week. I have to get it done if I plan on doing the MCM 1/2 marathon the end of May.

-Swimming is going very well except for the left side drowning, oops, I mean breathing. My pull is better and my rotation and recovery continue to improve. Need to do a Time Trial soon to really see my progress.

-Biking on the trainer is going well. I have done some new workouts and discovered the joy of attempting one legged drills.

-No races yet. First up is the 1/2 marathon in May.

-The official HIM plan kicks in at the end of April.

Have a great week everyone!
2007-04-03 7:51 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I'm back! Trying to regain control of my life. Got in LATE last night... and this AM I'm off to work! Race report to come.... but the highlights are in my log... Smile


More later... Happy April everyone!  

2007-04-06 4:10 PM
in reply to: #746759

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Welcome back Whizzzzz!

Black Earth Brick is tomorrow. With temps in the low 20's and 20+ mph winds, the bike segments should be a blast. Builds character. Depending on what the run course looks like (hills, wind direction, etc), I hope to be able to hit my long term goal of sub-9 minute miles for the 10 mile run. We'll see how it goes.

Have a Happy Easter everyone!
2007-04-08 6:08 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I've made it to DC without incident. At the moment, I'm staying in a hotel a mile from base in MD. I've signed a lease on an apartment and will move in on the 12th. I'm looking forward to having my own bed again.

My training has been really spotty through the transition, but I expected that. I really felt the lack of swimming today. Fortunately, the hotel pool is 20 yards, so I was able to make up time in turns (I know, it's not much of a skill in OWS, but it improved my moral today.)

One of the great things about my new quarters is that I'm just a few blocks from a really nice "Y". There's also a local tri club that I can hook up with and a Masters program that may work with my schedule. My commute will be about seven miles by bike (or car, but I may get rid of that since parking is severely limited). I can also take the Metro/bus, but that is time consuming.

I don't know where I'll be working and won't until later next week. The options are surgical ICU, medical ICU, or pediatric ICU (the cardiac ICU manager doesn't want me due to my previous experience and general dislike of hearts). Peds is really short here, and I am certified in PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) so odds are good I'll land there. It will be different.

Hopefully, I'll have a work schedule soon, so I can actually decide on some races. If not, then I'm going to decide on some races and see if I can make the schedule work.
2007-04-09 9:56 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

So, Posse, here we are in April already! How is everyone feeling/doing? Here are some brief updates...not necessarily triathlon related...

Beth has had a couple of great races recently... be sure you stop by her log to link to her race reports, if you haven't already!

Kat has had a health emergency with her Mother... how is everything working out? What's the status on your Mom?

Laura has had a MOVE! Nice job keeping yourself organized and focused even while changing addresses and STATES!  

Eric & Lori are praying for summer. I just know it.

Todd just did some sort of freezing cold ride/run.  Holy Moly, way to stick it out. The valves on his water bottles froze.

Nate is looking for a bike... so he can race possibly this season or maybe next. Please keep your eyes and ears open for any good bargains on Ebay or elsewhere.  

Mary got BRACES! A temporary inconvenience toward a future improvement. You are going to look like a Colgate Ad when it's over, girl.  

Marty has been out on his new steed Skraeling despite the harsh weather and winds! He also seems to be figuring out his swim stroke! Yay!  

I just got back from Galveston and am headed off to Boston (to WATCH) the Boston Marathon this weekend... My brother in law is running!!!   

Check in, Posse... anything else we should know...? Those of us with June/July races should have started our training plans already! How's it going???

2007-04-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I'm waiting on May 16th to arrive as that will be my last exam for this semester!  I have registered for 1 class this summer and 16 hours this fall.  My plan is to still graduate in Dec., 2008!  Concert season is upon us for those of us with kids in band.  I have 2 in 8th grade and one is a junior.  Austin & Trevor will be confirmed at church on May 20th and we have in-laws and such coming for that.  They graduate on June 3rd and that will include an overnight campout with them and 12 of their nearest and dearest friends.  No family in town for that--I would rather they come for High School graduation.  Evan will be home around Mother's Day for the summer--the jury is still out on how stresssful that will be. 


I have a race scheduled for mid-May (Race for the Cure--5K) and one in June although I am toying with the idea of running the 15K that day instead of the 4 mile!  Will see how much training I can get in.  I think I have a tri in June (one of the girls in the local tri-club can't go due to injury so she is selling her entry--haven't nailed down any of the details yet).  I'm planning on one in July and one in August (the one that was Mike's first one).  I have agreed to volunteer at Steelhead this year! 

 Other than all of that--I'll have to find things to fill my time!


2007-04-10 9:26 PM
in reply to: #754742

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Finally thawed out from Saturday. My ride back to Madison had a heated seat. I didn't know that at first and couldn't tell if my hind end was melting or if I had wet myself. Fortunately it was neither. I was very pleased with my overall result and learned a couple valuable things in the process:

1. It is VERY easy to start off too fast when you start with a crowd of people who are infinately better runners than you are. I normally try to run negative splits, but at mile 1, I was at a sub-8min pace. Too fast for me. I definately ran positive splits (see log from Saturday) but gave it my all right up to the finish line. Lesson learned: Close your eyes for the first mile.

2. Do NOT skip a water station, no matter how little you have left to run. Dehydration is not obvious until it is too late. I didn't realize that I was sweating at all until I changed into warm clothes. I was soaked. Even then I didn't realize how dehydrated I was. It hit me when I was driving home and my vision started to blur. It wasn't fog, it was the fact that I was not producing enough moisture in my eyes to keep my contacts wet. 50oz of water later, I was back in business. The strange thing was that I didn't even have to pee after taking in that much fluid. Lesson learned: It's worth losing a couple of seconds at the water station to keep your body sufficiently hydrated to get the most from your legs.

Finally got back in the pool after a couple of weeks off. It was nice not to feel compelled to try to squeeze in long distance swims multiple times per week. Tonight was drill-ish work with my longest non-rest segment was only 500yds.

2007-04-11 11:24 PM
in reply to: #754742

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-04-09 9:56 PM

So, Posse, here we are in April already! How is everyone feeling/doing? Here are some brief updates...not necessarily triathlon related...

Beth has had a couple of great races recently... be sure you stop by her log to link to her race reports, if you haven't already!

Kat has had a health emergency with her Mother... how is everything working out? What's the status on your Mom?

Laura has had a MOVE! Nice job keeping yourself organized and focused even while changing addresses and STATES!  

Eric & Lori are praying for summer. I just know it.

Todd just did some sort of freezing cold ride/run.  Holy Moly, way to stick it out. The valves on his water bottles froze.

Nate is looking for a bike... so he can race possibly this season or maybe next. Please keep your eyes and ears open for any good bargains on Ebay or elsewhere.  

Mary got BRACES! A temporary inconvenience toward a future improvement. You are going to look like a Colgate Ad when it's over, girl.  

Marty has been out on his new steed Skraeling despite the harsh weather and winds! He also seems to be figuring out his swim stroke! Yay!  

I just got back from Galveston and am headed off to Boston (to WATCH) the Boston Marathon this weekend... My brother in law is running!!!   

Check in, Posse... anything else we should know...? Those of us with June/July races should have started our training plans already! How's it going???

Hi all... gosh you are such a great group of people, I do not deserve you, but I will gladly accept you, LOL!!

Latest updates.

1) My Mom... she's doing good.  Had one chemo treatment so far which went okay... a few side affects, but nothing serious.  She only has to go every 3 weeks for 6 treatments... so this means she only has 5 more   The shock of the cancer has worn off (not sure if that is good or bad), and I am glad that I didn't have to say goodbye to her over night.  Her illness has changed my life alot already, and I am appreciating her everyday and night... if she'd ever get off the phone to talk to me, LOL!!  She is really doing good and has a great attitude and gosh I love her so.  She makes me want to be strong like her

2) Me   Well I'm getting back to working out out after the cancer shock from my Mom ... but I'm really not following a specific training plan for my first tri which is a 1/2 ironman.  I'm kind of following my "own plan?", yikes!!  Swimming once a week now at least 1600 meters.  Just started biking outside with the new roadie, and got in a 30 mile ride last weekend.  Doing a bike event next weekend and hoping to get in a 65 mile ride.  Running some but not lots... maybe 6 miles a week max, yikes!  Running is really my least worry since I come from a running background, I know I can gut out a 1/2 marathon if I have to.  I know, I'm bad... I should be following a plan, but I'm not... they are all so confusing, LOL!

3) Just grateful... my cat is doing fine after his surgery to remove the plastic rubber foreign object from his colon, argggh!!  He is back to himself completely, and I love him so   Just trying to enjoy my life everyday as much as I can... and I'm so grateful for my ability to do sports so I can be on a such a special board with such special people as you peeps!!  Seriously!!, you're all so special

Okay, that's all... I'm good, and whizzzz, you rock!!  I just have a good feeling about you and I think when I meet you, you are going to be like way cool!!!


2007-04-18 12:17 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hello Posse!!!!


I feel like I've been a bit neglectful... as I've been traveling around a little... mostly just enduring the inclement weather of different parts of our fine nation. For fun. Floods in Galveston... a Nor'easter in Boston... What could possibly be next??? I have no visible tan, even after 2 "vacations"!

So, how **IS** everyone??!!??!  


Haven't heard from Nate in a while... all is well?


Lori? Eric? Todd? Mary? Kat? Laura???

Hello? Hello? Bueller? Bueller?

You can clearly see I'm slap happy. Humor me. Check in. For now, I'm going to bed. (!)
Hope to hear from some or all of you in the morning.

Sweet dreams! Get your sleep! Kiss


2007-04-18 7:31 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
There used to be a girl in your group, Beth, is she still there? 
2007-04-18 7:44 AM
in reply to: #765973

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!


It was very very late and as I was sitting there typing I was like... "I think I'm missing someone...?" But the brain just wouldn't function.


OMG. Yes! BETHBETHBETH! I'm so sorry! You're our most frequent racer these days! My mind has quite obviously been addled by too much exposure to moisture. Rain/blowing rain/humidity/puddles/etc etc. I might be starting to rust. (!!)

2007-04-18 9:44 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

School has been very overwhelming this semester, as you all know!  I have done a couple of 5K's and an indoor tri.  I'm planning on doing a couple of sprints this summer as well as volunteering at Steelhead again.  I am currently on the list to be the driver/back-up runner for the 80 mile river-to-river relay in southern IL.  We leave Friday afternoon and return VERY late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.  This was the impetus to get out and run 5.2 miles last night!

That was a learning experience since I have not run anything longer than 4 miles since I started training.  Today, my feet are sore and my lower back is incredibly sore!  I'm hoping that this rest day can help cure it.

2007-04-18 2:51 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hello again everyone!
I've received another request for someone to join up with the Posse!

Please welcome nancylee (Nancy) from New York...

She will be popping over here sometime soon to introduce herself and say hello! Please add her as a "Friend" to the side of your log, and check in with her whenever you can. She's getting over a knee injury... so she could probably use the encouragement! Believe me, I know!

Welcome Nancy! Laughing

2007-04-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks, Whizzzzz! I really appreciate you making room for me!

I quit smoking 3 years ago - I used to smoke and run, so I was pretty slow. When I quit smoking, for some reason I quit running. I tried to run last year, but got plantar fasciitis (sp?) so I just used the ellipitical. When I tried to swim, I made it one lap, and would have to hang on to the side of the pool, gasping for breath. So I worked out when I could, trying to get rid of the 35 lbs. I had gained since quitting smoking.

So I was having a great day in the beginning of February, skiing with my family, when a nameless family member lost control and smacked into me, and my knee. I had to go down in the basket, horrors and embarrassment!!! I could not put any weight on my knee for a few days, and the doctor thought it was NOT a complete tear of the ACL, but the MRI said that it was. After a few weeks and some healing, we determined it was NOT a complete tear, but rather a partial. (so MRIs can be wrong, which I didn't know.)

I started swimming at the pool because I was getting fatter doing nothing, and I needed to gently work out my knee. It took me about 6 weeks to be able to swim more than 4 40ft laps at a time, but now I can swim for 25 minutes, very slowly! I have been riding the Lifestyle bike at the health club, and am walking, but not running yet. I have tried a LOT of diets, but after a week on the Atkins, or South Beach, I have gained weight. I swear. I gained on South Beach. I am hoping that training for a triathlon will get me back in shape, and losing my excess weight.

So thanks for the welcome. I appreciate it greatly and hope to contribute to this community.
2007-04-19 12:02 AM
in reply to: #767622

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Welcome aboard Nancy! The more the merrier. I trust that you will find this group full of helpful, supportive, and down-to-earth people.
2007-04-19 4:47 AM
in reply to: #767797

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks for the welcome!
2007-04-19 9:07 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Technical question about this site - how do I stop every post in the thread I posted in from coming to my email inbox? I must have clicked on something to cause this, but I can't find out how to stop it! Help!

2007-04-28 12:02 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey Posse!

I'm finally somewhat back into the routine after a few days off. Whatcha all got planned this weekend? The weather here in the Midwest is supposed to be wonderful! Get outside and enjoy it!
2007-04-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
My training plan has officially ended so I'm trying to maintain at this point.  I signed up for the Subaru Sprint in Naperville for the end of June, I will do one in August and maybe one in July.  Finals at school are just around the bend so things are getting a little hairy right now.  Other than that it's just the same ole same ol in our neck of the woods!
2007-04-28 8:43 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hey Beth! Congratulations on taking the PLUNGE! I will see you there! Kiss No worries, you are going to be great.

I am currently in a phase of training where we try to raise my VO2 max. Am doing max effort short intervals. I think it's fun, but I know I can't run that fast for very long! Running intervals on the treadmill and biking intervals on the trainer. If you'd ever like to know how it feels to hork up a lung, I suggest you try this. Oh. My. God. We'll see if it works. I've given myself over to my coach... I do as he says.

So I'm in a build phase, I suppose you could call it,  for Racine. I've got the HORRIBLY HILLY HUNDRED (bike ride) first and the Subaru sprint right after that. It will be interesting to see how quickly my legs recover.

Long run today. 50 minutes, my longest so far after surgery. I'll let you know how it goes! Laughing

Have a great weekend, Posse! Get out there on your bikes, if you can! Tomorrow is going to be great biking weather. (PLEASE, no more wind!)  


2007-04-28 9:33 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi to Whizzzzz's group.

Sorry Laura, I'll leave now.    Have fun horking lungs.  Does that make you Mrs. Hakalungy?

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