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2022-02-02 10:29 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.

Oh, I definitely don't live up in Fairbanks. Way too cold for my blood. I'm a bit south of Anchorage. It's 15 out where I am at right now, and -28 in Fairbanks. I love hunting in the fall up there, and have taken a couple trips up there in the wintertime to see northern lights and for work that were just stupid cold. But I could not imagine living there. Glad your friends are enjoying it here. Are they up in Anchorage? We came up "for 1 year" when my daughter was a few months old, and she graduates high school in May. It definitely gets hold of you if you like the outdoors.

2022-02-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?
Pretty decent on my end considering all I have going at the moment. My daughter is finally over her bout with covid, but half of the staff at my wife's school is still dealing with it, and we've had several here at work too. The numbers are on fire here and I've sort of felt like I've gone from "if" to "when" I catch it.

I'm glad that your daughter is better.  Fingers crossed that you manage to avoid it -- or at least the worst of it.

One of my co-workers keeps pointing out how there's no way I will avoid getting it. I say I expect to be singing "the cheese stands alone" by the end of this surge!

2022-02-02 11:44 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.


Oh, I definitely don't live up in Fairbanks. Way too cold for my blood. I'm a bit south of Anchorage. It's 15 out where I am at right now, and -28 in Fairbanks. I love hunting in the fall up there, and have taken a couple trips up there in the wintertime to see northern lights and for work that were just stupid cold. But I could not imagine living there. Glad your friends are enjoying it here. Are they up in Anchorage? We came up "for 1 year" when my daughter was a few months old, and she graduates high school in May. It definitely gets hold of you if you like the outdoors.

I noticed this phenomenon when i vacationed there - just about every guide had the same story, came on a visit and never left!

2022-02-02 2:02 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.


Oh, I definitely don't live up in Fairbanks. Way too cold for my blood. I'm a bit south of Anchorage. It's 15 out where I am at right now, and -28 in Fairbanks. I love hunting in the fall up there, and have taken a couple trips up there in the wintertime to see northern lights and for work that were just stupid cold. But I could not imagine living there. Glad your friends are enjoying it here. Are they up in Anchorage? We came up "for 1 year" when my daughter was a few months old, and she graduates high school in May. It definitely gets hold of you if you like the outdoors.

I noticed this phenomenon when i vacationed there - just about every guide had the same story, came on a visit and never left!

My husband's aunt lives in Homer. About 10 years ago she went on a little vacation to the area. Came home, put her ranch in Northern Colorado on the market, moved to Homer. She loves it.

My husband finally has a snow day today. Somehow a snow day for me just isn't the same anymore since I retired. Sigh.
2022-02-02 2:41 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by fortissimo

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.


Oh, I definitely don't live up in Fairbanks. Way too cold for my blood. I'm a bit south of Anchorage. It's 15 out where I am at right now, and -28 in Fairbanks. I love hunting in the fall up there, and have taken a couple trips up there in the wintertime to see northern lights and for work that were just stupid cold. But I could not imagine living there. Glad your friends are enjoying it here. Are they up in Anchorage? We came up "for 1 year" when my daughter was a few months old, and she graduates high school in May. It definitely gets hold of you if you like the outdoors.

I noticed this phenomenon when i vacationed there - just about every guide had the same story, came on a visit and never left!

My husband's aunt lives in Homer. About 10 years ago she went on a little vacation to the area. Came home, put her ranch in Northern Colorado on the market, moved to Homer. She loves it.

My husband finally has a snow day today. Somehow a snow day for me just isn't the same anymore since I retired. Sigh.

We are about 80 miles from Homer. I've got a boat docked in the harbor down there, so we go down there pretty regularly. Although it's been a rough winter, so we haven't been down much this winter to do king salmon fishing. But we are there most weekends in the summer.
2022-02-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.


Oh, I definitely don't live up in Fairbanks. Way too cold for my blood. I'm a bit south of Anchorage. It's 15 out where I am at right now, and -28 in Fairbanks. I love hunting in the fall up there, and have taken a couple trips up there in the wintertime to see northern lights and for work that were just stupid cold. But I could not imagine living there. Glad your friends are enjoying it here. Are they up in Anchorage? We came up "for 1 year" when my daughter was a few months old, and she graduates high school in May. It definitely gets hold of you if you like the outdoors.

I noticed this phenomenon when i vacationed there - just about every guide had the same story, came on a visit and never left!

My husband's aunt lives in Homer. About 10 years ago she went on a little vacation to the area. Came home, put her ranch in Northern Colorado on the market, moved to Homer. She loves it. My husband finally has a snow day today. Somehow a snow day for me just isn't the same anymore since I retired. Sigh.
We are about 80 miles from Homer. I've got a boat docked in the harbor down there, so we go down there pretty regularly. Although it's been a rough winter, so we haven't been down much this winter to do king salmon fishing. But we are there most weekends in the summer.

My friends are a bit north of Anchorage - Wasilla. Oddly enough two other of our good friends from high school also live in the area! (I went to HS in Indonesia ... )

2022-02-02 3:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.

4. It's summer here in Perth. We had a few weeks' spell of 104-114F days. Out here where we live it got to 118F. This week is a balmy high 80s to high 90s. The air now feels cool to me, but the seawater feels like warm spit!

Great to see you here, Yanti!  The 80s sound lovely right now.

You are a rockstar. Just look at what you've done with this place


2022-02-03 6:08 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Good morning, Manatees!

Curtis (BlueBoy26) said that he'd like to join us again this year.  He will be posting occasionally but will probably not be keeping his training blog here on BT.  If you see a Strava follow from him, that's the scoop.

Curtis, I hope that you'll post a short intro with your race goals, etc.

2022-02-03 11:07 AM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

NAME: Curtis


STORY: I came to Triathlon from a running background in 2014-2015.  I made the cross over to triathlon while living in Marble Falls, Texas which is right on Lake Marble Falls and Lake Lyndon B. Johnson and in the heart of the Texas Hill Country.  With plenty of access to open water swimming, tons of exciting and scenic cycling routes, and two Triathlons hosted in town I figured I should take advantage of what the area had to offer. I have moved twice since then but have stuck with Triathlons because they keep me more motivated and in better shape than doing running as a single sport would have.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married with three daughters who are 7-12 years old.  All of my daughters have completed kids triathlons.  My wife hasn't done a triathlon yet.  

CURRENT TRAINING: I was doing the TriForce "Sub 10-hour IM on 10 hours a week" training plan over the summer when I didn't have any events to train for because I had never done an Ironman and wanted to know how my body/schedule could handle the stress of training for that distance.  I got covid in August which killed that training plan which I was only 8 weeks into.  After that, I decided to focus on regaining my running before adding cycling back in.  From September to November I went back to running 6-days a week for my first time since 2014.  Then I sprained my ankle and wasn't able to do anything for 3 weeks.  When I came back from the sprain, I started the "Run Less Run Faster" Marathon training plan three days a week and plan to race my first Marathon since 2010 on March 5th.  I also plan to do the USAT Nation Standard Distance Triathlon the last week of April so at the same time I also started cycling three days a week using a winter power training FTP builder plan.  I maintained swimming after Covid until the ankle sprain.  I took time off after the sprain until the middle of January.  I am now working on adding swimming back in and am taking advantage of the four (4) 30-minutes private swim instruction sessions that I got for a Christmas gift.  I am going to have to find some spring triathlons to put all my swim work to the test.  

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Woodlands Marathon March 5,  National USAT Standard Distance non-drafting Duathlon end of April.  Tri's TBD.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I was an active Manatee in 2020 & 2021.  I am going to take the status of Emeritus Manatee in 2022.  I will not be maintaining my training log on BT and will not keep up with all the daily conversations in the group but will still be reading the posts every few days and using all of your energy and enthusiasm to help me stay motivated with my training and racing.  I also will use the group to expand my horizons to new products, training trends, organizational news, etc in the world of Multisport because I tend to get left behind really fast on those things without others to clue me in.  I will keep all my training in Strava and try to make it on the Manatee Leader board again like I was finally able to do in 2021 just before I got Covid.  

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: As I said, I plan to take the Emeritus status this year.  I will be in the shadows but will be cheering for everyone in the group and trying to keep up with everyone on Strava.

Edited by BlueBoy26 2022-02-03 11:12 AM
2022-02-03 11:38 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Welcome back, Curtis! 

How are you liking the Run Less, Run Faster plan?

I'd wait to ask you until after but I always figure that if the plan is icky in the training phase, that's not a good sign.  I mean, of course you are training to do a good race but I also train because I like training and some training plans contribute to training enjoyment and others notsomuch.

2022-02-03 12:57 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back, Curtis! 

How are you liking the Run Less, Run Faster plan?

I'd wait to ask you until after but I always figure that if the plan is icky in the training phase, that's not a good sign.  I mean, of course you are training to do a good race but I also train because I like training and some training plans contribute to training enjoyment and others notsomuch.

Would be curious to hear, as well. I've heard a lot of negativity but have used as well and had really good results - though my goal marathon was a bit of a bust due to getting sick the week before the race (this is a LONG time ago) but my running buddy did do really great (we had trained to break four hours which she did but i did not due to the aforementioned flu i caught the week before). I personally wouldn't do it again at my current fitness - i had a really good base then - because the runs are very aggressive in distance and pacing. 

2022-02-04 7:29 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

2022-02-04 7:44 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

An actual Racing Manatee!! It has been way to many weeks without one. Go Anne!!

I have nothing particularly fun planned for the weekend. I hoped to get the bike out rather than sit on the trainer Sunday, but it looks to be in the 50s in the morning and this girl does not go out until the 60s! If and when I move from Florida, my wardrobe will have to change.

2022-02-04 7:51 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

An actual Racing Manatee!! It has been way to many weeks without one. Go Anne!!

I have nothing particularly fun planned for the weekend. I hoped to get the bike out rather than sit on the trainer Sunday, but it looks to be in the 50s in the morning and this girl does not go out until the 60s! If and when I move from Florida, my wardrobe will have to change.

I understand. It's not worth investing in the gear for the three weekends a year that you want it.

2022-02-04 11:42 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back, Curtis! 

How are you liking the Run Less, Run Faster plan?

I'd wait to ask you until after but I always figure that if the plan is icky in the training phase, that's not a good sign.  I mean, of course you are training to do a good race but I also train because I like training and some training plans contribute to training enjoyment and others notsomuch.

Would be curious to hear, as well. I've heard a lot of negativity but have used as well and had really good results - though my goal marathon was a bit of a bust due to getting sick the week before the race (this is a LONG time ago) but my running buddy did do really great (we had trained to break four hours which she did but i did not due to the aforementioned flu i caught the week before). I personally wouldn't do it again at my current fitness - i had a really good base then - because the runs are very aggressive in distance and pacing. 

I first read about the Run Less Run Faster plan in the Runner's World Magazine in 1998.  When I got into triathlon in 2014 I based my running around the three days-a-week run.  I have tried some other plans like the 6 days-a-week Berry-P plan, etc. but three run days is something I have done a lot of in the past 7 years as a multisport athlete and am very familiar with and I am very confident racing with just three runs a week. 

I love the Run-less Run-faster plan.  This is my first time doing the Marathon plan and my first time doing the entire plan. I have borrowed the interval day progression from the 1/2 marathon plan for 70.3 training in the past but never done all three days or ever done the prescribed paces before.   

I am a little worried about the lack of long runs.  It has a 16-miler, an 18-miler, and a 20-milers, but that is about it for long runs.  It has some fast 10-13 mile runs which would be similar to doing "fast finish" long runs just without the slow miles in front of them.  The theory of this plan is that intensity is the most important factor in making you faster as so it cuts out the slow miles so that you are better rested so you can hit all the targets for the fast miles.  It seems to be working.  I hit a 10-mile tempo run at 6:40 pace a few weeks ago and a 6-mile tempo run at 6:30 pace this week.  On my higher volume triathlon plans, I am going good just to hit race pace (6:50 pace) in a workout and if I am a little over race pace (7:00 pace), I figure that I am hitting the intent of the workout while also being smart to save my legs so I can get through the rest of my workouts that week. 


I like the plan because it fits with my schedule as a multisport triathlon while also giving specific distances and paces for every workout, similar to the Jack Daniels training so that I keep progressing through the whole training cycle and don't plateau.  I am doing the marathon for fun.  If I were doing it to get the fastest time possible I would be going a high volume plan.   

2022-02-04 3:19 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Go Ann. Represent for the rest of us.

2022-02-04 3:21 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Go Ann. Represent for the rest of us.

Good luck, Anne!
2022-02-05 8:09 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 5-6
Anne - Rockcrusher Challenge Gravel on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Good luck Anne!
2022-02-07 10:38 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?
2022-02-07 10:46 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

I'd say mostly the second thing.  This is what it says for my power:

Muscle Power

Your Muscle Power score is based on your peak 10-second continuous power. A high power output for short periods of time can contribute to improved performance across your entire Power Duration Curve. Suggested Workouts:

  • VO2 Max Intervals - Medium-short length intervals at the maximum power you can sustain for 7 to 12 minutes. These runs are designed to stress your aerobic capacity.
  • Hill/Track Repeats - Very short repeats with long recoveries aimed at improving your ability to output higher power and your overall running efficiency. Short hill sprints can help you build strength and practice running fast with less chance of injury compared to flat sprints.
  • Supplemental Training - Improves muscle recruitment patterns, allowing you to run with more power and coordination. Should be used incrementally focusing on lower impact routines first. Form Drills - Strengthens key running muscles, improves functional range of motion, improves neuromuscular communication, and increases mindfulness of good running form. Heavy Weights Lifting - The optimal number of repetitions for increasing strength and endurance is 5-6. Not only does it translate to a more powerful stride, but it also promotes good posture and muscle stiffness which also improves efficiency.
2022-02-07 12:56 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

Basically, it's supposed to help you run with the right intensity.  It does -like your smartwatch, tell you run cadence which can be helpful b/c if it is low you know you're probably are not running efficiently. But you don't need stryd for that. 

2022-02-07 12:59 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

Basically, it's supposed to help you run with the right intensity.  It does -like your smartwatch, tell you run cadence which can be helpful b/c if it is low you know you're probably are not running efficiently. But you don't need stryd for that. 

Stryd is also good if you do your running on treadmills. It's a lot more accurate than most foot pods. I do most of my running outside and I have not been thrilled with the Stryd's integration with my Garmin and kinda wish that I had that money back to spend on something else.

2022-02-07 1:09 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

Basically, it's supposed to help you run with the right intensity.  It does -like your smartwatch, tell you run cadence which can be helpful b/c if it is low you know you're probably are not running efficiently. But you don't need stryd for that. 

Stryd is also good if you do your running on treadmills. It's a lot more accurate than most foot pods. I do most of my running outside and I have not been thrilled with the Stryd's integration with my Garmin and kinda wish that I had that money back to spend on something else.

Huh, i have no problem with it working with Garmin. It is also great with the Apple watch. But, i think it would be a more useful tool for those who have hills on their run routes.  I think the training plans are pretty good though and i like the workout of the week since it gives me options to switch out runs for something that looks more interesting. So, basically, i go from plan to plan to plan deciding which workout appeals the most to me. I'm sure that is the best way to improve 

2022-02-07 1:17 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

Basically, it's supposed to help you run with the right intensity.  It does -like your smartwatch, tell you run cadence which can be helpful b/c if it is low you know you're probably are not running efficiently. But you don't need stryd for that. 

Stryd is also good if you do your running on treadmills. It's a lot more accurate than most foot pods. I do most of my running outside and I have not been thrilled with the Stryd's integration with my Garmin and kinda wish that I had that money back to spend on something else.

Huh, i have no problem with it working with Garmin. It is also great with the Apple watch. But, i think it would be a more useful tool for those who have hills on their run routes.  I think the training plans are pretty good though and i like the workout of the week since it gives me options to switch out runs for something that looks more interesting. So, basically, i go from plan to plan to plan deciding which workout appeals the most to me. I'm sure that is the best way to improve 

It "works" with the Garmin I cannot set up intervals based on Stryd power in any way that is useful to me. The lack of alerts is problematic and in order to set up intervals, now you need a subscription. Before the subscription was required, I did set up some custom workouts on their platform but they were more ore less useless because of the poor interface with the watch and lack of alerts.

2022-02-07 1:30 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. Talk to me about stryde. Does it help assess form, or is it just a power/speed thing?

Basically, it's supposed to help you run with the right intensity.  It does -like your smartwatch, tell you run cadence which can be helpful b/c if it is low you know you're probably are not running efficiently. But you don't need stryd for that. 

Stryd is also good if you do your running on treadmills. It's a lot more accurate than most foot pods. I do most of my running outside and I have not been thrilled with the Stryd's integration with my Garmin and kinda wish that I had that money back to spend on something else.

Huh, i have no problem with it working with Garmin. It is also great with the Apple watch. But, i think it would be a more useful tool for those who have hills on their run routes.  I think the training plans are pretty good though and i like the workout of the week since it gives me options to switch out runs for something that looks more interesting. So, basically, i go from plan to plan to plan deciding which workout appeals the most to me. I'm sure that is the best way to improve 

It "works" with the Garmin I cannot set up intervals based on Stryd power in any way that is useful to me. The lack of alerts is problematic and in order to set up intervals, now you need a subscription. Before the subscription was required, I did set up some custom workouts on their platform but they were more ore less useless because of the poor interface with the watch and lack of alerts.

Good point about the lack of alerts! You do get them with apple watch though you really have to pay attention. i am really hoping the rumor i've heard about the workoutdoor app (apple watch app) will soon be supported by stryd b/c it has great alerts. It actually speaks to you telling you, for example, 100m left, 50 m...It also verbally tells you what your planned interval is. It really makes the apple watch a very, very good running watch. So, go buy one 

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