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2007-04-28 9:43 AM
in reply to: #779820

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

You can stay as long as you'd like, Puppy. Laughing

I'm coming out to Rockman to jockstrap you. Just sos you know. You will have an audience. I expect a performance.  

2007-04-28 9:53 AM
in reply to: #779825

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-04-28 8:43 AM

You can stay as long as you'd like, Puppy. Laughing

I'm coming out to Rockman to jockstrap you. Just sos you know. You will have an audience. I expect a performance.  

You can't fool me.  You're holding Dumpsters jockstrap.  I'm just a footnote.  Besides you'll have to clear it with Jennifer if you want anything to do with me and jockstap(ping).

I will be making big efforts to get some 'bike on the road' time in the coming weekends.  Today, or tomorrow morning, NEED to get in a 25 min run - 2 hour bike - 25 min run brick.

So, since I'm at work now, time to start working to so I can get done and leave.

Have a FUN day.

Oh yeah, still need to talk with Jenn about planning another 2-3 races and perhaps SoR if Rockman goes well and there are slots open.

2007-04-28 10:14 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hi everyone,

I officially started my HIM plan this last week. Still pondering just doing couple of sprints this year and an Olympic instead of the HIM--but, on with the plan anyway. On the schedule for this weekend:

- 1 1/2 hour bike
- 4 1/2 mile run
- Two swims (one interval speedwork and one steady state workout with longer yardage sets)
- Possibly a second bike just because

Question for the experienced triathletes in our group--can I get by with just two swim workouts per week as long as one is a speed workout and one is longer, steady aerobic effort? The plan calls for three swims, two are speed workouts. I have a hard time getting another swim workout because of our opposite schedules (I work 7:00AM-5:00PM, Eric works 2:00PM-10:00PM). Getting up in the morning to go swimming would really impact the little sleep I already get. I may be able to talk my boss into letting me leave work early once a week to hit the pool/open water swim class.

The weather is going to be beauuuuutifuuuulllll, add a couple of Miata rides to the list. Have a great weekend everyone, get out and enjoy the weather.
2007-04-28 1:28 PM
in reply to: #779839

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I think since swimming is where you need the most work.... you should be sure to get your 3 swims in. Your running is solid. Biking will come along... you started your swimming from the ground up and you will not see measurable improvement if you only swim 2x per week. You need time in the pool. And in my opinion you'd probably benefit more from a session of form/drills than even speedwork. So much of swimming is technique. And tricky!

That's just my .02. It's just like anything else... you have to **do** it to get better. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will become, the more natural it will seem, and the faster you will be.

So say I.

Tongue out




2007-04-28 4:06 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
My training is going fairly well:

Running - I've cut back on running to increase time in swim and bike. I was pleased with my time on the APFT this week and reasonably happy with my performance on the 5K today.

Swimming - I'm use to the 50m pool by now. I'm getting better at swim etiquette, but even better at scheduling swims in off hours. I'm debating on checking out the Master's swim program. Dues on on a 2-month basis and not pro-rated and due on the 1st of odd months. For the most value for money, I need to decide quickly or wait a couple of months.

Biking - I need to up my bike training. I know I spend a lot of time on the bike, but most of my commuting is cruise around pedestrian, sprint to cut around parked car, wait on traffic light, pedal steadily, stop suddenly for road kill, dodge traffic to continue, repeat 'til destination is reached. Great for building leg strength, but not very useful for technique and endurance. Thursday I'm going to take my road bike to a lbs for a fit evaluation.

Strength - Still taking it easy here. I don't know what injury my tricep sustained, but it's lingered.

Scheduling - Next week, I start orienting on the ward, so I'll be back to 12-hour shifts to train around. In 2 weeks, I'm back on 7p-7a, so I'll be back to my normal schedule of staying up all night. I don't know that I'll get off for all the races I have planned, but my requests are in.

2007-04-30 6:47 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I am having trouble fitting in all I need to do. I have been trying to get in 3 swims a week, but sometimes only getting in two. I swam about 800 yards yesterday, which still seems weird to me, as two months ago, I couldn't do more than a lap without hanging onto the pool's edge. I love the swimming.

I hate biking. I use a life cycle type of bike at the gym, and I hate it. It hurts, I can't put the resistance up, it hurts the front of my legs, the back of my upper legs, my butt, I just cannot get in more than 30 minutes on it. I haven't even hit the road yet, which I am going to do next Sunday, on a bike trail. I fear traffic and the crazies who don't see bikes, so this is my big challenge.

I have been walking, only jogging a bit, due to my ACL healing. I am playing the running by ear; I know I can go from not running, if I am fit, to doing a 5K in about 33 minutes, so I am not too worried about his part of the race.

Have a great day, all!!! Any biking suggestions very welcome!

2007-04-30 7:11 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

My training plan ended Friday and I know that I need to set up another one but with finals within the next weekand a half I'm a little leery to import one that I will fail to follow for the first two weeks.  Mc Fuzz keeps asking me which race will be my "A" race I really don't know!  I have a 5k race on Saturday so the running part of the tri doesn't bother me, the bike part will be hard but I can do it too, it's the OWS that is scaring the out of me!  There is nowhere around here to practice beforehand  

This week is looking pretty is looking pretty nasty with all the projects that are due (2 units in guided learners, 6 journals in young adult lit, a research paper in young adult lit due next Wed.,, grammar still sux and finishing up a webquest project in secondary methods  !

2007-04-30 7:16 AM
in reply to: #780994

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi Nancy!

I've found the bikes at the gym can do more harm than good. Especially if they are set up strangely, don't fit you, or if you have sensitive or quirky knees. (I do!) I was alright with my gym's original spin bikes... but when they replaced them with something called a BODY BIKE I was forced to give up spinning all together. They didn't fit, they hurt my hip and RIGHT knee... and they were just miserable. So I bought a trainer.

If you are not averse to riding your bike in place in the basement, or living room, or garage, or where-ever... a trainer might be for you! You may be able to get one on ebay. That way you can RIDE YOUR OWN BIKE but avoid dangerous traffic situations.

Nothing compares to getting out on your bike on the actual road, (or path) though. Is there a group you can go with? Some cycling groups have "mentor programs" for people who are new to the group. I learned a HECK OF ALOT from my cycling group. My "mentor", Dan, gave me drills to do at home, showed me how to ride a paceline, and just generally didn't make me feel like an loser when I got dropped from the group. And I got dropped ALOT.

Are you in a city-type area? Is there any place that is good for bike riding around there? My advice if you do get out on the road is to be defensive and cautious. I never ((ever)) feel totally at ease when I'm on the road. You've always got to have that "edge" to you, and your head needs to be on a swivel. No ear phones. Ever.

There's hope, Nancy! And running... take that SLOWLY. You might want to try a walk/run program until your knee is fully healed. You can take a look back thru my logs... starting in January... I began my run/walk program. Feel free to use it, if you like. It's more for getting the joint used to running again... without injury or pain. It's not a program for speed, but rather for hardening, I think.

Wow, I blather alot in the mornings.

Have a great day everyone. Kiss Weather here is beautiful. I hear birds chirping and I'm going to put the top down on the convertible for my ride into work! Yaaa Hooooo!


2007-04-30 7:22 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hey Beth!

You could make Subaru your A race...

The OWS there is in a quarry... It's used as a swimming pool for general purposes... but the water is like natural lake water... so it's kind of a hybrid pool/OW swim situation. There are lanes, and buoys. It's a strange swim set up, but isn't bad for your first time. You won't drown. But if you feel uncertain, they have swim angels who will swim along side you to reassure you.

This race is geared heavily toward first timers. You are going to be hooked!!! Even harder than you already are! Laughing

2007-04-30 7:28 AM
in reply to: #781012

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-04-30 7:22 AM

Hey Beth!

You could make Subaru your A race...

The OWS there is in a quarry... It's used as a swimming pool for general purposes... but the water is like natural lake water... so it's kind of a hybrid pool/OW swim situation. There are lanes, and buoys. It's a strange swim set up, but isn't bad for your first time. You won't drown. But if you feel uncertain, they have swim angels who will swim along side you to reassure you.

This race is geared heavily toward first timers. You are going to be hooked!!! Even harder than you already are! Laughing

 I was afraid of that!  Did you know that Steph from McFuzz's group is doing it too? I conned asked her todo it with me because I didn't want to drown compete alone.

2007-04-30 7:53 AM
in reply to: #781010

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks for the good advice. I live in the country, actually, and I really should find some other members of a group to ride with. We have a bike path, but there are always a lot of walkers, runners, sightseers on it, so it is go out early or not at all.

I will go check out your run/walk program - thanks for the help!


2007-04-30 11:17 AM
in reply to: #781043

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'll second Wizzzzz on gym bikes. I hate riding on both stationary bikes and trainers because they just feel strange. Treadmills on the other hand ...

And don't discount riding on a crowded path. It doesn't do much for speed or endurance, but it really improves bike handling and general self confidence in the saddle.
2007-04-30 11:22 AM
in reply to: #781472

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
That's a good point about crowded bike paths - I just have to make sure I don't run anyone down!!
2007-05-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

OK, guys!


We are in full-blown-in-season-training now... just wondering how you all are doing???

I am so proud of the cameraderie I see in the logs between you guys... how you are inspiring and encouraging each other and sharing insights and "best practices". It makes me happy to see this within the group. Laughing

It seems as though we've lost Nathan. (?!)

Nancy is picking up steam... please don't forget to check in on her... 
HL just bought himself a new car and managed to break is bike!
Kat just ran a half marathon! Ya Hoooooooo, and her first tri is coming up... soon!
Todd is still training for a marathon...betcha can't wait til that's over, huh?
Lori & Eric are hittin' it hard up in Wisconsin...
Laura has become an extraordinary bicycle commuter!
Mary has grown accustomed to her braces and is now going on bike rides so hilly, it makes my legs ache just reading about them!
Beth's two boys just got confirmed! She's been busy as a bee with school and stuff...

I'm very proud of all the gains you guys have made, both athletically and personally. You are doing great. We all have lives and it's easy to become distracted... but you have all shown great focus and determination! NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE. Kiss

Any questions? Comments? Suggestions???

Lemme know!

2007-05-23 12:18 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Yeah, I know I haven't been around the thread much lately but I've been doing some reading.  Its good to hear y'all are doing well.  Keep the nose to the grindstone.  This time of year is soooo hard to stay focused because there are so many distractions! 

I still consider myself a newbie (having done only 2 tris) but a well read newbie.  As we get closer to actual races, or for those who have done races this year, are there specific issues that you have questions about that as a group we can talk about?  Equipment questions?  Logistics of the pre-race or transitions?  That kind of stuff.

2007-05-23 1:33 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
School's out (I finished with a dismal 3.4 cum. gpa) and race season is picking up.  I started out in the ABS challenge but promptly injured my back.  Now that I'm feeling better I'm back at training.  I have a tri in late June (in Naperville for those who are looking for jockstrap options) and one in early August.  I'm jockstrappinga t Steelhead.  I've got one class this summer. 

2007-05-23 5:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

the matriarch, non-matronly as she is, has summoned me to report in....

Yes, I took a few hills.  Funny - that is about all we have here, so I didn't realize it was so steep - just figured I was a slug.   I mapped out a flatter loop  that I will check out this weekend.  I am fearless on the descent!

Braces - managing the foods I keep around - nothing to exciting.    damn, I used to like eating..... 

 I am going to take a month long swim clinic from an olympian athlete - will report back when I get his eastern european name committed to my feeble memory.



2007-05-23 10:51 PM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm here Laura! lol sorry guys I abruptly lost my computer/internet and moved and moved again and now I'm back home from school and finally have a sense of normalcy going on lol. Start teaching lessons next Monday and finally have my computer back as of last night! Not doing any triathlons this year, but have a couple 5k and maybe a 10k race in September (yes starting slowly). Good to be back, and going to catch myself up with all of you're logs right now!
2007-05-24 12:23 AM
in reply to: #813451

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
End of the marathon training is in sight! June 16 is D-Day. I've got one more long training run this weekend (22 miles) and then the total weekly distance cuts back next week and more dramatically the following week as I enter the taper. All this running has definately increased my cardio fitness and significantly increased my shorter run (10 miles and less) speed.

I am looking forward to spending a lot more time on the bike and getting back into a pool routine. I'm curious how the run training will impact my bricks when I do get back on the bike. Stay tuned . . .
2007-05-24 7:07 AM
in reply to: #814611

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

OMG We found NATE! Laughing




I think we are still waiting for updates from a couple of people... Thank you for checking in. Good to know you're all still out there and at it again!  

2007-05-25 9:57 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Training is going well. I happen to have every weekend in June off, so I thought about picking up and earlier race, but decided against it for various reasons that still seem to make sense. Several local folks are also doing the 8 July Sprint and we're comparing notes.

I know I've increased my bike commute time, but I don't really know by how much. I didn't log it until I moved.  If I started logging walking time too, I could really boost my training graph. I like this not driving thing.

I went out and blew part of my sign-on bonus on a new bike. I now have a Cervelo P2C to grow into.


2007-05-29 1:17 PM
in reply to: #816862

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Sweet ride Episcopit! Make sure you wave as you blow past me. I'll be the one on the Schwinn Fastback 5-speed with a banana seat and butterfly handlebars.
2007-05-31 9:44 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey, I finally found you!! Thank goodness! I am going to go back and read all of the posts here. I just started training in Feb/March, my first Tri is july 17th (I think) and I haven't been outside on the bike yet. Yikes!! It scares me!!!
2007-05-31 9:48 AM
in reply to: #639904

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I have trouble navigating this site - could you talk me through where to put everyone's names, in the Control Panel? Thanks,
2007-05-31 9:50 AM
in reply to: #639904

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Never mind - I found it!!
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