BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009 Rss Feed  
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2008-11-21 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Did Q2, heart rate got up higher than on Q1 due to the longer hard pushes, I think I maxed around 162 beats per minute and dropped back down to around 130.

Hrm to pack or to not pack the trainer for Thanksgiving break as I have the entire week off and will be way out of town.

2008-11-21 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1819902

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
kimk - 2008-11-21 9:50 AM well I finished wo3 with avg hr 147 and max 161. My knees are still sore...I think I should take my bike in to get the seat adjusted? Also want to look into a training tire.
This is VERY important for everyone folks: Make sure you are already properly fitted in your bike otherwise any issues will most likely arise when riding the trainer and doing intense sessions!
2008-11-21 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
My problem with the HR/RPE is that my legs can't keep up with my heart/exertion. As I increase resistance to increase my heart rate while maintaining a 90 cadence my legs get pooped before my heart rate gets high enough. My legs feel like rubber when I'm done with the workout, but I'm pretty sure my effort in terms of heart rate isn't enough.

I suppose I'll just keep going until my legs catch up...
2008-11-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1819978

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Micawber - 2008-11-21 10:30 AM Can we start whining yet? Seriously though: Maybe I should wait to see what the testing says but I may not have guessed my FTP high enough. I thought I was being pretty ambitious at 250. The workouts feel hard enough (or I'm being a wimp) but my HR is not getting up close to what I expected. I'm using a computrainer, calibrating it every session, and programming the workouts in as erg files so I should be pushing the right wattages. I got my run LTHR from field testing and it was confirmed in a lab test this past spring so it should be pretty close. My max HR during the Q2 workout was still 30 bpm below run LTHR and the average was another 15 bpm below that. Does it make sense that my biking threshold HR could be that much lower or should I try basing the next workouts on a higher FTP?

Yes you can although I'll just tell you to HTFU

In term of your Q: since HR can be tricky to use due to all the variable affecting there could be many explanations as to why it is lower than before but if I read correctly you said you got your LTHR tested running. If that is the case then yes it is very normal to have you HR avg lower when cycling because your LTHR cycling will usually be lower than your LTHR when running just by the fact that when running we use more energy to move.

But again this first couple of week as more like prep than anything, just getting you used to the format of the schedule, building a routine, getting some intensity under your legs, etc. After the testing on week 3, things should be much easier to follow as you will know exactly what your power zones will be and what sort of specific effort you will need for each session.

2008-11-21 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1820011

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

k_hase - 2008-11-21 10:45 AM My problem with the HR/RPE is that my legs can't keep up with my heart/exertion. As I increase resistance to increase my heart rate while maintaining a 90 cadence my legs get pooped before my heart rate gets high enough. My legs feel like rubber when I'm done with the workout, but I'm pretty sure my effort in terms of heart rate isn't enough. I suppose I'll just keep going until my legs catch up...

Don’t worry much about HR until we test. Do sessions by RPE for the next sessions. As I said before, the intervals right now are so intense and short that you HR WON'T be able to get as high to the desire range. It eventually might get there in subsequent sets but definitely it won't at first.

HR is not a direct reflection of the work done; for that reason gauge effort by RPE and then by HR. still not until test and sets get longer…

2008-11-21 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1820033

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
JorgeM - 2008-11-21 11:56 AM

k_hase - 2008-11-21 10:45 AM My problem with the HR/RPE is that my legs can't keep up with my heart/exertion. As I increase resistance to increase my heart rate while maintaining a 90 cadence my legs get pooped before my heart rate gets high enough. My legs feel like rubber when I'm done with the workout, but I'm pretty sure my effort in terms of heart rate isn't enough. I suppose I'll just keep going until my legs catch up...

Don’t worry much about HR until we test. Do sessions by RPE for the next sessions. As I said before, the intervals right now are so intense and short that you HR WON'T be able to get as high to the desire range. It eventually might get there in subsequent sets but definitely it won't at first.

HR is not a direct reflection of the work done; for that reason gauge effort by RPE and then by HR. still not until test and sets get longer…

I totally know what you mean about the legs.  I'm not out of breath and my legs just won't put out any more!  It gets better w/ more time riding, but I do still have a long way to go.

Using RPE was definitely helpful, because, try as I did, my legs wouldn't go long enough for me to push into that zone of the first five minutes of WU in Q1.  I got close, but didn't reach it.

Makes me glad I'm doing this.

2008-11-21 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Extreme Veteran
East Aurora, NY
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Is it too late to join in on this?  I just came across the thread and would love to improve. 
2008-11-21 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1818687

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
skarl - 2008-11-20 2:07 PM

fwiw, I learned how to program my garmin today for Q2 and it was so much nicer focusing on cadence or speed during the sprint intervals rather than staring at the seconds slowly tick by, and I could watch tv during the recovery intervals and wu and cd.   It beeped at me a lot about my hr being too high or too low, but I tuned it out and tried to focus on RPE.  Definitely worth the time to set it up.

 I, too, am using my Garmin 305 to aid myself during these workouts. While I am not using it for HR I am using it as a guide for each segment. Nice to be able to focus on the workout, hear the five beeps for the next segment, and just go.

 Two workouts down and today is the third. So far so good and really feels great. No, I am not a good cyclist, but I am truly enjoying these sessions. Focusing on RPE and trying to keep a good cadence going.

 Great Fun!! Thanks Jorge!!!


2008-11-21 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1819978

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Can we start whining yet? Seriously though: Maybe I should wait to see what the testing says but I may not have guessed my FTP high enough. I thought I was being pretty ambitious at 250. The workouts feel hard enough (or I'm being a wimp) but my HR is not getting up close to what I expected. I'm using a computrainer, calibrating it every session, and programming the workouts in as erg files so I should be pushing the right wattages. I got my run LTHR from field testing and it was confirmed in a lab test this past spring so it should be pretty close. My max HR during the Q2 workout was still 30 bpm below run LTHR and the average was another 15 bpm below that. Does it make sense that my biking threshold HR could be that much lower or should I try basing the next workouts on a higher FTP?

I don't consider myself a strong cyclist either, and I guessed my FTP at 230 watts - but when I did Q2 I realized that my HR was way too low.  The legs were feeling the watts, but I could tell that the level of effort was just not there.  Had I not had the power option and just gone by HR / RPE the session would have been been much more intense.  Lesson learned - I'll up the watts and suffer like everyone else till testing. Wink

2008-11-21 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1820102

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

mcole158 - 2008-11-21 10:37 AM Is it too late to join in on this?  I just came across the thread and would love to improve. 

Join us!  There are a couple others that have posted that they aren't starting til next week.

2008-11-21 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

I did the second workout today.  It was fun-tough, but fun!

2008-11-21 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1819877

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
JorgeM - 2008-11-21 9:37 AM

IAnyway some random thoughts I had while riding that I want to share:

·          It is a good idea to use an old used tired on the trainer, that way you won’t be wasting your nice tires.
·          ·          Remember to have some sort of cooling system (a fan, a window, etc) if riding inside, otherwise the heat will just make the session harder.
·          Remember to have plenty of fluids handy, you will most likely drink more inside than outside due to the heat.
·          Get a towel handy not only for the sweat but also to cover your bars/stem so the sweat doesn’t corrode the screws
·          As the threshold intervals get longer make sure to fuel properly before the session (1-2 hrs); doing this session will deplete your glycogen storage
·          After threshold intervals make sure to refuel so you are ready to train the next day


I agree with the fan, I was in the basement and it was a little chilly starting.  The fan was 6' sitting on the floor, I was wishing I plugged it in.  I am hoping to wear out my tire as an reason to buy new ones in the spring Sealed

Time to change and ride


2008-11-21 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1820625

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Tonights session was better, I am getting more of a feel for the bike on the trainer.   I miss counted the 5x1'(1'), so I added them at the end of the MS, prior to the CD.  So some questions tonight for anyone

Q: Cadence, any suggestions for a cheap counter?  I do not have one and am trying to count as my leg moves, not fun.

Q: Is it normal for the watt meter to jump up and down?  It seems I am keeping my cadence close, but the meter is jumpnig 10-20 watts.  Is this showing me I am not keeping my cadence constent?

Q: What is everyone doing for shifting gears?  I am staying in the same gear so far.  My thinking was to get use the the Power meter and PRE.  Is this right or should I be shifting?



2008-11-21 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Thanks Jorge! I finished the third workout of week 1 today, and I'm lovin' it! It's tough, but just what I need. I too am finding that my legs are fatigued long before my cardio. Guess I need to work on strengthening the legs and this is certainly helping! Great job everyone!!!
2008-11-21 11:08 PM
in reply to: #1820746

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Puppetmaster - 2008-11-21 5:54 PM

Tonights session was better, I am getting more of a feel for the bike on the trainer.   I miss counted the 5x1'(1'), so I added them at the end of the MS, prior to the CD.  So some questions tonight for anyone

Q: Cadence, any suggestions for a cheap counter?  I do not have one and am trying to count as my leg moves, not fun.

What about an inexpensive bike computer? Something like the Cateye Astrale 8, although they may have a newer model out now. If you're stuck with using a watch, what I did is just count one leg for 20 seconds then multiply by 3. For a cadence of 90 rpm you only count to 30.

Q: Is it normal for the watt meter to jump up and down?  It seems I am keeping my cadence close, but the meter is jumpnig 10-20 watts.  Is this showing me I am not keeping my cadence constent?

Mine does that too, and the Allen & Coggan book recommends just aiming for a small range instead of trying to stay on a certain number.

Q: What is everyone doing for shifting gears?  I am staying in the same gear so far.  My thinking was to get use the the Power meter and PRE.  Is this right or should I be shifting?



If I use my ct like a power meter, then I have to shift gears. The ct will also work in what they call erg mode where instead of reading power it will apply a specified load. It can take a preprogrammed file and set the load to x1 watts for y minutes, then x2 watts for z minutes, etc. In that mode I don't have to shift gears.

Hope that helps.
2008-11-22 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1820746

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Puppetmaster - 2008-11-21 6:54 PM

Tonights session was better, I am getting more of a feel for the bike on the trainer.   I miss counted the 5x1'(1'), so I added them at the end of the MS, prior to the CD.  So some questions tonight for anyone

Q: Cadence, any suggestions for a cheap counter?  I do not have one and am trying to count as my leg moves, not fun.

Q: Is it normal for the watt meter to jump up and down?  It seems I am keeping my cadence close, but the meter is jumpnig 10-20 watts.  Is this showing me I am not keeping my cadence constent?

Q: What is everyone doing for shifting gears?  I am staying in the same gear so far.  My thinking was to get use the the Power meter and PRE.  Is this right or should I be shifting?

A. I am not using a power meter, but for the hard efforts, I shift up (harder) two gears and shift back down for the recovery time.  This helps my RPE stay in the range that it should be.  If I leave it in one gear, I would "spin out" trying to get my RPE/HR where it should be.



Edited by Gregkl 2008-11-22 6:02 AM

2008-11-22 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
i just finished Q3, but i somehow ended up doing 55 minutes instead of 50 on the HRM plan. Whoops.

i need to fiddle with the fit of my bike.
2008-11-22 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1820997

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

TheSchwamm - 2008-11-22 9:08 AM i just finished Q3, but i somehow ended up doing 55 minutes instead of 50 on the HRM plan. Whoops. i need to fiddle with the fit of my bike.

It does actually add up to 55 minutes - for both the power and HR plans.

2008-11-22 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Jorge is a mean, mean man.

I skipped the Q3 workout and did the 20min power test.  My legs hurt, I was sucking air, downing fluids, and my HR was maxed out - all at 270 watts.  And to think, I've got to do this again in 2 weeks Surprised - at least misery enjoys company, and I'll have all of you to share in it next time.

I'm glad I did the test because I was underestimating my power beforehand, but it wasn't easy. 

Question - I have a tacx i-magic (somewhat similiar to a CT), I'm just curious if for this test CT users will set a specific watt and be a slave to that power for 20  minutes, or would you just apply a slope and try to ride as hard as you can and just get whatever power levels you manage to maintain for the test?

2008-11-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1792702

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Did Q3 workout.  Mine also added up to 55 mins, but I bailed at 50 mins.  Pretty hard workout!  You can check my log if interested.  I'm checking yours!Laughing
2008-11-22 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1820746

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
Puppetmaster - 2008-11-21 5:54 PM

Tonights session was better, I am getting more of a feel for the bike on the trainer.   I miss counted the 5x1'(1'), so I added them at the end of the MS, prior to the CD.  So some questions tonight for anyone

Q: Cadence, any suggestions for a cheap counter?  I do not have one and am trying to count as my leg moves, not fun.

I have a Cateye Strada Cadence on my bike -- pretty cheap on Amazon. 

Q: What is everyone doing for shifting gears?  I am staying in the same gear so far.  My thinking was to get use the the Power meter and PRE.  Is this right or should I be shifting?

I shift up/down 2 or 3 gears, depending how bad I'm dying



2008-11-22 11:49 AM
in reply to: #1821076

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
GoFaster - 2008-11-22 9:00 AM


Question - I have a tacx i-magic (somewhat similiar to a CT), I'm just curious if for this test CT users will set a specific watt and be a slave to that power for 20  minutes, or would you just apply a slope and try to ride as hard as you can and just get whatever power levels you manage to maintain for the test?

I don't think it's really a test if you decide the outcome before you start.
I was going to use a fairly flat course and just see what I could do, but I've also read that the spin-scan mode works well for testing and TTs. I still haven't tried that (new ct here) but I'll have a look at it before week 3.
2008-11-22 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1792702

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Just did Q2...wicked good! I'm loving this! I went by RPE today instead of HR. Way more fun to just pedal my heart out and go by feel rather than staring at a monitor. I think my bike zones are WAY off anyway so it will be good to retest.

 Here is a question for you: I'm staying in the large chain ring, making sure to keep a good cadence with no mashing, and switching gears up and down to vary the effort. Is this OK ?Or  should I be in the small chain ring for some magical trainer reason that I don't know of?!

2008-11-22 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1821085

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009

Gregkl - 2008-11-22 10:22 AM Did Q3 workout.  Mine also added up to 55 mins, but I bailed at 50 mins.  Pretty hard workout!  You can check my log if interested.  I'm checking yours!Laughing

I am a day behind in logging the details.  Now I am back off to the basement to wire in the speakers. 


2008-11-22 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1821359

Subject: RE: Increase your Cycling Power over the winter = Faster times on 2009
aquagirl - 2008-11-22 5:17 PM

Just did Q2...wicked good! I'm loving this! I went by RPE today instead of HR. Way more fun to just pedal my heart out and go by feel rather than staring at a monitor. I think my bike zones are WAY off anyway so it will be good to retest.

 Here is a question for you: I'm staying in the large chain ring, making sure to keep a good cadence with no mashing, and switching gears up and down to vary the effort. Is this OK ?Or  should I be in the small chain ring for some magical trainer reason that I don't know of?!


I was clsoe to the same question.  I am staying on the middle up front and the fourth in the back.  I really wanted to shift up, but thought I should stay the same gearing for the same parameters.  I think it was GregK that is shifting, thats my plan on Sunday.



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