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2012-05-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4229298

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

lisac957 - 2012-05-25 1:45 PM Or the hunting photos of them holding up a deer head or a pile of dead birds. Sexeh.

in virginia...that appeals to LOTS of girls.  (not me)

2012-05-25 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4229319

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-25 1:52 PM
Sous - 2012-05-25 10:47 AM

lisac957 - 2012-05-25 1:45 PM Or the hunting photos of them holding up a deer head or a pile of dead birds. Sexeh.

Hey wait a minute... I thought chicks dig the whole hunter-provider thing?

As long as you are smiling, and not wearing a hat or sunglasses or holding dead things in your hands!  Otherwise yeah, we love that!

OIC... more provider and less hunter huh... better then to pose with my W-2?

2012-05-25 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4229319

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San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-25 10:52 AM
Sous - 2012-05-25 10:47 AM

lisac957 - 2012-05-25 1:45 PM Or the hunting photos of them holding up a deer head or a pile of dead birds. Sexeh.

Hey wait a minute... I thought chicks dig the whole hunter-provider thing?

As long as you are smiling, and not wearing a hat or sunglasses or and holding a stack of dead things presidents in your hands!  Otherwise yeah, we love that!


2012-05-25 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4229320

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
mehaner - 2012-05-25 10:53 AM

lisac957 - 2012-05-25 1:45 PM Or the hunting photos of them holding up a deer head or a pile of dead birds. Sexeh.

in virginia...that appeals to LOTS of girls.  (not me)

I went to college in Michigan, and that almost seemed like a prerequisite for a lot of the girls there.  Too bad I was a city boy and have never hunted before!  I still have no desire to hunt...except on a triathlon site dating thread  haha

2012-05-25 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4229331

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2012-05-25 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4229351

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I had a hilarious conversation with one guy I met online in which he showed me all the boob shots of women on OKC on his iPad. The best part of it was him saying, "Really?!? That's how you want to portray yourself? Really?!?" over and over.

Got him some definite bonus points.

As for men, I've only had 1 date where the guy was clearly not how he portrayed himself. We'd talked a lot about running/yoga/fitness. He was a former yoga instructor, yada, yada, yada. When we met for coffee he was clearly older and heavier than his photos, and when I suggested a walk, he begrudgingly complied. He made it 4 blocks and had to sit down. Turned out, he was on full disability for arthritis. Geez.

2012-05-25 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Love the Iceberg comment!!!

I hate the group pics that guys post and then don't even say "iIm the 3rd one in on the right".  Does that mean i can date one of his hotter friends?  Let's not forget the ones of him surfing and the pics are taken from the shore, yep I know exactly what you look like from100 yards away!  Also not a fan of all of the food and landscape pictures in dating profiles!!! 

2012-05-27 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4229180

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Teejaay - 2012-05-25 11:47 AM I still seem to only attract men with 70's porn staches and donald trump hair and sleeveless t-shirts. Sigh.

Bored at work so I was catching up on this thread.  Thanks TeeJaay......now I have stupid porn music in my head.  I guess I better hit you tube and find something else to listen to.

2012-05-29 8:30 AM
in reply to: #4229309

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
djake80 - 2012-05-25 12:49 PM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-25 9:31 AM
blueyedbikergirl - 2012-05-25 9:08 AM
djake80 - 2012-05-25 10:54 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-25 7:45 AM
mehaner - 2012-05-25 6:13 AM

djake80 - 2012-05-24 10:59 PM Not much really happening for me lately, but then again I haven't really tried meeting anybody.  My friends from Chicago have been trying to get me to move back lately, and I told them the only reason I'd ever move back (or anywhere else for that matter) was for a girl, so they've already set me up with 2 dates when I go back for two weeks in July.  Not putting much faith in it, but they're cute as hell and should at least be a fun time!

you have awesome friends.


I am digging OKC much better than match.  Wasn't having much luck there at first, changed my profile and BAM - I'm 2 for 3!  Emailed 3 women, received 2 replies.  The first - we had to cancel our first date (but the rain check is still dangling out there) - the 2nd, for our first date this Sunday, we are going on a 10 mile hike.  She's into Mtn Biking, Rock Climbing, Mtn Climbing, Camping etc.  She's younger than me, and into the outdoors and she's adventurous.  Sure hoping for a little chemistry this time, and hoping that she's not 30 lbs heavier than any of her pictures (like the last date was).  

My favorite is girls that have pics of them hiking/climbing a mountain/running a race, etc and their profile makes them look, and they even state that they ARE ACTIVE, and then you meet them, and start talking, and the pics were from the ONE time they did that activity like 2 years ago, and never want to do those activities when I bring them up.  Am I the only one that this happens to?  The closest I've gotten is little babies that whine 10 minutes into starting a hike (seriously, this has happened at least 6-7 times that I can think of). 

As for the second part...WHY DO THEY DO THAT?!?  Don't they realize that they're setting up guys to think they look different than they actually do, and then be disappointed when you meet?  And then they complain because all the guys they meet are jerks and don't call them back...oh wait...self confidence issues...we all have them, no excuse!

This goes both ways.  The number of guys that I met on-line that lied about their height, weight and/or activity level still astounds me.  Did they somehow think that I wouldn't notice that they're actually 5'7" (and shorter than me) instead of the 'listed' height of 6'0"?

Too funny - It does crack me up how many women think walking to their car makes them active.  

Guys fudge their profiles too?  Shocker That cracks me up though - the height? What kind of a dumb a** lies about his height?  

Also funny how many girls list their body type as "athletic" who are nothing more than skinny.  Sorry ladies, skinny body and athletic body are NOT the same thing!!! 

And I know that guys do the same thing haha I just was saying the experience that I've had...which doesn't include guys.  Just funny how both sides lie on a website hoping you won't notice the completely different person that shows up! 

So Skinny people can't be athletic?  As far as I know athletic is an adverb, so it is more about what you can do rather than how you look.  I am 6'6 185 lbs so I would be considered skinny.  I can also high jump 6'4.  The dictionary definition for athletic is "physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports."  In my opinion athletic body type can be any number of things, not just guys who lift a lot to "look" athletic.

2012-05-29 9:07 AM
in reply to: #4232889

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
adammoney - 2012-05-29 8:30 AM

So Skinny people can't be athletic?  As far as I know athletic is an adverb, so it is more about what you can do rather than how you look.  I am 6'6 185 lbs so I would be considered skinny.  I can also high jump 6'4.  The dictionary definition for athletic is "physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports."  In my opinion athletic body type can be any number of things, not just guys who lift a lot to "look" athletic.

I don't think he said that skinny people can't be athletic. I think he said, "Nothing but skinny." There's skinny weak and there's skinny strong. I had a date on Friday with a rock climber. Definitely the skinny strong type. No fat on the guy, but also nothing but muscle. My sister, on the other hand, was always skinny weak growing up. No fat on her, either, but also no muscle.

And then there's athletic like me - not skinny, but lots of muscle under whatever padding there is. "Athletic" comes in all shapes and sizes.
2012-05-29 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4232972

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
DeannaS - 2012-05-29 9:07 AM
adammoney - 2012-05-29 8:30 AM

So Skinny people can't be athletic?  As far as I know athletic is an adverb, so it is more about what you can do rather than how you look.  I am 6'6 185 lbs so I would be considered skinny.  I can also high jump 6'4.  The dictionary definition for athletic is "physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports."  In my opinion athletic body type can be any number of things, not just guys who lift a lot to "look" athletic.

I don't think he said that skinny people can't be athletic. I think he said, "Nothing but skinny." There's skinny weak and there's skinny strong. I had a date on Friday with a rock climber. Definitely the skinny strong type. No fat on the guy, but also nothing but muscle. My sister, on the other hand, was always skinny weak growing up. No fat on her, either, but also no muscle. And then there's athletic like me - not skinny, but lots of muscle under whatever padding there is. "Athletic" comes in all shapes and sizes.

I agree, I just don't think athletic is a good way to describe someones body type.  That was the main point I was trying to make.  Whenever I am filling out something like that I struggle with the decision to put Slim/Skinny or Athletic.

2012-05-29 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

I have decided that I will not contact anyone that does not have current pictures that are of their entire face and taken at a normal, straight on angle.  

I had a date this weekend with a girl who's pictures were 1/2 a face pictures, taken from weird angles, or her mouth was closed.  On the OK Cupid part where it asks "what do people first notice about you" she said her "sun kissed freckles" and that she is "attractive".  

She had very large front teeth, a very weak chin and a bit more "padding" around the tummy than I prefer.  I know "attractive" is subjective, but if you lined up 100 men and/or women, I'll bet less than 5 would have used the word "attractive" to describe her.  Most probably would have said "plain" or "average".  

She was very nice - we did a 10 mile hike and the conversation was good, but I told her at lunch that I did not feel any "physical attraction".  We are keeping in touch, and plan on being friends.

2012-05-29 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4232972

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2012-05-29 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4233061

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-29 9:41 AM

And then there's athletic like me - not skinny, but lots of muscle under whatever padding there is. "Athletic" comes in all shapes and sizes.

That's me too, Deanna!  I never know if I should say "few extra pounds",  "athletic", "curvy" ... to some men curvy is fat.  A few extra is fat.  Athletic is skinny.  Average is skinny.  Everyone has a different perception of those labels.

I like to think of my extra padding as bubble wrap protecting the fine china that lies beneath! 

Ha! Nice way to put it.

In the last week I've had one guy describe me as sinewy and another describe me as "comfortably soft." And both meant it as a compliment. So much is in the eye of the beholder. But, I think the eye of the beholder is greatly influenced by the way one carries one's self. If you feel good and act confident, it shows through and body "type" becomes less important.
2012-05-29 10:06 AM
in reply to: #4233102

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

2012-05-29 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4233061

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-29 9:41 AM
DeannaS - 2012-05-29 7:07 AM
adammoney - 2012-05-29 8:30 AM

So Skinny people can't be athletic?  As far as I know athletic is an adverb, so it is more about what you can do rather than how you look.  I am 6'6 185 lbs so I would be considered skinny.  I can also high jump 6'4.  The dictionary definition for athletic is "physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports."  In my opinion athletic body type can be any number of things, not just guys who lift a lot to "look" athletic.

I don't think he said that skinny people can't be athletic. I think he said, "Nothing but skinny." There's skinny weak and there's skinny strong. I had a date on Friday with a rock climber. Definitely the skinny strong type. No fat on the guy, but also nothing but muscle. My sister, on the other hand, was always skinny weak growing up. No fat on her, either, but also no muscle. And then there's athletic like me - not skinny, but lots of muscle under whatever padding there is. "Athletic" comes in all shapes and sizes.

That's me too, Deanna!  I never know if I should say "few extra pounds",  "athletic", "curvy" ... to some men curvy is fat.  A few extra is fat.  Athletic is skinny.  Average is skinny.  Everyone has a different perception of those labels.

I like to think of my extra padding as bubble wrap protecting the fine china that lies beneath! 

I like that description too!  The best (worst?) I had was when a guy friend of mine described me as a "pretty brick sh*thouse" I'm still not sure if he meant it in a good way or not...

A little extra padding doesn't mean that we're not athletic! 

2012-05-29 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4233141

Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

2012-05-29 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4233178

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-29 10:17 AM
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

Ha!  You just reminded me of my worst online dating experience ever.  The date lasted 7 minutes, and yes, I counted. 

2012-05-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4233178

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-29 10:17 AM
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

Yessss. Current pics please, friends!
Too many times I see pictures with actual date stamps in the corner from 2005, 2006, 2007... really? More than 5 years old? 

I understand we all want to put our best foot/face forward. You want to make yourself look good. But maybe if you don't have any "good" photos that are current... next time you go out on the town, have a friend snap a pic of you! There you go! You look great, and it's current!


2012-05-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4233211

Subject: ...
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2012-05-29 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4233268

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-29 11:46 AM
lisac957 - 2012-05-29 8:26 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-29 10:17 AM
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

Yessss. Current pics please, friends!
Too many times I see pictures with actual date stamps in the corner from 2005, 2006, 2007... really? More than 5 years old? 

I understand we all want to put our best foot/face forward. You want to make yourself look good. But maybe if you don't have any "good" photos that are current... next time you go out on the town, have a friend snap a pic of you! There you go! You look great, and it's current! :)


Yep.  EVERYONE has, or knows someone that has, at least a cell phone camera.  No excuse for a non current photo! And please .. no more fish in your pics guys.  k?  Please? 

As long as women stop with the cat and dog pics. When I was online dating if I saw more than one picture with a pet, or a pic of the pet alone, that profile would be removed from consideration. The same with camera in the mirror, or held at arms length and the arm is visible in the photo. Another red flag was a drink in the hand in the majority of the pictures. One thing I found attractive was pictures that showed the real person; candid shots of the person being active, or even just sitting there, but pictures that were clearly NOT posed.

ETA - I was at the online dating thing for a while and got to the point where I was very particular... and it worked.

Edited by mrbbrad 2012-05-29 10:58 AM

2012-05-29 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4233268

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Teejaay - 2012-05-29 10:46 AM
lisac957 - 2012-05-29 8:26 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-29 10:17 AM
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

Yessss. Current pics please, friends!
Too many times I see pictures with actual date stamps in the corner from 2005, 2006, 2007... really? More than 5 years old? 

I understand we all want to put our best foot/face forward. You want to make yourself look good. But maybe if you don't have any "good" photos that are current... next time you go out on the town, have a friend snap a pic of you! There you go! You look great, and it's current! :)


Yep.  EVERYONE has, or knows someone that has, at least a cell phone camera.  No excuse for a non current photo! And please .. no more fish in your pics guys.  k?  Please? 

^^  a few of my dealbreakers:  guys posing with fish, cars, deer, or motorcycles.  Oh and bathroom shots. Sorry, but not ever. ever ever!  You know what that says to me? you have no friends to take your picture!

2012-05-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4233323

Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 11:14 AM
Teejaay - 2012-05-29 10:46 AM
lisac957 - 2012-05-29 8:26 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-29 10:17 AM
turtlegirl - 2012-05-29 8:06 AM

i like the protecting the fine china comment! Comes in handy when I fall off my bike or horse!

I think your best bet is to put multiple pictures, so there is no question.  Some men dig muscles and curves, and others want only the size 0 or 2 (or as I usually see it written, petite.  When in all actuality, petite only means short).  We'd almost be better with sizes than body type. 

This is the key, just make sure they are current pictures and include a couple of full body pics.  I imagine this would apply to the guys also.  I'm assuming you ladies have shown up on dates with guys that looked fit in their pics, then you saw their huge beer gut hanging over their pants.  

Yessss. Current pics please, friends!
Too many times I see pictures with actual date stamps in the corner from 2005, 2006, 2007... really? More than 5 years old? 

I understand we all want to put our best foot/face forward. You want to make yourself look good. But maybe if you don't have any "good" photos that are current... next time you go out on the town, have a friend snap a pic of you! There you go! You look great, and it's current! :)


Yep.  EVERYONE has, or knows someone that has, at least a cell phone camera.  No excuse for a non current photo! And please .. no more fish in your pics guys.  k?  Please? 

^^  a few of my dealbreakers:  guys posing with fish, cars, deer, or motorcycles.  Oh and bathroom shots. Sorry, but not ever. ever ever!  You know what that says to me? you have no friends to take your picture!

I agree about the bathroom mirror pics.  At the very least you should have a mirror somewhere else in the house.

2012-05-29 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4233327

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Whats sad about online dating,, I had no idea what people were talking about with "OKC"  I was thinking it was something about oklahoma city.   

I went on christian mingle a few weeks ago, since I do a lot of photo work for a couple of large church's in the area.   Maybe it's since I wasn't expecting much both from that site and online dating in general but I"ve been on quite a few dates in that time.   Go Me !!!

2012-05-29 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4232889

Irvine, California
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
adammoney - 2012-05-29 6:30 AM
djake80 - 2012-05-25 12:49 PM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-25 9:31 AM
blueyedbikergirl - 2012-05-25 9:08 AM
djake80 - 2012-05-25 10:54 AM
Muskrat37 - 2012-05-25 7:45 AM
mehaner - 2012-05-25 6:13 AM

djake80 - 2012-05-24 10:59 PM Not much really happening for me lately, but then again I haven't really tried meeting anybody.  My friends from Chicago have been trying to get me to move back lately, and I told them the only reason I'd ever move back (or anywhere else for that matter) was for a girl, so they've already set me up with 2 dates when I go back for two weeks in July.  Not putting much faith in it, but they're cute as hell and should at least be a fun time!

you have awesome friends.


I am digging OKC much better than match.  Wasn't having much luck there at first, changed my profile and BAM - I'm 2 for 3!  Emailed 3 women, received 2 replies.  The first - we had to cancel our first date (but the rain check is still dangling out there) - the 2nd, for our first date this Sunday, we are going on a 10 mile hike.  She's into Mtn Biking, Rock Climbing, Mtn Climbing, Camping etc.  She's younger than me, and into the outdoors and she's adventurous.  Sure hoping for a little chemistry this time, and hoping that she's not 30 lbs heavier than any of her pictures (like the last date was).  

My favorite is girls that have pics of them hiking/climbing a mountain/running a race, etc and their profile makes them look, and they even state that they ARE ACTIVE, and then you meet them, and start talking, and the pics were from the ONE time they did that activity like 2 years ago, and never want to do those activities when I bring them up.  Am I the only one that this happens to?  The closest I've gotten is little babies that whine 10 minutes into starting a hike (seriously, this has happened at least 6-7 times that I can think of). 

As for the second part...WHY DO THEY DO THAT?!?  Don't they realize that they're setting up guys to think they look different than they actually do, and then be disappointed when you meet?  And then they complain because all the guys they meet are jerks and don't call them back...oh wait...self confidence issues...we all have them, no excuse!

This goes both ways.  The number of guys that I met on-line that lied about their height, weight and/or activity level still astounds me.  Did they somehow think that I wouldn't notice that they're actually 5'7" (and shorter than me) instead of the 'listed' height of 6'0"?

Too funny - It does crack me up how many women think walking to their car makes them active.  

Guys fudge their profiles too?  Shocker That cracks me up though - the height? What kind of a dumb a** lies about his height?  

Also funny how many girls list their body type as "athletic" who are nothing more than skinny.  Sorry ladies, skinny body and athletic body are NOT the same thing!!! 

And I know that guys do the same thing haha I just was saying the experience that I've had...which doesn't include guys.  Just funny how both sides lie on a website hoping you won't notice the completely different person that shows up! 

So Skinny people can't be athletic?  As far as I know athletic is an adverb, so it is more about what you can do rather than how you look.  I am 6'6 185 lbs so I would be considered skinny.  I can also high jump 6'4.  The dictionary definition for athletic is "physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports."  In my opinion athletic body type can be any number of things, not just guys who lift a lot to "look" athletic.

I'm not saying that at all.  I'm just saying that i've met "athletic body type" girls that "love to workout, hike, etc" but they couldn't keep pace with the line for Magic Mountain at Disney World...in July.  I also don't think that athletic body type means guys who lift a lot.  That's not athletic, that's "built."  I was just trying to say that just because you're skinny, that does NOT mean you look, or are, athletic.  Athletic, however can definitely by skinny! 

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