BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-12-17 3:28 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by ligersandtions

I've been struggling on the bike recently and can't seem to figure out what my deal is...

Has anyone ever actually gotten WORSE on the bike, despite putting in the time and effort (i.e. not having FTP drop as a result of taking an extended break or anything like that)?


Also, my swimming has felt pretty awful recently too.  On a positive note, my running has been decent.  Here's to hoping things work themselves out, as I'm supposed to start my build for St. George come the start of the new year!

Any suggestions on what to look at or how to fix my jacked up power meter (or just tell me to retest and deal with the fact that my FTP has dropped over the past two months)  would be appreciated.

OK, I don't know you so maybe I should let others reply to this but for grins, I went back to your training log and read a bunch of posts going back to November.  I see several posts about a nagging cough after Ragnar, some personal life changes, hard to hit target workouts, etc...none related to a potentially broken power meter (?).   It looks like your racing season ended in late September (?)....did you take a break after that to recharge the batteries?   As a total stranger reading your posts the first thing that popped into my head is that you have hit a stale state both physically and mentally that has creeped up on you without you realizing it - potentially made worse by the coughing issue.   Maybe you're in need of a simple rest period?

My A race was in July -- after that, I took a full six weeks off of biking and running (well, I had been off running for over a year at that point).  After that, I started running again and did a few smaller races.  So I did take a break, but I guess it wasn't really an end of the season break.  It was after my break that I got my power meter and started being able to run again, so there's a good possibility that I may just be in need of a rest period....or maybe just a break from the bike.

And yeah, the personal crap I'm dealing with may very well have something to do with the motivational issues and difficulty hitting power.  Not to mention, I've also dropped about four pounds in the past (just over) month, which equates to almost 4% of my body weight.  But the most frustrating part was the big change that happened one week ago.


And to Marc -- I will bring my bike to the shop to see if they can get the speed sensor working again.  I have no idea what the problem is -- the sensor and the magnet all seem to be in place.  I push the reset button on it, it flashes red, then green, then nothing....I've tried pairing it with my 910, 800, and TrainerRoad, and none of them are able to find it.  I'll also ask them to take a look and see if there's anything wonky going on.  I put the bike on the stand over the weekend and cleaned it thoroughly, but I barely know what I'm looking at.  Nothing seemed terribly amiss, but it could very well be that I just don't know what I should be looking for.

Don't underestimate how detrimental stress can be to one physical well being. Hope it gets better.

2013-12-17 3:44 PM
in reply to: marcag

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by ligersandtions
I've also dropped about four pounds in the past (just over) month, which equates to almost 4% of my body weight. 

I suspect there are several things going on. This certainly doesn't help.

Yes, I agree - I was just logging on to say the only two times I have suffered such was 1) when I was really time-stressed at work and training became an unenjoyable chore that I just didn't have time for - especially the hard stuff that took a lot of mental focus and 2) the time I crashed my weight a few years ago to get to "race weight." Like an idiot I dropped about 5% BW in about a month. And then had one of the worst, underpowered races ever. Lesson learned.

If it is any consolation I have been in a little bit of a similar place for the past few months. After 3 straight years of IM training without a break I found myself not really burned out but honestly really needing to tend to other things for a while. So while I kept working out here and there as I could I didn't wear a watch or use a bike computer and did mostly easy fun stuff. I didn't swim at all. So now I feel great (albeit a little fat!) and think I am ready to give it another go. Sure I wish my numbers were better (when I rode my bike this weekend I swear I thought my power meter was broken as well), but not at the expense and stress that all of the "un-attended stuff" was causing. So my advice is to not worry too much about the numbers at the moment - I find when life piles on chasing numbers tends to make it worse, not better. Your St. George build starts soon enough so until then, think about laying low and just starting fresh when the new year rolls around.
2013-12-17 8:32 PM
in reply to: TankBoy

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Thanks for all the input, guys!  I appreciate it!

I think there are a LOT of factors playing into this right now, so I'm going to take some time (basically till the end of the year) to take it easy and just do what I want when I want.  That probably means skipping a trainer ride or two this week, doing a fun group ride this weekend, and then taking the following week off of riding.  Swimming is usually fun....yesterday was not.  I'll go tomorrow and if it's not fun tomorrow, I'll take Friday off and probably take next week off.  

Right now, running actually is fun.  I don't think I've ever said that!  And after coming off a year of not running, I'm just really grateful to be running.  And I'm keeping everything easy, so as long as it stays easy and fun, I'll keep at it. 

I think when a lot of little things pile up, it takes a bigger toll than I realized.  Time to back off and recharge a bit....and come back really wanting it. 

2013-12-18 11:10 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Ron just put up the call for mentors


2013-12-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

today's trainer fun.   main set 5 x 5' at 300, 2' at 200.

Today's scale no fun:  198.2

I just lose focus on what my goals are.  I know I get a little slack this time of year, but this is the first holiday season since I lost a bunch of weight, so the going up thing for the off season freaks me out a little. 

2013-12-18 12:17 PM
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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by ChrisM

today's trainer fun.   main set 5 x 5' at 300, 2' at 200.

Today's scale no fun:  198.2

I just lose focus on what my goals are.  I know I get a little slack this time of year, but this is the first holiday season since I lost a bunch of weight, so the going up thing for the off season freaks me out a little. 

What is your race weight target again?

Holidays are always tough (in lots of ways) - have to balance the fun with the stress and aftereffects! 

ETA: I've watched my weight come up from ~155 to ~165 (race weight to off season).  Now that i'm back on a more structured plan, it's dropped a couple pounds, about where I think I'll keep it for the next couple months until the build for June, when I'll let it drop slowly to race target (where I only sit for a couple weeks).


Edited by mcmanusclan5 2013-12-18 12:19 PM

2013-12-18 12:21 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by ChrisM

today's trainer fun.   main set 5 x 5' at 300, 2' at 200.

Today's scale no fun:  198.2

I just lose focus on what my goals are.  I know I get a little slack this time of year, but this is the first holiday season since I lost a bunch of weight, so the going up thing for the off season freaks me out a little. 

What is your race weight target again?

Holidays are always tough (in lots of ways) - have to balance the fun with the stress and aftereffects! 

185.  I was ok hovering around 195.  but the scale has been ticking up slowly...   Honestly, I am scared sh**less of going back to 270........I know it's all under my control, but the last couple months have revealed to me my true nature of eating, that if I am not 100% focused on manking right choices, I will most always make the wrong choice.   This is old childhood stuff, the reason I eat what and how I do, that I guess will always be with me. 

2013-12-18 1:12 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

As I did last year, my plan is to not start up the new version of this group until most of the other mentor groups fill up.  We can still be active in the archives until then.

2013-12-18 1:44 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

I wasn't planning on starting my own group...but Fred's little speech about giving back motivated me.

If anyone wants to co-mentor a group with me, I started "2014 Rookies" group in the staging area to focus on new athletes to the sport.  Feel free to just post a bio in there and declare yourself a don't need my permission.  Anyone in this group is more than welcome and qualified.    Also not limited to 2 mentors...we can have 3-4 and I would be fine with that.


2013-12-18 4:56 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Ha you guys beat me to it.....

My Group

BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group
2013-12-18 5:00 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Any sense of when these groups will start to be posted and go live?  I almost missed it entirely last go round on a business trip - got back and whamo, many had filled.



2013-12-18 5:05 PM
in reply to: 0

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Ron said a week or two as they fill.

Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?

Edited by BrotherTri 2013-12-18 5:06 PM
2013-12-18 5:10 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Ron said a week or two as they fill.

Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?

Apparently, if you tell them Jason is part of your group all the women join.
2013-12-18 5:12 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by BrotherTri Ron said a week or two as they fill. Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?

Once groups go live, people will see the groups and people just post a reply in your thread asking to be "in."  Once you feel you have the number of people you want, then you post a reply changing the name of the subject to "Closed."

Sometimes savy people will be able to find your group in the staging area, and want to join before it goes you may want to check in to your group before it goes live just in case.  Fred's groups in the past typically used to fill before going live.

I suppose you could post something in TT advertising your group...I don't think there is any harm in that, but maybe check with Ron first via PM.

2013-12-18 5:19 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by BrotherTri Ron said a week or two as they fill. Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?

Once groups go live, people will see the groups and people just post a reply in your thread asking to be "in."  Once you feel you have the number of people you want, then you post a reply changing the name of the subject to "Closed."

Sometimes savy people will be able to find your group in the staging area, and want to join before it goes you may want to check in to your group before it goes live just in case.  Fred's groups in the past typically used to fill before going live.

I suppose you could post something in TT advertising your group...I don't think there is any harm in that, but maybe check with Ron first via PM.

Too late.....I post a craigslist add and thru it up on eBay services.......
2013-12-18 5:32 PM
in reply to: Jason N

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by Jason N

I wasn't planning on starting my own group...but Fred's little speech about giving back motivated me.

If anyone wants to co-mentor a group with me, I started "2014 Rookies" group in the staging area to focus on new athletes to the sport.  Feel free to just post a bio in there and declare yourself a don't need my permission.  Anyone in this group is more than welcome and qualified.    Also not limited to 2 mentors...we can have 3-4 and I would be fine with that.


Hey Jason, I think I may take you up on that.  I'll post a bio in the thread.

2013-12-18 5:49 PM
in reply to: axteraa

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by Jason N

I wasn't planning on starting my own group...but Fred's little speech about giving back motivated me.

If anyone wants to co-mentor a group with me, I started "2014 Rookies" group in the staging area to focus on new athletes to the sport.  Feel free to just post a bio in there and declare yourself a don't need my permission.  Anyone in this group is more than welcome and qualified.    Also not limited to 2 mentors...we can have 3-4 and I would be fine with that.


Hey Jason, I think I may take you up on that.  I'll post a bio in the thread.

Oh thank God.  I thought I was going to have to answer all the swimming questions by myself.    Nicole should be joining as well.  Looking forward to it.

2013-12-18 6:44 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Subject: ...
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2013-12-18 6:44 PM
in reply to: Jason N

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by Jason N

I wasn't planning on starting my own group...but Fred's little speech about giving back motivated me.

If anyone wants to co-mentor a group with me, I started "2014 Rookies" group in the staging area to focus on new athletes to the sport.  Feel free to just post a bio in there and declare yourself a don't need my permission.  Anyone in this group is more than welcome and qualified.    Also not limited to 2 mentors...we can have 3-4 and I would be fine with that.


Hey Jason, I think I may take you up on that.  I'll post a bio in the thread.

Oh thank God.  I thought I was going to have to answer all the swimming questions by myself.    Nicole should be joining as well.  Looking forward to it.

You guy are going to have a Kick butt group!!!!

2013-12-18 6:45 PM
in reply to: marcag

Subject: ...
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2013-12-18 6:48 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

Subject: ...
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2013-12-18 6:52 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Subject: ...
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2013-12-18 7:37 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN
Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by BrotherTriRon said a week or two as they fill.Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?
. James, I think you will be an admirable mentor! You've got great ironman experience and tri experience dating back to the 80s. Also your military service is going to be a big draw. Honestly I think another way to get people to want to join is to have a focus, long course, swimming, biking, etc, but this is not necessary.

Thanks Fred! You, Marc and I am sure other have confidence in me. I will do my best. To be honest I did not even consider my military services as a draw.

2013-12-19 2:46 AM
in reply to: Fred D

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

Originally posted by Fred D
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by BrotherTriRon said a week or two as they fill.Question: How do we get people to join our/my group?
Apparently, if you tell them Jason is part of your group all the women join.
I too, have noticed that :-)

It's why I joined.... wait, what?

2013-12-19 6:21 AM
in reply to: axteraa

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia Season II - OPEN

VO2max workout on the trainer this morning - 5 x 3' > 315w and then my cooldown was an hour of clearing snow with the snow blower.  Sometimes I think the snow blowing is a harder workout!  We got about a foot of snow yesterday and I just heard that we may get another one on Sunday.

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Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
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