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2013-05-02 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4725290

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
KansasMom - 2013-05-02 8:18 PM
TankBoy - 2013-05-02 6:49 PM
tri808 - 2013-05-02 4:09 PM

SBR Utopians!!!

I do plan to have this group continue on as is, but I do not plan to submit the actual "application" to Ron until the end of the sign up process.  It seems that this group is quite popular among lurkers, which is fine, but I want to give the other mentors a chance to have their groups fill up who can provide more personalized attention.

I just don't want a newbie signing up for this group and getting completely lost in Rusty's endless power discussions when they could have signed up for a more appropriate group.  If that newbie still wants to join our discussion afterwards...the door is always open.

Hope that makes sense and is okay with everyone.

phhhhhbbbt. I am following in .Fred's footsteps and ditching power: it is soooooooo last year.

Instead I just installed a set of strain gauges into the ends of my aerobars to create a pair rudimentary dynamometers and I am training strictly by left/right grip strength for the rest of the season. Right now I am trying to decide what secondary metric makes the most sense to bracket it against: barometric pressure or urine salinity? Any of you docs (or soon to be) have a line on a good digital refractometer that is compact enough to fit on a bike? In addition to being small in size it should also cost less than $8500.00 as my preliminary market research shows that is the upper limit that most triathletes are willing to pay for such an advanced training device.

Rusty, Rusty, Rusty. I think you need to take up an extra hobby.

um, I think playing with our minds is his extra hobby

2013-05-02 10:28 PM
in reply to: #4725296

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
bzgl40 - 2013-05-02 10:23 PM
KansasMom - 2013-05-02 8:18 PM
TankBoy - 2013-05-02 6:49 PM
tri808 - 2013-05-02 4:09 PM

SBR Utopians!!!

I do plan to have this group continue on as is, but I do not plan to submit the actual "application" to Ron until the end of the sign up process.  It seems that this group is quite popular among lurkers, which is fine, but I want to give the other mentors a chance to have their groups fill up who can provide more personalized attention.

I just don't want a newbie signing up for this group and getting completely lost in Rusty's endless power discussions when they could have signed up for a more appropriate group.  If that newbie still wants to join our discussion afterwards...the door is always open.

Hope that makes sense and is okay with everyone.

phhhhhbbbt. I am following in .Fred's footsteps and ditching power: it is soooooooo last year.

Instead I just installed a set of strain gauges into the ends of my aerobars to create a pair rudimentary dynamometers and I am training strictly by left/right grip strength for the rest of the season. Right now I am trying to decide what secondary metric makes the most sense to bracket it against: barometric pressure or urine salinity? Any of you docs (or soon to be) have a line on a good digital refractometer that is compact enough to fit on a bike? In addition to being small in size it should also cost less than $8500.00 as my preliminary market research shows that is the upper limit that most triathletes are willing to pay for such an advanced training device.

Rusty, Rusty, Rusty. I think you need to take up an extra hobby.

um, I think playing with our minds is his extra hobby

You're probably right. This one was sooo good.

2013-05-02 10:33 PM
in reply to: #4724260

User image

Central Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
riorio - 2013-05-02 12:10 PM
kcarroll - 2013-05-02 9:58 AM
marcag - 2013-05-02 12:35 PM

I really like this article on race weight

Lighter does not always mean faster.


Good read. The article states that finding "ideal" race weight is a process of trial and error and you will know when you're there by "feel" during training (my summary). I'd be interested in hearing from some of you on how you know when you're at race weight vs when you've gotten too lean. 

Great read...thanks for posting. I do have some thoughts on this topic because I have been experimenting a bit over the past couple of years to find a good weight for me.

When I got into Triathlon, I was the skinny runner type. I'd been running since age 8 and was naturally thin, even after each of my pregnancies, I went right back to skinny. My body changed a lot when I added swimming and cycling to the mix. I finally got muscles. I also found that I gain muscle pretty quick and stayed very lean. I lost a lot of weight, and muscle when training for IM and got down to that weight where your non-athlete friends start to worry about you. I learned a lot during that time, and Chris touches on it in this's not healthy to stay at that low weight for too long. For females, there's hormonal issues, risk of stress fractures etc. I also caught every cold that was going around and had trouble sleeping. Once I put on some weight, everything regulated but I still had this nagging idea that I needed to get back down to that "racing weight" again. I'd never paid much attention to my weight at any point in my life but I suddenly was aware of it. I was of the thought that leaner=faster. However, along came the bike crash, knee surgery and a long rehab. I put on some more weight and when I started up again, I was mostly swimming and cycling, which for me meant adding muscle mass. I had to let go of the idea that skinny means fast. I have spent the past year or so on my bike. My body has changed and that took some getting used to. I have bigger quads than most guys I know! 

I started to think of nutrition/training/body composition in terms of health rather than a number on the scale. By health I mean sleeping well, feeling energized, avoiding illness, having my hormones in balance, being able to meet my training goals, racing well. I'm at a much higher weight than I used to be but it's not affecting my performance. I have a few races coming up and I will be interested to see if the extra weight hinders me too much. I do know that the measures I would have to go to in order to lose the weight quickly (feeling hungry, weak, getting sick) are not worth it.

Thank you for sharing this. I think this is critical, and I need to hear it.

And regarding quads -- I would add calves, too. My legs just seem huge. And they haven't always been that way. I'm not dissatisfied with it. But when I see people look at them, I have to fight the urge to say "I run and bike" as a way of explaining why they are large. (I was wearing a pair of capris earlier in the week when it was 87F, and I had a difficult time keeping them around my calves - - they kept riding up to my knees. That's new.)

2013-05-03 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4725307

User image

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

Very interesting discussion on weight yesterday!

For me personally, this is the first year I've really paid much attention to my weight.  I decided (completely arbitrarily) that I wanted to try racing at 160 lbs this year which is down 5 from last season.  I'm pretty much at that now and I see no reason to try to go any lower based on how I look and feel.  That said, no one has asked me if I am sick yet so I'm sure I *could* go lower if I decided to.  

A bit of a side note - I was in Kona for Ironman week twice and the overwhelming majority of the people racing were really, really skinny.  To the point where it was difficult to get a good stamp on the arms of some of the smaller women for body marking without squeezing and/or flattening their upper arms a bit.

2013-05-03 6:49 AM
in reply to: #4725457

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2013-05-03 6:57 AM
in reply to: #4725461

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Fred D - 2013-05-03 8:49 AM
axteraa - 2013-05-03 7:45 AM

Very interesting discussion on weight yesterday!

For me personally, this is the first year I've really paid much attention to my weight.  I decided (completely arbitrarily) that I wanted to try racing at 160 lbs this year which is down 5 from last season.  I'm pretty much at that now and I see no reason to try to go any lower based on how I look and feel.  That said, no one has asked me if I am sick yet so I'm sure I *could* go lower if I decided to.  

A bit of a side note - I was in Kona for Ironman week twice and the overwhelming majority of the people racing were really, really skinny.  To the point where it was difficult to get a good stamp on the arms of some of the smaller women for body marking without squeezing and/or flattening their upper arms a bit.

. I think at the very elite level there is a preponderance of very skin people. Especially at Hawaii as being heavier in the heat will not generally allow a great run. I would argue that the top flight Kona competitors are fast but not necessarily healthy....

I agree completely.  Many of the people I saw did not look healthy to me and I can't imagine it's what they typically would look like year round.

Another interesting note is that I met the fastest age grouper in 2011 two days after the race and he didn't fall into the super skinny category at all from what I remember.  It seems to me that he just looked like an athlete that was in really good shape.  

2013-05-03 7:16 AM
in reply to: #4725457

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
axteraa - 2013-05-03 7:45 AM

Very interesting discussion on weight yesterday!

For me personally, this is the first year I've really paid much attention to my weight.  I decided (completely arbitrarily) that I wanted to try racing at 160 lbs this year which is down 5 from last season.  I'm pretty much at that now and I see no reason to try to go any lower based on how I look and feel.  That said, no one has asked me if I am sick yet so I'm sure I *could* go lower if I decided to.  

A bit of a side note - I was in Kona for Ironman week twice and the overwhelming majority of the people racing were really, really skinny.  To the point where it was difficult to get a good stamp on the arms of some of the smaller women for body marking without squeezing and/or flattening their upper arms a bit.

I've found the one and only thing I'll ever have in common with the elite women. LOL. My entire upper body has shed body fat disproportionately with my lower body. I'm pretty scrawny overall right now but the arms have turned into twigs. And I agree this has been a really good discussion. My weight is dropping faster than I'd like. As Sally mentioned, I think the issues for women get a bit more complicated although they don't have an exclusive on weight/eating disorders. I'm post menopausal so the hormone issues aren't really an issue but risk of stress fracture is something I take pretty seriously. 

2013-05-03 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4724727

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
tri808 - 2013-05-02 4:09 PM

SBR Utopians!!!

I do plan to have this group continue on as is, but I do not plan to submit the actual "application" to Ron until the end of the sign up process.  It seems that this group is quite popular among lurkers, which is fine, but I want to give the other mentors a chance to have their groups fill up who can provide more personalized attention.

I just don't want a newbie signing up for this group and getting completely lost in Rusty's endless power discussions when they could have signed up for a more appropriate group.  If that newbie still wants to join our discussion afterwards...the door is always open.

Hope that makes sense and is okay with everyone.

You mean guys like me? I think this is a good idea, much of the conversation in here would have scared me away a couple of years ago. But where I stand now, I at least can understand 1/3 of it.

2013-05-03 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4725474

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
axteraa - 2013-05-03 7:57 AM
Fred D - 2013-05-03 8:49 AM
axteraa - 2013-05-03 7:45 AM

Very interesting discussion on weight yesterday!

For me personally, this is the first year I've really paid much attention to my weight.  I decided (completely arbitrarily) that I wanted to try racing at 160 lbs this year which is down 5 from last season.  I'm pretty much at that now and I see no reason to try to go any lower based on how I look and feel.  That said, no one has asked me if I am sick yet so I'm sure I *could* go lower if I decided to.  

A bit of a side note - I was in Kona for Ironman week twice and the overwhelming majority of the people racing were really, really skinny.  To the point where it was difficult to get a good stamp on the arms of some of the smaller women for body marking without squeezing and/or flattening their upper arms a bit.

. I think at the very elite level there is a preponderance of very skin people. Especially at Hawaii as being heavier in the heat will not generally allow a great run. I would argue that the top flight Kona competitors are fast but not necessarily healthy....

I agree completely.  Many of the people I saw did not look healthy to me and I can't imagine it's what they typically would look like year round.

Another interesting note is that I met the fastest age grouper in 2011 two days after the race and he didn't fall into the super skinny category at all from what I remember.  It seems to me that he just looked like an athlete that was in really good shape.  

I think that echo's Macca's point that even many pros and elite age groupers tend to get this wrong.

2013-05-03 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4725537

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
cdban66 - 2013-05-03 5:51 AM
tri808 - 2013-05-02 4:09 PM

SBR Utopians!!!

I do plan to have this group continue on as is, but I do not plan to submit the actual "application" to Ron until the end of the sign up process.  It seems that this group is quite popular among lurkers, which is fine, but I want to give the other mentors a chance to have their groups fill up who can provide more personalized attention.

I just don't want a newbie signing up for this group and getting completely lost in Rusty's endless power discussions when they could have signed up for a more appropriate group.  If that newbie still wants to join our discussion afterwards...the door is always open.

Hope that makes sense and is okay with everyone.

You mean guys like me? I think this is a good idea, much of the conversation in here would have scared me away a couple of years ago. But where I stand now, I at least can understand 1/3 of it.

Doing better then me...

2013-05-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4725293

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
bzgl40 - 2013-05-02 11:21 PM
ChrisM - 2013-05-02 12:31 PM

So there has always been a focus on weight with me, but not necessarily in a healthy sense.  OK, this was a bit more of a ramble than a discussion of the question, but really just to say I have no frame of reference yet for what is a healthy weight.  I bought Racing Weight by Fitzgerald, but haven't yet really read it.  I also have to admit to being terrified of goig "back there," which I very easily could do if left to my own (de)vices. 

Chris, it takes the mind a long time to catch up to the body when you lose weight.  I went through it (probably still am in a sense) and I know many others who went through the same.  Your thoughts are completely normal IMO, and because of that I think you need to trust those who know you and can really judge you

That is the most clear and succinct I have ever read that anywhere. Really well put!

2013-05-03 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4725307

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
KansasMom - 2013-05-02 11:33 PM
riorio - 2013-05-02 12:10 PM
kcarroll - 2013-05-02 9:58 AM
marcag - 2013-05-02 12:35 PM

I really like this article on race weight

Lighter does not always mean faster.


Good read. The article states that finding "ideal" race weight is a process of trial and error and you will know when you're there by "feel" during training (my summary). I'd be interested in hearing from some of you on how you know when you're at race weight vs when you've gotten too lean. 

Great read...thanks for posting. I do have some thoughts on this topic because I have been experimenting a bit over the past couple of years to find a good weight for me.

When I got into Triathlon, I was the skinny runner type. I'd been running since age 8 and was naturally thin, even after each of my pregnancies, I went right back to skinny. My body changed a lot when I added swimming and cycling to the mix. I finally got muscles. I also found that I gain muscle pretty quick and stayed very lean. I lost a lot of weight, and muscle when training for IM and got down to that weight where your non-athlete friends start to worry about you. I learned a lot during that time, and Chris touches on it in this's not healthy to stay at that low weight for too long. For females, there's hormonal issues, risk of stress fractures etc. I also caught every cold that was going around and had trouble sleeping. Once I put on some weight, everything regulated but I still had this nagging idea that I needed to get back down to that "racing weight" again. I'd never paid much attention to my weight at any point in my life but I suddenly was aware of it. I was of the thought that leaner=faster. However, along came the bike crash, knee surgery and a long rehab. I put on some more weight and when I started up again, I was mostly swimming and cycling, which for me meant adding muscle mass. I had to let go of the idea that skinny means fast. I have spent the past year or so on my bike. My body has changed and that took some getting used to. I have bigger quads than most guys I know! 

I started to think of nutrition/training/body composition in terms of health rather than a number on the scale. By health I mean sleeping well, feeling energized, avoiding illness, having my hormones in balance, being able to meet my training goals, racing well. I'm at a much higher weight than I used to be but it's not affecting my performance. I have a few races coming up and I will be interested to see if the extra weight hinders me too much. I do know that the measures I would have to go to in order to lose the weight quickly (feeling hungry, weak, getting sick) are not worth it.

Thank you for sharing this. I think this is critical, and I need to hear it.

And regarding quads -- I would add calves, too. My legs just seem huge. And they haven't always been that way. I'm not dissatisfied with it. But when I see people look at them, I have to fight the urge to say "I run and bike" as a way of explaining why they are large. (I was wearing a pair of capris earlier in the week when it was 87F, and I had a difficult time keeping them around my calves - - they kept riding up to my knees. That's new.)

Hey, don't sweat it - growing up on a beef farm we had the saying "cowboys love strong calves." Sounds like yours are of the free-range variety and simply cannot be kept penned up.

Oh, and don't go thinking that back door weather brag went unnoticed.....

2013-05-03 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4725088

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Fred D - 2013-05-02 7:53 PM
TankBoy - 2013-05-02 7:49 PM
tri808 - 2013-05-02 4:09 PM

SBR Utopians!!!

I do plan to have this group continue on as is, but I do not plan to submit the actual "application" to Ron until the end of the sign up process.  It seems that this group is quite popular among lurkers, which is fine, but I want to give the other mentors a chance to have their groups fill up who can provide more personalized attention.

I just don't want a newbie signing up for this group and getting completely lost in Rusty's endless power discussions when they could have signed up for a more appropriate group.  If that newbie still wants to join our discussion afterwards...the door is always open.

Hope that makes sense and is okay with everyone.

phhhhhbbbt. I am following in .Fred's footsteps and ditching power: it is soooooooo last year.

Instead I just installed a set of strain gauges into the ends of my aerobars to create a pair rudimentary dynamometers and I am training strictly by left/right grip strength for the rest of the season. Right now I am trying to decide what secondary metric makes the most sense to bracket it against: barometric pressure or urine salinity? Any of you docs (or soon to be) have a line on a good digital refractometer that is compact enough to fit on a bike? In addition to being small in size it should also cost less than $8500.00 as my preliminary market research shows that is the upper limit that most triathletes are willing to pay for such an advanced training device.

. I guess I'm sort of like a 'Unabomber' to you aren't I? ;-)

Dude, I am from Alabama. Most of the people I know are like the Unabomber. You are MUCH weirder than that....

2013-05-03 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4543084

Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
I am dragging a bit today....I threw a "goodbye" party for my BFF and training partner last night...she is moving to Hawaii next week! It was so much fun, we went to a local resort that has an extended happy hour and live music. There was a big group of us: a mix of her mom friends, cyclists and triathletes. The theme of the night was "cyclists can't dance" So much fun but a late night for me!
2013-05-03 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4725672

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
riorio - 2013-05-03 9:53 AMI am dragging a bit today....I threw a "goodbye" party for my BFF and training partner last night...she is moving to Hawaii next week! It was so much fun, we went to a local resort that has an extended happy hour and live music. There was a big group of us: a mix of her mom friends, cyclists and triathletes. The theme of the night was "cyclists can't dance" So much fun but a late night for me!

So, what, you are only going to be able to manage an 80 mile recovery ride today?

2013-05-03 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4723479

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Fred D - 2013-05-02 6:49 AMI rode with a guy who went 9:39 at IMMT. Interestingly I don't think he is as strong on the bike as me, but he is clearly in much better shape overall. He's also 24. What amazed me the most was that he pulled off a 3:20 marathon in the race with only 12 miles a week running. That's what I would call truly god given ability. Anyone ever met someone like that?

Yeah, it is sick. As a counterpoint to my one "big dude" training partner that I mentioned to Chris, another of my close friends is also a low 9-hour racer and two-time Kona guy. We first met him with his mom at a race when he was 14 years old and for some crazy reason his mom let him start training with us old dudes. At the time he was so tiny he wore women's bike shorts and they were still so loose on his quads they were baggy around the grippers. His M.O. was to lead out of the water on most races, get gobbled up by the field on the bike, and then run back through the field to podium. He has always sort of been an outlier in the "it's all about the bike" theory of racing, and while he did eventually get much faster on the bike he is still tiny and just an average rider relative to his overall abilities. But he does blister the swim and run. And he always has the fastest transitions of any racer competing. As an aside it is interesting to follow him along now (he just turned 30) and his professional career is in its ascendancy and at the same time he all of the sudden has to train with some consistency to stay fast. Being very good friends we are of course very supportive and would never, ever rag, dog, or make fun of him as he works to balance career and training.

2013-05-03 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4543084

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
My bro brought my new soft shell bike box home last night! Wooooo! Now I don't have to lug the 30lb Thule hard case around. I now have an Evoc. Hopefully this means less airport
2013-05-03 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4725703

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
TankBoy - 2013-05-03 4:13 AM
Fred D - 2013-05-02 6:49 AMI rode with a guy who went 9:39 at IMMT. Interestingly I don't think he is as strong on the bike as me, but he is clearly in much better shape overall. He's also 24. What amazed me the most was that he pulled off a 3:20 marathon in the race with only 12 miles a week running. That's what I would call truly god given ability. Anyone ever met someone like that?

I was doing a 112 mile road race last September and one of the guys from the lead pack flatted and joined me an a few others in the second pack.  Once with us, he just started drilling it with not much need for help up front.  He was pretty casual about it since it was more of a training race for him.  He went to run 10+ miles after the race.

He ended up going 9:16 with a 2:56 marathon at Kona.

2013-05-03 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4543084

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Anyone got their run and swim TSS setup really well in TP?  My TSS numbers look too high, with the exception of the bike, which leads me to believe there is a large amount of user error involved.  Any suggestions?
2013-05-03 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4725677

Central Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
TankBoy - 2013-05-03 8:55 AM
riorio - 2013-05-03 9:53 AMI am dragging a bit today....I threw a "goodbye" party for my BFF and training partner last night...she is moving to Hawaii next week! It was so much fun, we went to a local resort that has an extended happy hour and live music. There was a big group of us: a mix of her mom friends, cyclists and triathletes. The theme of the night was "cyclists can't dance" So much fun but a late night for me!

So, what, you are only going to be able to manage an 80 mile recovery ride today?


Sounds like fun, Sally.

2013-05-03 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4543084

Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Wishing all the best to our weekend racers....looking forward to reading race reports!

2013-05-03 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4725786

Central Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

mndymond - 2013-05-03 9:55 AM My bro brought my new soft shell bike box home last night! Wooooo! Now I don't have to lug the 30lb Thule hard case around. I now have an Evoc. Hopefully this means less airport


That's very nice. Your bike should get frequent flyer miles.

Edited by KansasMom 2013-05-03 10:54 AM
2013-05-03 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4725786

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

mndymond - 2013-05-03 11:55 AM My bro brought my new soft shell bike box home last night! Wooooo! Now I don't have to lug the 30lb Thule hard case around. I now have an Evoc. Hopefully this means less airport  

Sweet, I bought soft shell bike bags for our bikes as well but haven't actually used them yet.  Different brand though - Aerus Biospeed.  Can't wait to hear how it works out for you.  

Edited by axteraa 2013-05-03 10:59 AM
2013-05-03 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4725925

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
axteraa - 2013-05-03 11:59 AM

mndymond - 2013-05-03 11:55 AM My bro brought my new soft shell bike box home last night! Wooooo! Now I don't have to lug the 30lb Thule hard case around. I now have an Evoc. Hopefully this means less airport  

Sweet, I bought soft shell bike bags for our bikes as well but haven't actually used them yet.  Different brand though - Aerus Biospeed.  Can't wait to hear how it works out for you.  

A buddy of mine that lives in NYC uses the aerus case (I am pretty sure that is the brand he has) all of the time and has never been asked once what it is nor has he paid bike fees. That sounds pretty good to someone that travels multiple times a year with a pair of Tri All Three brand hard cases. They are awesome, but you aren't ever going to sneak one by a ticketing agent. We manage to keep high enough medallion status with Delta that they always wave the fees, but in the off-chance we have to fly another airline - ouch.

2013-05-03 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4725888

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

GoFaster - 2013-05-03 10:42 AM Anyone got their run and swim TSS setup really well in TP?  My TSS numbers look too high, with the exception of the bike, which leads me to believe there is a large amount of user error involved.  Any suggestions?


What did you use to set your threshold paces ?

What is an example of a "number too high", what distance, average pace and your threshold pace ?

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