General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-01-04 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3970694

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
rascosm - 2012-01-04 12:40 PM

Hello, I am new to this forum so forgive me if this has been asked already. I too have signed up for IMLP.  First a little background,  I have completed one stand alone marathon and 3 HIM but this is my first full IM.   My background has been mostly running for 6 out of 12 years of training for various races.  I am currently following the 36 week tri-fuel IM training plan and I feel like the running portion is too easy...especially following the heart rate training zones.  I feel like I am losing fitness.  Has anyone out there come from a running background to triathon using this training plan? If so, have you slowed down in any running races you may have thrown in there (occasionally, of course) during your course of training for your IM? 

Thank you for your feedback.

Hey,Welcome to BT and the tri sport. The following are just some of my quick thoughts.I am not familiar with that plan. Whoever wrote it must of had a reason for the design of it. You have to also realize that if you're at the beginning of the plan it could be easier now. You also are now training in 3 disciplines so ample recover time is need. Plans are a good way to start training. They give you structure, purpose, can minimize overtraining and injuries.If you are at the start of the plan give it some time you can always modify it later to suit your needs.

2012-01-04 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3969969

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2012-01-04 7:52 AM
tasr - 2012-01-02 9:50 PM

Volunteering registration is now open for IMLP 12’.  I signed up as a lifeguard so you may see me on a paddleboard at the swim turnaround.  I volunteered in 08’ and was on the water until the last swimmer was out.  Good times!  This is got me so stoked for 2013.  Happy training everybody

JAMES!!!  Nice to see you in hear.   Perhaps you can stick around and help many of us newbs answer questions along the way. 

Hey Bobby, Thanks for the invite. I would be more than happy to help out. I've been trying to get caught up on all the posts and check everyone's bios. Looks like Ironman Lake Placid 2012 is gonna have a find crew for the race.
2012-01-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3966356

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Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Brian Kelley

Ironman Resume:  First attempt at the IM distance but will have 2 HIM under my belt before LP comes.  Cycling background with more running past 3 years.

Why did you choose IMLP?:  It was either LP or ??Coeur d'Alene for my first, but after more research LP had more history.  Wanted my support to have a good time while I myself am having a good time on the course.

What are your goals for IMLP?:  To finish and skip the med tent, arms held high.  Temp goals that I'm sure will change through training though are:  S: 90min;  B: 6.5 hours; R: 5 hours.

What are you most looking forward to?:  The training involved, long days are the fun days.  Also spending time in the ocean swimming.  To me this can be the most relaxing experience, and meeting everyone while hearing how their training is going on BT as well.


2012-01-04 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3969969

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2012-01-04 7:52 AM
tasr - 2012-01-02 9:50 PM

Volunteering registration is now open for IMLP 12’.  I signed up as a lifeguard so you may see me on a paddleboard at the swim turnaround.  I volunteered in 08’ and was on the water until the last swimmer was out.  Good times!  This is got me so stoked for 2013.  Happy training everybody

JAMES!!!  Nice to see you in hear.   Perhaps you can stick around and help many of us newbs answer questions along the way. 

James - I will second Bobby's invitation - Really glad to hear that you are back in the game as well! For those that don't know, Tasr pretty much OWNS the LP course. He is a veteran that knows his stuff. He was one of the folks from the 2010 group (along with Dream Chaser, KathyG, Fred, Josh, Cuse, gopennstate [great to see you back in the game as well, Jenn], etc, etc, ) that got me completely fired up to do 2011 race. Sweet!

2012-01-04 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3968325

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

SEADOCHA - 2012-01-03 1:19 PM can anyone help me with race wheel suggestions for Lake Placid? I was thinking the Zipp 808 in rear and 404 in front carbon clinchers. Now after reading some info I think I should do 404s around. I'm fluctuating between 125-130 lbs and have never tried race wheels before.

SEADOCHA - I ride 808 front/1080 rear and have never experience any problems. I race at 157 lbs and despite my track record of crashes, I believe I have pretty good bike handling skills. I have only rode the LP loop twice (during race day last year) so only have limited experience of the course, but that day there was really only one spot on the Keene descent where it opens up and had a little gusting wind, but really was no problem. There really is no reason on the LP course not to go as deep as you are able. That said, my wife is about your size and rode my wheel combo a few times and then decided to go with a 404/808 firecrest setup. She does feel much more comfortable with 404 front in crosswinds (the rear really does not make a big difference in handling in my own experience). The 404/808 firecrests are supposedly just as fast as my 2009 808/1080 wheels, AND they are clinchers with which she is much more familiar, so that makes good sense to me as well on all fronts.

2012-01-04 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3971092

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
tasr - 2012-01-04 3:24 PM
rascosm - 2012-01-04 12:40 PM

Hello, I am new to this forum so forgive me if this has been asked already. I too have signed up for IMLP.  First a little background,  I have completed one stand alone marathon and 3 HIM but this is my first full IM.   My background has been mostly running for 6 out of 12 years of training for various races.  I am currently following the 36 week tri-fuel IM training plan and I feel like the running portion is too easy...especially following the heart rate training zones.  I feel like I am losing fitness.  Has anyone out there come from a running background to triathon using this training plan? If so, have you slowed down in any running races you may have thrown in there (occasionally, of course) during your course of training for your IM? 

Thank you for your feedback.

Hey,Welcome to BT and the tri sport. The following are just some of my quick thoughts.I am not familiar with that plan. Whoever wrote it must of had a reason for the design of it. You have to also realize that if you're at the beginning of the plan it could be easier now. You also are now training in 3 disciplines so ample recover time is need. Plans are a good way to start training. They give you structure, purpose, can minimize overtraining and injuries.If you are at the start of the plan give it some time you can always modify it later to suit your needs.

I am not familiar with that particular plan either, but I concur - stick with the plan, or it is not really a plan. I came back to long course tri after working on my run for a while and I thought the same thing. I found the LSD stuff frustrating at first - to stay in the prescribed zones I often had to walk up hills even! Pretty soon that was not the case, and I have gotten faster and faster within those "easy" zones. Am I as fast as I used to be in a 10k? No way! I am not even sure I can run an open marathon as fast as I used to. But I do know if I pace the bike well in an IM, I can run under 4 hours, and I am still getting faster, and I am not beat up all the time.

Also, don't underestimate the amount of fitness you build while biking and swimming. They both build your engine without clobbering the drive train. For me I have found swimming to be the best for this.

Truuuuuuuuuuust the Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan....

2012-01-04 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3971206

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
OK - I'll Bite:


Ironman Resume
I have been racing triathlons consistently now for 20 years, but have only one other IM on my resume. That was Lake Placid last year, 2011.

Why did you choose IMLP?
I selected the Lake Placid event last year in large part due to schedule; I teach and will have the opportunity to be off for about four months prior to the race next year. School will start back up 2 weeks after Lake Placid - I figured I would never get a better schedule alignment than that. My wife (also a long-time racer) was so taken with the event last year she signed up the day after and then INSISTED that I sign up again. She then convinced 4 of closest friends (also life-long racers) to jump in as well. If you meet her in LP, I advise you to stay away. She is VERY persuasive.... Laughing

We are having a ball training together.

What are your goals for IMLP?

  1. Show up healthy and uninjured on race day.
  2. Finish in 17 hour or less.
  3. Don't crash on the bike - this would be no small victory for me.
  4. If I do crash, dust myself off and finish, still in 17 hours or less.
  5. Pace the bike well enough to run the entire marathon.
  6. Smile as often as possible during the race, and thank as many volunteers as possible. (sorry in advance, but maybe not you, James - I may be too busy on the swim....)
  7. If all goes as planned between now and then, I will be physically and mentally trained to go sub-eleven. Time goals in endurance events are tough however, because there are so many things out of your control on race day. I saw lots of folks last year in complete melt-down that I am sure had very, very good plans. I want to stay focused no matter what comes my way on race day, stay inside of myself, and execute the best race possible given the expected unexpected.

What are you most looking forward to?
The moments between treading water and the first few swim strokes are pretty awesome, but if I can only pick one thing that I am most looking forward to it is seeing my wife cross the finish line. Unless of course she finishes before me. Then I will just have to enjoy the video replay. I would be OK with that as well (see goal #2).

2012-01-04 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
Latonia, Kentucky (near Cincinnati)
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Hi Iron Friends,

  Not long now until my first week of actual IRON TRAINING begins.  It's hard to think that way when Winter is getting ready to take my area into it's teeth.  I'm training for Umstead 100 right now, so that will keep me pushing hard on the road through the winter.  The computrainer is about to get a great workout between my wife and I both training for IMLP.  Hope y'all are gearing up!
2012-01-04 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread



Ironman Resume

This will be my first Ironman race. I began training for a 50Mile road race for my 50th birthday early in 2011 but injured my leg and began biking more as cross training. This led to the idea of attempting a triathalon. I began swimming in July 2011 and increased my max distance from 50M to 1 mile and felt I was ready. A broken rib from cleanup of 'Irene' limited me a bit but I was reasonably ready on race day...Unfortunately, the 70.3 IM Poconos cancelled the swim. Of course, itwas the right decision but I'm left with a 4:52 combined bike/run time with no swim. The only appropriate thing to do was sign up for Ironman at the full distance, right?

I still  have yet to do a triathalon so I'm now signed up for the Rev3 in CT in June-another HIM distance.

Why did you choose IMLP?

It was the closest, earliest one available. I live in CT.


What are your goals for IMLP?

  1. Show up healthy and uninjured on race day.
  2. Do not die or get DQ'd in the swim..
  3. Finish in less than 17 hours.
  4. Finish in less than 12 hours

 I plan to achieve all goals.


What are you most looking forward to?

Hearing those words...."you are an ironman"

2012-01-04 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

TankBoy - 2012-01-04 4:33 PM
James - I will second Bobby's invitation - Really glad to hear that you are back in the game as well! For those that don't know, Tasr pretty much OWNS the LP course. He is a veteran that knows his stuff. He was one of the folks from the 2010 group (along with Dream Chaser, KathyG, Fred, Josh, Cuse, gopennstate [great to see you back in the game as well, Jenn], etc, etc, ) that got me completely fired up to do 2011 race. Sweet!

Hey Rusty,
Glade to see you’re racing LP again.  Thanks for the vote of confidence on the LP course, but I am just an average joe that had a couple of well executed Ironman’s at LP.  Hopefully in 2013 one more. 


2012-01-04 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3971139


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I, too, just signed up for IMLP volunteer work.  I'll be on the water on my kayak for the swim portion, and then in the finish chute all evening.  I'm hoping to do IMLP 2013 as my first IM.  Enjoy your training!

2012-01-05 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
All you Iron Fit plan trainers, how was your first week?
2012-01-05 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3971431

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
dtoce - 2012-01-04 6:10 PM


I still  have yet to do a triathalon so I'm now signed up for the Rev3 in CT in June-another HIM distance.

Hi Dale.  I've done Rev3 Quassy twice and it's the hardest 70.3 I've done.  Just a beast of a course.  Target Training had a training ride on the course last year 2 or 3 weeks before the event.  I HIGHLY recommend pre-riding the course ahead of time.  Seeing as you are from CT you probably know what you're up against.  The Lake Placid bike course was not bad at all after riding the Rev3 Bike course.

2012-01-05 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3972158

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

mdfahy - 2012-01-05 7:57 AM All you Iron Fit plan trainers, how was your first week?

easy peasy

2012-01-05 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3972158

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

mdfahy - 2012-01-05 6:57 AM All you Iron Fit plan trainers, how was your first week?


First week of Ironn Fit went well need more sleep!!!

Only 6 hours of scheduled training and I did another 5 1/2 hours of downhill skiing witht little ones!!


2012-01-05 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3972170

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

thanks, Rusty.

Did you do or hear about the Poconos 70.3 race this past October? I did that one and it seemed a bit hilly and was hoping someone here had done both that and IMLP so a comparison could be made...still searching...

I appreciate the tip about pre-riding the Rev3 course. I may or may not be able to do it exactly on my own, but will definitely plan to check it out ahead of time. I'll try to pay attention to any mass pre-ride information here on BT.


2012-01-05 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3972761

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
dtoce - 2012-01-05 12:16 PM

thanks, Rusty.

Did you do or hear about the Poconos 70.3 race this past October? I did that one and it seemed a bit hilly and was hoping someone here had done both that and IMLP so a comparison could be made...still searching...

I appreciate the tip about pre-riding the Rev3 course. I may or may not be able to do it exactly on my own, but will definitely plan to check it out ahead of time. I'll try to pay attention to any mass pre-ride information here on BT.


Hey dtoce,I have not ridden the Poconos course but have study it very well. I have ridden the LP course a bunch of times. It is anywhere between 5800-6100ft in elevation gain total. Depending on who's system you use to measure it.The main thing about LP bike course is it is one long hill coming out of Jay. The old course had break of sorts from Jay too Lake Placid on Haselton road. It a two loop course so pacing is golden.Lake Placid bike course prep training for me consist of long climbs in my rides. That beening 3-7 mile hills with grades of 6-12%.
2012-01-05 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3971416

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
timebaron - 2012-01-04 6:02 PM

Hi Iron Friends,

  Not long now until my first week of actual IRON TRAINING begins.  It's hard to think that way when Winter is getting ready to take my area into it's teeth.  I'm training for Umstead 100 right now, so that will keep me pushing hard on the road through the winter.  The computrainer is about to get a great workout between my wife and I both training for IMLP.  Hope y'all are gearing up!
Hey timebaron,What type of CT training do you like? 3D courses, ERG mode or just some old fashion pain.
2012-01-05 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3973495

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Extreme Veteran
Latonia, Kentucky (near Cincinnati)
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Usually load one of the IM courses.  Gonna order the 3D Lake Placid one soon to get me through the winter.  I'll drag out the ole trainer soon to start doing some short intervals too.  Just moved, so I'm still setting the home gym back up.....but since I'm starting from scratch, it has lots of potential.

How bout you?  any crazy fun/hard stuff you really like?

2012-01-05 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3972158

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

mdfahy - 2012-01-05 6:57 AM All you Iron Fit plan trainers, how was your first week?


So far so good, trucking along, uhh I mean biking along, or was that running along,  what ever it is I'm doing all three along.

2012-01-05 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3973717

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
timebaron - 2012-01-05 7:11 PM

Usually load one of the IM courses.  Gonna order the 3D Lake Placid one soon to get me through the winter.  I'll drag out the ole trainer soon to start doing some short intervals too.  Just moved, so I'm still setting the home gym back up.....but since I'm starting from scratch, it has lots of potential.

How bout you?  any crazy fun/hard stuff you really like?

This is my third year riding a CT.  1st year was mainly 3D courses and building some 3D courses.  2nd year building 3D courses and lots of power intervals.  This year is a late start riding the CT but once I get going will be lots of power interval work and pain. 



2012-01-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3973171

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

edited for double post by the rookie...

Edited by dtoce 2012-01-05 8:17 PM
2012-01-05 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3973932

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread


I appreciate the reply. I will be outside logging 'Time in the saddle' in the spring on long rides but I will not likely spend more than 2 hrs on the trainer over the winter. Do you have any favored simulation hill rides? Do you use your own modified workouts or Spnnervals etc?

I'm planning to be on the bike/trainer 3x/week until the weather turns safe here in CT. 2 one hour rides and one 2 hr ride. Plan to mix it up and have ordered the LP course on video as well as a few other cd's.

Any other race specific suggestions are welcome from you or anyone.


2012-01-05 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Canton, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Is someone able to suggest some gear rings for me for this course based on their IMLP experience?I'm 150 lbs, ride a 54" Kuota k factor and want to ride it about 5-1/2 to 6 hrs. Thanks.
2012-01-05 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3973933

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
dtoce - 2012-01-05 9:16 PM  


I appreciate the reply. I will be outside logging 'Time in the saddle' in the spring on long rides but I will not likely spend more than 2 hrs on the trainer over the winter. Do you have any favored simulation hill rides? Do you use your own modified workouts or Spnnervals etc?

I'm planning to be on the bike/trainer 3x/week until the weather turns safe here in CT. 2 one hour rides and one 2 hr ride. Plan to mix it up and have ordered the LP course on video as well as a few other cd's.

Any other race specific suggestions are welcome from you or anyone.



I don’t blame you.  I don’t even like riding a trainer 2hr and rarely go over that.
My trainer is a CompuTrainer.  I use it mainly with the 3D software and design my own courses with different grades, rarely over 5% thought.  I usually work on power intervals.  I have the LP course video and used it once.  I just do not prefer video course.  They are great way to get familiar with a course thought. 
Your x3 week plan sounds spot on.  How are you measuring your intensity and performance?  JorgeM use to have a raved about winter trainer plan here on BT.  I don’t know if that is still available. 
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