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2009-07-20 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ok folks, you know me and how much these groups mean to me.... Well through this great sight I have met a lady that has inspired me beyond words.  I have exchanged a view pm's with her, and she had said that she wasn't getting the help/feedback/volume that she was looking for in a mentor group... This is the PERFECT GROUP for her.

Her name is Danett and she is an amazing woman with an even more amazing story.  To me and what I know of her--- Triathlon has changed her life.  Please welcome her to the group when you have a moment.

To learn about her, and her amazing will please read her story from The BEGINNING, and listen to her on NYC sports radio when you have a moment!

2009-07-20 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
WOW!  Danett.  It is SOOO GREAT to have you hear in the MG!!!!

I visited your site when you posted it on the tri talk forum a week or so ago.  I have to tell you, I might get flamed on here for this, tears ran down my face when I was reading through it.   Holy cow you are unbelievable!  Maybe this is weird but the most amazing part of your story to me is that you were sitting in an AP History when "the dam broke" if you will.  I was BLOWN away!!  I mean after all the evil things you went through and you are in AP CLASSES!!!  YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!! 

I'm from Greenwich... very cool to hear you on the FAN!  LOL when Salter asks you "what motivates people to do this".  Yeah you might have a good answer for that.  ;-)

Good luck at NYC.  Look up Stan from the MG.  I think he might be there although it seems he might be hurt.

Welcome to the MG!
2009-07-20 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Great job to all the racers last weekend!!! Love the pic of Andy and John! Kim, what can I say... you're a rockstar!!! I can't even imagine running in 102 temps. I'll take the downpours and hail any day over that heat!

Sorry I haven't been on here much. I've just had a lot going on lately. I did register for another HIM (Black Diamond 9/26) and my first Ultra trail run  (Woodside 50k 12/5). So, it's time to ramp up the volume again.

Welcome to the group Danett! You are truly inspirational!!!
2009-07-20 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Welcome to the group.  Your strength and courage are amazing.  I am sure you will offer a great deal to the team.  Looking forward to interacting often!

2009-07-20 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2296764

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

trying1 - 2009-07-20 3:53 PM

Not sure if anyone noticed but sorry i haven't really participated over the last few weeks.  I've been consulting on this international banking deal and it has been a pain in the butt and the bad thing is it looks like it may not go through.  So I won't get paid..  These consulting jobs suck..  If they don't workout no money if they do, you get paid very well.

So I did something not too bright over the last 3 weeks and now it may potentially bite me in the a$$.  So I just learned from the doc that i have a strained ligament and now a strained muscle bellow my right calf.  They told me that 3 wks ago when it started to hurt, if had just stayed off it for a few days I would have been ok.  So now he strongly advised me that I stay off the leg as much as possible for the next few wks (i was sort of fearing the news so i went for a good bike and swim this morning before the appt).  He believes biking should be ok but doesn't really recommend it and swimming is fine as long as i don't push off the wall.  So now that brings me to my first Olympic race this weekend.  I'm thinking that I would not run at all this week and only do short bikes and swims over the next few days and on race day go full out on the swim and bike and walk/run the run.  I'm pretty bummed about this as I had a goal of under 3hrs for the race... Unless I do amazingly well on the swim and bike i don't think that time will be in the cards..  I always thought if the pain went away during the run it should be ok and that it was more a mental thing.  NOW I know that's obviously not the case.

Sorry to hear about the leg. Be careful with it. You can do a lot of damage without even noticing it. Maybe take a cue from our fearless leader "Birdy". There always time to race in the future.  

2009-07-20 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Danett. Welcome to our group. I can't believe the things that you had to go through. It is unbelievable what some people will do to other people. It is utterly fantastic that you have come through your trials and have given yourself over to help others. I'm sure you will find the help and encouragement within this group that you are looking for. Your story is truly moving and I hope you don't mind if I share it with other people I know.


2009-07-20 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Danett welcome to the group and thanks for sharing your journey with us.  You are so inspirational.  

As John mentioned I live in NYC and maybe participating in the NYC triathlon.  I'm registered but have a leg injury and missed the deadline to defer my entry to next yr.  Regardless if I participate or not I'm going to be there cheering on friends (though most likely I will at least do the swim and maybe the bike, I just can't imagine not doing at least one of the legs) so if you want to meet someone from SWBKRUN let me know and we can figure something out.  Also I saw you're doing the Westchester Tri.  It looks like registration is still open, If I don't do 100% of this one I'm thinking about doing Westchester..
2009-07-20 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
RR is up...

Wll catch up in afew hours. Back in town for the night then we are off...Dying to read Kim's. Saw she rocked it!!
2009-07-20 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2296683

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-07-20 3:30 PM Sorry, but 37 year old legs in the mountains against 26 year old ones wont do it. Never say never, but LA's chances are like 1/100. Wiggins and Schleck need to be watched. There are still three days of climbs and a TT to go before Paris so a lot can happen. I was sorry to see Levi have to drop out with a broken wrist.

x2 watching yesterday Lance is lucky to have Kloden there with him.  Don't get me wrong it is amazing that he is my age and doing that (damn I feel old), but Contador just has another gear.  In an interview yesterday lance said yeah it is awesome when you can do that (drop all the other GC contenders on a climb), it was great when I used to do that at the tour.
2009-07-20 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2295047

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-19 9:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!

2009-07-20 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2297386

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Plainsman AU - 2009-07-20 5:39 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-19 9:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!


Man, tough crowd!  I was uploading 2 photos and trying to figure out my T1 time, I think it was either lumped in with the swim or the bike time from what I can figure.  I'd rather add it to the swim to make the swim seem a little faster!  Can a girl get a break?  Literally a break!  Doug, I passed that fallen tree at around mile 7 or so and it was scary looking, but did not find out until today that riders were actually hurt!  It must have been close to 10 am by then and they were still trying to cut it back.  Luckily it did not impede our progress and I only saw a few crashed cyclists along the way.  And flats, and mechanicals...TONS of those yellow spongy things and tons of rear hydration systems just scattered about the roads!  People need to tighten and tie these things down!!!  It made me glad to have duct taped the top of my aerodrink bottle.  It worked out great!  I highly recommend that along with the bracket, I saw many of those rubberbands with aerodrink bottles just lying there as a hazard.  It is very easy to fill the bottle without missing a beat!

I really cannot believe I was 37/137 in my AG, I am usually in the bottom half at the best!  Especially with a 2:09 run time.  I guess the sweltering conditions slowed our late starting age group way down.  

Danett, welcome to our group and good luck this weekend at NYC!  You are an inspiration and I feel honored to have you in our mentor group.  This is a VERY SHARING group, you will find.

Stan, sorry about the injury, that really sucks!  Try to think of the bigger is not worth it at all to worsen the injury!  You can recover and heal and in no time you will be right back out there

2009-07-20 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Welcome to the group Danett.  It is really great to have you.  You are truly an inspiration to us all.  
2009-07-20 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Welcome to the group Danett.  It is really great to have you.  You are truly an inspiration to us all.   
2009-07-20 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Sorry, I was so excited, I posted twice. 

2009-07-20 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Welcome Danett! I am originally from NYC. Born in Manhattan no less! BTW: After reading through your history, I have one thing to say...

Great Smile!!!!

2009-07-20 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Wow, leave for a few days, and look at the action ....A new member!!
Funny, I went to your site early last week as well. Amazing story girl! Welcome Danette.

Oh John & Andy -- Hijinx!! Can only imagine you two.

Stan - Tough One. Agree with the others. Bag it, or just swim. Don't further injure it.

Doug- Sorry for the loss. Like you and every one else has said-- This is the only life you get. Enjoy it

Kim- Umm hello? RR.Tongue out

Nick- That suit may be too big. I'm 200 lbs 6ft and wear a Medium. Different manufacturers..but still....

Nice running breakthrough non-runner Barry!

Good call on bagging it Steve. Some things are more important than races. This is one of them.

Whew.... And I'm outta here for the next 5 or so days again. Out to the cabin!! I'll check in if i can!!

2009-07-20 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Danett, beautiful!  Very excited to get to know you. Welcome.

Stan, sorry about the injury.  Especially after all your back and forth about the NYC Triathlon.  I agree that you should at least do the swim and the bike if you are okay.  I mean heck, you already paid for the race - might as well get out there!

WARNING.....TRACY IS GOING TO ASK A SERIOUS QUESTION.... does anybody jump rope?  I was at the gym trying to get my 4 miles on the TM next to a guy who had the running farts.  So in the middle of my asphyxiation I was trying to think of something else I could do.   What is the collective wisdom on this one? Of course with my coordination I might take out a few people.  Today I literally walked into the door frame of my office and dropped a dumb bell on my quad.  That will look lovely tomorrow.  I am getting close to Rob's record on gym accidents. 
2009-07-20 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2297565

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

tahrens - 2009-07-20 7:48 PM Danett, beautiful!  Very excited to get to know you. Welcome.

Stan, sorry about the injury.  Especially after all your back and forth about the NYC Triathlon.  I agree that you should at least do the swim and the bike if you are okay.  I mean heck, you already paid for the race - might as well get out there!

WARNING.....TRACY IS GOING TO ASK A SERIOUS QUESTION.... does anybody jump rope?  I was at the gym trying to get my 4 miles on the TM next to a guy who had the running farts.  So in the middle of my asphyxiation I was trying to think of something else I could do.   What is the collective wisdom on this one? Of course with my coordination I might take out a few people.  Today I literally walked into the door frame of my office and dropped a dumb bell on my quad.  That will look lovely tomorrow.  I am getting close to Rob's record on gym accidents. 

Does anyone jump rope? Yes
Should you? NO
case closed.Wink

It is a great workout. I don't do it nearly as much as i used to. Just makes sure you get a decent rope. You get what you pay for!! And video it please. SWBKRN needs it. 

2009-07-20 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2297433

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-20 8:00 PM

Plainsman AU - 2009-07-20 5:39 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-19 9:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!


Man, tough crowd!  I was uploading 2 photos and trying to figure out my T1 time, I think it was either lumped in with the swim or the bike time from what I can figure.  I'd rather add it to the swim to make the swim seem a little faster!  Can a girl get a break?  Literally a break!  Doug, I passed that fallen tree at around mile 7 or so and it was scary looking, but did not find out until today that riders were actually hurt!  It must have been close to 10 am by then and they were still trying to cut it back.  Luckily it did not impede our progress and I only saw a few crashed cyclists along the way.  And flats, and mechanicals...TONS of those yellow spongy things and tons of rear hydration systems just scattered about the roads!  People need to tighten and tie these things down!!!  It made me glad to have duct taped the top of my aerodrink bottle.  It worked out great!  I highly recommend that along with the bracket, I saw many of those rubberbands with aerodrink bottles just lying there as a hazard.  It is very easy to fill the bottle without missing a beat!

I really cannot believe I was 37/137 in my AG, I am usually in the bottom half at the best!  Especially with a 2:09 run time.  I guess the sweltering conditions slowed our late starting age group way down.  

Danett, welcome to our group and good luck this weekend at NYC!  You are an inspiration and I feel honored to have you in our mentor group.  This is a VERY SHARING group, you will find.

Stan, sorry about the injury, that really sucks!  Try to think of the bigger is not worth it at all to worsen the injury!  You can recover and heal and in no time you will be right back out there

Kim--You may have once been a MOP'er, but you trained hard and that has now changed.  Don't assume others sucked, assume you put in a stellar performance.  Positive thinking, positive result.  Tomorrow I have a flippin' 1 hour TT and I am going kick its butt....positive thinking! Birdie told me to pretend I was Lance riding in the alps and kicking Contador's fanny.  I'm going to do it!

Tracy--I DID jump rope in college (A lot!!).  It was part of what got me in good shape for my first Florida trip as a freshman, but did it on a wood floor at the college gym and ended up with horrible shin splints.  I don't think it is a replacement for running.  I think it could be considered a reasonable warm-up along with other plyometrics.

I got spanked by my other Steve today regarding rest days.  I have been sticking in an extra swim on those days and that seems like enough rest to me. He doesn't agree.  Do you all take one rest day every week?
2009-07-20 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2297619

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-20 10:10 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-20 8:00 PM

Plainsman AU - 2009-07-20 5:39 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-19 9:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!


Man, tough crowd!  I was uploading 2 photos and trying to figure out my T1 time, I think it was either lumped in with the swim or the bike time from what I can figure.  I'd rather add it to the swim to make the swim seem a little faster!  Can a girl get a break?  Literally a break!  Doug, I passed that fallen tree at around mile 7 or so and it was scary looking, but did not find out until today that riders were actually hurt!  It must have been close to 10 am by then and they were still trying to cut it back.  Luckily it did not impede our progress and I only saw a few crashed cyclists along the way.  And flats, and mechanicals...TONS of those yellow spongy things and tons of rear hydration systems just scattered about the roads!  People need to tighten and tie these things down!!!  It made me glad to have duct taped the top of my aerodrink bottle.  It worked out great!  I highly recommend that along with the bracket, I saw many of those rubberbands with aerodrink bottles just lying there as a hazard.  It is very easy to fill the bottle without missing a beat!

I really cannot believe I was 37/137 in my AG, I am usually in the bottom half at the best!  Especially with a 2:09 run time.  I guess the sweltering conditions slowed our late starting age group way down.  

Danett, welcome to our group and good luck this weekend at NYC!  You are an inspiration and I feel honored to have you in our mentor group.  This is a VERY SHARING group, you will find.

Stan, sorry about the injury, that really sucks!  Try to think of the bigger is not worth it at all to worsen the injury!  You can recover and heal and in no time you will be right back out there

Kim--You may have once been a MOP'er, but you trained hard and that has now changed.  Don't assume others sucked, assume you put in a stellar performance.  Positive thinking, positive result.  Tomorrow I have a flippin' 1 hour TT and I am going kick its butt....positive thinking! Birdie told me to pretend I was Lance riding in the alps and kicking Contador's fanny.  I'm going to do it!

Tracy--I DID jump rope in college (A lot!!).  It was part of what got me in good shape for my first Florida trip as a freshman, but did it on a wood floor at the college gym and ended up with horrible shin splints.  I don't think it is a replacement for running.  I think it could be considered a reasonable warm-up along with other plyometrics.

I got spanked by my other Steve today regarding rest days.  I have been sticking in an extra swim on those days and that seems like enough rest to me. He doesn't agree.  Do you all take one rest day every week?

For the most part now unless I am completely wiped I stopped taking rest days and usually do at least some light workout, i.e. today 30 minute trainer ride.
2009-07-20 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Suzy: I take one full rest day/week. I ran 30 minutes tonight so that tomorrow will be free. My body needs it from the strength workout. I am SORE!

I have jumped rope. It is a great cardio workout. It really helped my hockey. Never had leg problems from it. Don't think I ever did it for more than 15 minutes straight and that was rare.


2009-07-20 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Great race Kim!
2009-07-20 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat is my hero!

First, he volunteers to do a bike ride with me.  Next, he offers to put me up at his house.  Then, he drags my slow self around all day, introducing me to all the other BT'ers along the way.  Then says on the way back from the ride, "Hey can we get some flowers, today's my anniversary..."  Thanks for everything brother - had a great time!

Kim - great job!  Any time in a HIM is a respectable time!

Danett - your story is truly inspiring!  Welcome to the group!  Watch out for Trevor, John, and Tony - if you have ever seen the movie the "Three Amigos" you what you are dealing with!

Stanley - get healed man, there is always another race!

Sorry to post and run, but I got to fishing now...  Will check in off and on for the next couple of day...


2009-07-20 11:16 PM
in reply to: #2297475

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-07-20 6:19 PM

Sorry, I was so excited, I posted twice. 

3 x but who's counting?!
2009-07-21 4:40 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Thank you so much for all of your inspires. I'm sorry if I didn't have time to reply but I totally appreciate all of the support! It means so much! Who else really wants to listen to the details of our races!!!
Okay guys, here is the RR. Warning, it is long......

Edited by kt65 2009-07-21 4:41 AM
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