BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2019-01-22 8:24 AM
in reply to: kbhanson3

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by kbhanson3 JoGo challenge report - I am happy to report that the local food & beer scenes in Raleigh & Durham are thriving and diet busting bingeworthy. I practiced maximum enthusiasm during my visits to the local establishments and enjoyed the long weekend visit immensely. Alas, this is but a temporary set back. Since returning home, I have redirected my enthusiasm towards eating right, alcohol abstinence and training. Just made the challenge a little more challenging is all.

Maximum enthusiasm in all things! Glad you enjoyed yourself!! 

2019-01-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

I spent Friday through Sunday in the NY/CT area celebrating a family wedding. With the weather and festivities I ate and drank more than I should have while working out almost not at all!  I was happily surprised to see that I managed to lose a bit more than the goal I picked for the week, which was party-sloth-adjusted, so I am quite happy. Hoping that this week I don't see the effects of the bad eating! I have also managed to get at least 3 days of yoga in, so I am happy with last week's results.   

2019-01-22 8:44 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by lisac957

Chris, I had to expand your rows in the Keep Moving tab because the calculator formula had not been applied to me or a few others who were late additions. Not sure how to get them to collapse again so I'll let an expert do that 

I saw that last night and I did some of it on the Weight Loss. I'll take a look at it later today, or someone else will, I'm sure.

2019-01-22 8:52 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by IronOx

Well, the scale didn't say exactly what I wanted it to today, but it was in the right direction so I'll take it.  I think I was on track for all my challenge last week. 

Sorry about your race Melanie!

PS: I am having the weather North America is jealous of currently.  About 8C and sunny while the rest of the country is getting snow and ice....

I am over here in the snow and ice ... so, yes, jealous for sure. My DH would love to live in BC. His dream place is actually the Okanagan. He did Ironman Canada when it was out in Penticton and loved it. 

Anyway, i am with you on the scale. for some reason i feel like one week and i should be where i want to be. So it's helpful to log and see progress. 

2019-01-22 8:52 AM
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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by IronOx

Well, the scale didn't say exactly what I wanted it to today, but it was in the right direction so I'll take it.  I think I was on track for all my challenge last week. 

Sorry about your race Melanie!

PS: I am having the weather North America is jealous of currently.  About 8C and sunny while the rest of the country is getting snow and ice....

Double post! 

Edited by juniperjen 2019-01-22 9:48 AM
2019-01-22 9:20 AM
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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm
It was time for a long run and we could not resist the sunshine It was cold, 8 degrees, but we did not feel it (it was sunny and zero winds, which is unusual, as I live just by the lake). My partner is not a runner, but he enjoyed running in the snow. We did a bit less than 5 miles.

Edited by marysia83 2019-01-22 9:21 AM

(run inm the snow.jpg)

run inm the snow.jpg (689KB - 4 downloads)

2019-01-22 9:22 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Piping up with my Manatee Challenge progress update:  I did hit my weight loss goal even though the table doesn't quite reflect that.  I think my goal was to lose at least 1 lb a week but the math got wonky between my 'goal weight' and something in between.  That's OK, I know I'm on track.

I was successful in my walking goal, too: getting at least a 15 minute walk in daily.  I even kept it going over the weekend and yesterday despite the brutal cold yesterday (it was 15*F when I walked with a wind chill likely 0 or below, I didn't check the 'feels like' temp).  I also got 2 strength days in and did a good job of eating salads, more veggies and less junk.

2019-01-22 9:23 AM
in reply to: kbhanson3

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by kbhanson3 JoGo challenge report - I am happy to report that the local food & beer scenes in Raleigh & Durham are thriving and diet busting bingeworthy. I practiced maximum enthusiasm during my visits to the local establishments and enjoyed the long weekend visit immensely. Alas, this is but a temporary set back. Since returning home, I have redirected my enthusiasm towards eating right, alcohol abstinence and training. Just made the challenge a little more challenging is all.
I love how you wrote this up, both the maximum enthusiasm of the food/beer scene but also the refocus of maximum enthusiasm on eating right, etc.  You've got this!

2019-01-22 9:24 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by marysia83 It was time for a long run and we could not resist the sunshine It was cold, 8 degrees, but we did not feel it (it was sunny and zero winds, which is unusual, as I live just by the lake). My partner is not a runner, but he enjoyed running in the snow. We did a bit less than 5 miles.

Ooooh, nice!!  I LOVE running in the snow!  How awesome that your partner was willing to join in the fun.

2019-01-22 9:24 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Jogo challenge went well on week one, as is often the case for me. Stayed in motion, stuck to my food intake, and last weight, so I was 3 for 3. After talking it over with TW this weekend, I have dropped my goal weight a couple of pounds, making it a bit more challenging. 207 is the lowest I have been in QUITE some time. 210 is a good/comfortable place. So, I am shooting for 208, which then puts me in better riding and running shape. This also makes the challenge a bit more challenging, so we'll see how it goes. I did some reading this week on resolutions, and how last week is the week that it all falls apart for many people. Another item that a podcast focused on is goals for 2019, not resolutions for the year. Along with the goal based discussion that Janyne started last week, it is pushing me to re-assess my objectives for the coming year.

I hope everyone is doing well here at the beginning of the week and rolling forward through this week. Have a great one!

Nice work, Chris, keep it going and hit that goal! 

2019-01-22 9:26 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by amd723

I spent Friday through Sunday in the NY/CT area celebrating a family wedding. With the weather and festivities I ate and drank more than I should have while working out almost not at all!  I was happily surprised to see that I managed to lose a bit more than the goal I picked for the week, which was party-sloth-adjusted, so I am quite happy. Hoping that this week I don't see the effects of the bad eating! I have also managed to get at least 3 days of yoga in, so I am happy with last week's results.   

Surviving the food and drink at a wedding and still hitting your goal, awesome!  Keep up the good work!

2019-01-22 9:26 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by melbo55

Piping up with my Manatee Challenge progress update:  I did hit my weight loss goal even though the table doesn't quite reflect that.  I think my goal was to lose at least 1 lb a week but the math got wonky between my 'goal weight' and something in between.  That's OK, I know I'm on track.

I was successful in my walking goal, too: getting at least a 15 minute walk in daily.  I even kept it going over the weekend and yesterday despite the brutal cold yesterday (it was 15*F when I walked with a wind chill likely 0 or below, I didn't check the 'feels like' temp).  I also got 2 strength days in and did a good job of eating salads, more veggies and less junk.

Good job, Melanie! Keep going through that crudfest weather!

2019-01-22 12:01 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy Thursday! It's technically my Friday since i have tomorrow off so i can be home with my daughter because the school is out for the day. I need to run. I need to lube my treadmill belt. It's looking quite frigid this weekend, so Manatees, while i have run in all kinds of cold i think this may be my threshold. I might try to do my 10 miles (16k) tomorrow but tell me how bad would it be to do on the treadmill if i can't get it in tomorrow? 

I've done I think 18 miles on the treadmill before. Just break it up into manageable chunks. Maybe do 5K, 5K, 6K.

Let yourself step off for a minute to re-fill water or stretch - for, me, getting a physical break every hour or so was key. Hopefully you have Netflix or something queued up that you can watch? I think I did a few episodes of TV (or sports, I love watching college basketball) alternated with my favorite music for variety. 

Well, i did it! thanks for your encouragement. I decided to go by time - set the first part using the 10k program which took me just over an hour and changed up the incline periodically with the program. And then took a walk break and reset to what i needed to get 1:40. I had to hop off for a bathroom break and that was it! Listened to the Wait Wait Don't Tell Me podcast and some Vinyl Cafe stories to keep me occupied and laughing a bit. 

We got a fair amount of snow but not crazy - just the windchill this morning was -25C which is too much for me. 

How did everyone else fare with the weather bomb?

Good job knocking out that treadmill run!

Our coldest weather was Monday and Tuesday. I think the low both days was 17F which I think is about -8C. It was extremely windy overnight on Sunday and Monday morning but much calmer today. Our wet came about 24 hours before the cold so it was just rain here. I'm thankful for that!

2019-01-22 12:05 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by melbo55

My race yesterday didn't happen.  It's held on a college campus which chose to close campus from Friday night through Sunday evening which meant the race wasn't able to use their facilities.  The forecast was to be for multiple inches of snow followed by ice (freezing rain, sleet) and generally bad winter weather situations.  In reality, the storm fizzled. 

We got maybe an inch, inch and a half of snow which promptly got turned to slush by freezing rain.  The temps stayed just above freezing so the icy conditions they were predicting didn't happen.  Overall this is all good news (the storm flopping) but the bugger of it is they could've held the event had campus not been closed.  The wind came up and the sun came out which dried off the roads.  It was cold, yeah, and windy which wouldn't have been ideal but we could've done it.  Oh well.  It seems so far this fall/winter our weather forecasters have missed the mark more than usual.

Ack! Sorry about the race. At least they told you far enough ahead that you didn't have to get up early for the race though :-(

2019-01-22 12:08 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by JBacarella Last night I was talking to my Sherpa team aka Michelle, my brother and his wife, when the conversation turned to IM Louisville and the weather. My sister in law asked if we were going again this year and without missing a beat Michelle said YES! It's official we're getting the band back together and doing IM Louisville or I'm doing IM Louisville and my family is going to come along to sherpa/drink fireball shots at the dueling piano bar.

That sounds like my potential fall event. I put a space on my calendar that says "something fun goes here." I told Kevin I wanted a fun half marathon. Kevin found a full marathon for me to do. Helpful of him, right!

So you and Nancy have a Manatee Meetup opportunity in October!

2019-01-22 12:09 PM
in reply to: kbhanson3

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by kbhanson3 JoGo challenge report - I am happy to report that the local food & beer scenes in Raleigh & Durham are thriving and diet busting bingeworthy. I practiced maximum enthusiasm during my visits to the local establishments and enjoyed the long weekend visit immensely. Alas, this is but a temporary set back. Since returning home, I have redirected my enthusiasm towards eating right, alcohol abstinence and training. Just made the challenge a little more challenging is all.

Umm. You forgot to INVITE ME!

2019-01-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by amd723

I spent Friday through Sunday in the NY/CT area celebrating a family wedding. With the weather and festivities I ate and drank more than I should have while working out almost not at all!  I was happily surprised to see that I managed to lose a bit more than the goal I picked for the week, which was party-sloth-adjusted, so I am quite happy. Hoping that this week I don't see the effects of the bad eating! I have also managed to get at least 3 days of yoga in, so I am happy with last week's results.   

Excellent! And it seems that you did not freeze any parts off and you made it back to Florida so that is good.

2019-01-22 12:13 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by marysia83 It was time for a long run and we could not resist the sunshine It was cold, 8 degrees, but we did not feel it (it was sunny and zero winds, which is unusual, as I live just by the lake). My partner is not a runner, but he enjoyed running in the snow. We did a bit less than 5 miles.


2019-01-22 12:17 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by melbo55

Piping up with my Manatee Challenge progress update:  I did hit my weight loss goal even though the table doesn't quite reflect that.  I think my goal was to lose at least 1 lb a week but the math got wonky between my 'goal weight' and something in between.  That's OK, I know I'm on track.

I was successful in my walking goal, too: getting at least a 15 minute walk in daily.  I even kept it going over the weekend and yesterday despite the brutal cold yesterday (it was 15*F when I walked with a wind chill likely 0 or below, I didn't check the 'feels like' temp).  I also got 2 strength days in and did a good job of eating salads, more veggies and less junk.

I meant to tell you this before but Kevin does a walking goal. If he walks at lunch every day, his weight is fine. If he starts to miss days, he gains weight. This is despite the fact that he rides the bike (trainer or outside) or uses a rowing machine most days -- and if he misses those, no effect on average weight. Anyway, he has found that walking every day is a big key for him.

2019-01-22 12:20 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Nancy, we need a Sir Puppy update! I assume that he made it him safely? What's his name? How are the others doing with him?

Since this is dogtalk, I'll post a Zoe update. Zoe was a bad puppy. She stole a bag of rice that I had not put in the pantry. She consumed some of said rice. Let us just say, that uncooked rice doesn't digest so well :-/

2019-01-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Nancy, we need a Sir Puppy update! I assume that he made it him safely? What's his name? How are the others doing with him?

Since this is dogtalk, I'll post a Zoe update. Zoe was a bad puppy. She stole a bag of rice that I had not put in the pantry. She consumed some of said rice. Let us just say, that uncooked rice doesn't digest so well :-/

Oh dear....naughty Zoe.  I had to put three stitches in Bart't foot yesterday after he sliced it on something running through the woods.  He was feeling very bad for himself last night in his bandage.

2019-01-22 12:46 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Nancy, we need a Sir Puppy update! I assume that he made it him safely? What's his name? How are the others doing with him?

Since this is dogtalk, I'll post a Zoe update. Zoe was a bad puppy. She stole a bag of rice that I had not put in the pantry. She consumed some of said rice. Let us just say, that uncooked rice doesn't digest so well :-/

Oh dear....naughty Zoe.  I had to put three stitches in Bart't foot yesterday after he sliced it on something running through the woods.  He was feeling very bad for himself last night in his bandage.

Sad Bart't. I think that a Special Treat would probably help. (not rice!)

2019-01-22 12:49 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by jmkizer

Nancy, we need a Sir Puppy update! I assume that he made it him safely? What's his name? How are the others doing with him?

Since this is dogtalk, I'll post a Zoe update. Zoe was a bad puppy. She stole a bag of rice that I had not put in the pantry. She consumed some of said rice. Let us just say, that uncooked rice doesn't digest so well :-/

Oh dear....naughty Zoe.  I had to put three stitches in Bart't foot yesterday after he sliced it on something running through the woods.  He was feeling very bad for himself last night in his bandage.

Sad Bart't. I think that a Special Treat would probably help. (not rice!)

Bahahaha.  Trying to be grammatically correct by placing the apostrophe and still mess it up.  Yes, he got treats.  

2019-01-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Piping up with my Manatee Challenge progress update:  I did hit my weight loss goal even though the table doesn't quite reflect that.  I think my goal was to lose at least 1 lb a week but the math got wonky between my 'goal weight' and something in between.  That's OK, I know I'm on track.

I was successful in my walking goal, too: getting at least a 15 minute walk in daily.  I even kept it going over the weekend and yesterday despite the brutal cold yesterday (it was 15*F when I walked with a wind chill likely 0 or below, I didn't check the 'feels like' temp).  I also got 2 strength days in and did a good job of eating salads, more veggies and less junk.

I meant to tell you this before but Kevin does a walking goal. If he walks at lunch every day, his weight is fine. If he starts to miss days, he gains weight. This is despite the fact that he rides the bike (trainer or outside) or uses a rowing machine most days -- and if he misses those, no effect on average weight. Anyway, he has found that walking every day is a big key for him.

Very interesting, thank you!  

Naughty Zoe!  Sorry to hear the rice eating-fest didn't agree with her innards.

2019-01-22 1:04 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella Last night I was talking to my Sherpa team aka Michelle, my brother and his wife, when the conversation turned to IM Louisville and the weather. My sister in law asked if we were going again this year and without missing a beat Michelle said YES! It's official we're getting the band back together and doing IM Louisville or I'm doing IM Louisville and my family is going to come along to sherpa/drink fireball shots at the dueling piano bar.

That sounds like my potential fall event. I put a space on my calendar that says "something fun goes here." I told Kevin I wanted a fun half marathon. Kevin found a full marathon for me to do. Helpful of him, right!

So you and Nancy have a Manatee Meetup opportunity in October!

Jim, how many Louisvilles will this make?

Janyne, so you went from a fall HM to marathon to IM. That's quite the progression! 

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