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You don't play golf? Why not?
I don't have the time
None of my friends play
I have no idea where to start
I tried it and didn't like it
I think that it is too expensive
My life is tied up with my kids' sports
The clothes
It is elitist
I'm afraid of being embarrassed
This is a multiple choice poll.

2014-07-11 1:21 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

I play & love the game.  I played a lot when I was younger, but lately the last couple years I am only able to play once a week in my 9 hole league after work.  I wish I could play more, but there are only so many free hours in a week and ironman training has been calling me lately.  I think many people have played the game, but don't continue because, quite frankly, it is a very hard game to become good (or even mediocre).  My game is good, but I spent boatloads of hours on the course growing up and then after college.  Once people get families and a life, if they don't have a golf game, it is not easy to find one.  Most of the people I know play once or twice a year in some type of best-ball company outing and they are lucky to hit the ball more than 20 yards or 180 yards into the woods.

The good news is next week is the British Open and I will certainly be watching that closely and am interested to see how Tiger looks! 

2014-07-11 1:26 PM
in reply to: Barkeep

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Sin City
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

Originally posted by Barkeep
Originally posted by pga_mike What would make you play golf?
You won't be able to. I've never had any desire to play the game, even after doing some putting and going to the driving range a few times. My friends play, and it's almost always incorporated into large work functions, and for those reasons I've considered it. I don't despise the game. I'm just completely "meh" on golf and I can't get into anything that doesn't motivate me. If the game did seem appealing the time commitment and $ to play would be barriers, both of which appear to higher than what I currently commit to in triathlon. I would want to be a good player, so I would need to spend lots of time playing improving my game and lots of $ on equipment (because I'd convince myself that higher end products equal slightly better play).

That's an easy trap to fall in.  Just like TT bikes.  "just get a fancier bike, and I will be faster".   Crazy thing is, I can smack my wife's used Wilson clubs I got for 100 bucks as far as my Ping G20's I got made for me for around 2k.   It's not the equipment, but the engine - holds true for both sports. 

And for the wanting to be a good player?  Golf is the hardest thing I have ever done to get "good" at - so  hard, in fact.  I'm STILL not "good".  It's incredibly frustrating.  Probably why I actually still do it.  The challenge.  I probably give the game up 30 times a year.  TO ME, there is nothing "natural" about a golf swing, which is why it's so hard to me. 

2014-07-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by faded_memories

But wait, with the CARTS it still takes all day? What the hell are people doing out there?


Drinking....That's a given.

In the Denver metro area a round can take in excess of five hours even with carts on the weekend. I have seen as many as 6 foursomes backed up at a tee box on a par 3.
2014-07-11 6:16 PM
in reply to: rick4657

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

The demographics are very similar for golf and triathlon.  Coincidentally, so is the time commitment, expense and difficulty.

I like that triathletes think that golf is expensive.  I have never spent over $100 for a round of golf (Excluding tournaments, where I could make money).  However, I have spent multiples of that for races without thinking it was that bad.

I used to have 3 expensive, time-consuming "hobbies".  Tri, golf & fly-fishing.  But now I have a real job. (Still in golf).

2014-07-11 9:47 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

From 2000-2003, I played every day, almost.   A membership at our local course was $300 per year.  My parents had a cart stored at the course.  I could get up in the summer and walk 18 in 2.5 hours and still be to work by 9AM.   Then I would play in the afternoon when my dad got off work.   I was working 3 part-time jobs that were up to my schedule, so I could play whenever I wanted.  Weekends, my dad and I and a few of our friends were always the first 1 or 2 foursomes off the tee, usually well before tee-times started.    

Now, married with 4 kids and a round of golf on a lousy course in Beijing goes for about $200.    No thanks!  I will play one round in China before I leave, though, just to say I did. 

We're heading back to the states for the summer, so I'll get in a few rounds with Dad while I'm there.

2014-07-11 10:15 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Great White North
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Golf blows. Thats my honest opinion.

2014-07-11 11:14 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I do things that I love to do which includes running, biking, triathlon, squash and cross country skiing. This doesn`t leave as much time as I`d like for hiking and photography. Downhill skiing is great but it`s not as convenient as the other things that I have mentioned and I haven`t owned equipment for many years. I`ve dabbled in kayaking but it`s just not going to make it on the list unless I live on the water.

I`ve tried golf - it didn`t grab me - it doesn`t come close to making the list.
2014-07-12 12:56 PM
in reply to: Guest


Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I play about once a month now and in a few tournaments a year, but have played much more than that in the past. My #1 gripe has always and will always be PACE OF PLAY! I can play 18 in 2:30-3hr easily weekdays but weekends that number goes up to over 5hours, which is absolutely ridiculous.

The other issue for me is cost but surprisingly, over the past couple of years prices have come down from what they were. My local public courses maybe 5 years ago were about $62 a round but now are about $38
2014-07-12 1:29 PM
in reply to: Guest

Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Too expensive, or at least that's been my perception of taking up golf.
2014-07-12 3:42 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I've tried to play. My University had a course right on campus with $0.50 greens fees for students in the '80's. (NMT). I had a boy friend who was quite good and he tried to teach me. I found it frustrating - I was used to being good at ball sports. Fast forward 20 years and I have had to play in "best ball" tournaments with a professional organization. 18 holes in the June afternoon sun is just painful. About 4 holes would do it for me. I did enjoy this course


Edited by bootygirl 2014-07-12 3:43 PM

2014-07-13 7:00 AM
in reply to: bootygirl

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

In a word: boring. I've had many friends try to get me to  play over the yeas, to the point of even giving me a set a clubs, but I have never found the appeal. Must be something to it given the number of people who do it, including many of my friends and most of my coworkers. But to me if one were to visit a golf course it would be more exciting to sit and watch the grass grow than to play the game.

2014-07-13 7:47 AM
in reply to: the bear

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Originally posted by the bear

In a word: boring. I've had many friends try to get me to  play over the yeas, to the point of even giving me a set a clubs, but I have never found the appeal. Must be something to it given the number of people who do it, including many of my friends and most of my coworkers. But to me if one were to visit a golf course it would be more exciting to sit and watch the grass grow than to play the game.

The best time that I had on a golf course last year was running in a Cross Country race.
2014-07-15 5:37 AM
in reply to: 0

Lost, Florida
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I used to play all the time, then I got married, had kids and that didn't leave much time for golf.

I love golf, I look forward to playing A LOT in retirement. I only have one complaint about golf:

#1 PACE OF PLAY. Courses do a HORRIBLE job keeping folks moving on the golf course. I've played at courses that will warn you to speed up, then ask you to pick up, move to the next hole. If they come out again, they'll ask you to leave. Why, that can't be the industry standard, I don't know.

I've played many courses overseas, and they don't have near the problems with slow play that we have in the US. They do a really good job, keeping the pace of play moving. If your group is moving fast, almost always they will let you play through.

As far as cost. On Craiglist or Ebay someone is always giving up the game and selling a set of clubs for next to nothing. As far Green Fees, it's like most things, if you don't like the cost find an alternative place to play. I will agree that some courses are just outrageous on what they charge. Especially when the Home of Golf; St. Andrews is cheaper to play.

I would like to see the USGA, host the US Open only at Public golf courses. To advertise golf as open to everyone, but then we're not allowed to play the US Open courses is a double standard. Last time I checked, I'm able to play any British Open course. It might involve a hotel stay, but it's still OPEN to anyone.

Edited by sfm15 2014-07-15 5:39 AM
2014-07-15 7:16 AM
in reply to: sfm15

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I love golf. I grew up playing. As a kid the local public course was $75 for a summer pass for kids in school in that town. My mother would drop me and a few buddies off at 6am, we'd play as much as we could then mess around playing games for Cokes on the putting greens. Some days we'd caddy for some members if we didn't feel like playing 9 or 18. Sometimes we'd fish at the pond off the 9th hole. We were always there though and it was awesome.

Before my son I played a lot and got pretty good. I was a 4 the summer before I got married (2007) and would play Saturday and Sunday mornings at 5:30 AM by just walking on the course myself and pretty much completing my round before anyone else started. Now my son is 3 years old and he loves to go to the range with me and hit his little 7i I got him and go to the putting green.

IMO right now the sport is in tough shape for the masses and unless there are some serious changes I don't see it getting better. I think the best initiative so far to help the game is the Tee It Forward program. I would absolutely love to see a marshal ask a group to play up one set of tees rather than telling them they need to move quicker. I'm not 100% sure but in other countries don't you need a HCP to play certain tees? When I was really playing I would play from the tips but now that I only play here and there and am about a 14/15 HCP I play from the middle tees so I can enjoy myself. IMO, and this is obviously a generalization, VERY FEW people should be playing from anywhere behind the white (in a typical red-front, white-middle, blue-back) set of tees. I realize the whole "I paid for the round I'll play from where I want" etc, etc, but it kills the game and adds to the terrible pace of play which is what everyone complains about.

Like a lot of other people said too, it's up to us (the players) to keep speed up. Play ready golf in all situations which as Kido said is more than just being the furthest away from the hole.
2014-07-15 8:22 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

If someone can throw the ball back to me after I hit it I'll play golf.  I'm not hitting a ball and chasing it.

2014-07-15 9:22 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
I probably play too much golf now. I certainly spend way too much on golf. This season on private membership, tournament, guest fees, food and drinks, I'll probably spend $15k on the game so I am not the guy you are targeting.

But here are my comments on your question since I want to see the game grow:

1. Adults play golf because they were introduced to it by a parent. It is a rarity for an avid golfer to pick up the game in adulthood. Some of my best memories with my dad was playing golf with him as a kid.Now my dad and I, looks forward to his annual trip up from Florida to play in my member guest. I cherish it because I know we don't have many years left to play together on the course. So you have to make it easier for parents to take their kids our on the course. (ie. family tees, family golf day at the club, and so forth)

2. Golf course architecture really screwed the game when there was the trend in the '80s and '90 where there was competition between architects on who could make the hardest course. The result is a golf experience akin to playing in a torture chamber. Course have to play and be designed to play easier. It is no fun to lose a dozen ProV1s and shoot 95.

3. Ease up on the rules for amateurs. Case in point is the long putter. I can see it for the pro game but can you really say that an amateur locking a putter against his body really gives him that much of an advantage that it has to be made illegal? The game is too freaking hard to add rules to make it harder. I would also add rules for amateurs like playing OB like a lateral hazard, allowing to ground clubs in bunkers and hazards. Maybe you just have a more casual set of rules for casual play. Almost every casual golfer I play with breaks the rules.......who cares, besides the USGA (who takes themselves way too seriously, IMHO).

4. The cost to play needs to come down. The only way to do that is to reduce the cost to operate the course. Eliminate the idea that every course needs to look like Augusta National. Encourage courses to water less, brown out the fairways, and encourage the idea that a brown fast course is preferable to a slow green one. Invest in the environment on the course, encourage bird and wildlife habitat. Reduce pesticide and fertilizer use and re-establish natural areas. Pinehurst didn't show very well on TV, but the model for re-development and for golf's future was spot on.

5. A big problem in the game is availability to play without sacrificing family time. Especially for guys (or gals, but face it mostly guys play the game) who work all week and have a young family. Families don't want dad at the course at 2 pm on the weekends. They want dad off the course by noon so that the family has the rest of the day to do family stuff. The limitation with golf is that only 4 guys can play at each 10 minute tee time so with a 4 hour round you only have about 20 guys who can play 18 by 11 am. Courses need to consider split tees on the weekend or at least one of the weekend days. Teeing of on both the 1st and 10th will double the number of available tee times at prime time (6:30 am - 9 am). You'll lose tee times until about 11:20 but the advantage is that you'll have twice as many dads finishing up their round early enough that they feel that they are not sacrificing time with their family.

2014-07-15 10:50 AM
in reply to: pga_mike

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Originally posted by pga_mike

I like that triathletes think that golf is expensive.  I have never spent over $100 for a round of golf (Excluding tournaments, where I could make money).  However, I have spent multiples of that for races without thinking it was that bad.

The difference for me is that I can run/bike/swim 6 days a week and the only cost is my $40 a month gym fee. Then I'll do a race once a month or so (I only do Oly's and sprints). That means for at most $140 a month I get to do my hobby about 24 times. How often can I play golf during a month for $140?
2014-07-15 12:09 PM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

Originally posted by jmcconne
Originally posted by pga_mike

I like that triathletes think that golf is expensive.  I have never spent over $100 for a round of golf (Excluding tournaments, where I could make money).  However, I have spent multiples of that for races without thinking it was that bad.

The difference for me is that I can run/bike/swim 6 days a week and the only cost is my $40 a month gym fee. Then I'll do a race once a month or so (I only do Oly's and sprints). That means for at most $140 a month I get to do my hobby about 24 times. How often can I play golf during a month for $140?

x2 a round of golf would be like a race in terms of fees and time investment. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but just to practice you also have to pay fees at the driving range and such - correct? Or can you just walk onto a (public) golf course and practice chipping (is that what it's called?)?

In contrast, in swim/bike/run - once you pay the high barrier fees like purchasing a bike/helmet and running shoes - you can practice an unlimited number of times at zero cost. Big difference. In my head at least.

2014-07-15 12:32 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

I actually love golf, and I am MUCH better at golf than I am at triathlon, but triathlon keeps me fitter. I used to do both but I had a hip stress fracture and I was loosing 20 yards a club plus golfing really hurt my hip.  Then I got over that and signed up for an IM.  Being a full time doctor training for and IM and playing lots of golf are mutually exclusive.  The thing for me about golf is I have no one to play with.  Its REALLY boring to go play by yourself all the time and because I am female they never let me play thru.  I used to bring magazines to read between shots.  Hit a shot wait 20 minutes hit a shot wait 20 minutes....NOT FUN.  Triathlon is quite a bit more social for me and I like the fitness.  So what would get me back to it? 1-not in the summer in FL its bloody miserable out 2-If I had someone to play with 3-if foursomes would let the single play thru. 

2014-07-15 1:16 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?
Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by jmcconne
Originally posted by pga_mike

I like that triathletes think that golf is expensive.  I have never spent over $100 for a round of golf (Excluding tournaments, where I could make money).  However, I have spent multiples of that for races without thinking it was that bad.

The difference for me is that I can run/bike/swim 6 days a week and the only cost is my $40 a month gym fee. Then I'll do a race once a month or so (I only do Oly's and sprints). That means for at most $140 a month I get to do my hobby about 24 times. How often can I play golf during a month for $140?

x2 a round of golf would be like a race in terms of fees and time investment. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but just to practice you also have to pay fees at the driving range and such - correct? Or can you just walk onto a (public) golf course and practice chipping (is that what it's called?)?

In contrast, in swim/bike/run - once you pay the high barrier fees like purchasing a bike/helmet and running shoes - you can practice an unlimited number of times at zero cost. Big difference. In my head at least.

You can get a membership to a club and that covers everything. The local public course near me is $1,250 per year for unlimited golf and range balls. All things being equal, you figure the Y is public, so no need to reference a private golf course which could be that much per month but that's a whole different world. The big difference is that the average triathlete spends a lot more time training for triathlon than an average golfer does practicing golf (if you equate training to practicing and racing to playing a full round). Very few golfers are going to their home course to practice 24 times per month. Range once, maybe twice per week then you play once or twice a week, at least on average. If you said playing a round is the same as a race though then you could figure you are "competing" more at golf (once per week, twice if you're in a league) compared to triathlon where very few people have legit races every single week. You can get into recovery and effort and all that, I was just referencing the # of times you could participate in a month could be a similar cost.

2014-07-15 1:44 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

Love the game!  But went from playing 2 to 3 rounds a week to maybe 1 round per year.  I just don't have the free time to play anymore.  It's been a few years since I was an avid golfer but I understand it's slowing down a bit in popularity?  The last year or so I was still somewhat playing I had dropped CC membership and was enjoying playing diferent courses with friends.  I found the greens fees to be getting a bit out of hand and the courses were over crowded.  At times I do wish I had the time to play more especially since the membership deals around me are "cheap" as far as that goes.

2014-07-15 1:47 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

I just looked up prices for my municipal/public golf course fees - not bad, but definitely more than my "free" tri training or even my $20/month YMCA membership:

Green Fees:
9-holes ranges from $14-$19.50
18-holes ranges from $23-$30

Golf Cart Rentals:
Ranges from $7-$12

Driving Range Fees:
$6.05 for balls
$60 for range card (don't know what that is)
$300 for annual range pass

Group lessons $10 per session
Private lessons: $40-$50 per hour

Range from $75-$85 per golfer or $300 per couple

2014-07-15 5:00 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

I played competitively in HS (only sport that I played in HS).  My wife and I had the privilege of joining a golf club when we were DINKs (dual income no kids).  I played some then and we'd go out on Sunday evenings and have a nice time playing 9 holes.

Then the kids came.  Then the time commitment and the cost didn't make sense.  We felt pressured to play to get the benefit of the club membership we were paying lots of money for.  My personality is one that get frustrated quickly when something that I'm trying to do doesn't work.  Golf is exactly the wrong sport for that personality.  It did little but make me angry.

So the calculus became, "Why spend all this money to spend what limited free time I have doing something that makes me angry?"  I found my free time increasingly moving towards fitness things that helped reduce stress.  And it wasn't long before I was doing tris.

I'll play the odd charity or work golf event now and usually have a lot of fun at those.  But actually, renting a relatively new set of clubs at an event last year made me realize just how old my own clubs are.  If I were to get back into playing regularly, a new set would be effectively required.  Much like a tri bike is for doing tris.

So the bottom line is that its a very expensive hobby that takes a lot of time. 

2014-07-15 5:24 PM
in reply to: Ridgelake

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?


Just played my one game for the year this morning with some relatives who are in town for the week. Shot the best game of my life! Darnit, now I like it again. Gonna have to go again and shoot my normal crappy game so I can give it up for another year.

2014-07-16 7:00 AM
in reply to: the bear

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: You don't play golf? Why not?

Originally posted by the bear

In a word: boring. I've had many friends try to get me to  play over the yeas, to the point of even giving me a set a clubs, but I have never found the appeal. Must be something to it given the number of people who do it, including many of my friends and most of my coworkers. But to me if one were to visit a golf course it would be more exciting to sit and watch the grass grow than to play the game.

You mean it is more boring than riding a bike in Z2 for 6 hours or swimming in a pool for 90 minutes or running 11/mm for 5 hours?

Boring is in the eye of the beholder.

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