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2009-05-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2147782

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2009-05-13 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2147850

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 8:51 AM
KeriKadi - 2009-05-13 8:31 AM I117 isn't healthy for just about anyone over 5 feet tall. 

Wholeheartedly disagree on this particular point. It completely depends on body composition, muscle tone, body fat percentage etc. I am 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds (usually 118 by race day)- am I not healthy?

Please note I said "just about" of course it works and is healthy on some people just like 200 pounds works and is healthy on some people my height.  However, it is not healthy for most and not healthy for Helen at least from looking at her.
I have been 123 at 5'9" and people were asking me if I was OK, there were rumors I had some kind of illness.  Now when I see pictures even I think I looked bad.  I can't carry that low of weight, some women can but it's hard on a 5'9" frame.

There are no absolutes with size/height/weight which is why I didn't make a sweeping generalization.

Edited by KeriKadi 2009-05-13 9:03 AM
2009-05-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2147850

the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 9:51 AM
KeriKadi - 2009-05-13 8:31 AM I117 isn't healthy for just about anyone over 5 feet tall. 

Wholeheartedly disagree on this particular point. It completely depends on body composition, muscle tone, body fat percentage etc. I am 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds (usually 118 by race day)- am I not healthy?

I think it has much more to do with your bone structure - some people have dense bones and some don't.  I think you have a healthy athletic build on a very petite frame, so your weight is fine.  I'm 5'9" and I have big wide shoulders and when I'm carrying single digit body fat (UNHEALTHY) I still weigh over 140.  TECHNICALLY according to BMI tables (which I do not follow because I am borderline obese according to them) you are slightly underweight!
2009-05-13 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2147891

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
meherczeg - 2009-05-13 9:01 AM
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 9:51 AM
KeriKadi - 2009-05-13 8:31 AM I117 isn't healthy for just about anyone over 5 feet tall. 

Wholeheartedly disagree on this particular point. It completely depends on body composition, muscle tone, body fat percentage etc. I am 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds (usually 118 by race day)- am I not healthy?

I think it has much more to do with your bone structure - some people have dense bones and some don't.  I think you have a healthy athletic build on a very petite frame, so your weight is fine.  I'm 5'9" and I have big wide shoulders and when I'm carrying single digit body fat (UNHEALTHY) I still weigh over 140.  TECHNICALLY according to BMI tables (which I do not follow because I am borderline obese according to them) you are slightly underweight!

It was more of a sarcastic question...
Shoulda used the sarc font.
2009-05-13 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I was happy this time that the finalists all did well. I hate watching the finale and seeing 2 people who clearly tried their hardest and 2 other people who did below the average for the show.
2009-05-13 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Barrington Area, IL
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
My thoughts:

- Jerry kicked butt - he was barely on the show; it did seem like he is a little crazy.

- The show needs to re-think letting the 4th person be in the "AT HOME" contest. Ron was NEVER off the ranch and he is competing with Jerry who was on the ranch for 2 weeks - what a joke.

- NBC should be fined for making this 3 hours. They knew they couldn't fill it and came up with that stupid "vote for the next season contestant" which really was a 24 hour fitness commercial.

- Why does this show go 3 hours and then they rush the winner and can't even ask them any final questions? The worst produced show on TV.

Many more but that's it for now...

2009-05-13 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
As I knew spoilers would be all over the internet today, I watched the recorded show in about 30 minutes time. I pretty much FF through everything. Except when people got on the scale.

I was shocked and honestly disappointed Helen won. I was pulling for Tara. I think she would have been a good spokes person going forward for the BL. Like Ali is. Those two would have been a power duo.

Yeah, when you lose 100-200 pounds, the lose skin is there. Unfortunately, it can only be fixed with surgery. Very rough surgery. But Jerry and Helen's arms looked really bad. Shoot, I haven't lost 100 pounds and I have the saggy flap at the bottom of my arm when I wave it (thus, I try to keep the upper part of my arm covered, or I make sure I don't let that flap around!).

Mike looked great in the face... cute guy. You could tell that he had a lot of lose skin around his waist though. He looked very odd when he was walking. Looked great still.

AND, what is UP with them announcing the winner and BAM! the show is over! You have a 3 hour finale and you can't give the winner 5 minutes at the end of the show to say something? To be on camera with their family? That always ticks me off that they do that.

2009-05-13 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Oh one other that...Yes i know its reality TV, bu this is jumping the shark...

Vote for who you want on the next biggest loser?? Cmon.
And the girl who won was wearing Pink.....the last 3 winners now have all been pink....hmmm.America?
2009-05-13 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2147908

the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 10:06 AM
meherczeg - 2009-05-13 9:01 AM
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 9:51 AM
KeriKadi - 2009-05-13 8:31 AM I117 isn't healthy for just about anyone over 5 feet tall. 

Wholeheartedly disagree on this particular point. It completely depends on body composition, muscle tone, body fat percentage etc. I am 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds (usually 118 by race day)- am I not healthy?

I think it has much more to do with your bone structure - some people have dense bones and some don't.  I think you have a healthy athletic build on a very petite frame, so your weight is fine.  I'm 5'9" and I have big wide shoulders and when I'm carrying single digit body fat (UNHEALTHY) I still weigh over 140.  TECHNICALLY according to BMI tables (which I do not follow because I am borderline obese according to them) you are slightly underweight!

It was more of a sarcastic question...
Shoulda used the sarc font.

yeah i got that, i was just correcting that its your bone structure and composition that determines what is your "healthy" weight.
2009-05-13 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2147857

Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS

Zilla - 2009-05-13 9:53 AM
Fatdoggy - 2009-05-13 6:24 AM

Apparently wife and I are in the minority as we thought Kristen looked like a train wreck.  Anything is better then the skunk look she had but she just cannot get it right.  It's like she is trying to distract you from the fact that she still has a ton of weight to lose.

A TON?  Kristen's hair reflects her personality.  She has fun with it.   She is a little bit funky .. so what?  She has her own style .. good for her.  Thank god we don't all look the same.  But to say it looks like she is trying to distract people from the fact that she has a TON of weight to lose?  That's just mean. Compared to where she started ... She has lost a LOT of weight in a relatively short period of time and that is a pretty big accomplishment.  Tsk Tsk.

I'm all for people having their own style.  IMO her latest style looks more awful then her previous three.  I expect you'll now accuse others in this thread who have criticized some of the contenstants who did not do as well as others of being "mean" as well, or is it just me?

2009-05-13 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I was very happy to see Jerry win. He seems like the kind of Grandpa who will take 10k and go on vacation with his wife and put the other 90k into some sort of college fund for his many grandchildren. He does seem a little...off but you know what, he got healthy on his own pretty much with the mutual support of his wife. I was happy to see that.

Blaine and Dane: surprised they did not loose more weight. I do think they finished the half mary, full, and the 70.3 but doing all of those in three weeks does not seem smart from an injury prevention standpoint. However if they keep it up as a lifestyle to race then they will be much better off and good rollmodels for their kids.

Ron: glad he did what he set out to do. He wanted to get mike into the finals and that is what he did. He also lost an amazing amount of weight for a guy who could not fully compete like the others. Overall I think he was probably more inspirational to see what he has done than almost anyone else.

Mike: looked good, worked hard, will have girls all over him in college, enough said. (though sort of sad he did not win)

Tara: looked a bit...off. her face just looked to skinny to me. I think she looked a lot better in the last episode or two.

Helen: Glad she worked so hard to win and I think she looked healthier than Tara. I kind of wish she had not won though as there was always something a little...offputting to me about her. But I think it was more of a personality thing from what I saw.

Daniel (or is it david): the orange team guy who did loose a lot of weight. He has the right attitude. Slow and steady. take a year to loose 100 pounds and keep going.

Overall...I am glad the show is done. I am kind of over watching it. I get much more satisfaction over my own workouts and playing with my dogs.

2009-05-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I am dissapointed Helen won. She sabatoged everyone when they left the campus, she smoked first chance she got, and worst of all, unlike Ron, she threw her daughter under the bus so she could stay. Her daughter did not do so well onher own. Overall she is no inspiration.

The shown has gone down hill. It stopped being about getting healthy and all about the Benjamins! Heck 12/ the team shifting is for ratings! I have not watched an episode without FF through them.

The one positive I take away is Bob earned my respect. He was the only one to tell Ron he should do the marathon. Jillian will endorse anything for a buck.

Maybe Caroline Raye, the former host, saw this coming and left because of it. Doubt I will watch much in the future.
2009-05-13 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I thought both Mike and Tara could have lost a little more weight around their stomachs.

I disagree with the poster who said he though Tara looked sicker than Helen.  My first reaction when Tara came out was, "Wow, she didn't do the starve/dehydrate thing...she looks normal."

I thought Helen looked WAY better in the last episode before the finale than in this one.  If I remember correctly she weighed 147ish in that previous episode?  And I thought she looked good running the marathon that way.  She was TOO thin for the finale.  And I think the fact that Tara and Mike didn't play that game made it more obvious.  There is a difference between some flappy skin (like under her arms) and looking like a frail sickly person.  She was frail and sickly looking.

Oh well...whatever.  There had to be a season where I didn't like the winner eventually.

So I'm guessing if they haven't started the next season yet (since America was voting) then it probably won't air until the Fall.  I should have suspected that....just like any show it's just repeats all summer with new stuff coming in September.  At least we get a break.

I also agree that 3 hours was a bit ridiculous.  I think the difference from previous seasons is the recaps on each contestant.  They never used to do that.  Just the finalists.  The "at home" guys got a quick "show off in a nice outfit", changed to weigh in clothes, weighed in and BAM were done.  That part took WAY longer this year.
2009-05-13 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I was rooting for Tara because I usually don't go for the underdog (even though it makes for better television).  She kicked a$$ all the way through the show, won most of the challenges, and was the biggest competitor.

Since Tara didn't win, I would have gone with Mike.  It seems to me that he had the biggest (pun intended) lifestyle challenge and change.

Helen?  Meh.  I dunno.  Her personality just grated on me and I think she lost my consideration when she let Shanon go.  It seemed selfish and not the "Mom" thing to do.

I didn't watch the finale yet.  Was it decided by "america votes"?

As Dennis Miller says, "That's just my opinion.  I could be wrong."
2009-05-13 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Barrington Area, IL
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
I think it is amazing that some people just don't get concept of game shows.

I have heard, outside of BT, numerous people say Helen SHOULDN'T have one - much different that deserved to win.

She lost the highest percentage of weight - that means she wins! Sure she threw her daughter under the bus but you don't get a weight penalty for that; at least not yet.

It is the same with the people on Survivor who act so holy when they claim not to lie - IT IS A GAME where you are allowed to lie. No on complains when poker players lie.

Sorry - rant off.
2009-05-13 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2148272

Ferndale, MI
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
jldicarlo - 2009-05-13 12:02 PM
I thought Helen looked WAY better in the last episode before the finale than in this one.  If I remember correctly she weighed 147ish in that previous episode?  And I thought she looked good running the marathon that way.  She was TOO thin for the finale. 

I think she also took "How to standlike a supermodel" lessons, too.  The entire show she stood there with one knee relaxed (always the one closest to the camera) and her shoulders thrown way back.  It drove me nutso.

2009-05-13 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2148013

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2009-05-13 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2147313

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Why is everyone saying Helen threw her daughter under the bus? I admit I don't have the best memory, but I did watch that episode and even in the recap last night they played the part about the daughter saying they BOTH made that decision together, they thought Helen would do better at the ranch, etc. Which is something every other team did when one had to go home but not the other. Guess I don't get the gripe.

2009-05-13 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2147581

Traverse Cityish
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
phillybarb - 2009-05-13 7:52 AM

gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 6:46 AM Did Dane and Blaine really do a half marathon, full marathon and half iron in three weeks?  Is that what I heard him say??? 

Agree on Helen looking sickly.  I think her final week was made up of laxatives and a grape for nutrition.

Somebody wrote on another thread that they did the County Music Marathon & Wildflower HIM.  I don't know what half-marathon they completed.

I completely agree about Helen.  She looked so unhealthy.  That is a problem I have with this show; as the show is all about dropping pounds and not about becoming healthy.

It cracks me up on people commenting on how Helen looked sickly or too skinny. Have you even seen what the 45 year old + IM AG winners or people that do events like Race Across America look like? What about pro cyclists that we all look up to? Hell, some of the super fast skinny folks here may look unhealthy to those that don't know what they do as a lifestyle.

To me it looked like her body simply transformed to that of a pretty serious endurance athlete. The part that made her look unhealthy was all the extra skin that used to cover all the fat. As long as she hasn't developed an eating disorder, I say bravo Helen!

2009-05-13 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2148396

Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 11:46 AM
jldicarlo - 2009-05-13 12:02 PM
I thought Helen looked WAY better in the last episode before the finale than in this one.  If I remember correctly she weighed 147ish in that previous episode?  And I thought she looked good running the marathon that way.  She was TOO thin for the finale. 

I think she also took "How to standlike a supermodel" lessons, too.  The entire show she stood there with one knee relaxed (always the one closest to the camera) and her shoulders thrown way back.  It drove me nutso.

OMG, that drove me nuts too!

You know who else tends to do that and it's distracting?  The actress that plays Hermione Granger (Emma Watson?) in the later Harry Potter movies....
2009-05-13 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2148341

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Wolff27 - 2009-05-13 12:28 PM I think it is amazing that some people just don't get concept of game shows. I have heard, outside of BT, numerous people say Helen SHOULDN'T have one - much different that deserved to win. She lost the highest percentage of weight - that means she wins! Sure she threw her daughter under the bus but you don't get a weight penalty for that; at least not yet. It is the same with the people on Survivor who act so holy when they claim not to lie - IT IS A GAME where you are allowed to lie. No on complains when poker players lie. Sorry - rant off.

Totally agree - it's about the weight loss!  It really clicked for me when Jillian went on a rant early on when one of the players only lost a couple of pounds and then said something along the lines of "well, i know my clothes are fitting looser so i feel good about my effort".  She basically said that for the show the weight loss matters and that's it!  All of us here are into healthy lifestyles and want to to people adopt good habits and feel good about themselves irregardless of size.  Sadly, that's not the bottom line for the show. It seems to be a by-product.

And on a side note - i had a sneaking suspicion that Helen would do well. I knew she wasn't out of the running.  I don't think many people were placing their bets on Michelle last year and she did it.  Too bad though, other posters are right, she's not that inspirational. At least by how she conducted herself on the ranch.

2009-05-13 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2148417

Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 12:50 PM Why is everyone saying Helen threw her daughter under the bus? I admit I don't have the best memory, but I did watch that episode and even in the recap last night they played the part about the daughter saying they BOTH made that decision together, they thought Helen would do better at the ranch, etc. Which is something every other team did when one had to go home but not the other. Guess I don't get the gripe.

I dunno, I could have it completely wrong.  But, in my mind, mom is mom.  A mom will do anything for their kids.  It's supposed to be instinctual.

But, on the episode I watched, Shanon (being the dutiful daughter) said selflessly, "Mom, you are my inspiration and whatever you think is right is okay with me."  And then Helen said, selfishly, "Yes, my offspring, I need this more than you. Go home and deal with reality while I hang out here."

She threw her daughter under the bus so she could continue on the show.  Not a motherly quality, if you ask me.
2009-05-13 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2148598

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
NoTrebleAtAll - 2009-05-13 12:52 PM
lisac957 - 2009-05-13 12:50 PM Why is everyone saying Helen threw her daughter under the bus? I admit I don't have the best memory, but I did watch that episode and even in the recap last night they played the part about the daughter saying they BOTH made that decision together, they thought Helen would do better at the ranch, etc. Which is something every other team did when one had to go home but not the other. Guess I don't get the gripe.

I dunno, I could have it completely wrong.  But, in my mind, mom is mom.  A mom will do anything for their kids.  It's supposed to be instinctual.

But, on the episode I watched, Shanon (being the dutiful daughter) said selflessly, "Mom, you are my inspiration and whatever you think is right is okay with me."  And then Helen said, selfishly, "Yes, my offspring, I need this more than you. Go home and deal with reality while I hang out here."

She threw her daughter under the bus so she could continue on the show.  Not a motherly quality, if you ask me.

I sorta understand the motherly thing. Sorta. But if it had gone the other way, we could just as easily say the daughter was being selfish for staying and threw HER OWN MOTHER under the bus - gasp - her own mother, how dare she. I still don't see it being any different from any of the other couples who had to make a similar decision. One person's gotta go home and if you call that throwing someone under the bus... well I disagree.

2009-05-13 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2148522

Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Biggest Loser Finale - SPOILERS
Nelg - 2009-05-13 10:23 AM
phillybarb - 2009-05-13 7:52 AM
gir1with1nose - 2009-05-13 6:46 AM Did Dane and Blaine really do a half marathon, full marathon and half iron in three weeks?  Is that what I heard him say??? 

Agree on Helen looking sickly.  I think her final week was made up of laxatives and a grape for nutrition.

Somebody wrote on another thread that they did the County Music Marathon & Wildflower HIM.  I don't know what half-marathon they completed.

I completely agree about Helen.  She looked so unhealthy.  That is a problem I have with this show; as the show is all about dropping pounds and not about becoming healthy.
It cracks me up on people commenting on how Helen looked sickly or too skinny. Have you even seen what the 45 year old + IM AG winners or people that do events like Race Across America look like? What about pro cyclists that we all look up to? Hell, some of the super fast skinny folks here may look unhealthy to those that don't know what they do as a lifestyle. To me it looked like her body simply transformed to that of a pretty serious endurance athlete. The part that made her look unhealthy was all the extra skin that used to cover all the fat. As long as she hasn't developed an eating disorder, I say bravo Helen!

Exactly the comment I made to my wife when Helen came out on stage.

Well, that and "Helen and Tara have both obviously been hitting the diuretics pretty hard."  Helen, to me, looked starved for fluids, actually.  Neither of them will probably stay long at the minimum weight they were at for the finale (though Tara probably has a better chance, IMO).

When I think back to the first duathlon relay my wife and I got talked into doing when we had first lost weight and the women who got the podium finishes in the over-40 AGs, they looked pretty much like Helen did last night, frankly.

Sorry Tara didn't win, but my wife called it the moment she saw Helen.
2009-05-13 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2148616

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