General Discussion Triathlon Talk » So why is it???? Rss Feed  
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2009-08-25 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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Subject: RE: So why is it????

I know that I have not read every thread in every forum, and I have only been on the list since April, but I ahve not really seen a whole lot of this negativity.
Every single time I have had a question I get good solid answers.
When i meet people at the Tri's they are all decent people.
My very First Tri the Guy that came in first did it in about 45 minutes. The start was a snake swim, so over half of us were still in line,
He came back and was cheering us on clapping and giving atta boys and girls all the way around.
He was still there when the photog left!

2009-08-25 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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Subject: RE: So why is it????
I was once accused of consuming all the water in a certain Chicago Marathon in 2007 simply so the BOPers wouldn't have any water. I wasn't thinking `Gee I'll take an extra cup just so others can't have it. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!' I was thinking `Gee I'll take an extra cup so I don't DIE!'

In triathlons I'm usually MOP. I don't have any ill will toward anybody. In fact when people go blowing by me I say `WOw nice work!' because I'm very impressed. If I go blowing by someone I say `Nice job, keep it up!' I personally think that if I really put my heart and soul into it I could be considerably faster. But I'm training 12-14 hours a week right now (my plan has me on a short week this week, thank the gods) and I can't fathom training any more than that just to shave minutes off my time (or even an hour in the IM).

So I agree, it's all in how the sport is perceived. Some are doing it `just to finish' while others are doing it to podium. Me -- I don't have really steadfast set goals but at the same time I will give it 110 percent of my ability every single time. If that means MOP, then cool. Those who dislike the fasties for being fast are no better than the fasties disliking BOPers because they're not moving as fast.

Charity runners take a lot of heat for this. I've heard on more than one occasion from BTers when I was mentoring for Team in Training, you know, to raise money for cancer research, that the `Purple Wave better not get in my way' or that `those fu**ing Team in Training people are dangerous because they move so slow.' Klassy, people. Klassy.
2009-08-25 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2369118

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Subject: RE: So why is it????

Daremo - 2009-08-25 10:27 AM
Rogillio - 2009-08-25 11:16 AM

More more thought...


The "it never gets easier" thread is a good example of what I mean about the FOPers assuming that all BOPers aspire to become FOPers.  This type of thead had been posted many fact, one time I posted that "it DOES get easier" and Rick, you posted that I was not training hard enought.  I know you were joking but maybe some beginner BOPers did not.  If you tell a beginner who is struggling to run 1 mile that "it never gets easier" he's likely just to say f' it, I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life killing myself.  The truth is, the "it never gets easier" is BS!  It's bravado.  It does get easier and if you don't think it does than maybe you have always been an athlete or just don't remember how hard it was  to s/b/r when you first strated.



And I would respectfully disagree.  It does not get "easier" unless you set a certain time limit for your pace and then cap your effort to stay there.  AT THAT POINT of course it is "easier."  Instead of pushing the effort level to the same point that they did in the first run, they've allowed their body adaptations to take place and THEY GOT BETTER and more efficient at that pace.  Instead of applying the same level of effort, the person has set a benchmark pace and made themselves stick there.

But if that same person was able to take the level of effort that they ran that initial pace at and applied it to the later run, 99.9% of the time they will be faster.

If someone is comfortable at a single pace and puts the work in ......... only to make that pace easier, that is their choice!  They know almost exactly where they will be in every single run or race they do for time because they choose to run the same every time.

It is disingenious to tell someone that it gets easier because if they continue to put out the same effort they did before, it is NOT any easier.  Running Z4 is running Z4 is running Z4.  It hurts, no matter how fast or slow you are.

The only difference between the person pushing their best effort in the front of a 5k and the person pushing their best effort towards the back of the race is the finishing time.  The faster person merely has to put up with the discomfort for a shorter period.  Which makes it all the more impressive when you consider the person in the back has just done THAT MUCH MORE to get to the finish.


Well I have to respectly disagree with your disagreement.  What the gentlemen from MD fails to see is that "getting easier" inplies the SAME TASK get's easier.  If you run faster obviously it's not gonna get easier!   I've run at a 10 minute/mile pace for 12 years.  Sometimes a little faster and sometimes a littler slow but I can tell you w/o a shadow of a doubt, it DOES get easier!  Much, much, much easier!  When I started running I nearly died running 3 miles at a 10 m/m pace.  6 years later I could run 18 miles non-stop at the same 10 m/m pace...and running 3 miles was a piece of cake not a majoy challange.


You asked for the reason for the continual FOB/BOP discussion and misperceptions and I'm telling you, this is a quintessential example.  I perceive that 'it never get's easier' comment as ST, FOP, elite, bravado, BS.  And you do not.  So there you have it.  :-)


2009-08-25 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: So why is it????

It's funny that this thread came up because I was a little surprised on the weekend when I was running a 30k race with my running buddy. We've both improved hugely in running since we each started but she made a comment that kind of touches at the nerve of what some newbies or BOPers worry about ... and she said about an older co-worker of hers who was racing "I am not sure why she's doing these longer races since she's not fast, she's not getting faster. I don't think i would want to do that. Why not go to shorter distances so you can go faster." 
I disagree with this wholeheartedly - I mean that might be fine for her but science and time prove that speed improvements can only be made for so long.   

And I think lots of people think that the fasties just look at them and wonder WHY the heck you would be out there if it's going to take so long.  We just can't ever know someone's motivation for doing something.  There are some people who are totally preoccupied with performance and might forget about the many reasons someone might be out there ... though, as stated before everyone here is quite supportive and tends to remind some over eager, competitive types that there are many different reasons to tri.

2009-08-25 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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Subject: RE: So why is it????

Y'all are making my head's really not that hard and I haven't even done my first race.

I got in this to challenge myself to see what i can accomplish.  I've always been active, but never been "good" at any type of "endurance" sport.  Even in high school, i was a state champion wrestler, but couldn't run 3 miles in less than 30 minutes (i probably averaged 10-11 minute miles) and i was running all the time.  I was very competative, and hate to lose.  I would define wrestling as one of the hardest sports to this day because you had to have the technique, strength, endurance, stamina to endure each match and tournament.

Anyway, my point being, I want to challenge myself and improve from where i start, but I have no "dreams" of being FOP or placing.  Probably never will, because I'm not sure I possess the physical and genetic make up to be "competative".  I will definitely try my hardest to improve and I may very well surprise myself.  I'm new to biking, so i may possess some great ability to be a great cyclist.

I will continue to train and I will continue to improve.  I may very well place in some races in the future, but right now i'm competing with myself.  If that makes me competative with others, then that's just icing on the cake for me, as i would love to be FOP competative.

I would imagine most everyone is out there to compete with themselves first, then compete with others.  If you don't compete with yourself first, your not improving.  If your not improving, then your standing still.

Just my thoughts.

BTW, i've found everyone here to be helpful in offering advice, etc.  It's been a very good resource.

2009-08-25 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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Subject: RE: So why is it????
Daremo - 2009-08-25 10:52 AM That threads that get into discussions about one's personal definition and interpretation or "finsish" versus "race" or ones on "timing requirements" or "race pacing" or etc. etc. always seem to degenerate get pared down to a few things:

"All you FOP people treat the MOP and BOP like crap and are elitist."
"The FOP don't enjoy the race and are too worried about 'x' or 'y' splits to have fun."
"The FOP people just want the BOP out of the race."
"Why do you care why they want to participate, they pay the same money as you?"

Maybe b/c people who don't believe that stuff don't speak up that often.  I read that stuff and think, 'eh, whatever.'  Some of the greatest tri peeps I've met are FOP.  My friend Holden who is a pro sitting on the side of the road waiting for me for 2 hours to finish a HIM.  Paul Fritzsche who is another pro who asked me to swim with him 10 days out from LP.  Jorge coming up to LP for the weekend.  I mean even Daremo....who comes across online like a bit of an...ummm.....super cool in person!   

We all have our own goals, and what other people's goals are/purpose for racing is completely immaterial to me other than wanting them to achieve their goals.  So I agree, i think the majority of the tri crowd is extremely supportive & friendly.

2009-08-25 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2368971

New user
Subject: RE: So why is it????

I think the reason these discussions get emotional is not because of some class warfare. I am a MOP'er with a limited number of races and have said before that I think this board is unique in that someone training for 2 hours a week can get real insight/support from someone going 10+/week. I think the emotion comes in because at some point the discussion boils down to why people choose to participate - a very personal decision.  Any forum discussion is bound to deal with generalities and IMO generally speaking - FOP'ers are out to win the "race" in the "pure" sense of the athletic win.  MOP'ers and BOP'ers are more likely to feel they have "won" if they finish the "event" or some other personal definition of win.  These two views are not compatible with each other and which could be translated too - "your personal goals are not worthy." Please note I do not share this feeling - I have some level of respect for everybody on this board - including myself - so I am cool that we all have different things we are looking for but I could see how some comments are taken as a personal attack.

But what do I know - my seat is too high.


2009-08-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2369144

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Subject: RE: So why is it????

cathyd - 2009-08-25 10:34 AM I've noticed this too in this forum and don't understand it. 

I've found the FOP people in this forum to be extremely helpful in answering questions posted here and have never seen any 'elitism' attitudes that people accuse them of.  I'm talking about the regulars here, we all know who they are because they post often. 

My own theory is that there is a jealousy factor involved.  I don't believe any BOPer would not love to podium some day.  I was 2nd in  my AG once and I was thrilled.  I really think the people who are posting negatively towards the FOP racers  are actually  jealous of your success especially if they think they train more than you do and still remain BOP.  Nothing you say will change this.

Please know that not all of us at the back feel that way.  I think  the FOP people on BT are awesome!!


I am a BOPer and have no desire to podium finish nor am I jealous of the FOPers.  Someone posted here recently that "knowledge is key to success" but that is not true.  The correct application of knowledge is the key to success.  I know what it takes to podium finish.  I've seen the logs of the guys who go sub-10 hrs in an IM.  But I choose not to put forth that effort.  I see the same thing in business.  I see guys that have risen to the top of the corporate world and are now making millions as CEOs but I choose not to put in the 16 hr days that they did. 

I had someone accuse me of being a "C student" one time.  I gave that a lot of thought and concluded they were right.  I had the mental capacity to finish college with a 4.0 but instead I graduated Lawdy How Cum.  Why?  Becuase I chose to party and enjoy my college years.  I'm a C-student triathlete too and I'm happy with that.  Really.  I know that is so hard for some people to understand becuae we have so many over-achievers here.  For me, it comes down to priorities.

One of my other hobbies is woodworking and those are some my projects.  I consider myself a c-student woodworker too...but I'm ok with that too.  Maybe I'm just a jack-of-all-trades and conqurer of none.  :-)


Edited by Rogillio 2009-08-25 11:02 AM
2009-08-25 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2368971

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2009-08-25 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Subject: RE: So why is it????
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

2009-08-25 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2369182

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: So why is it????
Rogillio - 2009-08-25 10:45 AM

Well I have to respectly disagree with your disagreement.  What the gentlemen from MD fails to see is that "getting easier" inplies the SAME TASK get's easier.  If you run faster obviously it's not gonna get easier!   I've run at a 10 minute/mile pace for 12 years.  Sometimes a little faster and sometimes a littler slow but I can tell you w/o a shadow of a doubt, it DOES get easier!  Much, much, much easier!  When I started running I nearly died running 3 miles at a 10 m/m pace.  6 years later I could run 18 miles non-stop at the same 10 m/m pace...and running 3 miles was a piece of cake not a majoy challange.


You asked for the reason for the continual FOB/BOP discussion and misperceptions and I'm telling you, this is a quintessential example.  I perceive that 'it never get's easier' comment as ST, FOP, elite, bravado, BS.  And you do not.  So there you have it.  :-)


Of course if you continually run 10m/m it's going to become easier. What the Lemond quote pertains to, though, is the effort. If you maintain the same effort that you did when you first start (i.e, NOT make it easier) then you will should be faster.

Not passing judgement on those who don't want to maintain that effort...

Edited by the bear 2009-08-25 11:02 AM

2009-08-25 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: So why is it????
So, why not - just for sh-ts and grins - go run that same 3 mile run at the EFFORT level you ran before?

Same distance, same effort ........ you'd be "faster."

I put forth to the court, Who amongst us would say that if you chose to run the same effort that you would not put up a better time.  It is not elitist, it is not being ST-sih.  It is a simple fact that is incontrovertable - if you ran the same effort you did before (or even remotely close), you would not be going any easier, yet you would put up a better time.

Let's say your 10 min. mile over 5 miles a year ago was slightly harder, but still pretty easy.  Run that same effort today for the same distance.  You'll be faster.

You've have decided that the pace you are running is good for you and you like it.  You have decided that there is not any reason to push the effort level to improve your TIME.  My point is, that IF YOU CHOSE TO, you could increase the effort level your pace would be faster.  You don't choose to do that.  And there is nothing at all wrong with that because you are quite comfortable in your choices.

But don't pawn off a bunch of BS that it gets easier.  The whole point of Lemond's quote is that for the same level of effort, the work does not get easier, you simply get faster.  Again, going Z4 is the same whether it takes 20 minutes or 40 minutes over a set distance.  It still sucks.  You have chosen the going "easier" route by not keeping your level of effort the same.  Which is a perfectly acceptable way to go KNOWING that you will not be trying to improve your pace.

I can't believe I'm going to say this ....... but if one used a HRM and found 150 bpm for a run to qualify as "easy" for them from an effort stand point, if they ran 150 bpm all the time you know what will happen???  In a few months their splits would be faster from a time perspective (see Maffetone and Mark Allen).  What you are subscribing to is that you are happy to run "X" pace and your HR will have gone from 150 down to 145 down to 140 over the length that you have been running.  Instead of using the effort as the gage, you are using the pace as the gage.
2009-08-25 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2369168

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: So why is it????
mr2tony - 2009-08-25 10:41 AM 
Charity runners take a lot of heat for this. I've heard on more than one occasion from BTers when I was mentoring for Team in Training, you know, to raise money for cancer research, that the `Purple Wave better not get in my way' or that `those fu**ing Team in Training people are dangerous because they move so slow.' Klassy, people. Klassy.

This is just one example of similar attitudes that have historically been portrayed on this site.
People see attitudes like this and can't help but infer that their attitude extends to other "newbies" or "recreational" athletes. I'm not saying it necessarily does, but that's not a far reach at all. If you're willing to extend that attitude to one group of people, what's stopping you from extending it to everyone else?

2009-08-25 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2369220

the colony texas
Subject: RE: So why is it????
to attempt to answer the actual question...

I don't know... I know a few FOP athletes locally and they are always helpful and supportive of me, doesn't matter if a placed or got crushed that day.   They are more than happy to answer question I have about training, tactics and things that are currently beyond my abilities with out any snarkiness or implying judgment toward me. 

The same can be true for the times I actually ask a real question on here either through a thread, inspire or PM. 

Are there people that treat others poorly -Yes.... does it have anything to do with how fast they are and others are not - No.  
People can be jerks regardless of their athletic ability

Edited by Gaarryy 2009-08-25 11:06 AM
2009-08-25 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2369220

Subject: RE: So why is it????
Rogillio - 2009-08-25 11:57 AM

cathyd - 2009-08-25 10:34 AM I've noticed this too in this forum and don't understand it. 

I've found the FOP people in this forum to be extremely helpful in answering questions posted here and have never seen any 'elitism' attitudes that people accuse them of.  I'm talking about the regulars here, we all know who they are because they post often. 

My own theory is that there is a jealousy factor involved.  I don't believe any BOPer would not love to podium some day.  I was 2nd in  my AG once and I was thrilled.  I really think the people who are posting negatively towards the FOP racers  are actually  jealous of your success especially if they think they train more than you do and still remain BOP.  Nothing you say will change this.

Please know that not all of us at the back feel that way.  I think  the FOP people on BT are awesome!!


I am a BOPer and have no desire to podium finish nor am I jealous of the FOPers.  Someone posted here recently that "knowledge is key to success" but that is not true.  The correct application of knowledge is the key to success.  I know what it takes to podium finish.  I've seen the logs of the guys who go sub-10 hrs in an IM.  But I choose not to put forth that effort.  I see the same thing in business.  I see guys that have risen to the top of the corporate world and are now making millions as CEOs but I choose not to put in the 16 hr days that they did. 

I had someone accuse me of being a "C student" one time.  I gave that a lot of thought and concluded they were right.  I had the mental capacity to finish college with a 4.0 but instead I graduated Lawdy How Cum.  Why?  Becuase I chose to party and enjoy my college years.  I'm a C-student triathlete too and I'm happy with that.  Really.  I know that is so hard for some people to understand becuae we have so many over-achievers here.  For me, it comes down to priorities.  


I believe you Mike... you are special and I mean that in a good way.  I don't include you in my jealousy theory.
2009-08-25 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Bronze member
Subject: RE: So why is it????
Oh and it might be - i've seen this more on Iron distance threads that some people forget that even if you have 'to finish' goal that it doesn't mean that you haven't put serious effort into training and it somehow takes away from those gunning for a specific time.  Honestly, the ones saying that don't realize that it doesn't mean that the person is sitting around on their butt not doing training. That's one that gets on my nerves.  Again, this has more to do with a preoccupation with one's own goals that you forget that about the effort required for others.  And again, this usually leads to alot of discussion where many level, headed and supportive BTer's point this out.

2009-08-25 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2369195

Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: So why is it????
juniperjen - 2009-08-25 11:48 AM

... and she said about an older co-worker of hers who was racing "I am not sure why she's doing these longer races since she's not fast, she's not getting faster. I don't think i would want to do that. Why not go to shorter distances so you can go faster." 

I don't see anything wrong with expessing that thought.  Your running buddy indicated that SHE has a hard time fathoming someone else's motivation because she, herself, wouldn't choose that path.  That's very different than judging the value of the other individual's personal goals. 

As you said, we can't ever really know someone's motivation for what they are doing unless they tell us (honestly).  And often times, it's difficult (or impossible) to fully put yourself 'in the other person's shoes'.  So even if they do, we may still have a hard time understanding it.

Unlike Mike, I often don't think you can really tell "intent" from what people write on these boards.  I've seen many instances of people 'reading things into' a post that aren't clearly there.  I've done it myself, though I try to recognize that I'm making assumptions that could be wrong.

2009-08-25 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: So why is it????
Jealously? Annoyance? Hhhuummmm.

I can say that yes, I have gotten pretty darn annoyed reading RR's from people who barely train and crush their AG.

Or they run twice a week and keep a 7 minute mile easy.

Or they ride 50 miles a week and go out and do a 21 mph average in a race.

Yes, I've know people like that in this very board.

I know a few MOP/BOP people who have posted in the logs (including me) how annoying and discouraging it is... for us to train year after year... not seeing any huge improvements... whereas other people DO see that.

There I am, training my butt off day after day, year after year... and someone who hardly trains beats me on the bike and run. Like it's nothing. Yes, I get annoyed about it. But I also don't hate them for it. It's just who they are.

2009-08-25 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Subject: RE: So why is it????

I got a chance to run with the very tail-end BOP'ers at a triathlon I did as a relay two weekends ago. I swam and ran and someone else biked for me. Since the relay swimmers were in the second to last wave and my cyclist was REALLY slow, I didn't get out on the run course until it was the very last of the last out there. I had fresh legs, and even though I've been injured, I managed a decent clip on a less-than-flat course. I passed every single person I came across and never got passed once. Now I'm not a FOP'er, but my run times are not BOP anymore, and that day, I was a much faster person among people who are true BOP'ers. A lot were walking, some were struggling. It was hot out. My 9:00/mile pace, which isn't fast at all to a true FOP'er, was speedy compared to walkers and 12:00/milers. And I still got smiles and waves and shouts of "good job, keep it up", etc. from them. They didn't seem at all p*ssed or "jealous" that I was faster than them. (Plus, being at the very BOP means you get all the extra water at the water stops thrown on you by willing 10-year-olds!)

So no, the MOP'ers/BOP'ers aren't jealous. And it was actually really humbling to be out there and remember how far I've come. It was the first race for some of these people, but not all - a few were people on my tri team who will probably never be anything more than BOP, no matter how hard they try. Don't take your abilities for granted. You might not always have them.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-08-25 11:12 AM
2009-08-25 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2369258

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: So why is it????
I've gotten a 30 day time out for "perceived" vs. "actual" intent, so I know all about that.
2009-08-25 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Subject: RE: So why is it????
I don't know about everyone else, but when I am " in the sh#t" so to speak in the middle of a race, the last thing I am thinking of is, " I wonder if that Foper is talking smack about me?" 
Come on people, it is the same with the FOP, they are running their race just like the MOPs and BOPs.
To me, competing in a race where there are so many different levels of fitness makes it all that better of a race.  Adds a whole new level to the game when you have to adjust for a slower or faster person, I think it would be boring any other way.
My 2 cents 

2009-08-25 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2368971

Twin Cities
Subject: RE: So why is it????
I'm sure part of it happens b/c the internet is a silent medium... smilies and font colors only go so far, and some people's normal tone may come off as harsh or arrogant or meek and mild in print...but in real life they are totally different. It's easy to misconstrue things in a post, and it's certainly possible to take offense when there was none intended.
2009-08-25 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2369236

Subject: RE: So why is it????
Did you just say I should use a HRM to gage my effort ?
2009-08-25 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2369258

Bronze member
Subject: RE: So why is it????
JohnnyKay - 2009-08-25 12:09 PM
juniperjen - 2009-08-25 11:48 AM

... and she said about an older co-worker of hers who was racing "I am not sure why she's doing these longer races since she's not fast, she's not getting faster. I don't think i would want to do that. Why not go to shorter distances so you can go faster." 

I don't see anything wrong with expessing that thought.  Your running buddy indicated that SHE has a hard time fathoming someone else's motivation because she, herself, wouldn't choose that path.  That's very different than judging the value of the other individual's personal goals. 

As you said, we can't ever really know someone's motivation for what they are doing unless they tell us (honestly).  And often times, it's difficult (or impossible) to fully put yourself 'in the other person's shoes'.  So even if they do, we may still have a hard time understanding it.

Unlike Mike, I often don't think you can really tell "intent" from what people write on these boards.  I've seen many instances of people 'reading things into' a post that aren't clearly there.  I've done it myself, though I try to recognize that I'm making assumptions that could be wrong.

True enough - we're both pretty focused right now on improving times - but what she said speaks exactly to the fears of back of the packers and where that insecurity might come from ... and it's a little soon to be saying things like that - she's 30.  She's got a long road ahead and who know when/how her motivation will change.
2009-08-25 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2369261

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: So why is it????
KSH - 2009-08-25 12:10 PM Jealously? Annoyance? Hhhuummmm. I can say that yes, I have gotten pretty darn annoyed reading RR's from people who barely train and crush their AG. Or they run twice a week and keep a 7 minute mile easy. Or they ride 50 miles a week and go out and do a 21 mph average in a race. Yes, I've know people like that in this very board. I know a few MOP/BOP people who have posted in the logs (including me) how annoying and discouraging it is... for us to train year after year... not seeing any huge improvements... whereas other people DO see that. There I am, training my butt off day after day, year after year... and someone who hardly trains beats me on the bike and run. Like it's nothing. Yes, I get annoyed about it. But I also don't hate them for it. It's just who they are.

Or because they've been involved in endurance sports for 15+ years and have such a huge base.

Or because they have the genetic predispostion of the Kalenjin tribe.

But I get exactly what you're saying.
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