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2012-07-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #4297325

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

The only thing I expect of a person with a tribike (fancy or not) is some level of competence.  Do you know how to manage your transition area?  Are you wearing appropriate apparel?  Do you mount/dismount when told?   Are you riding to the right and not drafting?

I have more lenience about that stuff when I think a person is a newbie (likely on a hybrid or mountain bike).    I don't have tolerance for getting in my way, etc, for a person on a tribike.

When I am getting passed I can't tell if you're as fast as you "should" be.   Also, I don't know what sort of  bike the podium winners rode.  

2012-07-06 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4297112

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

brreems - 2012-07-06 11:16 AM

I worry that if I get a triathlon bike vs a road bike people will have higher expectations of me.  

No one has higher expectations of me than I do.

2012-07-06 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4297123

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Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
JZig - 2012-07-06 5:20 AM

Honestly, if you go out there and average 15mph on a sprint course with $10k in bike/aero gear, yeah... people are gonna think some things.

Whether or not that matters to you is a different story completely.


I notice things.  It's human nature.  If you drive a Ferrari, and are with a girl 30 years younger than you...I will take notice, and point you out to my friends.  I'm sure the guy with the Ferrari could care less. 

That being said...there are tons of P2s, P3s, speed concepts, etc at every race.  If you're riding one...sorry, *I* won't really notice.  If you've got a P5, a BMC time machine, or something crazy like that...yes, I will notice, and I will likely note your number and check your bike split.

Just being honest...*shrugs*...but you still shouldn't care what I think.

2012-07-06 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4297112

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2012-07-06 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
I would definitely have expectations of a person that had a fancy tri bike.  They would be that the person is most likely a triathlete...  Fast slow or otherwise, the equipment goes with the sport not the proficiency at that sport. 
2012-07-06 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4297256

Lake Stevens, Wa
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

DanielG - 2012-07-06 9:12 AM The type of person who actually cares if you're "living up to your bike" is perhaps the type of person you should care about their opinion the least.

Absolutely - couldn't have said it any better...

2012-07-06 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4297221

Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

running2far - 2012-07-06 11:56 AM I rarely notice or remember who was fast or slow on their bike.


I've passed $10k SHIV's on my FELT B12.  Didn't think much of it other than it was a nice bike.  My performance is not at a level where I can criticize others.  

My previous mountain bike was a $10k+ bike.  (S-works).  That bike put me on the podium so many times I was bumped to the next class.  Now it's everything I can do just to finish MOP.  Definitely not the bike.  

2012-07-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

who cares what other people think! Your race pictures will look so cool with a nice tri bike, some aero wheels and a nice aero helmet, that when you change your profile pic to you on your sick rig on facebook you will LOOK fast, so who cares if you actually are!

There will always be faster people; the only people that care are people that are jealous of your nice things.

2012-07-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
You are the only one who can put pressure on yourself.
2012-07-06 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

I have a tri bike now, but in my first race ever I podiumed with my hybrid in a duathlon....I did have a good laugh passing those on nicer bikes..they seemed *&^%-ed

but most of the time, no one cares , so just get what you like and can afford and train hard on it

2012-07-06 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

brreems - 2012-07-06 11:16 AM If somebody is competing in a triathlon with their hybrid bike, people don't "expect" them to be TOP or MOP. But, if somebody rides a fancy triathlon bike is there more pressure to finish at a higher spot? I'm going bike shopping today. And I know it sounds silly but I worry that if I get a triathlon bike vs a road bike people will have higher expectations of me. I don't want to be THAT person that has the fancy equipment but not the show to go with it.

This is an incredibly self-motivated sport. If having a better bike puts more pressure on yourself to train, then great, that's as valid a reason to spend the money as anything else. Personally every time I ride my beautiful tri bike I feel like I have to earn it, but that comes from inside.

In the grand scheme of things the reality is I bought it because I wanted it and could afford it, not because I was missing podium slots because I didn't have it.

If having a better bike means you worry about what other people think, your doing this for all the wrong reasons. You're wearing spandex in public, you could stop right there!

2012-07-06 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Ottawa, ON
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

Perception is a human nature. No matter how you try to avoid it, it will happen to any one of us. Now it all depends on how much weight you want to put into it that will define how it will affect your own perception of yourself.

Just go out there and have fun. Having a nice fancy bike will just make you smile and want to ride it more often. People will always judge no matter what so just close a 'blind eyes' to it and ride on!!


2012-07-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4297559

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
mtx - 2012-07-06 2:17 PM

Now it all depends on how much weight you want to put into it . . . .

Nah, lose weight.



2012-07-06 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4297559

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2012-07-06 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Extreme Veteran
Herriman, Utah
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
Yes. I get a kick out of passing someone decked out with all the zip 808's, ventus aero bars, DI2, aero helmet etc. But I also get a kick out of passing anyone and everyone I can. Just more so with the fancy tri bike people. 
2012-07-06 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4297256

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

DanielG - 2012-07-06 11:12 AM Squawk! He's got a nicer bike than me! OCCUPY THE TRANSITION AREA!!!

Just please don't poop on my shoes.  TIA

2012-07-06 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4297593

Extreme Veteran
Torrance, CA
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

I wish bryancd was still here so he could say "You can't see fancy bikes if they're behind you!"  :D


Jokingly, of course.

2012-07-06 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4297325

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
Left Brain - 2012-07-06 11:42 AM

ctbrian - 2012-07-06 11:18 AM
JZig - 2012-07-06 11:49 AM

As an amateur astronomer, I can assure you that I think the same thing about some with a $15,000 12" telescope who couldn't find Jupiter if his life depended on it.  I'd wager that the R/C Airplane community thinks the same thing about some dope who invests a ton of money into a plane that he can hardly fly.


.... I'm fairly sure there is no hardcore slip 'n slide community... obviously have not been over to the Beginner Slip N Slide forum lately.


It doesn't matter, most of the experienced sliders don't post there anymore.

Just, whatever you do, stay out of SlideTwitch if you're a newbie. They'll eat you alive.
2012-07-06 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
If you do get a nice tri-bike and you suck at a race, just tell people you had GI distress or something. But odds are no one is going to care about your poor showing and BOP effort anyway.
2012-07-06 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

"Don't buy upgrades, ride upgrades"

                                                    .... Eddy Merckx

2012-07-06 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4298486

Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
remout - 2012-07-06 9:59 PM

"Don't buy upgrades, ride upgrades"

                                                    .... Eddy Merckx

So you steal the upgrades?  They gotta get on your bike some how. 

2012-07-06 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4297112

Bismarck, ND
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
I didn't get a "fancy" bike with Zipp wheels and all the shebang but I bought a Felt B16 and love it so far. Can't wait to take it out on a ride tomorrow! Never been on a tt bike or had clips before today, so hopefully I will get the hang of it by August for my next race. I got a great deal and just by me looking at it, I am already faster. Who needs training when you can just buy months worth of it? :-)
2012-07-07 4:48 AM
in reply to: #4297145

Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
Kido - 2012-07-06 11:28 AM

I think we THINK people think stuff like that.  Most people?  Just race/train.  I pass and get passed by people all the time on 10k worth of equipement.  If I think anything, I wonder if they are feeling well that day or had a flat, or "man, they are flying" or they are faster than me or I am faster than them...Or just "nice bike".

This is an expensive sport where MOST people usually have some decent expendable income.  Some more than others.  I don't associate expensive equipment with fitness as much as they have deep pockets.  Both are perfectly fine.  Some people will never be fast, but have the cash to put down on nice stuff.


+1....who cares.  If someone else is worried about what other people have and how they perform with equipment they decided to spend their hard earned money one, they probably have other issues as well and they are probably not someone you would associate with anyway.  I am a gear head....and I like nice things....I am not going to win an Ironman.....but this is my sport and I like having the best.  Looking at $400 S-works trivent shoes now......will the seconds they save me in transition going to help me turn pro.  Nope.  They are comfortable, have new technology, and look cool.

Plus...everyone I have met in this sport has been nicer than any other sport I have been involved in.  Sure, people admire other people's stuff....I might see a nice bike or component and ask about it....but I have never thought "why would this dude have this?".....I am new to cycling/triathlon and the people I have dealt with have been very genuine and helpful.

If you asked a top pro what they thought, I am quite certain they would say "Good for that person, good for the manufacturer, good for our sport".

At the heart of it....those who would judge you are dealing with jealousy.

Edited by NeverEnough 2012-07-07 4:57 AM
2012-07-07 6:14 AM
in reply to: #4297112

New York, NY
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me

that was one of the reasons my first bike is a cervelo p3C - I got it end of season, on sale, and figured 

1. I would grow into it why buy a lesser bike and have to upgrade - so long term saves $$

2. I definitely push harder knowing I am riding this awesome bike

3. I had the $$


so yes, I think it is positive pressure

2012-07-07 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4297214

the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Does having a fancy tri bike put more pressure on me
ecozenmama - 2012-07-06 11:54 AM
JZig - 2012-07-06 10:49 AM

As an amateur astronomer, I can assure you that I think the same thing about some with a $15,000 12" telescope who couldn't find Jupiter if his life depended on it.  I'd wager that the R/C Airplane community thinks the same thing about some dope who invests a ton of money into a plane that he can hardly fly.


.... I'm fairly sure there is no hardcore slip 'n slide community...

Whoa there, my kids and their friends would disagree, they come with hose attachments, pools at the end, inflatable football guys to knock down, they have turns, inner tubes, and are hardcore now.  

x2. Video evidence.

I say if you are only going to do things to meet the expectations of others, you will never be happy. If you want a fance tri bike, get it. If you want to ride a beach cruiser, do it. 

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