General Discussion Triathlon Talk » What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training? Rss Feed  
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2013-02-05 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Denver area
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Last summer I had two cool rides in the same area (Palmer Lake, CO). 

Spotted on Ride #1:

  • huge dead elk (fresh kill, gone by the end of the 3 hr ride)
  • alpacas
  • baby donkeys
  • buffalo (on a ranch) that were running along side us as we rode past.  Way cool

Spotted on Ride #2:

  • more alpacas
  • 2 camels

Next time I ride here, I'm going to expect to see Lions, Tigers, and Bears!

I went to the pool this morning for a solo-swim workout and Missy Franklin was 3 lanes over.  That was awesome.

2013-02-05 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I was riding over the Brooklyn Bridge one afternoon when I saw what looked to be a bunch of foreign students on a class trip up ahead. As I approached them, I saw a group of boys (probably 14-16 years old) looking back at me and talking to each other. I was ready for them to do something obnoxious—yell in my ear, throw water on me, whatever. Instead, the whole gang of them (probably about 20 altogether) lined up along the edge of the bike lane and held out their hands for high-fives, and then ran after me, cheering like I was on a mountain stage of the Tour de France. It was pretty cool.
2013-02-05 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4609604

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
mountain_erin - 2013-02-05 11:29 AM

Last summer I had two cool rides in the same area (Palmer Lake, CO). 

Spotted on Ride #1:

  • huge dead elk (fresh kill, gone by the end of the 3 hr ride)
  • alpacas
  • baby donkeys
  • buffalo (on a ranch) that were running along side us as we rode past.  Way cool

Spotted on Ride #2:

  • more alpacas
  • 2 camels

Next time I ride here, I'm going to expect to see Lions, Tigers, and Bears!

I went to the pool this morning for a solo-swim workout and Missy Franklin was 3 lanes over.  That was awesome.


I Love the ride from Sedalia to Palmer Lake, nothing like going downhill on the way back for 10 mile stretches.

2013-02-05 12:59 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Came across this during a ten mile run.  Thought it was kind of interesting:

I did come across a mortally wounded 4' gator laying in the bike lane about six months later during a ride. RIP.

Completely unrelated, about a year ago a flight of six A-10 Warthogs flew over at about 1000' during a run.  That was cool.



2013-02-05 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
Yeah, I've seen road kill alligators, bobcat, rattlesnakes.  T But the coolest thing I almost ran over was a fully mature cottonmouth in the middle of the bike trail.  He stared me down for at least 5 mins and then slithered away.  Actually more scarry than cool.
2013-02-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

The coolest thing i ever did was run the Sahara desert full marathon in 2011. got to stay with the sahrawi people in morocco. They do not live in the best conditions, as i stayed in their camp for a week. But they were very hospitable. Wanted to run the worlds largest desert, and it was amazing!! For certain periods i was by myself, it was so surreal. Seen my share of wild camels, even seen a couple deathstalker scorpions.























Edited by yarislab 2013-02-05 2:33 PM

2013-02-05 2:40 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I almost slid down into this on my last trail run:
2013-02-05 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4609062

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
scottinPA - 2013-02-05 9:00 AM

Since I live in a really rural area, most of what I see is wildlife:  skunks, porcupine, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, woodcock, grouse, turkey, and a coyote. 

I mostly run early morning so on clear days the stars are awesome. 

I used to run without a headlamp, just a flashlight for the occasional car to notice me.  It made for good star gazing but just missing a porcupine by 2 ft and a skunk by 15 ft convinced me to put the headlamp on and leave it on. 

I live in a big city so the wildlife are awesome sightings. And i've been fortunate to see quite a few: I've seen a coyote twice. The first time I mistook it for a big shaggy dog but realized and took a very wide berth around it when I realized it was quite wild. Not a lost/stray dog.  The second time was on a different path but it was running, thankfully away but still super cool.

There was one run where we saw two deer in the span of a few km's. Again, it's amazing to see in this park in the middle of the city.  And in the same park I saw a beaver once. Man, they are ugly.

We did interrupt a fox's breakfast of squirrel one morning. He wasn't very interested in leaving it behind so he didn't automatically run away until had a firm hold of it.

2013-02-05 3:16 PM
in reply to: #4609917

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I do a lot of my running late at night, like after 10pm, and I frequently see lots of white tail deer grazing in people's front yards (and eating their landscaping).  There's about a mile and a half long stretch where if you hit it at the right time of night that you'll see deer bounding away from you about every 7-10th house.
2013-02-05 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4609944

Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
A black bear!  I was out on a longish hill ride, but nothing completely remote, and I saw a large critter amble out of the woods, and I just thought it was a large dog until it stood up on its hind legs and looked at me.  I would have freaked out a lot more if I wasn't on a bike.  I figured I could probably outrun it.
2013-02-05 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4609421

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
The President of the United States!  My wife and I stayed at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville for our anniversary.  Coincidentally, the Obamas were staying at the resort the same weekend.  One morning, I got on a treadmill at the fitness center and was wanded over by a secret service agent about 10 mins into my run.  About 15 minutes later the president came into the room and got on the treadmill next to me.  Funny thing was I didn't even notice right away because I was busy watching the TV attached to the treadmill.  I did a double-take in the mirror and was astonished to see who it was!  For what it's worth, he seemed like a pretty good runner.

2013-02-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4609971

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Patrick E - 2013-02-05 4:28 PM  For what it's worth, he seemed like a pretty good runner.


<insert perpetual campaigning joke here>  

2013-02-05 3:38 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I was stopped by a friend in a car as I was running.  He warned me that there was a bear just down the road.  I thanked him and crossed to the other side of the road and kept running.  A couple of hundred mettes down the road, I spotted the bear.  It was a mamma with a cub.  Good thing I crossed the road.  Good thing I got a warning.  It would have been my bare hands against its bear hands.
2013-02-05 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I was getting near the end of a 6-hour training ride on Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park last summer when the cars in front of me slowed and stopped. Since there was traffic coming the other way on the two-lane road, I stopped as well. Then I noticed that the cars were stopped so they could take snapshots of a bear about 15 feet away from me. I was so tired at that point that I just reached for my water bottle and took a few slugs while waiting for the bear to amble away. Only really occurred to me later that the bear was so close -- guess I was focused on the training... ;-)

2013-02-05 3:46 PM
in reply to: #4609987

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

b2run - 2013-02-05 3:38 PM

 It would have been my bare hands against its bear hands.

That would've been a bad day for the Bear!

In the last 5 months, I have seen:

A Red Tail Hawk take-out a rabbit 3 feet to the right of the road.

A Barred Owl crossed 3 feet in front of me.

An elk 50 feet from me on a mountain in AZ.

Paul Ryan's running group around the Mall in DC. (eh, not that interesting I guess)

The coup-de-grace...  Jens Voight (I was driving, he was riding). 


2013-02-05 3:56 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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The Woodlands, Texas
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

2013-02-05 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4610030

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

rach5928 - 2013-02-05 3:56 PM This....

That is awesome.... Did you forget to post it?

2013-02-05 4:19 PM
in reply to: #4610064

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The Woodlands, Texas
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
GomesBolt - 2013-02-05 4:14 PM

rach5928 - 2013-02-05 3:56 PM This....

That is awesome.... Did you forget to post it?

Had a pic, yet can't seem to upload it. I've had this problem before, and thought I remembered how to shrink the pic b/c it's too big. Apparently I forgot Undecided

2013-02-05 5:01 PM
in reply to: #4610073

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
rach5928 - 2013-02-05 4:19 PM
GomesBolt - 2013-02-05 4:14 PM

rach5928 - 2013-02-05 3:56 PM This....

That is awesome.... Did you forget to post it?

Had a pic, yet can't seem to upload it. I've had this problem before, and thought I remembered how to shrink the pic b/c it's too big. Apparently I forgot Undecided

I just sent you a PM Smile

2013-02-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

I've been running so long that my list would probably be miles long, but...a few favorites.

*Sunrise, when I can get up early enough. Last year I saw a double rainbow at sunrise.

*At home in Oregon, deer and wild turkeys almost daily.

*Not training but a race, but Angkor Wat. I think I've done the HM there six times, and it never gets old. No matter how crappy the race is going, there's still the timeless beauty and the chance to high-five what seems to be every child in Cambodia. (Deb, you would like it!)

*Being accompanied by a sea turtle for OWS in Hawaii.

*The rain forest on Tantalus in Honolulu

*Running in the bed of the Mekong during dry season in Laos at sunrise while the tops of the temples turn to gold.

2013-02-05 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
Out running on a dirt road early one morning and heard something running in the woods alongside me.  I couldn't see it until it came out a driveway and onto the road maybe 20 feet ahead of me.  At first I thought someone's horses got loose.  Then mama moose turned around and stared at me over her two kids' shoulders.  I froze.  They took off up the road and I gave them a decent head start before starting to run again!

2013-02-05 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4608865

Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Open water swims in Australia are awesome - we used to have a sea turtle that lived in a little cove just off the beach - we would see him about once a month.

Have also seen lots of port jackson sharks (which are really pretty and harmless).

Once, the day before the local official open water swim event (held each year) fisherman netted the beach. Because of this there was a bit of left over dead fish on the bottom, which sometimes attract the sharks/bigger fish.

Water was really clear for the swim event (2,000 people) and in around 10 feet of water a hammerhead shark (maybe 6 or 7 feet long) swam right underneath me........nearly had a heart attack but it was obvious he was pretty full from all the fish and stuff.

2013-02-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4609880

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Blanda - 2013-02-05 3:40 PM I almost slid down into this on my last trail run:

Is that orangish object like a sharp root type thingy? It looks like it could be a real pain in the butt, quite literally...

2013-02-05 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
When I am at Assateague on vacation I run past wild ponies on the dunes, deer....Bike in some amazing old towns surrounding the area and swim with dolphins.  Is there anything better?
2013-02-05 9:05 PM
in reply to: #4608865

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
While running in a park I kept coming by a small fawn every time I went by that section of the loop. It seemed lost and confused. Also in the same small little park there is always a wild turkey that lives in there and she is not shy about walking next to you when running by.
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