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2014-01-24 4:42 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Making the most of your training time
Originally posted by soccermom15

Got some good news!  I just got an email that the race I wanted to do on Feb 22 (which I was on a waiting list for since it sold out so quick) has added an additional 150 spots.  It's a trail race at a state park and the number of entries was originally limited to 350.  Apparently the race organizers were able to work it out with the state parks department to let them have another 150 people do the race.  So I'm in!  I really didn't think I get a spot even with being on the waitlist.  Very excited about this

Cool news....that should add some additional training motivation!

2014-01-25 7:23 AM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Making the most of your training time
Originally posted by lutzman

One of the kickers in "training time" is it's easy to forget that actual training is only about 50% of the time requirement. There is also time involved in driving to/from the training site, getting dressed, cooling down post workout, changing/showering, returning home, etc. I've concluded that all the pre/post activity can add about 50% to the workout times, so suddenly 8 hours of training requires 12 hours of actual triathlon related activities.when all the other stuff is rolled in.

This point about "actual time training" is sooo true and there simply aren't enough hours in the day. Between work and family I find that for me getting it done early works best. I try to get to bed by 10:00 everynight and then hit the ground running or swimming at 5:00AM. I try to do two-a-days on the weekend but it just hasn't been happening. I know I should probably try going to a 14 day regimen but I tried a 10 day cycle before and I just couldn't get the 7 day weekly cycle out of my head, wierd! Plus with my swim class being 3 times per week thows the schedule off.

My schedule next week has me swimming masters class at Monday-Wednesday-Friday and run Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday(long). What has been lacking is my biking and weight training but I'm working on it. I am going to start going to a spin class and I joined Planet Fitness for my weight training to try and get more regimented.

Because of this "actual time training" the one thing I want to do this year is work smarter. Being new to swimming it is my weakest event (athough my other events aren't great either ) but looking at this logically one would think if you are only in the water for 12 minutes in a 1 hour 20 minute race (Sprint) I should only be spending 15% of my training time on the swim but I can't look at this logically because I know it needs the most work right now so 50% of my workout time is dedicated to the pool.

Steve's suggestion of using the "Run Less Run Faster" book has been a big help on the "traIning with a purpose" thing for running and I have feeling that the swim scheduled/plan Scott just gave me will be a big help also. I tell my kids all the time, if you are practicing something the wrong way you are just wasting your time.

I have comtemplated this for awhile and I don't think there is anyway to train properly for the triathlon without throwing in a few two-a-days into the week. If anyone has figured out something differently please let me know also I have been looking on the internet for bike and weight traiinnig plans so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Have a great Saturday training everyone!!!


Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-25 10:16 AM
2014-01-25 8:10 AM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Making the most of your training time
Originally posted by soccermom15

Got some good news!  I just got an email that the race I wanted to do on Feb 22 (which I was on a waiting list for since it sold out so quick) has added an additional 150 spots.  It's a trail race at a state park and the number of entries was originally limited to 350.  Apparently the race organizers were able to work it out with the state parks department to let them have another 150 people do the race.  So I'm in!  I really didn't think I get a spot even with being on the waitlist.  Very excited about this

Congrats! Same thing happened to me for a Sprint Tri I really wanted to get into. When Steve talked about the added motivation it got me thinking that my big races are a little far out and so I should book a 5k race for early spring for a little added incentive. I'll work on that today.

I am soooo happy for you, great job getting in.

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-25 8:20 AM
2014-01-25 8:06 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Making the most of your training time

Originally posted by JREDFLY

. . . but looking at this logically one would think if you are only in the water for 12 minutes in a 1 hour 20 minute race (Sprint) I should only be spending 15% of my training time on the swim but I can't look at this logically because I know it needs the most work right now so 50% of my workout time is dedicated to the pool.


James -

I am glad to hear you recognize you should be spending a disproportionate amount of time training for the swim.

It has been said, "You can't win a triathlon during the swim, but you can lose one during the swim."  Whether you have designs on a podium finish, or just finishing the race, it is important to understand the importance of proper swim training in the 'big picture' of the triathlon.

A couple weeks ago, I said while looking at swim splits and how they were dropping off, "then finally levels off at what I call your "basic swim fitness level," (that's a 'Scott term' so don't bother trying to look it up. You can take anybody, have them swim long enough and you will eventually get to the split they can repeat over a very long time. For an endurance swimmer, I like to know what that split time is. By the way, that is the split time we really want to improve upon)."

A real quick, REALLY basic 'refresher' on metabolism -

At low exercise intensities (plenty of oxygen available), aerobic metabolism will dominate, and the lactate produced from the small contribution of anaerobic metabolism will be cleared/removed from the muscles/bloodstream.

As the exercise intensity increases, the contribution of anaerobic metabolism to the production of energy increases, as less oxygen becomes available. More and more lactate will be produced, and eventually there will be more being produced than can be cleared.

What I call the 'Basic Swim Fitness Level,' can also be referred to as 'Lactate Threshold,' 'Anaerobic Threshold,' or my favorite 'Maximal Lactate Steady State - MLSS.' Those terms all refer to the same thing. The maximum speed at which you can swim where the production of lactate and its clearance are balanced.  This typically is a high zone 3, low zone 4 heart rate.  Unfortunately, what can easily happen in a race, especially with a newer swimmer, is the athlete gets 'caught in the moment.'  The first few hundred yards, they go out to fast and suddenly, their heart rate is high zone 4 or zone 5.  They are producing WAY more lactate then their body can clear.  They finish the swim, get through transition and find themselves on the bike, but their HR is still high zone 4 or low zone 5 and it won't be coming down any time soon.  They are already baked and they are just starting the bike, never mind they still have a run looming a few miles down the road.

The whole point of endurance swimming training is to increase the 'basic swim fitness level, or 'lactate threshold, or any of the other terms and descriptions. By increasing the basic swim fitness level, the swimmer is swimming faster at the same relative HR.  A properly trained swimmer can complete the swim, come out of the water with their HR in zone 3, recover in transition and start the bike in high zone 2, low zone 3.  The difference is, in the first example, the athlete came out of the water anaerobically and did not recover, in the second example, the athlete came out of the water aerobically and maintained aerobic metabolism much later into the race.

Bottom line, a disproportionately high volume of swim training will translate into better bike and run splits.

Just my two cents.

2014-01-26 6:15 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

No gain = 5 points  (maybe about 0.5 lb lost)

workouts =703 minutes= 21.10 points


        26.10 points 

2014-01-26 6:50 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Better week this week and had a good swim yesterday.  Still doing 25 yd repeats but I think I had a little power! I could actually feel the water on my hand and forearms.  W00t W00t!!  Thanks Scott!!

Pounds lost: 2= 20 points

No gain= 5 points

232 minutes training: 8 points

Total: 33

Heading to the gym now. Wind chill is still single digits so no outside run for me.  Will catch up on posts later. Looked like lots of interesting new material up!!

2014-01-26 7:30 AM
in reply to: KOM

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by KOM

Better week this week and had a good swim yesterday.  Still doing 25 yd repeats but I think I had a little power! I could actually feel the water on my hand and forearms.  W00t W00t!!  Thanks Scott!!



2014-01-26 7:33 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

700.4 minutes workout - 23.3 points

0.7 pounds lost - 7 points

No gain - 5 points

Total 35.3 points

2014-01-26 7:43 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by QueenZipp

No gain = 5 points  (maybe about 0.5 lb lost)

workouts =703 minutes= 21.10 points


        26.10 points 

It's early in the morning here and I still use my fingers to count, but I think you shorted yourself a couple points.

703/30 = 23.4

Plus 5 should be 28.4?

You're already kicking our collective arses but we should know precisely how big a can of whoop arse you have opened! 

2014-01-26 8:39 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

2 pounds lost = 20

No gain = 5

400 minutes = 13.3

38.3 for the week. Finally a good week!


2014-01-26 8:40 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by KOM

Better week this week and had a good swim yesterday.  Still doing 25 yd repeats but I think I had a little power! I could actually feel the water on my hand and forearms.  W00t W00t!!  Thanks Scott!!




Scott. What do you think of swim cord workouts?

2014-01-26 8:47 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Challenge Update
1lb lost = 10 pts
no wt gain =5pts
7hr 06min exercise= 14 pts
total 29pts
2014-01-26 5:33 PM
in reply to: Kris67

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Subject: RE: Challenge Update
nine w/o points
five no wt gain
14 total points

started running on asphalt some. ran four days in a row with my new Adidas Boost.
oopsy....too much.

Had my fav five mile trail run today. Was 80 degrees cloudless, real windy. I went slow but HR wanting get to 160 real bad.
was prolly little tired from little bike/run brick I did yesterday.

2014-01-26 6:24 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by QueenZipp

No gain = 5 points  (maybe about 0.5 lb lost)

workouts =703 minutes= 21.10 points


        26.10 points 

It's early in the morning here and I still use my fingers to count, but I think you shorted yourself a couple points.

703/30 = 23.4

Plus 5 should be 28.4?

You're already kicking our collective arses but we should know precisely how big a can of whoop arse you have opened! 

Half asleep tallying numbers this morning and math has never been my thing--my daughter has a pin that says "I'm too pretty to do math" given to her by a good friend.  I like that thought.  But I am no teenage blonde.

2014-01-26 6:41 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Subject: ...
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2014-01-26 6:41 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by ceilidh

Scott. What do you think of swim cord workouts?

Hmmm, how about if we change the premise of the question from 'swim cord' workouts to 'dry land' workouts?

From that you may suspect that I am not a fan of swim cords.  I have a couple reasons for that position.  First, for the most part, you get the resistance you get.  You can 'pre-load' the bands to marginally increase resistance, but for the most part, you get whatever the bands provide.  You can double the bands, thereby doubling the resistance, but that is kind of a pain.  The simple reality is that 'one-size' does not fit all.  Of greater concern however, is the way swim cord resistance applies through the 'stroke.'  Because of the nature of rubber band resistance, the resistance level increases exponentially through the length of the stroke - the resistance at the 'beginning' of the stroke is different than the resistance at the 'end' of the stroke (with swim bands, the resistance at the beginning is lower than at the end where the resistance is greater).

Another problem I have with swim bands is that they just don't allow you to accurately mimic the freestyle stroke - EVERY SINGLE swim band instructional video I have seen advocates a high elbow - that's good - but they further advocate the elbow even with the shoulder and the shoulders FLAT.  This is not an accurate representation of the freestyle stroke and it works on the shoulder muscles while ignoring the back and core muscles where true freestyle power comes from.  Everyone has heard me say that I think the single most important aspect of the freestyle stroke is body rotation.  Yet, with swim bands it is very difficult to recreate realistic body rotation.  In my opinion, that leads to significant technique flaws that you tend to carry back into the water.

Back when I was swimming, we used a device called an Exer-Genie.  Unfortunately, they have fallen out of favor because they are somewhat expensive ($230.00 retail for the swimming variant -, especially as compared to $25 swim bands.  The advantage to an Exer-Genie is that the resistance is variable from 0 up to a couple hundred pounds if memory serves.  More importantly, the resistance is equal throughout the entire range of motion - resistance through the first foot of motion is exactly the same as resistance through the last foot of motion.

Another advantage of the Exer-Genie is the way the device works, you are essentially pulling a rope through a resistance device so as you pull back, the rope is shortened on the other side. It very effectively mimics the freestyle swimming stroke and provides an excellent drill to develop a balanced and EQUAL stroke as the action of one arm impacts the other arm - just like real freestyle.  With swim bands, the two arms are independent from each other, meaning as you pull with one, it has nothing to do with the other arm - that does not approximate the freestyle stroke.

I think dry land workouts have their place.  However, I believe it is imperative that the athlete use the proper equipment and proper technique.  I am not convinced that swim bands are the best equipment choice.

The final thing to consider when looking at dry land workouts is the time involved.  Most amateur triathletes are time limited.  If that is the case, then I think the athlete needs to be in the water swimming.  Dry land workouts, done properly, are indeed beneficial to increase strength which leads to increased turnover rate and increased speed.  However, if time is short, laps in the pool will trump everything else.

Just my humble opinion.

2014-01-26 10:14 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
3 days of business travel made it a bit challenging this week.

231 minutes workout = 7.7 pts
no weight gain = 5 pts

Total = 12.7 pts

This week's schedule includes two days in Buffalo, NY. Love those hotel treadmills.
2014-01-27 6:59 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

Falls Church
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

I am back from a week of no exercise, lots of food, etc.  It will take me awhile to catch up on the thread!

2.5 lbs gained = -25

75 minutes of exercise = 2 points

Total points = -23

Hopefully can get things back on track again.

2014-01-27 7:39 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Hi James,

Weight loss = 2lb, 20 points + 5 bonus = 25 points
Training = 360 minutes = 12 points
Total for week 37 points

Back on my target pace of 1lb / week :-) More importantly, I'm feeling lighter.

2014-01-27 7:52 AM
in reply to: 0

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
I was hoping to step it up a little last week but it didn't happen with my pool being closed on Monday for MLK day and closed again on Wednesday due to a snow storm. Plus just a bunch of stuff going on, my mantra for this week is "It's Time to Make Time".

No weight gain = 5 points

180 minutes working out = 6 points

Total points for the week = 11

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-01-27 7:53 AM
2014-01-27 9:29 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
As usual, my weight is bouncing around especially during an off week. Here are the grim totals:

Weight = +2.5 pounds up to 166 for -25 points
Workouts = 360 minutes for 12 points.

So.....-13 for the week.

I'm not travelling for the next two weeks, so the weight gain will come off and the workout minutes will go up. I'll do my best to stay out of last place!


2014-01-27 10:02 AM
in reply to: lutzman

Subject: RE: Challenge Update

weight gain 2 lbs = -20
w/o minutes 265 = +8.8

total of -11.2

Looks like the 2 lbs I lost last week found their way back.  And I missed a couple of workouts - I'm sure that didn't help.  I'm starting a new training plan this week to prepare for my duathlon in April.  A little more riding and less running although I need to try to keep the run mileage up some for the races in Feb and March.

2014-01-27 6:46 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Robin and Linda I added your points from last week to your beginning number this week.

(GGG 1-27-14.jpg)

GGG 1-27-14.jpg (159KB - 2 downloads)
2014-01-28 4:38 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

Falls Church
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Have decided to brave the cold this morning and bike to work.  We'll see how it goes.

2014-01-28 6:14 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by JREDFLY Robin and Linda I added your points from last week to your beginning number this week.



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2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
date : October 24, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
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