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2011-04-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3445733

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

I've been meaning to post this question for awhile: Do you drink enough water? How do make sure you drink enough?? I have really been sucking at this for a few months now (I've attributed it to winter, but I've heard the calendar says spring -- no one has told Mother Nature here). I just feel like I cannot/do not drink enough water throughout the day, I try to play catch-up all afteroon/evening, but don't feel like I get to where I need to be. I carry around water bottles, I set little goals of drinking X bottles of water, I drink herbal tea in the late afternoons and evenings, but I am not staying ahead.

I down a 24 oz bottle within the first 5 minutes I'm awake to get off to a good start. I workout first thing in the morning so I'll down a second bottle during whatever workout I do. The next bottle is slower as I mix in coffee at some green tea so it takes me to lunch time to get through the third but no matter what I make sure I'm done with the third at this time. If I have to keg stand it at 11:58 so be it. The 4th bottle again is much slower and will take me to 4PM when I'm leaving work. Again no matter what that bottle will be finished before I leave. The fifth bottle I drink on my commute home and during dinner. By the time dinner is over at roughly 6PM I stop my liquid intake for the day so that I'm not up all night using the little boys room.

By putting myself on a schedule that I stick to religiously I do my gallon (roughly) every day. On my days off I do slightly less.

Masters swim this morning.

100 free
100 pull with paddles
600 free
100 4X25 @50 kick
350 7X50 @60
450 6X75 50/25 free/breast @1:30
500 5X100 @1:45
500 4X125 @2:30
450 3X150 pull with paddles @3:00
150 75 kick 75 free with fins

2011-04-14 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3445415

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-13 8:51 PM
mighty mom - 2011-04-13 8:46 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-13 8:40 PM

chirstina i have a picture somewhere of me taking a leak next to a chick taking a leak (i was there first) at about mile .25 of the MCM.  i'll have to find it.

Ha! It's ok, you don't need to    but why on earth did you wait until after you crossed the starting line? 

so i could go next to that chick!  dunno but it wasn't very smart.  i had lots of company though!!!!

Not sure why at MCM and Army 10 miler there are always a ton of people that cross the timing mat and run to the woods and pee.  Why don't you do that before you cross the timing mat?

2011-04-14 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Race report is up


Edited by gdale 2011-04-14 8:00 AM
2011-04-14 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3445794

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
cherifortin - 2011-04-14 2:25 AM

Wow!  You guys keep me busy!

1. Good luck to everyone who is racing.  I might do the granite bay icebreaker sprint this weekend...but the H20 is cold and I do not have a wetsuit yet...if I get my act together Ill go! 

2. Holy cow!  Some of you marathon runners blow me away!  I feel proud when my run is under 12.00 minutes/mile.  I would have to be living in a whole different body to try a marathon...maybe someday!  I wish I had the runner's bug.

3. Why do my toes go numb after mile 10... everytime I bike?  I hate it and it makes the run transitions hard!

4.  I too struggle from hydration anxiety.  Today, I found 4 of my straggling water bottle in various places I frequent...none of which were empty....arghh....Undecided

Don't worry about pace, if you keep running, it will be there.

I typed in a few different things for # 3 but I guess I should ask the question what kind of setup do you have for pedals, clipless?

If clipless, did you get fit for them or did you pick them off the shelf because they were the same size as what you wear running?  They might be a bit too small, or maybe you are tightening them up a bit too much. 

Another thought is cleat position, if you want to try it yourself, try moving the cleats around a bit and see if that makes it go away.

2011-04-14 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3445794

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
cherifortin - 2011-04-14 2:25 AM

3. Why do my toes go numb after mile 10... everytime I bike?  I hate it and it makes the run transitions hard!

This question seems to have been overlooked. So I will throw my 2 cents out there.

There a number of possible reasons for this including:

1. Bike Fit.

2. Bike Shoes. Too tight OR too loose can cause numbness.

3. Tightening your shoes to tight.

4. Cleat placement.

5. Your mechanics might require a wedge between one or both cleats and the shoe; and

6. Crank arms might be too long.

There could be other reasons or a combination of them. If your knees do not bother you than it is probably not item 6. I bet your shoes are the reason.


PS: I see after posting that Tony also responded. Let me add that feet tend to swell while riding and if the shoes are comfortable when you start they may become tight over time. Bear that in mind when choosing your shoe fit.

Edited by DougRob 2011-04-14 8:08 AM
2011-04-14 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3445213

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-13 5:12 PM

edit. i'll feel good finishing an ironman under 17 hrs.  ;-)

Fixed that for ya......  & as anybody that has ever finished one should!!!!  I don't think it matters if later they say they "completed" the marathon or "ran (competed in)" the marathon.  They are now, and forever will be, in that small elite group of peeps that have put in the time, have the personal discipline, accepted all the lifestyle changes, and spent the $$$ to be able to say, "I am an Ironman!"

Patience grasshoppa .... your date with Mike Riley in Tejas will arrive soon enough.  Laughing 

..........   And I am sure you already know the EN mantra about "a bad run following a good bike!"  

A humorous take on ironman training  ...........

2011-04-14 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

While a great deal of Fatty's posts are humorous, seeing Joihn's dedicated training along with his dramatic weight loss I have NO doubt he will be WELL under 17 hours!

John you are going to rock that race!

2011-04-14 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Hi everyone.  I've been away from a computer for a week and trying to catch up.   Looks like I'm at least 40 pages behind coming off the old group thread.
2011-04-14 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3446041

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
badgerintx - 2011-04-14 8:07 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-13 5:12 PM

edit. i'll feel good finishing an ironman under 17 hrs.  ;-)

Fixed that for ya......  & as anybody that has ever finished one should!!!!  I don't think it matters if later they say they "completed" the marathon or "ran (competed in)" the marathon.  They are now, and forever will be, in that small elite group of peeps that have put in the time, have the personal discipline, accepted all the lifestyle changes, and spent the $$$ to be able to say, "I am an Ironman!"

Patience grasshoppa .... your date with Mike Riley in Tejas will arrive soon enough.  Laughing 

..........   And I am sure you already know the EN mantra about "a bad run following a good bike!"  

A humorous take on ironman training  ...........


That is freakin' awesome.  I think that is the way my coworkers look at me and I haven't even signed up for an IM yet.  I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so much!

2011-04-14 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Ok my new mentors, add me to your friends list (jfought), check out my logs, offer suggestions. 


2011-04-14 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

haha.  thanks doug and dino.  we'll see abut all that.

i drank a few beers with reilly in some bar after buffalo spring 70.3 a couple years ago.  dude has got some stories.  

2011-04-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3446265

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

EVERLONG: Wow!! Great hydration discipline!! I admire that!!

Others: Thanks for feedback. Sounds like I am not alone and I just need to keep chugging along (so to speak). Suzy, I don't generally take vitamins unless I feel a cold coming on or I take a  kid's one in solidarity with my little people to encourage them to do the same. I can very much tell the difference between vitamin pee and "Ooops! Not drinking enough water!" pee. The bottles I carry around are generally 24oz/750ml, but I just ordered a couple of bigger ones to see if that helps. Lots of times when I'm out and about I run out of water but I refuse to buy water so I just end up going without. 

Marathons: You know, I never say I "ran" marathons. I'll say I've "done" marathons. I don't say this consciously, it's just how it comes out. The debates about running vs. walking (or run/walk) drive me nuts. I've done Galloway (marathon PR was Galloway) and I've done not. If I'm out on a 15-mile run and I stop to pee, or refill water, or just walk along a bit, does that mean I didn't do a 15-mile run? Heck no. I don't care how people get to the finish line. Props to ANYONE who does 26.2 (and lesser distances, too!) -- as Sam said, it beats the couch. 

And yeah, John is setting himself up to crush some 140.6 miles of Texas water and roads!!

2011-04-14 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Scott: I was told that it is a much better idea to consume about 8oz of H20 every 20' versus slamming larger quantities.  From what my sports med doc was saying you can only absorb so much at a time.

Jayne: YEAH!

Fatty: Quite the name staying with Mike while doing your IM?

George:  Old news a race and the RR needs to be up within 24 hours to count.  Now you need to another race!

2011-04-14 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3446391

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Should be interesting weekend, thunderstorms predicted for Saturday which is my Oly. 

This has been an entertaining year to try and race already and all i've done is a 5k so far. (I count Disney as last year...)

2011-04-14 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3446391

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-04-14 11:10 AM

Scott: I was told that it is a much better idea to consume about 8oz of H20 every 20' versus slamming larger quantities.  From what my sports med doc was saying you can only absorb so much at a time.

With the exception of first thing in the morning I'm hardly ever slamming more than the 8oz which you are correct about. After not drinking all night long and starting my workout within the first hour I'm awake I do believe my body is using most of this mass intake to start the day. This may be a TMI moment but after going when I first get up and before I drink that 24oz bottle I'm not going a second time until after I've been at work for a while. So my body seems to be using that 24 plus the 24 I drink at a slower pace while working out. Once I get to work and start bottle three I seem to be going all day long. 

So at lunch or before I go home I might end up slamming the last third of the bottle because I've been busy but it's never the entire 24 after the good morning chug.

Edited by everlong 2011-04-14 10:18 AM
2011-04-14 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3446391

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-04-14 11:10 AM

George:  Old news a race and the RR needs to be up within 24 hours to count.  Now you need to another race!

Chasing 3 kids around, 4 nights of baseball practice during the week, one night of wrestling during the week, baseball practice on Saturday, training, night time work conference calls, having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!


Edited by gdale 2011-04-14 10:26 AM

2011-04-14 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3446391

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-04-14 11:10 AM  Fatty: Quite the name staying with Mike while doing your IM?

no.  he's staying with me.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-04-14 10:27 AM
2011-04-14 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3446447

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-14 11:26 AM

SSMinnow - 2011-04-14 11:10 AM  Fatty: Quite the name staying with Mike while doing your IM?

no.  he's staying with me.

they'll be spoonin'


Edited by gdale 2011-04-14 10:53 AM
2011-04-14 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3446441

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
gdale - 2011-04-14 11:23 AM

having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!

Nice!  This mentor group will talk about anything.  Too bad BT doesn't have a place to log those activities Laughing

2011-04-14 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3446612

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
jfought - 2011-04-14 9:31 AM
gdale - 2011-04-14 11:23 AM

having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!

Nice!  This mentor group will talk about anything.  Too bad BT doesn't have a place to log those activities Laughing

You just need to be creative....add it in under 'other sports'! Wink

2011-04-14 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3446668

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
velcromom - 2011-04-14 12:56 PM
jfought - 2011-04-14 9:31 AM
gdale - 2011-04-14 11:23 AM

having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!

Nice!  This mentor group will talk about anything.  Too bad BT doesn't have a place to log those activities Laughing

You just need to be creative....add it in under 'other sports'! Wink


^^^^^^^^^^ (exchanges/comments like this make me wish BT had a "like" button)

2011-04-14 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3446822

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Back on the hydration topic.  Has anyone used coconut water?  A friend told me about it and stated that it is great for hydration.  I have not used it.  Anyone have any thoughts on it?
2011-04-14 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3446668

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
velcromom - 2011-04-14 12:56 PM
jfought - 2011-04-14 9:31 AM
gdale - 2011-04-14 11:23 AM

having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!

Nice!  This mentor group will talk about anything.  Too bad BT doesn't have a place to log those activities Laughing

You just need to be creative....add it in under 'other sports'! Wink

Bike:11h 30m
Run:9h 00m
Swim:5h 33m 10s
i'd hit it:07s
2011-04-14 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3446864

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

mike6232 - 2011-04-14 2:15 PM Back on the hydration topic.  Has anyone used coconut water?  A friend told me about it and stated that it is great for hydration.  I have not used it.  Anyone have any thoughts on it?

only with rum!    nope, never tried it.  sounds good though.

2011-04-14 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3446668

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
velcromom - 2011-04-14 11:56 AM
jfought - 2011-04-14 9:31 AM
gdale - 2011-04-14 11:23 AM

having adult conversations with my wife (and other adult activities!), sleeping...

These are just some of the things (not necessarilly in order) that get higher priority than writing a  race report!!

Nice!  This mentor group will talk about anything.  Too bad BT doesn't have a place to log those activities Laughing

You just need to be creative....add it in under 'other sports'! Wink

Though I still haven't mastered how to track the number of calories burned... Tongue out

This thread makes me giggle.

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